Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 49, Forging Competition Evaluation - Zhao Ji's Weapon Evaluation

Before Zhao Ji could figure out a way, the host urged him to play.

Other hunters and veterans who completed the testing work put the three machetes they held back on the display wooden stand. Both of them stood with their arms folded on one side of the field, talking to the contestants who came together, and watching Zhao Ji's performance in the field.

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Zhao Ji still came to the open space in the field. He first took his favorite white rabbit fur hat in his hand, and while stroking the fur hat on his chest, he bent down and bowed to the three judges and the audience.

The audience took advantage of Zhao Ji's politeness and gave him some applause sparsely.

According to the host's request, Zhao Ji briefly introduced himself: "I am Joe Keel, a warrior of the Saturnalia Church, and an adventurer who lives in the table corner tavern."

After introducing himself, Zhao Ji hung the leather cap around his waist and fixed it. Then he bent down and picked up the machete work of No. 3 contestant.

Why test the work of contestant No. 3 first?

This is because Zhao Ji judged that the work of the third player should be the strongest among the three machetes in his hand, and even the best work in the whole competition. To get off to a good start, let the audience ignore his little trickery.

According to the request of the host, Zhao Ji raised the machete of contestant No. 3 above his head. The appearance of this machete is very beautiful. The sky blue leather decoration makes the appearance of the whole machete look like a vicious shark in the sea cruising in the air. The elegant radian of the scabbard shows the strength and vigorous vitality of the whole machete. The entanglement of sea fish leather is like the gill slit of a shark, which strengthens the audience's impression of the machete and the shark.

Although basically everyone present has never seen a shark, a ferocious fish in the ocean, or even heard of it, but with the hidden instinct of creatures, everyone can feel a vague fear of this machete.

It is obviously a machete with bright blue decorations, but instead of being loved by everyone, there is a faint fear, which Zhao Ji did not expect.

"This feeling? Do you have this feeling?" The very sensitive Crowe Knight asked the Bordeaux shepherd beside him.

"There is a slight fear, but this feeling of fear does not come from ourselves, but the instinctive feeling given by the body. Satro?" After answering the Knight of Crowe, the Bordeaux shepherd turned to the third contestant in the audience asked.

"Hui Mushou, this is a technique I learned from my companion when I was traveling. At that time, the companion was from a neighboring country, and he was near the sea, so he made all kinds of weapon decorations like this. Creatures have a slight sense of fear." Contestant No. 3 answered the Bordeaux shepherd's question.

After hearing the answer, all three judges nodded in approval.

Zhao Ji heard the reason, and then grabbed the handle of the knife.

Tough to the touch but slightly bouncy, the spiral-wound sea fish skin roll also brings more friction. Not to mention, the sea fish's skin itself has a slight friction force. If you stroke it along it, the friction force is very small, but if you stroke it against it, the resistance will only increase.

Grasping the handle firmly, Zhao Ji pulled the machete out of its sheath.

Contestant No. 3's machete has a well-proportioned blade with smooth lines, and one can judge that it is a very sharp knife just by looking at the edge.

Zhao Ji tied the scabbard and the attached belt to his belt and hung it up.

Holding the machete in his right hand, he waved it casually twice.

Well, the center of gravity of the machete is also arranged very well. Zhao Ji can swing a machete of appropriate weight with only a little force. And because the center of gravity is well arranged, the knife will not let the person's arm be driven when the knife is retracted.

When swinging the knife, Zhao Ji suddenly noticed that his hands seemed to be stronger. This is not the hallucination of being full of energy after attending the celebration ceremony of the Saturnalia Church in the morning.

It's already afternoon, and Zhao Ji doesn't feel as energetic as he did in the morning.

But he found that his strength was indeed a little stronger.

How much bigger it is, I don't really feel it.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Ji waved to the audience around him, and came to the prepared scarecrow.

Meditate on the left arm of the scarecrow on the right, the right arm of the scarecrow on the left, then the two legs, then the neck or head of the scarecrow, and finally the abdomen of the scarecrow.

Afraid of mistakenly attacking the place, Zhao Ji went through the sequence in his mind.

Then, he sank down, took a step forward with his left foot, and swung a knife with his right hand from bottom to top.

Bark, there was a soft sound.

The scarecrow's left arm flew into the air following Zhao Ji's waving machete.

