Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 70, Near the Rocktop Camp - Goblin team found and attack preparations

Although his goal was achieved when he came out this time, Zhao Ji had to do something to cover up his actions these days.

Well, go find some goblins at the pool you found earlier!

Zhao Ji put some things he didn't need into the tree root camp, and then left this hidden ancient ruins the same way. Standing on the top of the hill, Zhao Ji walked towards the previous stone camp after identifying the direction.

Without talking all the way, Zhao Ji has been looking for a suitable way to walk in the high and low hills. In the afternoon, Zhao Ji finally walked to a water source hidden in the woods near the Shiding camp.

Near the water source are all kinds of traces left by animals, from unintentionally shed hair, to feces left by excretion, to bones eaten after death. Of course, the most common ones are the footprints left by animals when they walked.

Zhao Ji couldn't recognize the footprints of any animals, and could only simply tell whether their owners were big or small through the footprints.

The forest where the water source is hidden is very dense, so the animals have specially stepped out several animal paths in and out of the water source in the woods. Zhao Ji walked into the vicinity of the water source along the animal path he discovered.

Through the occlusion of the branches and leaves of the forest, Zhao Ji vaguely saw many big rat-like things washing their hair by the water. Just when Zhao Ji stopped moving and stopped to observe, many goblins suddenly jumped down from the dense forest in the distance. These goblins held wooden spears with bony tips bound to sturdy wooden sticks.

When they used these wooden guns to fall from the sky, they aimed directly at the big rats who had no sense of crisis.

The big mice were pierced by a wave of surprise attacks by the goblins, and then the goblins unloaded the sticks from the vines around their waists, and knocked them unconscious with the sticks in their hands. big rat.

After the goblins attacked twice, the remaining big mice came back to their senses and took advantage of their small size to get into the dense forest and run away.

Although Zhao Ji was taken aback by what happened not far away, he quickly came back to his senses. He lowered his body and put away the white rabbit fur hat on his head again. The sound when the long sword was pulled out might disturb the goblins not far away, so Zhao Ji just held the shield and dagger in his hand, quietly Observing the situation of the goblins.

When the goblins saw that the rest of the big rats had all run away, they started chattering and yelling. They tied the caught live rats and dead rats together with their tails, and then showed off their harvest to other goblins.

Zhao Ji saw that there were about six goblins by the water source not far ahead, but they were different from the ones he had eliminated before. These goblins are not only physically strong, but the weapons in their hands are all long spears with wooden sticks and bone spears. Of course, the long spears of the goblins seem to Zhao Ji to be short spears.

After playing around for a while, the goblins tied the big rats they had caught to the head of their guns, and went out one by one from the opposite animal path with their spears.

Zhao Ji carefully moved forward and used the dense forest to hide his body and chased after the goblins for a while, and he followed behind them with the help of the noisy sounds made by the goblins all the time.

Soon the goblins were out from the other side of the wood. But Zhao Ji didn't go out with him. He collected some young and tender branches, and weaved together a simple concealed hat with the few leaves in late autumn, and put it on his head to cover his light golden hair.

Zhao Ji carefully hid in the woods and observed a large group of goblins in the wilderness outside.

It was really a large group. It seemed that there were at least thirty or forty animals. Zhao Ji knew that this number was not something he could easily clean up by himself.

Of course, it might work if you think about it.

Each of these goblins carried different things, but they still mainly used various simple weapons they made themselves. Zhao Ji also saw that some goblins were dragging some transport vehicles sliding on the ground with their bodies.

It looked like a sled from a distance, but dragging this kind of thing in the wilderness full of bushes and grass, it must be the result of Goblin's helplessness.

Three tall goblins gathered in the group of goblins. Through the leather straps tied to their hands, Zhao Ji recognized at a glance that they were the little goblin leader he had fought against before. Well, the three little goblin leaders seem to be very difficult to deal with, and Zhao Ji wants to retreat a little bit.

