Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 25, The Clement's House - Banging the Door and Finding Clement

Under the leadership of the young militiamen, Zhao Ji and his party quickly walked through the alleys of the slums. Mr. Fu Lun was amazed that they could walk some small paths that he didn't even know. How exaggerated is the specificity? The young man actually took them across the roofs of houses in a small slum area, and just by doing this, he could save the distance of going around two streets.

Soon, they arrived at the alley where Krummen's house was located before sunset in a nearly straight line. The young militiaman pointed to the house of Krumman’s house, but he was reluctant to go into the alley, saying that he was afraid that his family or neighbors would see it and affect his life.

Mr. Fulun waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and asked the militia boy to watch for any gangsters at the intersection of the nearby streets.

The five people walked into the door of Ke Lumen's house, and Zhao Ji found out immediately. He pointed to a small piece of overwhelmed flowers and plants on the flower bed at the door of the house.

Mr. Fullen made a silent gesture, and everyone kept quiet. He pushed aside the messy flowers and plants, and groped for a small dagger under the yellow light of the setting sun.

The little dagger was thrown with its sheath. Mr. Furren showed everyone what he had found, and then pulled the little dagger out of the sheath. Sure enough, as everyone expected, the small dagger in the sheath was stained with dull dry blood.

Mr. Fullen smiled confidently. With the murder weapon in his hand, it can already be determined that this Krumman is a major murder suspect. Mr. Fullen didn't need to keep quiet anymore, he said directly to everyone: "Okay, it can be determined that the man was killed by Krumman, you two, break the door open for me. Let's go in and arrest him!"

Davos and another militiaman obeyed the order and walked to the door, first pushed the wooden door of Krumman's house, and the door was locked from the inside. The two men rolled up their sleeves and slammed into the wooden door together.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

After hitting it three times in a row, the door of Krumen's house just shook, and there was no intention of breaking it open. Some residents in this alley were also attracted by the sound of banging on the door.

Seeing Zhao Ji and his party knocking on the door, they wanted to stop it. But Mr. Fullen took out his clerkship badge and held it up for all to see.

"I see clearly, this is the badge of the clerk of the government affairs office. I am Konis Furren, the clerk of the government affairs office that deals with crimes in the city, the Krumen of this family." Mr. Furren pointed at the door that was crashing. , "We suspect that he killed another resident of the city. Now we want to arrest him."

Seeing that what Mr. Fulun said was too sure, the residents living in the alley stopped cursing and threatening.

Watching the crowd pause, Nita asked the two militiamen to continue, "The other party dare not open the door. It seems that he did kill him. Keep hitting the door."

Zhao Ji also went up to help. The three of them worked together, and after more than a dozen bumps, they finally broke the bolt behind the wooden door.

Zhao Ji and two militiamen rushed in.

Zhao Ji entered the room and saw that it took so many bumps to open it. It turned out that there was a heavy wooden cabinet behind the door. Zhao Ji, who came in first, quickly opened the wooden cabinet so that the door could be fully opened.

Mr. Fu Lun and Nita Shepherd walked to the Clement's house and looked around. Nita Shepherd was in front, and Fu Lun was behind and began to look for the Clements. Three representatives also came out of the residents in the alley. These three people are the male owners of the families in the alley. They have no control over whether Kruman is a murderer, but the people from the government office forcibly broke into Krumen's house. To arrest people, they need to keep an eye on them.

Mr. Fullen looked at the representatives of nearby residents who came in, pointed to the wooden cabinet at the door and said to them: "Look, we just came here, and this wooden cabinet wasn't put on top when we started knocking on the door. Kruman hid at home after killing people early in the morning, and even used this hand to resist arrest. Is this useful? Huh?"

A middle-aged man, one of the resident representatives, said to the other two resident representatives: "Hi, when I got up to fetch water in the morning, I heard the sound of the Clements moving the cabinets.

I thought their house was hunting mice, but it turned out they wanted to block the door. "

"No wonder. I also heard from my children that they heard the sound of smashing things at Krumman's house at noon, and their husband and wife were arguing very loudly. It turned out that Krumman killed someone."

"Kruman, I watched him grow up. I didn't expect to do such a thing. He said he was murdered. Is it the murder case everyone talked about today? The one who was killed at the door of the house?" An old man paused the wooden stick in his hand, and asked Nita Mushou.

