[Sue!] Parsing complete! Obtained: Superior Demon Summoning, Elemental Magic! Gain skill: Flash. ]

“Huh?! And a bonus! Hearing the voice of the Great Sage, Limulu was a little surprised.

I thought that I would only get a demon summon, but I didn’t expect it to be a superior demon summon, and I also obtained elemental magic and a skill similar to teleportation.

However, after reading the skill introduction, Limuru realized that the teleportation was not teleportation, but the breakthrough skill used by the warrior.

In simple terms, it can produce a fast-moving effect by bursting mana, similar to the teleportation technique in Hokage.

Not to mention, this kind of high-speed moving trick, Limulu likes it very much, because it looks handsome when used.

“Great Sage, can this skill be combined with shaving?”

[No problem!] Leave it to me! ]

[Sue!] Integrated shaving, flash success! Gain Skill: Instantaneous! ]

“Teleportation?” Su Ze raised his eyebrows, the name reminded him of that ability to move quickly in a certain anime….


The figure quickly appeared in the distance, Limulu nodded in satisfaction, this instant step is good, much faster than the previous shaving and flashing, with this ability, in the future when fighting, it will not be chased around by the powerful demon king like Miriam….

“Next, it’s time to go back and prepare.”

After all, it was the first time in the war, and Limuru also had to make preparations, he had the ability to clean the pig-headed man at once, but his subordinates did not.


“Lord Rimlu!”

Back in the village, the villagers did not know that he had left, and happily greeted Limulu.

“Hello everyone…” Limulu greeted the villagers with a smile.

“Whew ~ next…”

After returning to his residence, Limuru took out a pistol from the group shared space.

“Hey, hey!” This thing is a man’s romance, and the witch Su Ze obtained a lot of firearms before escaping from the research institute.

And Limulu has never been available, and now he can finally take it out and play with it.

“Hmmmm~” After disassembling the pistol in its entirety, and then quickly installing it with the help of the great sage, it looks very professional.

After getting acquainted with the pistol, Limuru made a target.

This handgun, not only for their own hobbies, but also for the reason to test the Momo fruit, after all, this fruit is also very suitable for use with thermal weapons.


“Oh yes! I actually hit the bullseye directly, it seems that I have a talent for shooting! ”


“What are you laughing at…” The corner of Limu’s mouth twitched, pretending to be forced, and the great sage actually dared to mock himself.

[None. ]

“Forget it, I’m in a good mood today, I don’t think about you.” Limuru continued to shoot.

“Ten times faster!!”

“Fifty times faster!!”

“A hundred times the bullet!!”


While practicing, something went wrong….

Limuru didn’t know how big a bullet would be when magnified, so when using the multiplication size, he directly magnified the bullet a hundred times….

The moment the sub ejected the chamber, it became a cannonball comparable to the size of a solid iron cannonball in One Piece, and the target in front of Limulu… Not to mention the target, even the forest behind the target was almost destroyed by this shot.

“Lord Limlu!! What happened! ”

It didn’t take long for Red Pill and Ligurud to rush over.

“It’s okay, experiment with new tricks.” Limulu said with an awkward smile.

“If you’re okay!” Seeing that Limulu did not look like he was injured, everyone was also relieved.

“Okay, okay, disperse, I’ll take care of it here.” Limuru waved his hand.

It seems that Momo’s ability cannot be tested in the village, after all, his tricks are basically very powerful, whether it is amplification or speed, it will cause uncontrollable danger.

I can only wait for the pig-headed tribe to attack, and experiment with the pig-headed people.

– Pirate World ——

“This is … The same power of the Devil Fruit as Luffy? Looking at the blackened Usopp who was electrified, several people looked at Su Ze and said in surprise.

“Hmm.” Su Ze nodded.

“Since you won, then according to the agreement, you are the captain.” Solon didn’t care about Su Ze’s concealment of strength, and even after seeing that Su Ze had strength, he was relieved in his heart.

After all, if you follow a weak chicken to the sea, in case the captain is killed by someone sneak attack in the future, how embarrassing it will be….

“Luffy’s legacy, let me inherit it!” Su Ze picked up Luffy’s straw hat and pressed it on his head.

He did not choose to change the name of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Pirate Flag, so that everyone would feel a little more comfortable.

As for this straw hat, of course, it was used to fool Shanks later.

After all, Shanks is also a top-level combat power, and of course it is better not to offend if he can become a friend.

“Hey! Cook, do you want to join us? Su Ze looked at Yamaji on the side.

“Let me think about it again…”

Yamaji already had the idea of joining the Straw Hat Pirates, but because he couldn’t worry about getting here, he never agreed.

Now Luffy’s death has Sanji shaken again.


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