Leon nodded, he didn’t know that Kasalim was a demon death, he just killed his body.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

“Well done, Limulu, I acknowledge your demon lordship!” Kie said with a smile.

This Limulu really gave him too many surprises, and after such a long time, there were not many things that could make him feel excited.

“That, I have a proposal, but it is a proposal, it should actually be a request.” At this moment, the Great Demon King Fulei suddenly spoke.

As in the original book, she resigned as the Demon King, followed by Callion, who, like Frey, joined Miriam’s forces.

In this way, the two demons were expelled from the demon register.

Next, everyone began to discuss the issue that the ten demon kings had become eight demon kings and needed a new one called “zero five zero”.

Seeing that all the demon kings were actually embarrassed because of this little thing, Limulu was also drunk, this is the end of not having a higher education, and the seven demon kings have no culture.

“So, how about the title of Eight-Star Demon King?”

Limuru took the opportunity to suggest.

“Hmm!!” When everyone heard this name, their faces suddenly changed.

I actually thought of such a perfect name so quickly!

“No comment!” Leon said seriously.

“This is strong enough!! A new era has arrived! Miriam, a loyal supporter of Rimlu, immediately became excited when she heard the name.

“Hmph! I knew Limulu would be able to! Ramiris said.

The title is also done, and then there is a real feast.

The Demon King’s feast was originally a gathering of everyone to eat, how could it be possible to just talk about things.

“Hmm! It tastes really good! Raphael, write it down, and let the little Fugui make it after you go back! Limlu nodded.

Xiao Fugui is the goblin chef named by Limuru, no way, there is no name for him in the original book, so Limulu can only take it himself.

In fact, there are many goblins in Turnpaestri that are the names of the anime that Limulu has seen, and even in the end, the word is poor, and Limlu even presses the name Monkey King to some goblins.

After that, the pig-headed people basically used the names of foreigners, after all, it was a good combination.

“That, Demon King Valentine, right?” After eating and drinking, Limulu wiped her mouth and looked at the old man diagonally opposite.

“How? Slime! “Because of national reasons, in fact, this Roy’s hostility to Limulu is quite large.

Hearing such an insulting name, Diablo instantly appeared behind Valentine, and just about to send the old man away, he was stopped by the main lord.

“Demon! What do you want to do? Luminas squeezed Diablo’s wrist and said coldly.

“Well~ calm down!” Seeing this, Qi Yi also hurriedly said.

“Valentine, you are also true, since Limulu is now the same eight-star demon king as us, then respect should still be there.” Kie is obviously more inclined to Limlou, after all, he is interested in Rimlu, and his kindman Diablo is also on this side.

“Roy, you go back first! Since the identity is exposed, it is meaningless to hide it anymore. Luminas looked at Roy and said lightly.


“So, Limulu, what are you looking for me to do?” Luminas looked at Limlu and said quietly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hinata Sakaguchi, it should be your person!” Limuru said.

“Knowingly asked.” Luminas frowned.

She also heard about Hinata Sakaguchi’s failed assassination of Limlu.

After all, she is a lesbian, and Hinata is the one she has a crush on.

“Don’t be so angry, the last time she came to assassinate me, not only did I not pursue it, but also let her go, and we have now become friends, so, I just want your citizens to restrain a little, after all, I don’t want to run to the Holy Law Emperor Kingdom to make a big fuss because of some brain damage.” Limulu spread his hands and said.

“Are you threatening me?” Luminas looked at Limulu coldly.

“No, I’m just stating a fact, after all, the country you control does have the idea of targeting, and even destroying our Ternpester, as the new demon king, I may have some too brutal methods after I take the throne, and you don’t want your food to be slaughtered!” Limlu smiled slightly.

“Luminas, since we are both demon kings, what we need is mutual restraint, not internal fighting, Limulu is right, if there is one less eight-star demon king, not only me, but everyone here is very troubled…”

The seven people here, including Luminas, are all nameless… So the remaining five people nodded in unison.

“Well, the concubine will make them a little more stable when they go back, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be friction between us, after all, I can’t control everyone.” Luminas said.

This is indeed true, after all, she is originally a handshaker like Limulu, and she is more completely shaken, because she has two vampire brothers to help control Rubelios.

“As long as there is no large-scale war, I have no opinion, after all, my subordinates are not vegetarians.” Limulu smiled and said.

His sphere of influence is only the Great Forest of Gela Forest, and once an enemy penetrates here, he enters his home field.

“Well, if nothing else, this time Vopulges, that’s it!” Kie looked around, and when no one spoke again, he got up and prepared to leave.

“Then, let’s get ready to leave too!” Limuru raised his hand and drew a spatial door, and he who had the King of Transcendence, as long as he was in another space, could freely enter and exit and mark it.

This is no exception.

Several demon kings glanced at it in surprise, after all, directly cutting out the space, hard power definitely can’t do it, so this skill is still more attractive 0.0.

“Leon, where are you going?” Chi looked at Leon curiously, because he actually came behind Limuru.

“Go and sit in Turnpester.” Leon did not look back and said lightly.

“Interesting…” Kie touched his chin, something that would interest Leon so much, and Kie thought of the specific summoning that Leon had been trying.

“Does that Limulu even know about this kind of thing, it’s really… So much fun! The corners of Kiy’s mouth hooked, but instead of following Leon, he turned around and walked towards his home.

“Let’s go! After all this time, do you remember what your sister looked like? Su Ze smiled slightly and led Leon to the Great Forest of Jiula.

After all, it is a demon king, and if you bring it directly to it, it will scare the villagers.


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