Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 73, The Battle of the Unknown Hills in the Wasteland - The Victory Has Been Divided

A wild wolf hit by a goblin's sling resisted the pain and twitching muscles, and tried its best to keep up with the wolves who were already running at full speed. Soon, the eight Steppenwolves slapped on the rocks of the goblin team like a gray wave rising from the ground.

At the last moment when the wolf rushed towards the goblin's spear array, it jumped up and slammed into the four bone spears poking at it. The high speed brought by the running combined with the larger size of the wolf head overwhelmed several spear goblins who stabbed it, but the goblin coolie behind the spear goblin fought hard with his left arm. Watching the goblins in front to prevent them all from being knocked down, at the same time, he swung the wooden stick in his right hand and slammed the wolf's bloody fur that had been stabbed.

The other wild wolves followed the direction of the head wolf and rushed up from here one after another. They stepped on the fallen head wolf and pounced directly from the air to the center of the goblin team. Compared with wild wolves, goblins have no advantage in terms of size or weight. Wild wolves break through from the center of the team one after another. Every time a goblin is knocked down, they don't care, and then continue to swing their bows left and right With two claws, they scratched the gathered goblins with all their strength.

The little goblin leader roared angrily and put a pebble into the sling, then tied a knot on the stone, then slammed the sling fiercely, swinging the sling like a meteor hammer. to the head of a wild wolf in front of it.

There was a muffled bang, and the stone-wrapped sling accurately hit the wolf's head, but all this didn't stand out in this chaotic battlefield.

The screams of the goblins in horror, the wailing of the wolves after being injured, the hiss of blood bubbles from the throat of the goblin whose neck was bitten, the wolf whose mouth was stuck vertically by the goblin's stick Embarrassed and angry growls.

It's all mixed together and heightened as the fight goes on.

Zhao Ji hid not far away, opened his eyes wide, and tried his best to observe this little battle of flesh and blood. He didn't know how to judge what he saw, so he could only hold the spear he had just returned to the top of the hill and observe silently.


The alpha wolf roared and got up from the ground, swiping its wolf paws and knocking off the bony spear pierced into the fur of its body. Panting heavily, it squeezed away the goblin coolies who were blocking it, and gathered its strength to pounce on the spot, and went straight to kill the little goblin leader who had knocked down two wild wolves with his sling.

The little goblin leader just waved his sling again and knocked down a wild wolf that was approaching him from behind. Just as he was about to command the other goblins to go up and deal with the wolf, the leader of the pack of wild wolves launched a attack from behind. attack.

The little goblin leader was keenly aware of this pounce, and he turned his waist violently, pushing away the pounced wolf. But when the wolf headed forward, it expected that the attack might not be effective. The moment it was pushed away, it repeated the same trick and slammed into the little goblin leader.

Hit by an alpha wolf weighing at least seventy kilograms, the little goblin leader rolled with the alpha wolf. The wild wolves who had been knocked down just now wanted to jump over to help their leader. While wrestling with the little goblin leader on the ground, the head wolf let out a warning roar from his throat, preventing the other wild wolves from intervening.

The wild wolf had no choice but to turn around and pounce on the other goblins.

At this time, during the battle, many goblins were injured and retreated to the distance due to the impact and attack of the wild wolves. They gathered in twos and threes and cursed the despicableness of the wolves. How despicable the wolves are, they don't know, but scolding is enough. The wounded goblins are not because they are unwilling to escape, but because the battle between their leader and the leader of the wolf pack has not yet been decided, and they are still expecting the good news of a reversal.

As for the pack of wolves, led by the remaining heir of the head wolf, they arched their injured or stunned companions, licked each other's wounds, and accumulated the physical strength that recovered with breathing,

Prepare for the next attack on scattered goblins.


The head wolf fights with the little goblin leader. The little goblin leader wanted to use the leather rope of the sling in his hand to strangle the wolf's neck and strangle this damn difficult wolf to death. But the alpha wolf had just seen one of its heirs die in this way not long ago, so he always avoided the other party and wanted to put a leather rope around its neck.

Seeing that his tricks were seen through by this four-legged beast, the little goblin leader kept cursing. It no longer tried to strangle the opponent, but opened its mouth full of fangs, biting towards the wolf's fur.

