Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 159, Ice Flood Pass - Simmons Chamber of Commerce Night Talk

When he opened his eyes, he saw through the visor that the two most difficult and deadly bandits had been stabbed many holes in their bodies by him, and they were already dead.

"Hehe, hahahaha." Kiel couldn't help laughing. Facing such a difficult opponent, defeating them is something worth celebrating, especially when he avenged the five people who died in the hotel .

I hope that if their souls exist here, they can see the scene of his revenge.

Kiel threw down the bodies of the two people. He couldn't stay here for long. Once there was no sound of fighting here, he knew without guessing that people who lived nearby would definitely come over to see what happened.

Of course, only those who are not afraid of death will be the first to come to see what is available.

Kiel barely stood up, and when he lost consciousness just now, his body seemed to have regained some strength. He cut off the head of the bandit leader in front of him with a dagger. This is a wanted criminal and a repeat offender. Whether it is handed over to the soldiers of Bingxunguan or Mr. Kendo of the Simmons Chamber of Commerce, he must be able to get a fortune from them. Quite a few bounties.

And this is also the proof of his victory in the battle, otherwise who would know that he solved the bandits who sneaked into the ice flood pass.

Then Keir collected the weapons of the bandits he killed, especially the saber in the hands of the bandit leader named Old Fez. Kiel, who has fought himself, knows how good this weapon is.

At the same time, he also briefly checked the things carried by the bandits, and found a bunch of keys on the body of old Fez. Although he didn't know where the lock was opened, at least for him, it was a thought.

Each bandit has a lot of property, more or less some coins on him. And in the house in this yard, Kiel also found a lot of coins in the house where the leader should live, and in the house where his subordinates lived, he also found a small wooden box hidden. There was the sound of many scattered coins colliding.

Kiel didn't know why this ordinary bandit brought so many coins out.

Never mind, it's all his now.

After packing up, Kiel put all the weapons and coins he got into a large animal skin bag. This bag seemed to be brought by the bandits, and it was supposed to hold the food and water items that went out.

Carrying the bag on his back, Kiel also hung the battle knife around his waist, making it an adjacent partner with his long sword.

Walking out of the yard, he came to the bloody alley. At the exit of the alley, some people peeked furtively here, but when Kiel's figure appeared for a while, they all disappeared again.

Keir quickly ran out of this dark alley. When he was out of the alley, there were still people hiding in the corner trying to hit him on the head with a wooden stick and beat him with a sap.

But Keir ran out quickly, and the opponent's sap only hit the space behind him.

Keir grabbed the bold man's head and face, pressed the other's head and face with his blood-soaked gloves, and pulled the other person as he ran.

The taste and feel of the cold blood made this person stupefied immediately, and he begged for mercy in an unknown dialect from his mouth.

Kiel just punished him a little, and with a flick of his right hand, he threw the whole person off to the ground beside him.

It didn't take long for Kiel to fight the bandits, but due to the cold winter and the screams from the alley, there was no one at the end of this originally very lively street at this time.

There were also fewer lights hanging at the door of the house. Keel wrapped himself tightly and ran away quickly, so that the people here could only shrink back in the room, holding the weapons for self-defense, guessing which way What the hell happened before the alley? And who are the two sides in the battle? What are they fighting for?

Kiel was covered in coagulated blood all over his body, so he didn't dare to go directly to the hotel where he rented. After thinking about it,

He decided to fix it at the Simmons Chamber of Commerce first.

At least the blood stains on his body must be cleaned up.

After he left the bustling street, he didn't take the main road, but chose the dark alleys to advance. Although he is not familiar with the surrounding roads, at least he can tell the difference between east, west, north and south. The Simmons Chamber of Commerce is on the side of the Kendall River in Bingyu Pass, and most of Bingxun Pass as a whole is on the west side of the Kendall River.

He just needs to go east in the level, and finally by the river, he can see the building of the Simmons Chamber of Commerce.

Along the way, Keir took care not to let his figure be spotted by occasional passers-by. He waited until there was basically no one left or right before he crossed the middle of the street, from the shadow at one end of the street to the shadow at the other end of the street. .

After searching for a long time, he finally approached the edge of the Kendall River, relying on the sound of the river flowing to the river.

After thinking about it, Kiel took out a soft cloth to wipe the blade from his body. After taking off the fur cloak, he simply wiped the armor on his body with water.

The river reflected moonlight and starlight, and Kiel carefully wiped the armor's surface with a damp, thick, wrung-out cloth. Soon, even at night, Keel could see that the soft cloth on his hand was stained crimson with blood.

In addition to armor, there are also weapons.

Swords, daggers, and shields. The captured sword was not stained with blood, so there was no need to wipe it.

Kiel simply removed the blood stains and wiped them clean first, and then there are other ways to maintain the weapon, which is not an urgent matter now.

The cloth strips and ropes on the front of the shield were all cut off and fell off. With his gloved right hand, Kiel rubbed it on the front of the shield, and could slightly feel the slight traces left by the chopping on the surface.

