Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 58, Village House - Nia Shepherd and Old Domo

After walking for a while, Zhao Ji and Yan Shi came to the gate of Doral Forest Village.

The gate is not closed as the stubborn stone said, the wooden wooden gate that can pass through a large cart is half open, and some stout women are carrying wooden basins and unwashed clothes to a place not far from the fence. Washing clothes at home by the small river.

Seeing the door open, there was an embarrassing expression on the stubborn stone's old face. Zhao Ji waved his hand to say that it doesn't matter, he has already obtained a lot of local intelligence information from the stubborn stone during this short journey.

Stubborn Stone still has post work to do. After introducing Zhao Ji's identity to the militiamen at the gate, he quickly left here and returned to his wooden sentry tower.

The two big-waisted militiamen at the gate didn't believe in the introduction of the stubborn stone. They asked Zhao Ji to show evidence that he was a Saturn warrior, or they would turn Zhao Ji into the village security team for fraud.

About this, Zhao Ji has long been prepared. After he and Shepherd Weltz cleared the slime monsters in the swamp south of the city, Shepherd Weltz brought him a document recognizing Joe Keir as a warrior of the Saturnalia Church in Kendall City.

Zhao Ji found this well-protected document from the bag he was carrying, and showed it to the two vigilant guards. When the two were about to reach out to take the document away, Zhao Ji put the document away ahead of time and said, "Take me to your captain or the local priest of the Saturnalia Church. This document is for them to read. Do you know how to read? Um?"

When the two militiamen heard Zhao Ji's questioning, they shyly withdrew their hands. They just saw that Zhao Ji was very young, and wanted to call him a bluff, but they were reprimanded instead.

A militiaman guarding the gate had no choice but to take Zhao Ji into the wall of Dorallin Village to find their militia leader.

After stepping into Doral Forest Village, Zhao Ji regretted it a bit. Unlike the clean ground in Kendall, the roads in Doral Forest Village were full of small animal feces and some scattered garbage. There is no human feces. It is estimated that after the teaching of the Saturnalia Church, they know that feces can be collected to fertilize the land and increase the yield of crops in the field. But compared with obedient people, it is not easy to collect animal excrement that is excreted anywhere, so there is no one to manage it, and they excrete freely in the village.

And the garbage problem is also difficult to deal with. The garbage in Kendall City is handled in two parts. Small pieces of household waste were thrown into the sewer along with excrement, and large pieces of production waste were collected by special personnel, and then pulled by carts to the lower reaches of the Kendall River far outside the city and dumped into the sewer. In the river, let them rush further downstream with the rushing river.

I heard that the two people in the Temple of the God of Water by the river did not say anything about it.

In Dorallin Village, as far as Zhao Ji saw, there is no sewer, and there is no special person to clean up all kinds of garbage generated in life and production. All the residents just dump the garbage at the door of the house or next to it In the alley, everyone seemed to be accustomed to this.

Because of the bad environment, there is a musty smell of wood on the road in Doral Forest Village. The smell is not bad. After all, the smelliest excrement is actually not much. After all, there are so many small animals in the house, and the lack of organic matter makes the smell here not so bad. The source of the smell is more from scattered wood fragments and dirty wheat stalks. After the recent autumn rain, Zhao Ji saw that many rubbish piles next to the roads have grown. Many large and small white gray mushrooms come.

Grinning, Zhao Ji told himself, don't eat all kinds of mushroom food here. Who knows which back alley those mushrooms were picked randomly from, even if they were edible, Zhao Ji didn't have the idea to eat them.

Although Dorallin Village is quite large, it is still the size of a large village or town. In the very center of the village, there is a stone square,

All the main houses of the village are gathered here.

Among the houses surrounding the square, Zhao Ji looked at their various signboards and recognized the function and name of each house.

The largest house is a warehouse for storing grain in the village, and the surrounding houses are slightly separated from it. At the door of the granary, there is a stone mill pulled by animal power, which is slowly processing the new wheat in the granary. A well-dressed old man whipped the donkey casually with a short whip in his hand, and several young people beside him were busy with their work.

Starting from the granary, if you look clockwise, the surrounding buildings are: village house, grocery store, tavern, blacksmith shop, Saturnalia Church, security team, hotel.

On the square, Zhao Ji saw some high-hanging wooden cages, and each wooden cage contained a corpse of a monster that had been dried, soaked, and decomposed repeatedly. The size of the corpse was obviously smaller than that of a normal person, and judging from the skull that was larger than a normal person's head, Zhao Ji guessed that it should be a captured Goblin.

Zhao Ji pointed to the wooden cage hanging in the center of the square, and asked the militiaman who led him the way: "Are those goblins who were captured?"

The militiaman smiled and replied: "That's right, it's those damn little green-skinned things. The stubborn stone said, are you here to capture them? Is it true?" Zhao Ji, with a disbelieving expression all over his face.

Zhao Ji pointed to his head: "To deal with monsters, you can't just be tall and tall. This is more important. Of course, I still have this." After Zhao Ji finished speaking, he patted the long sword on his waist and the long gun.

Seeing the long sword hanging from Zhao Ji's waist, the militiaman who only had sticks around his waist curled his lips and muttered something in a low voice. It sounds like something amazing or something.

The militiamen took Zhao Ji to the entrance of the village house and asked Zhao Ji to go in and wait by himself. He had to go to the security team to find their captain and the pastor of the Saturnalia Church.

The village house is a large two-storey house. As soon as Zhao Ji entered the gate, he saw two well-dressed businessmen chatting on the free table in the lobby of the village house.

