Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 14, Farm Cowshed - Dealing with Cattle Carcasses and Oolong

Bang, Bang.

Knight Fultz tried the iron cage made of two iron pots. The mouths of the two iron pots fit together tightly, so he should not be afraid of the possible escape of monsters later.

Knight Fultz put his hand at Knight Crowe's feet: "Okay, I've caught it. Move your foot away."

Seeing that Knight Fultz had indeed caught the monster by the neck, Knight Crowe let go of his big foot.

The monster didn't move rashly, as if it was pretending that it was a safe animal, but it didn't expect that Knight Fultz grabbed it and threw it into the iron pot, and Knight Crowe immediately put another iron pot on top .

At this time, the monster realized that it was locked in the metal container again, as if resigned to its fate, it just randomly hit the iron pot a few times, seeing that there was no possibility of escape, it hibernated again. Just a few days of release time passed, and it was once again locked up by humans.


Pressing the iron pot firmly with his palm, Knight Crowe announced on the spot: "This monster has been safely imprisoned."

Millenton cheered loudly with their militiamen, and at the same time told their family and companions the news. Mr. Weiss took his "housekeeper" ability to approach the weak stud bull lying on the ground, and he was relieved when he saw that the bull's spirit had obviously improved. I can't help but thank the two knights for their rescue.

Knight Fultz accepted Mr. Weiss's thanks with some embarrassment. Although Mr. Weiss didn't mention that the monsters of the knight order caused all this, everyone knew it in their hearts, but they didn't bring it up.

Knight Crowe nodded and simply accepted the thanks. To him, this was just adding a little fun to the boring life.

Zhao Ji put away his long sword, asked Millendon for a long rope, and then helped Knight Fultz tie the two iron pans tightly with the rope. Knight Fultz patted Zhao Ji's shoulders for encouragement.

Seeing that everything was completed and the two clerks could stand up and walk around, Knight Crowe announced to return to the city. Before leaving, he called Knight Fultz and Mr. Weiss aside and said something, but Mr. Weiss waved his hands urgently and declined. In the end Mr. Weiss accepted what Knight Foltz gave him.

Knight Crowe, Knight Fultz, two clerks, and two guards escorted the iron pot dragged to the ground and returned to Kendall City.

Seeing them walking away, Zhao Ji leaned against Mr. Weiss and asked him what Knight Foltz had given him just now.

"It's nothing, just the indemnity for the cattle and two iron pots. The cattle belong to me, and I didn't want to take them at first, but Knight Foltz insisted on giving them to me, so I have no choice but to follow them." Mr. Weiss He turned the coin in his hand, and there was gold and silver on it.

Zhao Ji glanced at it, and there were four coins in total, two gold and two silver.

Then he put on a smiling face and said to Mr. Weiss with a smile: "Then you see, how is my commission today? Although I didn't use it later to defeat the monsters, the previous work helped the farm resolve a problem." A hidden crisis."

Mr. Weiss nodded: "You're right. Hey, I've been looking for a lot of people in the past two days, but it's useless. They all shirk and shirk. Only when I find the right person today can the matter be resolved. "

After finishing speaking, Mr. Weiss looked at Zhao Ji, and withheld all the money in Zhao Ji's hands: "All these are for you. You have done a good job today. You are such a good boy."

Zhao Ji looked at the money in his hand: "The money for the two iron pots of the farmer?"

"Can I still be short of these two iron pots? Besides, you don't have to worry about how much the two iron pots cost. I will just return the two iron pots from the farm in the future." Mr. Weiss patted Pat Zhao Ji on the shoulder.

"Oh, by the way, I have one more thing to ask you. This is not a commission, but a request from a friend."

Zhao Ji patted his chest and promised: "If you have anything to say, just say it.


"About the corpse of the cattle that died for a few days in the cowshed..."

Zhao Ji looked at the coin in his hand: "Hey, I knew it."


In the afternoon of that day, Zhao Ji and Millenton still disposed of the corpse of the cattle.

They first found a place not close to the water source outside the farm together, then dug a big pit there, found a lot of firewood, and piled it in a pile beside the big pit. There was not enough firewood in the farm, so Mr. Weiss asked Pa Kelun to take a few people to the surrounding farms to borrow some firewood and come back to make up for it.

Afterwards, Zhao Ji asked to prepare some big bags. There were a lot of them in the farm, and Zhao Ji got a lot of them. Then Zhao Ji borrowed an ax and put a sack on his body to prevent the dirt from staining his clothes, and went to the cowshed.

In the cowshed, Zhao Ji first cut off the cow's head along the neck with an axe, and cut off the four limbs of the cow one by one with the axe. Put them into sacks one by one, pull down the outside of the cowshed, and let Millenton and his militiamen drag these sacks to the prepared firewood and pile them up.

The scene at that time made the militiamen who were talking and laughing outside the cowshed all stunned. They saw a man tightly wrapped in a blood-stained sack, and his right hand was holding a blood-stained sack. A blood-stained ax, dragging a foul-smelling sack in his left hand.

They were all dumbfounded.

Zhao Ji himself did not expect that his appearance was very terrifying, like a murderous maniac appearing from a horror movie.

These rural farmers from different worlds have never seen this before. The older ones slumped on the ground with limp hands and feet, while the younger ones fainted from fright.