The head wolf bitten by the goblin was full of anger. Its bite was dodged many times by the goblin, but once the goblin bit, it didn't even dodge, and one of its front paws was bitten squarely by the goblin's big mouth. The alpha wolf swung its other front paw, and directly sliced ​​open the goblin's lean back, exposing the bloody spine and back bones.

The little goblin leader couldn't bite anymore. It opened its mouth and howled in pain. It was about to push away the wolf and escape, but the wolf's mouth was bigger than it, and it was full of sharp teeth. Bite towards it swiftly.

The little goblin leader fought desperately in a desperate situation. It directly hit the wolf's mouth with its right arm. Although the green arm was deeply cut by the wolf's teeth, its blow also severely hit the wolf. deep in the wolf's throat.

The alpha wolf didn't expect the goblin to respond to what it thought was a deadly bite like this, and a pain from the inside out deep in its mouth made its limbs go limp. But the alpha wolf quickly recovered. It pressed the goblin's head with its right front paw, wrestling with the opponent's other arm and head. shut his mouth.

The alpha wolf with its mouth closed shook its head from side to side, and soon, with just a few swings of its head from side to side, the goblin's right arm was completely torn off.

Opening his mouth and spitting out the severed arm on the goblin's face, the alpha wolf raised his head and let out a short howl.

After hearing the howling, the remaining wolves got the leader's order and once again gathered together to pounce on the heartless goblins.

Just when the wolf head lowered its head and was about to bite off the other arm of the goblin below in the same way, a shadow flew over from the deep night not far away.

Following the long shadow came a human shout: "Hit!"

This shadow pierced the wolf's body along an arc, completely penetrating its entire body.

The wolves and goblins in the distance didn't see this scene, they fought together again, and there was no time to turn their heads to watch the battle here. Because both of them thought that this battle would end with the leader of the Steppenwolves winning.

But none of them thought that there was another side present in this battle to determine the ruling power of the wilderness.


After Zhao Ji saw that the thrown spear pierced through the leader of the wolf pack who was about to win, he directly stepped forward with his shield and sword drawn.

As he was advancing, he saw that the leader of the wolf pack who had been pierced by a shot did not fall to the ground, but tried to twist the wolf's head to bite off the barrel of the spear, but after trying and found that he couldn't do it, he turned his head and stared at him with murderous eyes. Staring at him who walked forward quickly.

Human, human.

It has killed many human beings in its life, from the clumsy human infants to the gray-haired old human beings who roared at it, from the young human beings who fled and were thrown down by it and walked on the ground, to bravely charging its human youth.

It stared closely at the human being rushing over, wondering what kind of human it had encountered in its life.

It let out a roar, which was not perfect, and blood choked into its throat, making it very dissatisfied.

It left the suppressed goblin, managed to run, and rushed towards the human.

When Zhao Ji saw the wolf rushing towards him, he also quickened his pace, changing from brisk walking to striding. Then the violent collision of man and wolf reappeared.

Although Zhao Ji is young, his weight has been increasing after half a year of exercising and eating well. At this moment, colliding with the wild wolf head wolf will not be at a disadvantage.

Zhao Ji was knocked aside, and Ye Lang was also knocked to the ground. Zhao Ji blinked his eyes to drive away the golden light and white spots flying in front of him, and quickly recovered from the chaos of the collision. He stood up, took two steps and then stopped, then continued to walk towards the wolf.

Just when Zhao Ji walked up to the head wolf, the head wolf also struggled to stand up. Although the place where the spear pierced its body was still bleeding, the wolf's toughness made it stand up again and bite. to each other.

Zhao Ji withstood the opponent's bite with his shield, and immediately stabbed the wolf with the long sword in his right hand. But the wild wolf just waved its claws and slapped away Zhao Ji's long sword.

Zhao Ji licked the blood on his lips, it was because the shield that was knocked back during the collision just now smashed his lips. The blood cheered him up, and Zhao Ji quickened his breathing rhythm, trying to let more air give him more strength.

Zhao Ji spun around the wounded wolf head, making the wounded wild wolf keep moving, and blood kept dripping from the spear.

It seemed that he had been caught out of the trick, and he also seemed to know that he didn't have much blood to shed. The alpha wolf took the initiative to attack again, and it made a small jump first, letting the humans defend in front of them. Then it directly lowered its body and bit the human legs.

