Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 67, The Wild Boar,

Zhao Ji carefully pushed aside the bushes blocking the way, and suddenly, a little wild boar rushed out in front of him.

Zhao Ji quickly dodged the rush of this reckless animal. The little wild boar didn't hit anything, and rushed into the grass on one side.

Just when Zhao Ji was about to slaughter the little wild boar with a smile, a bigger boar grunted from the direction just now.

Zhao Ji quickly gave up his plan to kill the little pig, and prepared to deal with the big wild boar that was about to appear.

Soon, a strong wild boar ran out from the bush following the scent of the young boar, and when it saw Zhao Ji, a human being, it let out a menacing grunt. This big wild boar seemed to be as big as a calf, and it weighed up to four hundred catties by visual inspection. With such a weight, Zhao Ji had no idea of ​​the impact of running.

The big wild boar raised its head in a demonstrative manner, showed its tusks to Zhao Ji, and then paved the ground with its front hooves.

Zhao Ji quickly backed away until he reached the hiding place of the five members of Taka's family: "There is a very big wild boar, which looks like a family of wild boars, let's back up, there is no need to provoke them, just avoid them .”

Hearing that it was a wild boar, a young man from Taka's family who was about the same age as Zhao Ji poked his head out to see what it looked like, but his father grabbed him and slapped him on the head.

Zhao Ji and the others quickly ran towards the grass beside them, avoiding the group of wild boars.

"Do you still have wild boars here? Don't goblins go to catch them?" Zhao Ji asked while guiding the members of Taka's family.

The oldest uncle in Taka's family answered Zhao Ji's question: "There are wild boars, but these wild boars are not native to the local area. The wild boars in the county are all pigs brought from afar and run away. and reproduced by itself."

Then he scratched his head again: "Will the goblins catch them? It's not clear, but when the fields in the village are harvesting, occasionally wild boars come from the wilderness to spoil the grain that is about to be harvested. The fields in the village The outer fence will be smashed by them. You can only throw stones and long wooden sticks to drive them away. The most important thing is not to see blood. Once they see blood, they will go crazy. People's legs have been broken by them."

"It's so fierce, it seems that the goblins may not have a good way to deal with them. I understand." Zhao Ji nodded, and the scale of the goblin settlement can be judged indirectly from the reproduction level of wild boars in the wilderness , Goblins should not be as many as he imagined before.

After Zhao Ji and the others bypassed the group of wild boars, they carefully walked all the way to the water hole where the goblins used to fetch water to rest. The headless corpse of a goblin that they encountered occasionally along the way allowed the five members of Taka's family to see the ferocity of this young foreign warrior except for his immature face.

There are especially many dead goblins in the water cave. I don’t know if it’s because of the dead bodies or the smell of blood. The headless dead goblins here have been patronized by other carnivores in the wilderness. The goblin's body was gouged open by the wild beasts. For the wild beasts, the nutrient-rich internal organs were eaten first. The other limbs were not known to be full of food. The wild beasts simply bit them. Didn't eat a few bites and stopped eating.

When Zhao Ji and his party came over, they didn't meet the beast eating the corpse of the dead goblin, but Zhao Ji found from the fresh footprints of the beast around the water hole that there might be more than one beast, and they were very vigilant. Flee to hide in the bushes and hills before.

Seeing that the people of Taka's family were a little afraid of the scene of the goblin being disemboweled, Zhao Ji comforted them, explaining that these were all good deeds done by the weak scavengers in the wilderness.

After appeasing them, the people of Taka's family quickly picked up the scarecrow that was abandoned beside the water hole. Zhao Ji found that the Scarecrow's clothes woven from straw had scratches from the claws of many wild beasts.

It looked as if the beast had used the scarecrow as something to sharpen its claws.

Zhao Ji smiled, and it was so cute. It would be very interesting if he used the nature of this beast to make a beast claw trap.

I don't know if it was because the beast hiding in the bushes saw that Zhao Ji and his group of humans were about to snatch its toys, so it let out a roar.

After Zhao Ji heard the roar of the beast, he ignored the provocation of the beast, but urged the people of Taka's family to quickly carry the scarecrow out of here. Rather than a fun toy, a beast living in the wilderness must understand that the dead goblin corpse is what it or they can really survive.

Sure enough, as Zhao Ji expected, the group of them was not attacked by wild beasts afterwards. Of course, Zhao Ji was actually ready to fight. It's just that it's better to do less unnecessary battles. After all, fighting is risky and there are not enough benefits. This allows Zhao Ji to avoid unnecessary and meaningless battles.

Carrying the scarecrow around two hills in one breath, the Taka family finally lost their strength. Zhao Ji had no choice but to allow everyone to rest here first. At the same time, Zhao Ji also reminded the Taka family that there is no need to carry the entire scarecrow up and run, as long as five people carry the upper body of the scarecrow. Just let it hang on the ground, which can save a lot of effort.

Everyone patted their heads and chests annoyed that they didn't think of this method, or the roar of the beast just now made them a little too nervous.

Zhao Ji handed the wooden kettle in his backpack to the members of Taka's family, asking them to drink some water to restore their physical strength faster. The five quickly drank the water in Zhao Ji's water bottle, and then returned the water bottle to Kiel.

Zhao Ji took the kettle and climbed to a relatively high rock nearby to observe the surroundings. He located the village by the high hills and sun that could be seen here also, and the mountains to the south.

Climbing down the rock, Zhao Ji said to the five members of Taka's family: "Let's not go back the same way. Maybe we will meet the group of wild boars just now when we go back the same way. Now everyone carrying the scarecrow may not be able to avoid them. Attack. Let's go straight back to the village and go in this direction."