Since there was only very slight damage overall, he was surprised by the shield's performance. After all, the shield didn't even know how many slashes the old bandit had withstood with his sword before, but when he checked it now, there were only very faint traces of slashing on the surface. As for his armor made of hard cowhide, most of the main armor on his abdomen was torn open after only one attack. It is estimated that one more blow would cut it in and smash his stomach to pieces.

Kiel stroked the scar on the armor on his abdomen, and felt that the hard cowhide armor was not enough for bandits with better weapons. He had to start thinking of ways to build better armor.

Leather armor can no longer protect him well.

Especially in many of his own battles, Kiel relied on these weapons and equipment superior to his opponents to gain an advantage. If he did not have good enough weapons and equipment, his battle results would not be so good.

Turning the blood-stained wolf fur cloak upside down and stuffing it into the backpack containing the coins, Kiel put the backpack on his back, pressed the weapon at his waist, and looked for the nearby Simmons Chamber of Commerce.


Although he has been here twice, Keir is still not very familiar with the nearby roads, let alone finding places at night.

Fortunately, there is no curfew in Bingxun Pass, because it is located at an important commercial road, so there are caravans coming and going no matter it is day or night. It is probably because I feel that there is no force around here to attack here, so Bingxun Pass will not close the city gate at night. This makes the business travelers who come and go like it very much. Although it is not safe in the wild at night, for those large caravans with sufficient manpower and excellent guards, traveling at night is not a problem at all, and the rotation of personnel can greatly improve The distance traveled by the entire caravan every day.

For caravans that earn money as long as they transport goods, the shorter the time spent on each trip, the more they earn.

After wandering for a while near the banks of the Kendall River, Keel finally found the Simons Chamber of Commerce, which occupies a large area.

bang bang bang!

Fearing that the gatekeepers inside would not hear him, Kiel knocked on the main entrance of the chamber of commerce with his fist.

"Who is it?" Unexpectedly, as soon as Kiel knocked on the door, someone inside responded.

It sounds like the member of the chamber of commerce named Doddell.

"I met you this afternoon, Keel."

A small door with a large face was opened on one side of the gate, and a fire was shining from inside: "Well, if it is the warrior of Kiel, go to a place where you can see you."

Keir walked boldly to the small door, letting the firelight inside illuminate his face.

It was probably because I only met him in the afternoon, so that Doddell still had an impression of him. After confirming that it was really Kiel, this Doddell asked in a low voice why Kiel came to visit late at night.

After all, they had agreed to wait for Mr. Kendo until the next day.

At this time, Doddle asked in a low voice: "Is it related to the battle in a hotel that I heard just now? I went to drink just now, and I heard that there was an accident in the checkpoint, and many people died in a hotel ?”

Keel was noncommittal: "It's related to that, listen! It was done by the robbers in the bag hole, and the hotel where the accident happened is the place where the people I rescued are temporarily staying."

This news obviously surprised Doddle inside the door. He quickly closed the small door, opened the door a crack, and let Keir come in quickly.

As soon as Kiel came in, he discovered that Kiel was wearing a whole body of armor, and the other party was also wearing a helmet before, but because the visor was not put down and the light was insufficient, he didn't notice it.

After Doddle approached Kiel, he smelled a strong smell of blood: "What's the matter with you? What are you doing here?" He regretted letting Kiel in. The other party's armor, belt There are two weapons pinned to the top, and a bag and a shiny metal thing on the back. It doesn't come with good intentions no matter how you look at it.

Kiel closed the door behind him tightly, and said after a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, I have fought those bandits before, don't be stunned, go and wake up everyone who can talk to the chamber of commerce."

Seeing that Kiel didn't intend to draw his sword to violence as soon as he came in, the rough-faced man Doddell relaxed a little, led Kiel to the hall of the chamber of commerce, and then yelled at everyone who was still in the chamber of commerce.

He kept an eye out, and every time he called someone, he asked the other party to hold something for self-defense. Although that Kiel didn't mean to fight or kill, he still had to have a basic sense of defense, and even though Kiel was covered in armor, there were so many of them, and each of them had some weapons, so they could be subdued no matter what. other side.

Compared to Doddell's prudence and worry, Mr. Simmons, who was called up from the rest, was very relieved of Keir. After all, he had spent many days together, and he knew that this quiet young man was actually very reliable. Bringing back the people like them, how much responsibility and fatigue the whole person has undertaken in the mountains and forests.

The hall of the chamber of commerce became more crowded. The men each carried some self-defense weapons, while the women and children hid beside the entrance of the hall, either yawning or comforting the noisy children after being woken up.

"What's the matter, Keir? What happened outside? Doddell told me that something happened to a hotel in the checkpoint at night. I heard from him that the hotel is the hotel where everyone who was rescued stayed temporarily?" Mr. Simmons asked tiredly in a bearskin cloak.

Kiel nodded: "It's an accident. After I left your place in the afternoon, in the evening, I went to the hotel where everyone was staying to participate in the celebratory dinner. I was careless at the time. Bring a long weapon. The result." Speaking of this, Kiel clenched his fist and smashed the thick wooden pillar in the hall, making a loud bang.

At this time, the sleepy little Mr. Simmons noticed the equipment that was armed to the teeth on Kiel, and he didn't know if it was a hallucination. He seemed to smell a strong smell of blood from Kiel.