The sharpness of the machete blade exceeded Zhao Ji's expectations. Where the scarecrow was cut off, the wheat stalks were neatly cut into two sections, and there was not a single piece of extra straw.

While stepping back, he retracted the knife, and Zhao Ji returned to the original position where he had just launched the attack. Immediately afterwards, he did not move his left foot this time, took a step with his right leg, raised the retracted machete and raised his arm, and cut off the scarecrow's right arm from top to bottom.

Same as before, except for the sound of '呲', the machete across the scarecrow's arm did not produce anything superfluous.

Except that the scarecrow's right arm fell with the machete.

Stepping back again to close the knife, Zhao Ji returned to the original position where he launched the attack.

The audience applauded, they are not blind guys. The audience who can come to watch the weapon forging competition has more or less seen the skills of the various evaluation audiences. A crisp, simple and effective attack like Kiel's is already very good. At least in the opinion of the three judges on the wooden platform, Keir's level is at least much better than that of the hunter at the beginning.

Seeing people cheering, Zhao Ji was relieved, at least the scene was not too ugly.

Continued efforts, Zhao Ji bent his left arm, as if he was holding a shield, and the machete in his right hand spun around his head. Then, like a giant python flicking its tail, a tiger swung its whip, and lashed at the scarecrow's left leg.

The distance of Zhao Ji's knife was just right. The scarecrow's left leg was completely cut off, but the right leg was intact. At the same time, the severed left leg also has no extra straw splashed, and all the straws are obediently gathered around the scarecrow's straw limbs.

After cutting off the scarecrow's left leg, Zhao Ji stepped on the ground with his right leg and took a small step to the left. Then it went down again.

With this knife, Zhao Jiqi cut off the scarecrow's thigh and completely removed the scarecrow's right leg.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Ji stood up straight suddenly, and with the strength of his waist, he swiped his right hand across the scarecrow's neck from left to right.

Let the scarecrow's ridiculous straw head fly straight out. Scroll to a long way before stopping.

Another burst of applause and encouragement from the audience.

Zhao Ji squatted down again on the right side of the scarecrow, with his left arm on his head, simulating a shield defense, and then his legs exerted force on the spot, and his body made a small leap towards the left side of the scarecrow.

Along with the jumping of the body was the right arm that suddenly exerted force, and the machete slashed across the scarecrow's abdomen without any resistance, allowing the scarecrow's lower abdomen to fall to the ground at the same time as Zhao Ji.

After finishing, Zhao Ji swallowed and looked back at his results.

Fortunately, the sequence and effect are very good. The applause and cheers from the audience are the best proof of what he has done.

Putting the machete in its sheath, Zhao Ji waved to the audience and handed the machete to the display stand.

Zhao Ji glanced at contestant No. 3, who seemed to be quite satisfied with his performance. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Ji returned to the center of the venue, waiting for the church staff to rearrange a new scarecrow.

During the waiting time, Zhao Ji observed the remaining two machetes. The machete of contestant No. 1 looked very crude, with no decoration on the scabbard, and even the scabbard was formed by wrapping two long pieces of wood with rope. This kind of work that will be eliminated at first glance Zhao Ji decided to put it in the last test, so that the audience will be attracted by this too hasty work, and no one will care about him How is your martial arts skill?

As for the work of another No. 4 contestant, Zhao Ji held it in his hand.

Observe carefully, this machete work is actually very poor, at least the contestants did not focus on the decoration of the scabbard and handle. The wood of the scabbard is only engraved with the player's name and date, without any other decorations. The handle of the knife was fine, Zhao Ji felt it carefully and felt it. The handle was made of oak, but the outermost part of the handle was wrapped with a layer of non-slip coarse cloth.

Zhao Ji felt it. It wasn't linen, but it wasn't cotton, which is rare here. He couldn't guess what it was made of.

At the end of the handle of the knife, contestant No. 4 also installed an iron material for counterweight. Zhao Ji curled his lips. It was also a machete. The work of No. 3 contestant did not have this iron block for counterweight, but the center of gravity of the machete was perfectly done.

Zhao Ji reckoned that the No. 4 player might have changed the blade after he discovered that the front of the blade was heavier than the rear after finishing the sword.

The new scarecrow is finally done. Zhao Ji also waved to the audience, and then walked into the fixed scarecrow.