Even Millenton, who is the captain of the militia, turned pale, and there were two bursts. If it weren't for the weakness in his hands and feet now, he would have yelled out a long time ago, and then ran away.

Zhao Ji explained twice what he had told Millenton and the others to do. Seeing that none of them responded much, he left the big sack where it was, returned to the cowshed, and continued to put the cattle carcasses into the sack.

After Zhao Ji returned to the cowshed, there was a burst of exclamation and wailing outside the cowshed. Zhao Ji thought they had untied the tied sack again, and saw the reaction of the corpse inside. Mumbled that there was something wrong with the gang, and put all the big body parts in big bags.

Then Zhao Ji ran into another difficulty. He looked at the cow's internal organs that were piled up in the cow pen, and really couldn't think of a way to put these things into the sack. He had to use an ax to remove the wooden sink used by the cows to drink water in the cowshed, drag it to the innermost cow pen, and then use the wooden shovel for shoveling cow dung to shovel piles of rotten cow internal organs into the sink. The crows that were stunned by Knight Crowe before were still fainting at this moment. Zhao Ji was annoyed seeing these greedy crows, and threw them directly into the sink full of rotten internal organs.

After finishing, Zhao Ji insisted on installing two sinks to hold the internal organs of the dead cattle. The main reason is that many viscera have rotted and expanded, and their volume has become a little larger than when they were in the cow.

After shoveling, Zhao Ji covered the water tank with a sack and tied the water tank firmly with a rope from the cowshed to prevent the covered sack from falling.

After finishing everything, Zhao Ji looked inside the cowshed, and it was obviously much tidier, although the smell was still the same. Zhao Ji estimated that this smell may not dissipate for a month or two, but it is hard for the farmers who raise the cattle to smell this smell every day.

Zhao Ji walked out of the cowshed with a sack in both hands. Seeing that there was no one outside, he ignored it and left the sack outside. Then he returned to the cowshed and transported the sacks and water tanks to the outside of the cowshed one after another.

After everything was done, there was still no one outside, so Zhao Ji took off the sack to protect his body, the ax was still on the side, and he turned towards the farm with a long sword on his waist, trying to find a figure.

Zhao Ji remembered that after Knight Crowe announced the capture of the monster, some farmers returned to the farm. There should be more people now, why haven't I seen anyone.

Zhao Ji turned left and right in the farm, the doors of many farmers' houses were open, and things were left on the ground, why did everyone run away in a hurry.

'Is there some danger in the farm again? '

Zhao Ji thought of this, pulled out his long sword, and ran towards the gate of the farm.


Millenton and his militia team were all holding weapons, facing the gate of the farm, and behind them were other adults in the farm, everyone was holding their own weapons, looking at the farm in horror in.

Just now everyone was already happy to return to their home in the farm, but Millenton and his people ran over in panic. As they ran, they yelled that there were strange people, evil spirits, devils, demons, and told everyone to run out quickly. The farmers were dubious, so they left everything and ran out with them.

When we got out of the gate of the farm and saw the sun, we mustered up the courage to stop. Mr. Weiss was inspecting his bulls, but when he saw such a large group of people, he ran out in horror. He thought that something had happened, and hurried over to ask.

The members of the militia team in Millenton talked about the horrible monsters, ghosts, devils, and demons they had just seen.

Mr. Weiss was confused. They weren't talking about the same thing, were they? He once heard the pastor of the Church of the God of Wealth he believed in say that the devil and the devil are sworn enemies, and that weirdos and evil spirits live and die, so they should fight anyway, right?

Or did these people ask them to help dispose of the cattle carcass, and they didn't want to do it, so they were teasing him here?

But judging by the terrified expressions of these people, it doesn't look like a fake, they really saw something terrifying.

By the way, what about Keel? Why didn't I see Keel. Wouldn't this group of guys leave Keir in it?

"Where's the Kiel?" asked Mr. Weiss.

"Yeah, what about the Kiel people?" Millenton remembered.

"Brother Keir was disposing of cattle carcasses in the cowshed. We didn't see him when we ran. Could he be dead?"

Speaking of this, they all took up weapons and surrounded the door, not knowing what to do.

The crowd started arguing again. Some wanted to run away, but they were reluctant to part with their belongings. Some hadn't gone in before. Naturally, they didn't believe what the militia team said at the moment.

In the end, it was Mr. Weiss who stood up. He asked everyone to wait and guard the door first. After a while, there should be a result.


After a while, Zhao Ji came out from the farm, holding a long sword in his hand and looking vigilant.

People from the militia team asked Keel if he had met a weirdo, a ghost, a devil, a demon or something.

Zhao Ji couldn't figure it out, and it was difficult for these things to appear in the farm. He couldn't tell. Any unexpected events that Zhao Ji couldn't expect might happen in the different world.

He also turned towards the inside of the farm with his sword in hand, guarding against possible monster attacks.

Mr. Weiss squeezed over, and patted Keir's shoulder helplessly: "Put away the sword, there is nothing weird. It's because everyone has been stimulated by so many things in the past two days that they are so surprised." Suddenly."

A farmer shouted from behind: "Mr. Weiss, what's going on? If you know, please explain it to everyone."

"Hey, okay, everyone put away your weapons first, this is a complete misunderstanding. Misunderstanding." Mr. Weiss said loudly.

Next, he explained to everyone what happened just now.

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