“Ding! Su Ze’s chat group loaded successfully!”

“Hmm…” A special prompt sound in his ear woke Su Ze up.

“I’m … Hold the grass! What is it! Blood! Dead person! Gag~”

Su Ze woke up in a dim passage and found that there were corpses and blood all around, and the pungent smell of blood rushed straight to his brain, and Su Ze couldn’t help but spit it out directly.

However, his stomach was as if he hadn’t eaten for days, spitting only acid water and some clots.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Su Ze found that his body was also full of blood.

“Vomiting~” There was a foul smell from the coagulated blood that had blackened on his hands, which made Su Ze feel sick to his stomach again.

“I am…” After getting up, relying on the flickering fluorescent lamp overhead, Su Ze could barely see the situation around him clearly.

He seems to be in a laboratory, with many rooms next to the passage.

“I won’t be caught doing experiments, will I…” Su Ze walked barefoot in the passage full of blood.

The ground was full of corpses, and Su Ze’s scalp was numb and covered with goosebumps.

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: @未知-Su Ze, what’s the situation with the little brother? Why don’t you talk?”

“Unknown – Suze: ???”

“Unknown – Suze: Chat group? Is this my plugin?”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: That’s right, we are all you, we are all Su Ze, but we have crossed into various worlds, and I am Dopo!”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: I am the Ghost Slayer Blade!”

“Pirate-Suze: I am One Piece World!”

“Unknown – Suze: I…”

“Unknown – Suze: I don’t know what world I am, I woke up in a place that looked like a laboratory, it was all corpses, dead people, and I was covered in blood.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I’ll go!” So miserable? You won’t be an experimental subject who has traveled to some sci-fi world, will you!”

“Unknown – Suze: It’s really possible, on me…”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: What’s wrong with you?”

“It won’t be!!” As soon as Su Ze touched his body, he found that two lumps of things appeared on his chest that should not have appeared on him.

Thinking of this, Su Ze immediately stretched out his hand and went down….

“Not !!!!”

“Unknown – Suze: Blanched!!! I crossed over into a woman!!”

“Ghost Destroyer-Suze: What’s this, there is also a woman in the group who I crossed into a woman, and she is also an angel.”

“Unknown – Suze: ????”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Brother! Don’t be discouraged, I’m a slime! The genderless kind.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Look, there is even sexlessness here, and you still have two steamed buns and a sewer pipe.”

“Unknown – Su Ze: Listening to you so comforted, I suddenly got a lot better, where is the angel, come out and see you?”

“Supergod-Angel Night: …”

“Unknown – Suze: Turtle Turtle!! Or an angel in the supergod world! Awesome!”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: I think you better find out who you are and what world you have crossed into first, so let’s figure this out first.”

“Unknown – Su Ze: Well, I’ll look around and see if there is anything that can prove my identity…”

“Moe King-Rimlu: If there is danger, we can go to your world to help.”

“Unknown-Suze: And this good thing?”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Let’s find out later, we are more interested in which world you are.”

Consciousness came out of the chat group, and Su Ze put the target in the room next to the passage.

The first two rooms, almost all of them were control rooms and the like, they were all computers, but they were all broken, and there were some corpses similar to security guards.

Finally, in the third room, Su Ze found a mirror.

Turning on the light, Su Ze walked in front of the mirror….

“This face… How does it look like a certain West Eight actress. After Su Ze washed the blood on his face, he said with some surprise.

“It won’t be that world…” A movie picture suddenly flashed in Su Ze’s mind.

A three-nil girl kicked the car dozens of meters away, and then used a mental storm to tear a fortified person to pieces.

“Yes, it depends on this one.” I looked at my pink fist, after all, it was a girl’s body.

Su Ze clenched his fists and smashed a fist into the wall next to him.


The cement wall tens of centimeters thick was blasted out of a big hole by Su Ze’s punch.

Suze: ……

“Unknown – Su Ze: Solved the case brothers!”

“Witch-Suze: I crossed over to the second-generation witch.”

“Ghost Annihilation-Suze: Hold the grass!!”

“Ghost Destroy-Suze: So lucky!!”

“Witch-Suze: ???”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: The strength of the second-generation witch is very strong, and the performance of mental power in the play is also exaggerated, except for the tornado in One-Punch Man, I have really never seen any person with mental power in a movie with such strong mental power.”

“Pirate-Su Ze: You can’t die with a headshot now, and your ability doesn’t have much side effects, at most it’s a little nosebleed.”

“Witch-Suze: Is this the problem? I’ve become a woman.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: I’ve become a slime too.”

“Pirate-Suze: If it comes, it is safe.”

“Witch-Su Ze: You don’t have back pain while standing and talking.”

“Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: I just crossed but was almost eaten by a ghost, you are already much better.”


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