Nita Shepherd nodded, confirming that it was the same thing.

Seeing that they had all entered the house, Mr. Fulun felt that there was no one from the Clement family, so he patted his partner, and shepherd Nita took out a god of the dead from his robe. The little icon, holding hands tightly, walked at the front of the line to open the way.

Pushing open a door of Krumman's house, there was no one in the house, only some various oil lamps and wooden dinner plates smashed on the ground. He also opened the remaining doors on the first floor of the house, but there was no one there.

Zhao Ji pushed open the basement door and vaguely heard someone's voice. "There are people here!" Zhao Ji beckoned people over.

Nita Shepherd nodded at Kiel and led the way down the stairs. Zhao Ji didn't know why Mr. Fu Lun wanted the old Nita Shepherd to take the lead instead of the two young and powerful militiamen.

Zhao Ji followed behind Nita Mushou, and saw that the door inside the basement stairs was locked with a lock, and the people inside were cursing something.

Seeing that the door in the basement was locked, Zhao Ji was about to pull out the dagger and find a way to open it. Nita Shepherd said, "No need."

Seeing him holding the icon tightly with one hand, he tilted his head slightly, and then tapped on the door lock with his free hand.

Click, the door lock opened without the key.

After removing the lock, Nita Mu pushed open the basement door. The cursing of the people inside stopped immediately, and then a figure rushed forward. Zhao Jigang wanted to help Nita Mu push the approacher away. But shepherd Nita just lifted the icon forward, and the other party seemed to hit the trampoline, and bounced back directly.

The momentum of the rebound is stronger than the momentum of the jump.

It wasn't until the person fell to the ground that it became clear that it was a lady in her thirties, and there were several other people in the basement. Looking around, two elderly people and a young boy were about to help the fallen lady up, calling out: "Mother, mother."

Nita Mushou stepped aside to open the door, and Zhao Ji was also pushed away by Mr. Fu Lun: "What's going on? We are investigators from the Government Affairs Office. Everyone, don't act rashly. Otherwise, Nita Mushou won't keep his hands back."

The lady who fell to the ground rubbed her arms and stood up with the help of the young man. After seeing the few people who came in clearly, especially the church robe of the God of the Dead of the shepherd Nita and the badge of the government office held in the hand of Mr. Fullen : "We are the residents of this house, are you here to catch Krumen? Go and catch him!"

He locked us all in the basement for a day, and my son didn't eat or drink all day, XXX. He even beat his own father, this XXX is really not a person, how could my old lady marry such a XXX. "

The old man, who should be Krumman's father, heard his daughter-in-law cursing his son in front of so many outsiders, and touched the arm injured by his son, weeping silently.

"So that's the case. No wonder we broke into the house and didn't see anyone. Don't stay here, everyone, go to the living room of the house first. Let's catch Krumen first."

Crumen's old mother stood up and wanted to say something, but was stopped by her husband: "Let people go, my son is crazy now, and he is no longer our child since he got addicted to gambling. It's like There is a devil living in my heart, hey. Get some food for the grandson first, the child has been hungry all day."

The old woman finally said nothing, just went out with her daughter-in-law and grandson.

Mr. Furren asked the militiaman Davers to watch Clement's family in the living room. They could go to the kitchen to find some food to relieve their hunger and thirst, but they could not go out for the time being. The rest of the people came to the second floor of the house and found several rooms in a row, but there was no one in them. When we came to the innermost room, the wooden door of this room was bolted from the inside.

Several people looked at each other, and Mr. Fulun told everyone to pay attention to safety. After all, Clement was a murderer, and if he was caught, he would die. Maybe the other party would resist violently.

The militiamen took out the sticks hanging from their waists, and Mr. Fullen stood a little further away. It seemed that Mr. Fullen had no ability to arrest people. Zhao Ji could see that Mr. Fu Lun had to rely on Nita Shepherd to arrest the murderer.

And Nita's shepherd is indeed very powerful, and the divine power is really powerful. I don't know who is more powerful when Crow Knight and Nita's shepherd meet.

Zhao Jigang wanted to pull out the dagger, but he was afraid of accidentally injuring or killing Krumen, so he took the dagger back. He bumped both fists, deciding that if need be, he'd punch the resisting Krumman flying.

