Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 43, Weapon Forging Competition - Respective Grips and Sheaths

The actions of contestant No. 12 greatly accelerated the heating process of the two machete embryos in the furnace. Contestant No. 5 got the advantage for nothing, so he smiled flatteringly at No. 12 contestant.

Facing the ingratiating smile of contestant No. 5, contestant No. 12 returned a forced smile with a stiff complexion. He is really not used to dealing with people, so he came to learn to blacksmith. Compared with dealing with people, the iron block in the stove and the hammer in his hand will not deceive him. He also trusts these friends who can't speak.

Contestant No. 1 also came over to heat up the cooled knife blank. Looking at contestant No. 12 who was struggling to pull the bellows lever, contestant No. 1 also smiled kindly at him. Contestant No. 12 forced a stiff smile on his face again. He wondered if he had done superfluous things, which was why he was flattered one after another, and he had to force himself to respond to them.

It's really superfluous.

Compared with the three contestants on the furnace side who are actively and passively heating the blade embryo, the other contestants on the field have already entered the work of adding handles and scabbards to the blades they have forged.

Generally speaking, this process is usually not in the hands of blacksmiths in Kendall City. Kendall City has a detailed classification of jobs. Basically, the jobs related to carpentry are assigned to the carpentry workshop. Other workshops do not need to do the work related to carpentry themselves. But this is how it is in Kendall.

As we said before, the technology and scale of the handicraft workshops in Kendall City are actually very large. The fundamental reason for this is the foundation laid by the Baron Kendall family when they were nobles in the empire. After being expelled by the empire, Baron Kendall led their subjects and the refugees gathered along the way, and trekked all the way to the current Kendall Territory.

Under the arrangement of the original Baron Kendall, in addition to using the impact plains in the lower reaches of the Kendall River to vigorously develop agriculture, Baron Kendall also took advantage of sufficient agricultural accumulation to vigorously develop various handicraft workshops. Different from other field nobles, other field nobles do not have enough cultural and technical knowledge accumulation. They neither think of developing handicraft workshops, nor do they have enough wisdom and experience to develop handicraft workshops smoothly.

In the artisan district of Kendall City, in fact, each workshop is connected with each other. Under the leadership of the professional Artisan God Church and the baron family, many of the work between the various workshops in the artisan district are interconnected.

After forging a semi-finished long sword or gun head in the blacksmith workshop, you can deliver the item to the carpenter workshop to complete the remaining processes. Carpenters added wooden hilts and wooden scabbards to long swords and wooden frames to spears. If necessary, the long sword will then be delivered to the leather workshop to be wrapped with animal skins for decoration.

Zhao Ji's customized armor workshop actually has the same workflow. After Ganner gets the design drawings, he will decompose the required processes, and then find the blacksmith workshop to make metal-related parts, find the leather workshop to process the leather parts needed, and find the carpenter workshop to order the armor that needs to be used. wooden parts. Finally, Ganner will use the various armor parts given to him by various workshops to assemble the armor himself in the armor workshop.

In places outside Kendall City, most craftsmen have to complete all the processes of a piece of work by themselves. The celebrations held by the Church of the God of Craftsmen also followed the rules outside Kendall City, and this was also a test for the craftsmen in the city.

In fact, the degree of this test is just right. The weapons used by the soldiers are an invisible and complex process line. Things lower than this process line are all within the skill of a craftsman, and often only one person can complete all the processes. A craftsman can complete all the forging process of the soldiers' weapons.

But things above this process line are different. A few smart people may be able to, but the vast majority of people basically cannot complete these high-end things alone.

It often takes several people to cooperate with each other to create complex works. A full set of armor is an example. If Ganna is required to complete all the processes by himself, then Zhao Ji may be able to get the armor he wants next year. And the guards of Kendall City have to wait in line for repairs on weekdays.

The craftsmen who came to participate in the weapon forging competition all had special training. At least they all learned from the carpenters how to use carpenter tools to process various wooden parts of weapons. Therefore, at this time, the learning situation of each craftsman can be seen at once.

Contestant No. 3 is very proficient in carpentry skills, even if he directly changes careers to become a carpenter craftsman, there will be no problem. Not only that, but player No. 3 could see that he went to the leather craftsman to learn various leather manipulation methods in order to win the competition that he had never been able to get. This can be seen from his skillful cutting of sea fish skin rolls, which he neatly cut into long strips of leather. Contestant No. 3 evenly spreads boiled animal glue on the inner side of these sea fish leather strips, and then wraps these leather strips tightly around the oak handle of the machete.

Competitor No. 3 had already pre-made the winding score of the leather strip when making the oak handle of the machete. After wrapping a sea fish leather strip around the handle of the machete, contestant No. 3 brushed a thin layer of animal glue on the surface of the leather strip with animal glue to fix the surface of the handle as a whole.

After seeing this small detail of No. 3 contestant, Crow Knight and Bordeaux Shepherd both praised him. Don’t think it’s just a little different, but this hand can prevent the leather strap wrapped around the handle from loosening after long-term use. For Knight Crowe, who used to fight in the north and south for many years, he has encountered this situation several times, especially when the weapon has been soaked in water for a long time, it is easy to rely on animal glue to stick things together loose. But as long as this simple treatment, the impact of flooding can be greatly avoided. Just simply apply a layer of animal glue to it when maintaining the weapon later.

Moreover, a thin layer of animal glue will not affect the feel of the handle too much. Warriors who hold swords all year round have thick calluses on their hands. Few people have a sensitive sense of touch, and everyone will not feel anything at all. different.