This large group of goblins gathered not far from the woods, because of the terrain, Zhao Ji could not see clearly. After he climbed up to a relatively tall tree in the forest to observe, he found that it was the goblins who were eating the newly caught big mice.

First, the three little goblin chieftains chose the big mouse they liked, and all three of them chose the big mouse that was still alive. The three of them broke the big mouse's neck, then directly used their nails to tear open the big mouse's abdomen, dug out the big mouse's internal organs, and swallowed the blood several times.

It seemed that they were satisfied with this, and the remaining big rat carcasses were directly rewarded to their respective dog-legged followers.

The second wave of prey selection was the hunting goblins. They directly selected the dead big rats, and also ate the guts of the big rats under the envious eyes of other goblins. As for the remaining corpses, the remaining goblins robbed them.

The goblins scrambled for the remaining carcasses of the big rats. They didn't even spare the skins of the rats that were stained with meat, stuffing them all into their stomachs.

After eating, the goblins gathered together, formed a circle, and took a rest.

Seeing them resting, Zhao Ji originally wanted to make a surprise attack, but there was no larger shelter around the place where the goblins were resting, and the goblins were all gathered together. Once he killed a goblin, he would be killed. found that he would be hunted down by a large group of goblins.

It feels a bit overwhelming.

Zhao Ji felt that the current situation prevented him from trying to attack the goblins, so he judged that the group of goblins would not move immediately, and retreated into the woods.

He didn't dare to think about countermeasures at the water source, for fear of encountering goblins who wanted to drink water and came in to drink water together. He had no choice but to find an open space where he could sit and think at the other end of the forest, not close to the water source and the animal path.

Want to kill this horde of goblins? Thought.

Can we just go up and kill those goblins? You can't rush directly, you can't beat it.

Is there a way to disperse them? some.

Deliberately revealing their whereabouts to attract some fighting goblins to chase after them, and then disperse and destroy them? It also seems to be only between feasible and not feasible.

Zhao Ji crossed his legs and thought about countermeasures. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and found that it was already evening, and dusk was coming soon. And after a short twilight, it was night.

Zhao Ji calculated the phases of the moon tonight, and found that the moon was falling out tonight. The moon comes out backwards, that is, the three moons are not arranged in order from the three moon gods that people arranged for them, from the largest to the smallest. It's the other way around, first the third moon, then a few hours later the second moon, and in the middle of the night the third moon.

And last night was a half moon, which means that the moons tonight are also half moons. This will inevitably lead to insufficient moonlight illumination at night, especially when it is just dark, when the sky should be the darkest tonight.

Zhao Ji calculated that this should be his great advantage. He just didn't know how the goblins' eyesight was at night. He didn't ask about it when he was in the village, because he didn't think about fighting the goblins at night.

However, Zhao Ji has rich experience in night combat, which is a major advantage.

Suddenly, Zhao Ji remembered the time when the goblin stole the scarecrow. Zhao Ji met the small group of goblins that were harassing the village in the afternoon a few days ago, and he hadn't heard any information about goblins appearing nearby when he went out in the morning. From this point of view, it should be after Zhao Ji went out in the morning that the goblin harassing team forcibly stole the scarecrow from the field.

Why don't they sneak into the field at night to steal the scarecrow? After all, at night, the wooden sentries outside the village were not guarded by sentries. The sentries returned to the village at night, and they only went out of the village during the day to guard.

The reason why the goblins didn't steal the scarecrow at night, Zhao Ji thought, was obvious, not because they didn't want to, but because they couldn't.

Goblins are not capable of large-scale actions at night. They don't know how to make a fire, and they don't know how to arrange sentries to keep watch. Zhao Ji can be sure of this. After all, the goblins ate the big rats they caught raw just now, and they still gathered together now, and they all went to rest.

Zhao Ji squinted his eyes, and after thinking about the battle ahead, he ate dinner early. Although he wasn't hungry yet, if he didn't eat now, he wouldn't have the strength to fight at night.