According to the request of the host, Zhao Ji raised the machete of contestant No. 4, and then pulled out the blade.

The blade is straight, with a sharp edge, and the tip of the machete is also a crisp and sharp corner without any curvature, which shows that this machete is a dangerous guy.

Fortunately, although the scabbard of contestant No. 4 is not good enough, the machete itself looks pretty good.

Zhao Ji showed the machete to the audience, and then waved it to feel the feeling of the whole machete.

The sharp lines made the machete make a whining sound when it cut through the air, and the problem of the center of gravity of the machete was also solved by contestant No. 4 by adding a counterweight iron on the handle.

Such a fierce work naturally needs to be matched with fierce and violent combat methods.

Zhao Ji lowered his body and grasped the handle of the machete with both hands at the same time. Just like last time, Zhao Ji still used a bottom-up slash as the first blow.

There was a sound of 'woo'.

The place where the Scarecrow's left arm was hit exploded into a ball, and the arm made of straw was also sent flying far away, and was received by an excited audience.

Taking a big step to the left, Zhao Ji made a vertical chop with both hands, and the scarecrow's right arm was also chopped off.

Although it seems to be similar to the overweight machete of contestant No. 12, Zhao Ji can guarantee that the machete in his hand must be more useful. After all, its weight is placed there, and the machete in his hand is of suitable weight, it can be swiftly fired, and can be held when retracted. But according to Zhao Ji's observation, the machete work of contestant No. 12 is a bit reluctant for the tall hunter to use. It is slow when it is out of the knife, and it cannot be stopped when it is retracted, unless it is used with both hands. But when using both hands, Zhao Ji's current one is easier to use. Of course, if they fight together, the work of contestant No. 12 will definitely win, after all, the weight is placed there.

The two fight together, and it is estimated that the machete in Zhao Ji's hand will fly out once the knife is struck. But this does not mean that the work of No. 4 contestant is not good.

After cutting off the scarecrow's right arm, Zhao Ji took a small step back, leaned forward, held the machete with both hands and spun around his head, and then chopped down diagonally, cutting off the scarecrow's legs neatly.

At the same time, Zhao Ji's legs were staggered, and then with the force of turning his legs upwards, Zhao Ji lightly waved his hands, and smashed the scarecrow's head into scattered straw.

The same trick was performed again, Zhao Ji staggered his legs again, and then rotated his body half a circle from bottom to top, this time his arms suddenly exerted all their strength.

It also slammed into the scarecrow's chest and abdomen. This knife entered directly from the right side of the scarecrow and burst out from the left side. The right side was clearly severed, but the strength exploded in the middle of the Scarecrow's chest, directly chopping the Scarecrow's left chest into pieces and bursting out.

"Oh!!!!" The audience exclaimed together. No one thought that such a small young man like Kiel could burst out with such great strength, which was not inferior to the tall hunter at all. Better looking than hunter.

Knight Crowe on the stage explained to the audience how Keir exerted such a great force: "This young man first borrowed the power of rotation from the bottom to the top, and at the same time his waist was also given strength during the rotation. After that, the force was transmitted to his arms, and a rotating throwing force was generated by the straight arms. Finally, the young man chopped the scarecrow's chest with the blade of the machete. Instead, the front half of the machete blade touches the scarecrow. That's what creates the final explosion. Good, good!"

Zhao Ji, who was panting to recover the energy he had just consumed, actually didn't think so much. He was not as powerful as Knight Crowe said. He just attacked according to his body and instinct. How could he think in such a short time? so many.

Now, taking a big gulp of air, and listening to Knight Crowe's explanation, he realized how complicated his set of movements was.

The hunter scratched his hair in a daze when he heard Knight Crowe's explanation. He usually couldn't understand it, but it seemed to be a very powerful move. As for the veteran, he folded his arms and nodded. He understood how powerful and complicated this move was, but he couldn't perform it. Firstly, he was old and his body was inconvenient to perform such drastic movements. The second reason is that he himself is an elite soldier who is good at delicate and fast martial arts skills. This kind of move that requires the whole body to serve the fatal blow is not in line with his own habits.

Zhao Ji put away the machete and saw the No. 4 contestant shouting excitedly in the contestant's position. Scratching his head, he put the machete on the wooden display stand.