Seeing that everyone was ready, shepherd Nita held the icon tightly with both hands, held the icon in front of him, and directly hit the wooden door tied from the inside with the icon.

With a bang, the wooden door and the wooden bed blocked inside flew out together, hitting the opposite wall with a bang and falling down.

Zhao Ji was very surprised, but Nita Mushou strode into the house holding the icon in front, and the militia followed. Once Zhao Jiwei regained consciousness, he also hurried into the house. Mr. Fullen also followed in the end.

Everyone thought that Crumen would be in the house, but there was no one in the house. Mr. Fullen looked at the two wide-open wooden windows of the room: "Oh, this Krumman must have escaped through the window." He then instructed the following militiamen to contact the captain of their militiamen in the city immediately. , Let people organize people nearby to search for the fleeing Krumen.

Then, Mr. Fullen said to the shepherd Nita who put away the icon: "Old man, I have to trouble you, go and contact the town guards, and let the guards patrolling tonight pay attention to those who are alone. Lumen, directly arrest or kill on the spot."

Nodding, Nita Mushou also turned and went downstairs.

"Keil, it seems that we have to search and capture this Krumman all night. Haha, but don't worry, Kendall City is so big, he can't go anywhere, just worried, this Krumman escaped If we are caught by the vicious dog gang, we still have to ask for someone. X, it’s really troublesome.” Mr. Fu Lun fanned his neckline with his hands, and he was sweating a lot from the tension just now.

Zhao Ji didn't respond to Mr. Fulun's words. He came to the two windows and looked at the situation outside the windows.

Outside the window is the roof of the neighbor next door, who has only one floor of the house, and the roof is neatly replaced with new straw, neatly bundled into a small bundle of straw. Zhao Ji glanced at the wheat straw and came back to his senses. I went to another window, and the other window was also the neighbor's roof, and the straw on the roof was also intact.

Zhao Ji rubbed his nose, looked at Mr. Fu Lun, put his finger in front of his lips, and made a silent gesture.

Mr. Fulun, who was fanning the wind, raised his head back, and quickly realized that while fanning the wind, he babbled and leaned against the wall at the same time: "Shall we go first later?" What to eat together? After all, we have to track the time of the night. If we don’t find some time to eat dinner now, it will be difficult to find time to eat when everyone is hunting Krumen at night. Let me tell you , I have been doing this job for so many years. I have always suffered. If the lord hadn't seen my hard work and added a special salary to me, I would have let someone else take this job. Our Fulun family has always been Loyal to the lord, for what reason, is the lord's fancy to our family..."

Zhao Ji didn't listen to Mr. Fu Lun's ramblings. He looked around the house and easily confirmed where Kelumen was hiding. The other party was hiding in the only intact wooden cabinet that doubled as a dressing table in the house. This wooden cabinet is placed in the corner of the house, the bottom should be a place to store bedding or clothes, and the top is a space for women to dress up. A small metal mirror was stacked on it, along with some combs and a small wooden box.

Zhao Ji walked to the wooden cabinet slowly and lightly, and put his ear close to the wooden cabinet. He could faintly hear heavy breathing coming from the cabinet.

Zhao Ji nodded at Mr. Fu Lun, and pointed to the wooden cabinet. But before the two of them could make other moves, the wooden cabinet was directly opened from the inside, and the people inside rolled and knocked out.

Zhao Ji was hit directly to the ground, and he was about to lock the opponent with his arms, when Krumen, who rushed out from inside, leaped vigorously and rushed from the spot to the door of the house.

In an instant, Mr. Furren fitted himself up and slammed into Krumman, trying to stop him from escaping.

Seeing that the passage was blocked, Krumman stretched out his hand to support the wall, avoiding Mr. Fulun, and ran to the open window, and the vicious dog jumped out of the window like a dog grabbing food.

Only then did Zhao Ji turn around. Mr. Fu Lun yelled at Zhao Ji: "Hurry up, catch up to him, I'll ask someone to follow him, don't lose him."

Seeing that Mr. Fu Lun didn't say anything about being hit by someone just now, Zhao Ji followed in the footsteps of Krumen, and also turned out of the window, stepped on the straw-covered roof, followed closely and fled not far away. Crumen.

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