The chicken that has been left for a day and a half is a bit soft, but the taste has not changed and it can still be eaten. The chef of the tavern had guaranteed that these grilled chickens would not go bad for three days, especially now that winter is about to enter, it can be kept longer. As long as Zhao Ji remembers to cover the wooden box where the chicken is stored every time after eating.

Of course, Zhao Ji will carefully check whether the wooden box is tightly sealed after each meal. After all, it is related to his meals and adventures. A large jug of beer is enough for a day. Zhao Ji drank all the remaining beer for the day in a few sips, and then put the empty jug into his backpack.

If the battle tonight went well and achieved good results, he should naturally return to the village tomorrow. At that time, you can eat some food in the middle of the night to restore your strength.

But if the battle tonight does not go well, then he will not eat at night, and the rest will be eaten slowly tomorrow.

But no matter what, regardless of whether the battle went smoothly tonight, Zhao Ji had to kill at least one or two goblins in order to give an explanation to the people in the village. Not to mention cutting off the goblin's head as evidence, but also taking the time to cut off a few goblin's ugly ears as proof of the battle.

After eating, Zhao Ji rested for a while leaning on his backpack. He didn't fall asleep, but simply squinted to relieve the fatigue accumulated during the construction of the tree root camp. Now it is different from before, since he came to this world, he does not lack of exercise like in his previous life. He either hunts or trains himself every day, and his body is full of energy.

The construction during the day did not make him too tired. On the contrary, Zhao Ji now is in a state of being ready because of the upcoming battle.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Ji relieved the abnormal fighting excitement in his body. There was still some time before the battle between him and the goblins, so he couldn't spend all his strength in the natural tension before the battle.

Take it easy when you are resting, and do your best when you are fighting.

Zhao Ji checked his weapon as gently as possible without making a metal collision sound.

The gun is in order. This is the main weapon against goblins holding bone spears. At that time, with the advantage of being longer than the simple spears of goblins, Zhao Ji can take advantage of the process of using spears against spears. Stab them first with the goblins.

The long sword hunted properly. This will be his main weapon. Most goblins will use this weapon to fight. The heavy weight of the long sword makes the goblins unable to withstand even a single blow. As long as they hit their vital parts, they can guarantee Kill the skinny goblins.

The shield is in place. Although his shield is a leather-wrapped wooden shield, it is no problem against the goblin's bone spear and wooden club, but Zhao Ji still has doubts about whether it can withstand the goblin leader's sling attack. Zhao Ji reckoned it could, but the shield might be greatly damaged when it resisted the rapid impact of the pebbles.

Zhao Ji stroked the leather on the shield. As long as these goblins can be dealt with today, the meaning of this shield will be achieved.

Zhao Ji stood up and held up the shield to try it out. The shield was able to roughly defend his head and most of his upper body. Therefore, when Zhao Ji heard the whining sound of the little goblin leader using the sling, he had to squat down immediately, and then point the shield in the direction of the sound.

After trying to practice this movement a few times, Zhao Ji became familiar with the movement of squatting down immediately and then defending with a shield.

Then came the dagger, this Zhao Ji just took it off his right belt and tied it on the outside of his right thigh so that he could pull it out and surprise the enemy in front of him during the battle.

As for the last weapon, Zhao Ji looked at the sling taken out from his backpack, and gently turned it a few times in his hand. Zhao Ji shook his head and said that he would not be able to play this game without practice. Besides, he has no ammunition to throw.

I don't know where the goblin's pebbles came from. Now it is too late to go around the Stonetop camp to find suitable stone bombs. Zhao Ji had no choice but to simply wrap it around his waist as a possible tool for binding goblins.

Just as Zhao Ji checked his weapons, dusk fell.

And after the short dusk in the wild wasteland, it will be the dark night that Zhao Ji has been waiting for for a long time. He was going to inflict heavy casualties on the goblin hordes before the first moon rose.

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