Finally, Zhao Ji picked up the machete forged by No. 1 contestant. Looking at contestant No. 1, contestant No. 1 had already covered his ears with his hands and his eyes were tightly closed. The No. 2 contestant next to contestant No. 1 pointed at him and laughed loudly.

After the church staff completed the replacement of the new scarecrow, Zhao Ji followed the instructions of the host and raised the machete work of No. 1 contestant above his head.

Sure enough, there was a burst of ridicule from the audience, but at the same time there were scattered applause.

After Zhao Ji grasped the handle of the knife and pulled the machete out of the scabbard, the applause stopped, only the mocking voices of ridicule and shouting remained.

Looking up, the blade of the machete is still neat, with relatively smooth lines, and there are no cracks or missing corners on the two sides of the blade. It's just that the number one player may have taken the time. The oil and the impurities in it made the blade ugly, and it was far from the beautiful blade of contestant No. 5 by a thousand miles.

Zhao Ji observed the edge of the machete. Fortunately, the number one player finally had time to sharpen a relatively sharp blade.

After waving it a few times, the machete cut through the air and made an unsmooth whining sound.

Zhao Ji coughed, the test still needs to be completed, and you can't stop the test just because the machete of the test is not good.

Then when he came to the scarecrow, Zhao Ji tentatively slashed at the scarecrow's left arm with his right hand. A knife went down, but it didn't cut off. There was a lot of ridicule around, but it wasn't directed at Zhao Ji, but at the machete and the No. 1 contestant.

Contestant No. 1 still opened his eyes and watched, but when he saw that the machete failed to cut off the scarecrow's arm, he immediately closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears with both hands.

Zhao Ji drew out the machete and struck again at the same place, this time finally cutting off the scarecrow's left arm. After wiping off the sweat that didn't exist, Zhao Ji held the handle of the knife with both hands this time, facing the scarecrow's right arm, and slashed straight down. Well, the knife almost failed to cut off the scarecrow's arm. Fortunately, it was just a little bit short, and it was finally cut off.

Arms are so difficult to break, Zhao Ji has no confidence in whether he can cut off a leg with one knife. So with all his might, he slashed at the Scarecrow's right leg.


This knife can only cut in one third.

Zhao Ji looked at the audience and the three judges. The audience all booed bursts, and the three judges didn't look down, but chatted casually.

As for the contestants, the craftsmen who had a good relationship with the No. 1 contestant gathered around the No. 1 contestant to make fun of him. The ones who didn't have a good relationship laughed out loud, as if seeing a funny comedy show.

Seeing that no one talked about him, Zhao Ji pulled up his strength and slashed the scarecrow's legs one after another. After a few knives, the scarecrow's legs were finally cut off. Then came the scarecrow's neck, this time it was smoother, and the two cuts cut across the straw, and the scarecrow's straw neck was cut off.

As for the body, it took Zhao Ji at least fifteen knives to cut it off amidst the ridicule and ridicule of the audience.

To be honest, at the end Zhao Ji felt as if he was cutting down a big tree, rather than testing the machete work on the field.

The host leaning on the wooden platform saw that Keir had finally completed the machete test. He climbed up the wooden platform and announced loudly: "Finally, no. Now, the first section of the second round of testing has been completed." Yes. As for the works of each contestant, I believe everyone has seen it, now let's move on to the second quarter!"

"Use a live chicken to test the puncture of the machete! A machete without a sharp point will be in bad luck, haha. As for the matter after the death of the live chicken, don't worry, our Church of the God of Artisans is in the artisan area near the main road at night. The place has prepared a bonfire, and those dead chickens will be marinated and then barbecued and then provided to everyone for free. After dark at night, on the side of the city’s main road near the artisan district, there are free roast chickens! First come, first served!"

While the host was talking, Zhao Ji put the machete work back on the wooden booth. Hey, it was really difficult just now. Fortunately, it wasn't directed at him.

The staff of the church also took down the scarecrows and brought up the live chickens in thin wooden cages one by one. There are nine cages in total, and there is a healthy live chicken in each cage.

A staff member of the church took the live chicken out of the cage, and then tied one end of the rope to the live chicken's feet and the other end to the chicken cage.

The hunter was ready, he came directly to the field with three machetes in his arms, and listened to the host's process introduction.

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