Zhao Ji didn't bother the two of them, and found a free table on his own, put down his luggage, and sat down on a solid wooden stool. Zhao Ji unloaded the wooden kettle from his waist and took a sip of water. Zhao Ji took out a small piece of breadstick from his bag, and waited for the militiaman to come while eating.

Zhao Ji guessed that if he hadn't said that he was a warrior of the Saturnalia Church, then he might still be able to enter and leave the village at will, but there might not be any local help. The Saturnalia Church is the only church in Dorallin Village. It is estimated that it has a great influence and can provide him with more help. This point was also the suggestion given to him by the shepherd Wiltz when he asked him about it.

Since Zhao Ji is going to hunt goblins in Dorallin Village, it is better to use the name of Saturn warriors to carry out hunting operations. He can not only get the support of the local church, but also get the help of the local believers who believe in Saturn. Just like Zhao Ji and Weltz Shepherd hunting slime monsters together.

Zhao Ji understood Wiltz's plan at that time. He was using Zhao Ji's actions to expand the influence of the Saturnalia Church. Of course, the help provided by others is also real. He, Zhao Jin, was able to clean up the remaining slime monsters so quickly thanks to the other party's help.

Zhao Ji thinks it's okay to cooperate to benefit both. As long as he pays attention not to join the forces of the Saturnalia Church, after all, relying on the forces of the Saturnalia Church has both advantages and disadvantages. Once Zhao Ji gets too close to the Saturnalia Church, other churches will naturally avoid contact with Zhao Ji.

This is not good, Zhao Ji thought, he can't give up the whole forest for one tree.

The other two businessmen who were in the hall of the village house were secretly looking at the new young man while they were talking.

With a bag on his back, he seemed to be on his way alone. It's really bold, their caravans usually have five or six people driving the car together before they dare to go out for a walk. If they go to the south of the county, it takes at least 20 people to dare to set off. After all, compared with the raging north of the county The beasts, the bandits in the south of the county are the real deadly existence.

While eating, Zhao Ji rubbed his feet against each other, rubbing off the mud on his boots.

After a short while, the captain of the village security team walked in together with the shepherd of the god of agriculture. After entering, the captain of the security team yelled loudly at the second floor of the village house: "Julian! Sartre! Barry! Come down, come down."

Three replies came from the second floor of the village house.

The captain of the village security team is a well-built old man, really an old man. He had lost a lot of hair on his head, but the few remaining hairs were all gray. The beard on the chin is very lush and all white, as if to commemorate the lack of hair on the head, the old man combed his beard to spread out.

Another pastor of the Saturnalia Church in the village is also an old man. She looks much more normal, with her gray hair neatly combed, wearing a standard church robe, and holding a big book in her hands. The divine emblem is emitting a faint white light.

When the two merchants saw the entry of two powerful men from the village, they immediately stood up and saluted them. Seeing this, Zhao Ji also stood up and saluted.

"So young? With slender arms and legs." Muttering, the old man who was the chief of security seemed not very satisfied.

After patting the old man, the god of agriculture and shepherd said: "It's good to be young. Only young people can make achievements. Unlike us, we can't do anything."

Nodding in response to the two businessmen, the two came to Zhao Ji. The old chief of security first said to the shepherd of the god of agriculture next to him: "Don't say that, Nia. Even if we are old, we can take up our responsibilities. Whoever says that we can't do anything when we are old. I can still train my hand now." As for the boys below, all three of them can be knocked down by me."

The shepherd of the god of agriculture nodded at Zhao Ji, and then said: "The young people let you go! Hello, young man, Hanni, who was guarding the gate just now, said that you are a church warrior from Kendall City? Are you here?" Help us drive out the goblin colony?"

It is estimated that Hanni is the gatekeeper militiaman who followed Zhao Ji. Zhao Ji said to the old female Saturn shepherd in front of him: "Yes, ma'am. This is my document certificate. The document is issued by the Saturn Church. It was drafted by the pastor of Weltz, and has the glowing seal of the pastor of the Saturnalia Church in Kendall City. I did come to hunt the goblin settlement, but I have to make one thing clear. I am not here to help, I Although the hunting operation was endorsed by the church, the main body was still done by myself, and I had to collect hunting rewards."

The old captain of the security team next to him snorted: "Mercenary!"

"No, no, no, I'm not a mercenary. I call myself an adventurer. You can even call me a paid hunter. Of course, anyone in the village who has trouble can come to me to solve it. Your reward will do."

After receiving the document handed over by Zhao Ji, the old shepherd looked at the words on the document by light: "Ah, it's the handwriting of Weltz Jr. Joe Keel, expel the slime monster from the swamp in the south of the city, Saturn warrior , ceremony. There is also the seal of the priest, God of Saturn, it is indeed the seal of the priest's divine power."

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Pastor Nia-Kara, just call me Pastor Nia. I'm a missionary of the Church of the Saturnalia in Dolarin Village. Of course, I'm a native of Dolarin Village. You can come to me and inquire about everything about this place." Nia Mu drew a symbol of the God of Saturn in the air with her finger and introduced herself.

Zhao Ji took off his hat and bowed back, and introduced himself: "Joe Keel. You two can call me Keel. I am an adventurer. I am good at one-handed swords, sword shields and long spears, and I am good at dealing with monsters."

The old captain of the security team also coughed and introduced himself: "Voldomo Patnilla, everyone calls me Old Dome now, and you can call me that too. I am the captain of the security team of Dolarin Village , I have been in charge of law and order here for thirty years! You can come to me if you have any questions about those little green-skinned things. I am usually in the security station on the square during the day and night.”

"Thank you, both of you, please sit down. I just want to inquire about the goblins in the village."

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