“Pistols, Na Ring, Natural Devil Fruit, Super Genes… I didn’t expect that I would be so powerful when I crossed into other worlds!! Su Ze took out a strangely shaped fruit, and did not hesitate to bite it directly.

“Hmm…” The indescribable nausea made Su Ze almost vomit out his breakfast, but for the sake of strength, he still endured the nausea and swallowed the flesh.

“The sand fruit, although it is weak like a rookie chicken in the hands of Lao Sha, but this fruit is still very powerful!” Su Ze raised his eyebrows.

The most needed development of the devil fruit is the brain hole, and in modern society, the last thing is this thing.

If you look it up on the Internet, you can find out a hundred uses of the Devil Fruit.

“That’s right! And the Galactic Force Super Gene! Su Ze’s eyes lit up looking at the good things in the space.

Su Ze came to the supermarket, bought a large number of high-energy snacks, and began to inject super genes.

More than ten minutes later, Su Ze burped.

“Now, even if the spirit appears directly, I am not afraid!” Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

“Moe King-Rimlu: That’s right! @灵异苏泽! Come to me when you have time and give you a superior elf! Make you an elven human pillar force so you can use magic!”

“Paranormal Revival – Suze: And this good thing? Come right away!”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Don’t you pick it up every day…”

“Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: Are you planning to experiment on him?”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: ???”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: Experiment?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Others also want elves possessed, but they don’t know if elves can survive in your world.”

“Paranormal Revival-Suze: I thought I was going to slice and study… Never mind! I can try! I want a thunder attribute elf! The lightning ability should be effective against supernatural creatures!”

“I’m coming!” After crossing, Su Ze appeared directly in front of Limulu.

“Yo! Are you the slime version of me! The needle does not poke! Suze looked left and right next to Limulu.

“Don’t waste time, I’ll take advantage of those kids to rest!” Limulu wrapped the body Suze with spider silk.

He has come to the kingdom of Ingracia and has become the teacher of these children, and Kuloai has also taken her to summon the spirit body, which, as in the original book, took away his first kiss.

“Oh! Come on! Su Ze stood straight, waiting for the arrival of strength.

“This thunder element elf has no autonomous consciousness, because I made it myself, so when the time comes, you need to take the initiative to develop your ability, and it won’t teach you.” Limuru reminded.

“I know! I’ve watched so many anime, how can this little thing stump me! Su Ze said confidently.

“Okay then!” Limuru put his hand on Suze’s head and implanted the elf inside him.

“Done!” Limulu clapped her hands.

“Okay, then I’ll go back!” Since he accepted this power, then Su Ze had to go back to see if this experiment was considered successful.


Back in the car again, Su Ze looked at his hands.

“Raiden … Thunder and lightning…” Closing his eyes, Su Ze began to chant.

Zi ~ tear pull!!

Suddenly, an electric light lit up in Su Ze’s hand, and at this moment, Su Ze obviously noticed a trace amount of physical loss.

It’s like running four or five stories high…

“Paranormal Revival – Su Ze: It seems to be a bit of a clue, using magic in other worlds, because there is no magic power, it consumes my own physical strength.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: It seems that this idea is possible, then I want the elves of the spatial attribute, and I want to improve my life-saving ability to another level!” So that voyeurism will not be detected again!”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: …”

“Moe King-Rimlu: …”

“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: But the physical exertion seems to be a little large, just a flash of electric light, I feel that I have consumed about one percent of my physical strength.”

“Inuyasha-Inuyasha: You don’t have to worry about this, everyone here has a much stronger physique than you.”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: …”

“Paranormal Recovery-Suze: Bullies me into being a Muggle, right?”

“Witch-Suze: You’re not a Muggle right now.”

“Paranormal Recovery-Su Ze: I called every day, I left first.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Bai~”


After hanging up the phone, Su Ze started the car and continued to drive, and it didn’t take long to get on the highway.

After driving on the highway for more than ten minutes, when I was about to get off the highway, the front suddenly became congested.

“It’s about to get off the highway, I actually encountered a traffic jam, it’s really …” The car slowed down slowly, Su Ze picked up his mobile phone and called Wang Hao, after all, the traffic jam doesn’t know how long it will be blocked.

“Traffic jam? Okay, then I’ll wait a little longer…”

“I’ll go down and see how long it takes, it may be through soon.” Because the car has not moved for a minute or two, Su Ze got out of the car directly and walked forward, and many people got out of the car to check the traffic jam.

“Hold the grass!!” Not far away, Su Ze saw a scene that made him get goosebumps all over his body.

A man covered in blood, with his intestines pulled to the ground, was slowly walking towards him….


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