Zhao Ji raised his shield to defend against the wolf's attack again, but his left leg felt a pain, and then he was pulled to the ground by the opponent. Zhao Ji tried to retract the bitten left leg, but the wolf's fangs firmly fixed Zhao Ji's leg. Zhao Ji gritted his teeth, and hit the wolf's head fiercely with his long sword. Zhao Ji didn't hit the opponent's skull, but cut the opponent's eyes.

This blow directly smashed one of the wolf's right eyes, but this made the wolf shake its head more fiercely, trying to tear off one of the human's legs.

"Ah!!!!" Zhao Ji let go of the long sword, and let go of the shield with his left hand, letting the shield hang on his arm. With his left hand, he grabbed the wolf's nose fiercely, while with his right hand he grabbed the wolf's jaw, and pulled the wolf's mouth hard with both hands.

I don't know if it was the wolf who was seriously injured and gradually lost his strength, or Zhao Ji used all his strength at the moment when his life was still on the line. Zhao Ji still opened the wolf's mouth that bit his left leg.

After opening the wolf's mouth, Zhao Ji wanted to hold the sword with his right hand, so he struck the wolf at such a close distance, but the dark night and the tense battle made Zhao Ji touch it twice, but he couldn't find the spear that fell just now. sword.

At a critical moment, Zhao Ji remembered that there was still a dagger tied to his right leg. Therefore, his right hand quickly pulled out the dagger from his thigh, and directly stabbed the wolf's only remaining eye.

The long dagger pierced straight into the brain, and the next moment the wolf lost his movement and died.

Zhao Ji pulled out the dagger, wiped the dagger briefly on his clothes, and then lifted his trouser legs to check the injury.

The dark night made Zhao Ji unable to see the injury on his leg, so he had to touch it with his hand. Fortunately, it was only the muscles that were bitten, and it was good that the bones were not bitten off by wild wolves.

Zhao Ji cut off part of the jacket with a dagger, and wrapped it tightly around the wound on his left leg, stopping the bleeding simply.

In the dark, he found the long sword on the ground beside him, Zhao Ji pulled out his long spear vigorously, and slowly walked in front of the little goblin leader. Looking at the goblin who had broken his arm and was bleeding all over the place but was still alive, Zhao Ji stared at the other person's eyes, and the goblin also stared at the human Zhao Ji's eyes.

In the eyes of both sides, there is only fierceness and tenacity, without any hesitation or concession.

Zhao Ji held the sword in both hands, and cut off the goblin's head with a sword just before he wanted to stand up and attack.

Ignoring the head of the goblin that rolled to the ground, Zhao Ji stared wide-eyed at the remaining battlefield between the goblin and the Steppenwolf in the distance. He found that the goblins who had lost command and control were fighting on their own, fighting in twos and threes with the remaining five wounded wolves. But dozens of goblins gathered together are no match for ten wild wolves, let alone a few goblins.

Goblins are often knocked to the ground by a wild wolf when they meet each other, and then the remaining four wild wolves can each throw down a goblin, and a simple biting and scratching can kill the goblin. Goblin who was scared to death.

Zhao Ji judged that the goblin was finished, so he acted quickly. Five wild wolves might not be what he could fight now, but five wolves who were injured and lost their physical strength after repeated battles might be different.

Zhao Ji picked up the knotted sling used on the broken arm of the little goblin leader. He had just seen that this thing could knock the wild wolf unconscious with a single blow. Maybe he could use it in the next battle usefulness.

Then Zhao Ji also picked up the bone spear that was left on the ground where the Goblin team started fighting. He picked up a total of three bone spears, plus his iron spear, four spears flying to attack the wolf, should be able to succeed.

In addition to picking up weapons, Zhao Ji took advantage of the remaining wild wolves to wipe out the goblins before returning, and he briefly treated the wound on his left leg to ensure that he would not affect his battle too much in the next battle action.

After a while, the unique footsteps of wolves gradually came from a distance. Zhao Jineng could hear from these messy and slow footsteps that the wild wolves had lost much strength, which made Zhao Ji heave a sigh of relief.

And under the hills on the horizon in the distance, a faint orange-red moonlight gradually emerges from behind the hills. Zhao Ji turned his head to look at the gradually brightening distance, his eyes adapted to the dark night looked at the place where the moonlight was rising, and felt bright.

Zhao Ji thought to himself, if the moonlight for a while can help him in the battle. After returning to Kendal City, he went to the Pantheon to present rare flowers and sincere respect in late autumn to the third moon god.

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