"You have experience. Wherever you go, we will go in the direction you said. Everyone will listen to you." The oldest tree in Taka's family answered Zhao Ji on behalf of the rest of the family.

After regaining their physical strength, the Taka family set off with only the upper body of the scarecrow lifted. Zhao Ji led everyone to take a different road from the previous one, walking from here to the village. If there is no accident, you should soon be able to see the tall windmill that will not be blocked by the hills.

Sure enough, after a while, they saw the windmill that could not be hidden by the hills in the distance. Seeing the tall windmill in the southeast of the village, the members of Taka's family finally breathed a sigh of relief, and were no longer as nervous as before.

Seeing that the speed had slowed down, Zhao Ji encouraged everyone to move the scarecrow directly under the windmill first.

It is estimated that there will be no danger around, after all, it is very close to the village. Zhao Ji put away his long sword and shield, and went up to help the Taka family lift the scarecrow himself.

As soon as Zhao Ji got started, the members of Taka's family felt more relaxed.

"Warrior Kiel, you don't need to use so much force. There are so many people carrying it, and there is no shortage of strength from one person. It is really unnecessary."

Zhao Ji was a little puzzled, he didn't exert any strength: "Oh, yes, yes." After saying that, Zhao Ji lowered the strength on his arm.

"It's fine now. Everyone exerts the same strength. This is only fair, and the distance is the only way to lift things."

"Oh, you're right." Zhao Ji thought it might be because of the influence of the Saturn Church's ritual during the Harvest Festival, which made his strength a lot stronger. Thinking about it this way, thousands of people in the square at that time should have received the same increase in strength. This ceremony is really amazing.

At that time, many people were farmers who believed in the God of Saturn. It is estimated that this will improve the labor efficiency of many people around Kendall City.

Hey, so to speak, the farmers in Dorallin Village are not at a disadvantage. They are all believers in the God of Saturn. As a result, the farmers in Kendall City can have magical enhancements, and they still have them every year. They are gone here.

The small village is really at a disadvantage. Here, the Saturnalia Church has only one pastor of Nia presiding over it, while there are dozens of pastors, trainee pastors, pastors and others in Kendall City.

With Zhao Ji's joining, the group of them quickly bypassed the hills blocking the way and came to the bottom of the huge wooden windmill.

Here, a wooden sentry tower is also erected, the difference is that this sentry tower is no longer a simple sentry tower. Instead, stones are used as the foundation, and the wooden sentry tower is normally in the shape of a tower. There is also a wooden roof that blocks rain, wind and snow at the place where the watchtower is observed.

As soon as Zhao Ji and the others circled out of the hills, the sentry tower in the distance spotted them. Seeing that they were people from the village, two sentries came out of the sentry tower and ran over.

"It's from the Taka family. This is the scarecrow that your family lost yesterday, right? Is it really a matter of money or life?" An old sentinel with a gray beard and a thin face flew into a rage when he met the Taka family. loose the temper.

Zhao Ji heard the concern in the question, and was not angry about it. He stood up and said, "It doesn't matter, I will protect them all the way. And this matter is agreed by the elders of the village. , I can just take advantage of the gap between the group of goblins being killed by me, and I can just get back the scarecrow that was robbed. If you wait for a long time, it will be difficult to get it."

The old sentinel looked at Zhao Ji: "You are the warrior who killed many goblins alone. I know you. But you have the ability and are prepared, but the people in our village may not be able to deal with it." The monsters and beasts in the wilderness and forest. It is best not to do this kind of thing in the future. Our village has been like this for so many years, and it can grow stronger and stronger, so don’t think about changing it if there is nothing wrong.”

Finally, the old sentry and another sentry returned to the sentry tower and pushed a cart from the mill in the windmill to the Taka family, and then said to Zhao Ji: "You have the ability, you kill your goblin, We are just farmers in the village, and we don’t need to take risks.” After speaking, he looked at Zhao Ji’s clothes and equipment, and then pointed to his own clothes and the short stick around his waist, and those from Taka’s family. Clothes on the body and empty hands.

Zhao Ji didn't say anything.

What can he say.

Two members of Taka's family supported the scarecrow's arms to keep balance, and three people pushed the cart, and the speed of the group quickly increased. Of course, getting back on the road is also an important reason.

"Warrior Kiel, don't pay attention to what the old beard said just now. His little grandson was snatched away by goblins, and his son plunged into the wilderness to save the snatched child and never came back. He was killed I don’t want to go out of the village because of this kind of thing.” The uncle of the Taka family said comforting words to Kiel, and other Taka family members also agreed with this statement.

"I know, after all, everyone's different choices come from their own experiences."

"Hey, that's true. You're so good. Although Old Beard doesn't like everyone going out of the village, he also personally guarded the outermost sentry tower of the village after that to keep an eye out for monsters approaching the windmill. "

Zhao Ji nodded.

The people of Taka's family pushed the scarecrow to their field with a cart, and then found the deep hole left by the scarecrow after being snatched by goblins. Everyone erected the scarecrow in the hole again, and then used the soil from the field to pile up the scarecrow.

In this way, the scarecrow was finished again, and the people of Taka's family had to go back to the windmill to return the cart, and Zhao Ji would not be stared at by the old sentinel named Old Beard. He went straight back to the village.

Zhao Ji first went to the village house on the square to tell Elder Barry that the work was done. After receiving the other party's praise, Zhao Ji returned to the Iron Palm Hotel. He wanted to take a good rest to relieve the hard work of the past two days. As for going to the public security station to find Old Domo and remind him that the heads of those goblins are temporarily stored there, let's wait until tomorrow.

He had to take a hot bath in the afternoon, and then go to the blacksmith shop in the village to maintain his long sword, clean up the blood stains and small pieces of meat brought in by the blade in the scabbard.

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