Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 13, Caught! hiding monsters.

Zhao Ji's figure flitted past, and the long sword was stabbed falsely.

After one blow, both feet stepped on the ground to slow down, and after one and a half meters, Zhao Ji finally stopped in balance. This point in this type of training is not good. Without the force of the target, his running speed cannot be reduced, so he has to rely on the friction between his feet and the ground to slow down the speed. If it was a real battle, Zhao Ji estimated that at the moment of the imaginary attack just now, he could have at least three transformation actions.

The first one can not slow down, the long sword does not hit the enemy straight, but skips the enemy's side, using the long sword to attack the enemy's weak defense, and then he can continue to accelerate to attack the next enemy. As long as Zhao Ji himself can react in the blink of an eye, it will be fine.

The second is that he can directly hit the enemy's head or chest with the shield after attacking with the long sword, and the whole upper body pounces on the enemy, knocking the enemy to the ground. And he can continue to fight after landing with a roll to relieve force.

The third is to use the armored knees to jump up and hit the enemy's chest or abdomen after the long sword attack, directly relying on the impact of the high-speed movement of others wearing the armor to kill the enemy completely.

After steadily slowing down his speed, Zhao Ji pulled his feet out of the field and walked towards Crow Knight and the others.

Seeing Kiel walking back, Knight Crowe applauded a few times: "Yes, I didn't expect you to master this move. I'll test you. What do you think is the most important thing to consider in this move?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhao Ji put the long sword back into its sheath, stomped his feet, and shook off all the dirt rubbed on his feet. After thinking for a while, he said to Knight Crowe: "I think it's speed! Other factors are not done well, it just affects the whole move. However, once the speed of this move is gone, the high-speed rush will become a high-speed free attack. As long as the opponent can react and dodge the attack, he can return the blow at the same time, and the person who launched the attack will be very dangerous .”

Knight Crowe nodded: "It makes sense. So what do you think of this move?"

"This move is not powerful enough for ordinary people. It must have the strength of you, an adult, to become an invincible move."

"Haha, that's right, you can see clearly. Work hard, young man." After speaking, Knight Crowe discussed with Knight Fultz, who had just rushed back, how to feed insect repellent herbs to the bulls. .

Zhao Ji shrugged and begged for a bowl of clear water from Millendon. He was sweating a lot just now and needed to drink some water immediately. Millenton looked at Keir very enviously, and he also wanted to have what Keir had just now. It's a pity that he still has to farm, and the coins he has accumulated can't afford an iron sword, and he usually doesn't have extra time to practice and train.


After a while, Knight Fultz crushed all the insect repellent herbs he could get into a wooden basin, poured clean water into it, and mixed it into a viscous substance with a pungent smell. There should be some herbs in it that have the ingredients to make the clear water thick.

Knight Crowe asked the militia team to find a few ladders, and put the ladders horizontally on the back of the bull. The militia team held the ladders on both sides of the ladder and pressed down, letting the bull lie down on the ground. ground, unable to get up and move.

Then let the two guards stand in front of the bull and aim at them with their halberds. He told the two guards that if the militiamen failed to restrain the bull from getting up or rolling over, they would just stab the bull to death.

After the arrangement was made, Knight Crowe asked Keel to pay attention to protecting the few people who were unable to protect themselves, and then he and Knight Fultz began to feed the bulls a whole pot of deworming medicine.

Zhao Ji was dumbfounded. He said it was feeding, but it was actually forced feeding.

Knight Crowe grabbed the bull's huge head and forcibly opened its mouth. And Knight Fultz stuffed the whole pot of viscous herbs into the mouth of the cow with his hands. After stuffing some, he felt too slow, so he asked Knight Crowe to break the head of the cow upwards.

He vigorously poured the whole pot of viscous herbs into the bull's mouth.

The stud bull who had been dull all this time finally couldn't stand such a strong irrigation, and struggled vigorously. The four strong legs of the bull kept kicking the ground, trying to stand up. Millenton led his militia team of more than a dozen people to press down the wooden ladder.

There was a fierce wrestling between man and cow.

At the same time, the bull's head was also trying to swing from side to side vigorously, and the cow's mouth was also trying to close, so as not to eat these weird insect repellent herbs.

Knight Crowe suppressed the bull's reckless attempt without much effort. He opened the bull's mouth with one hand so that the bull could not close its mouth. One hand is around the bull's head, and the whole bull's head is clamped under the arm, so that the bull's head cannot move.

Just now, he was still talking to Knight Fultz, telling Knight Fultz to pour the herbs faster, otherwise his militia would almost be unable to hold on.

Zhao Ji held his sword and looked towards the militiamen. It turned out that no one could hold on anymore. After all, they were all young men in the field. With a lot of strength, a dozen or so people would definitely be able to hold down the bull. What couldn't hold up was the ladders, the tools used to suppress the bulls. These wooden ladders took on the tasks they shouldn't have. At this time, they were already creaking in the struggle of the bulls, and they looked like they would fall apart at any time.

Knight Fultz glanced at the militiamen, and directly placed the entire pot of herbs on the side of the cow's mouth. He pulled the remaining herbs in the pot with his hands, and then put his hand into the cow's mouth, pushing the herbs hard into the depths of the cow's mouth.

Finally, Knight Fultz finished his work before the wooden ladder fell apart. The empty wooden basin was still on the side, and Knight Fultz pressed the bull's back with his hand, but because he was not heavy enough, despite his great strength, he still couldn't hold down the bull.

But when he thought about it, there was no need to suppress it now, and he asked the militiamen to gradually reduce their strength and take away the wooden ladder, so that everyone should stay away from this bull first.