After No. 3 contestant applied animal glue to the outer layer of the handle of the machete, he placed his machete in the ventilated position of the forging table, letting it dry naturally and fasten it. Then I went to make the scabbard of the machete. Compared with other contestants, No. 3 contestant chose sea fish skin as decoration, which naturally required more procedures than a simple wooden scabbard handle. So although the third player is much faster than the other players, he has to hurry up because he has to do more than the other players.

Contestant No. 7 tested the hardness of his blade after it cooled down naturally. In addition, he also slashed his machete towards the forging platform vigorously.


Contrary to the expectations of the audience, this sudden collision did not shatter or break the blade of the machete. When the two collided, the blade of No. 7's machete just kept vibrating, and there were no other consequences.

The Bordeaux shepherd stared wide-eyed, very curious about how this was done. Colliding with a hard forging table, it is intact. This is what many weapons can do. As long as they have been forged well, basically they can barely do this. But it's impossible to keep vibrating like the weapon in player No. 7's hand. It's really strange, how can this be done? The Bordeaux shepherd guessed that it must be related to the lapis lazuli in the blade. But how to achieve such a principle, he couldn't think of it.

Contestant No. 7 seemed to be very satisfied with his work, so he started to assemble the handle on the blade with full motivation.

Contestant No. 7's choice of grip was different from other contestants. He actually chose a small piece of slime monster's processed coating as the outer layer of the handle, and the inner layer was a piece of soft wrought iron. After the host's close observation and publicity, everyone knew the handle manufacturing idea of ​​No. 7 contestant. It seems that he intends to use a shock-absorbing material as the handle of the machete.

Bordeaux Shepherd and Mr. Grimm brought the machete design drawing of contestant No. 7, and they also noticed the design of contestant No. 7 on the design drawing. Different from the handle design of other contestants, the handle of No. 7 contestant is larger than that, and it is also made more regular, without making a shape that fits the palm of the hand. They didn't pay attention at the beginning, but looking at it now, it turned out that the No. 7 contestant chose the elastic slime monster envelope as the outer layer of the handle.

Mr. Grim nodded, very satisfied with No. 7's novelty design. In fact, compared to Crow Knight who pays more attention to practicality, Mr. Grim prefers exotic weapons. He is a collector. An ordinary weapon has no collection value, even if the ordinary weapon has first-class performance. In addition to his interest in the weapon of No. 7 contestant, the bone-decorated machete of No. 10 contestant attracted him even more. His attention was drawn to contestant number ten, who enjoyed watching an interesting bone-decorated weapon being made.

It would be even better if the blade of the machete was not made of iron, and the collection value of a full bone weapon would be much higher. Even if it has no actual value as a weapon, for Mr. Grimm, as long as it has value as a collectible, it will be fine. After all, human beings are not a backward race in remote areas of the world, and bone weapons have long been used as mainstream weapons. He heard that only in the southern mountains of some empires, bone weapons were still used for a small number of religious ceremonies.

Contestant No. 10 uses ox horns as the gauntlet for the machete. Compared with the ones glued on with animal glue, Contestant No. 10 has other methods to strengthen the strength of the gauntlet in the manufacture of bone weapons inherited from his family.

He used a drilling tool to make several connected holes in the horn with great difficulty, and these holes could just pass through the blade of the machete after being connected together. Adding the arc of the horn, naturally, a machete gauntlet is perfectly completed.

Next, contestant No. 10 fixed the blade of the machete, and went to make the scabbard. He also planned the same for the scabbard, using bone to make a scabbard. To this end, he saw several sections of beef bones with a saw, arranged them according to size, and then simply built an inner frame of the scabbard with the excess iron left over from forging the machete.

The scabbard is made of cow bones on the outside and an iron frame on the inside. Only in this way can different bones be fixed into a scabbard, after all, no bone grows into a scabbard. He can only make one by himself.

Contestant No. 5's quenching went very smoothly, except that the quenching oil became cloudy after repeated use, which made the surface of his blade adhere to many impurities. He then had to use a sharpener to carefully remove these excess fine iron particles stuck to the knife body, which made him very uncomfortable. If he could use quenching oil to quench it faster, there would be no such things.

Unlike other contestants, contestant No. 5 did not sharpen the blade of the knife at the end, but put this process in the present. The reason is simple, the blade of his sword has been repeatedly folded and forged, and there are delicate and beautiful natural patterns on it.

Contestant No. 5 poured some water on the whetstone, and sat there to sharpen the edge of the knife. Many people are curious about his behavior. The three judges looked at each other, and guessed his plan from the forging method of No. 5 contestant. Everyone looked at each other and smiled, what's the use of this?

Quenching for contestant No. 12 is even easier, because his machete is made of solid materials, so he doesn't need to pay careful attention to all aspects when quenching. Therefore, he simply threw his machete embryo into the quenching oil. After the quenching was successful, contestant No. 12 simply tested the hardness of the blade, and then proceeded to deal with the handle and scabbard of the machete.

Contestant No. 12 planned to use the remaining small piece of iron to make an iron machete handle, and simply wrap a circle of sweat-absorbing linen cloth on the outside to increase friction. After all, what he wanted for his machete was a rough man, a really easy-to-use one. Unlike contestant No. 10's fake bone decoration, which is fake and wild, contestant No. 12 has his own aesthetic style, and he thinks the style he likes is very good.

Hey, it is a pleasure to come to participate in the competition, and it is also a good thing to show your forging style to the audience.

But the scabbard of the machete baffled contestant No. 12. When he designed the machete, he didn't think much about making such a scabbard for the machete.

During the time of building the handle, he thought hard, and finally figured out what to do with the scabbard.

He directly built an iron frame and the job was over, and the machete was stuffed into the iron frame so that it didn't fall out. Anyway, his machete is so strong and easy to use, it doesn't really matter if the blade is well protected.

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