As soon as the hands were withdrawn, the humiliated bull stood up and jumped wildly, but was directly pushed towards each other by the two knights standing on its left and right. Knight Crowe pushed the stud bull that had bumped into him hard, and the whole bull was pushed towards Knight Fultz on the opposite side. Facing the bull that was pushing over, Knight Fultz also stepped firmly, pushed hard, and pushed the bull over again.

The crowd of onlookers cheered and applauded the power of human beings. Zhao Ji also looked at it warmly, and he also wanted to have this kind of great power. He found that Knight Crowe's strength was obviously much stronger than that of Fultz Knight, and he hadn't been able to see it before, but once in such a place where strength was tested, Knight Crowe just stood in place and he could Push the bouncing bull full sideways towards Foltz Knight. And Fultz Knight has to fix his feet on the ground with all his strength to use his strength.

Comparing the two, you can clearly tell the difference.

After going back and forth like this for a few times, the bull stopped beating wildly, as if he knew that it would be difficult for him to make any big moves. It stood on the spot, humming in pain continuously. I don't know if it was forced into too many weird anthelmintic herbs, or because the monster inside the bull couldn't stand someone breaking its dormancy, and it started in the bull. Overwhelmed.

At this time, the two knights ordered the surrounding people to disperse, and the two of them stood not far from the head and tail of the bull.

After grunting for a while, the bull began spitting out the half-digested fodder from his stomach. Green viscous grass balls spit out from the cow's mouth and landed on the ground. At first, they were still semi-solid grass balls, and then became thicker and semi-slime things.

Immediately afterwards, as the bull trembled in pain, half of a thirty centimeter long strip of pink meat spit out from the bull's mouth.

The other half of the meat strip is still deep in the mouth of the cow, unwilling to come out, while the half that has come out is constantly twisting, trying to find a place to climb and use it to get into the mouth of the cow again.

"Come out!" "Thank God, I finally saw this monster." "It's so disgusting, vomit."

Knight Crowe stretched out his hand towards Knight Fultz to signal, and Knight Fultz reluctantly pulled his hand twice on the ground, got some dirt on it, walked to the cow's mouth, and reluctantly grabbed it and shook it around. one end of the monster, and pulled it out.

Knight Crowe yelled at Millendon, telling him to throw the club in his own hand. When Millenton heard this, he trotted over and handed the wooden stick to Knight Crowe.

Unexpectedly, Knight Crowe scolded Millenton angrily: "Just let you throw it over! You are courting death by running here! Really, they are all idiots, and there is no way to save them."

Millenton didn't expect that the knights would scold him for his behavior, so he had no choice but to return to his militia group in despair, making a big blush. The militia boys under him were secretly laughing at Millenton.

Zhao Ji also felt that Millenton really had no eyesight this time, and it was the most dangerous time. Knight Crowe asked him to throw the wooden stick instead of handing it to him, just to prevent it from hurting the surroundings in case of unexpected accidents. people.

Knight Crowe shook the wooden stick in his hand, swung it around, mastered the feel of this thing, and then stood beside Knight Fultz.

Knight Fultz was still pulling at each other with the monster. He didn't dare to use too much strength, for he was afraid that the body of this thing would be torn off directly, so it would be a waste of time. Therefore, he could only pull the monster's body slightly, and kept pulling the thing out while pulling back and forth.

Knight Crowe was speechless. He grabbed a small amount of insect repellent herbs that had splashed on the ground, and directly applied it to the monster's body. In an instant, the monster that had been smeared with insect repellent herbs let out a sharp cry, as if two pieces of iron sheets rubbed against each other to make a sharp sound.

After the monster made a sound, it no longer wanted to get into the safe and comfortable body of the bull, but suddenly turned around and bit the knight Foltz who was pulling it.

Before the monster could bite anything, it received a heavy blow directly on the head.


Knight Crowe was waiting for the monster's sudden attack with his stick. He was prepared and hit the monster hard on the ground with a stick.

Seeing that the monster had stopped moving, Knight Fultz let go of his hand, leaving the remaining part of the monster's body still on the ground. He frowned and asked Knight Crowe in a low voice: "Claude, did you get killed with a stick?"

Knight Crowe smiled awkwardly: "I didn't try too hard. Wasn't that just to protect you? Why are you still blaming me?"

"Ahem, don't worry about it, just watch it first, I'll bring over the two iron pots that hold it. Be careful, if it's not dead, don't really kill it."

"Don't worry, don't worry." After finishing speaking, Knight Crowe called Millendon, and after the other party realized it, he threw the wooden stick in his hand. Millenton reached out to catch it all at once, with a hint of embarrassment on his face. Fortunately, he also had a thick skin. He immediately showed off the wooden club in his hand to his companions, imitating the one that Knight Crowe defeated the monster just now. action.

On Knight Crowe's side, just as he returned the stick, the monster on the ground suddenly attacked. It turned out that the monster was playing dead just now. After sensing that the wooden stick that knocked it down was no longer in Knight Crowe's hand, it straightened up and bit its big mouth full of sharp teeth towards Knight Crowe.

Knight Crowe curled his lips and did not dodge. He only used his right foot to preemptively stamp on the monster's head from top to bottom, and trampled the attacking monster into the soil under his feet.

Now the monster has nothing to do, it can only shake its body indiscriminately. Knight Crowe saw that the monster could still shake its body, exerted force under its feet, and stepped the monster's head deeper into the soil.

This time the monster honestly stopped shaking randomly, and only dared to twitch its body slightly.

And Knight Fultz brought two small iron pots over, and in front of the monster, broke off the two handles of the iron pots, trying to buckle the two iron pots together front and back to form an iron cage.

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