"So what happened?"

"While we were drinking and eating to celebrate, a group of robbers rushed in from the hotel gate, about ten people, and launched a shameless attack on everyone who was surprised!" Thinking of this, Keir was very angry, he Humming and panting.

Most of the people around know what happened to Mr. Simmons Jr. Now that they heard that the people rescued with him were shamelessly raided by bandits, these people became uneasy, as if they would be jumped out of nowhere at any time The bandits who came out were hacked and killed wantonly.

Although Mr. Simmons was shocked by such an incident not long ago, he paid more attention to other places: "What about everyone's losses? What about the bandits?"

Keir skipped over the battle process at that time. After all, Mr. Simmons Jr. had enough time to ask other people who were still alive: "We lost five brave people here, and the bandits were also killed by everyone." Got two."

Then Keel told Mr. Simmons what happened afterwards. Obviously, Mr. Simmons was very dissatisfied with the soldiers at the checkpoint for being late, and he was even more dissatisfied with the bandits sneaking into the checkpoint and boldly committing such atrocities panicked.

Before, their chamber of commerce was subdued by bandits who suddenly attacked, and after a simple robbing, they kidnapped him and left. At that time, the bandits cautiously did not use weapons, and only subdued them with bare hands.

Today, these bandits have boldly broken into the hotel and killed many people with weapons. Fortunately, because of everyone's desperate resistance, the purpose of those bandits to kill them all was not achieved. Regarding the fact that the bandits wanted to kill all the people, Mr. Simmons Jr. only reacted after hearing the news. The bandits were probably afraid that the people who had escaped from their lair in the cave would tell the militiamen who had paid them their location. Or they are afraid that those people will act as guides and lead the militiamen to their lair.

After finishing speaking, Keir asked Mr. Simmons Jr. and the people in charge of the chamber of commerce to approach him, and whispered to them what happened afterwards.

It's not that Kiel didn't think about hiding the fact that he killed those bandits, but first, he couldn't take out the head of the bandit leader to receive the reward, and second, it's not easy to hide this matter, after all This is a prosperous checkpoint town, not a deserted wilderness, and the dead are not bankrupt people who are ignored, but ferocious bandits who have just committed a bloody murder.

No matter how much other people pay attention to this matter, as the most powerful person and organization in Bingxun Pass, the government affairs office of Bingxun Pass will not make those bandits look good, at least they have to make a show for everyone to rely on them With their hard work and hard work, they finally brought those bandits to justice or drove them away to show that they have the ability to maintain law and order and manage the checkpoint.

Therefore, it is conceivable that when the soldiers at the checkpoint rushed to the alley and found that the bandits had all been killed, the next thing would be difficult to end.

What they will do, whether to reward Kiir as a valiant fighter or arrest him as a law and order destabilizer, is hard to say.

Experience tells Zhao Ji that when it is difficult to judge good or bad, someone must stand behind him, otherwise the good will most likely become bad, and the bad will definitely become worse.

Although the Simmons Chamber of Commerce is not the kind of chamber of commerce that can talk to the upper-level rulers in Kendall County like the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce, there are many foreign chambers of commerce and the merchants have a lot of influence. The Simmons Chamber of Commerce said Might be able to give him some support.

Take out the bloody head of the bandit leader from the animal skin bag on the back. As soon as this thing was taken out, Mr. Simmons, who had been persuaded and threatened by the leaders of the bandits in Pocket Hole, immediately recognized who the head belonged to.

"'Lame catcher' old Fez? How is it possible? Who? No, you killed this guy?" Little Mr. Simmons looked at the head on the table and the armed Keir in surprise.

Kiel removed the old Fez's weapon from his belt and put it on the table: "That's right, I killed him. That's how it happened." Kiel then treated the injured people briefly. , Seeing that the hotel was protected by soldiers, he returned to the place he rented, took out his full set of weapons and equipment, searched all the way from the hotel, and finally found the other party's robber in an alley on the west side of the street with all kinds of shops. Stronghold residence.

Regarding the process of the battle, Kiel briefly mentioned that he used the armor on his body to make sure that the bandits had no good weapons, and he wiped them all out. It was not until he fought the bandit leader that it was more difficult to win.

Although this kind of thing seems exaggerated to the people of the Simmons Chamber of Commerce, after all, the head of the leader of the other party is placed on the table now, and it is not a lie anyway, which makes them re-judgment that the president of the Chamber of Commerce invited him. How good is the young warrior?

After that, Mr. Simmons Jr. took the head of the bandit leader and said that he would deal with what happened next with Keir, but it would be best to wait for his uncle, President Kendo Simmons, to come back and discuss the best.

Keir approved this, and he was arranged into a guest room by Mr. Simmons Jr., so that he could rest temporarily. After the day, Mr. Kendo came back, and everyone discussed the next thing.

Keir also told Mr. Simmons Jr. about his concerns about the Ice Flood Pass Government Office. Regarding this, Mr. Simmons Jr. sneered and cursed those Ice Floods who only knew how to collect taxes and domineering Shut down the powerful people at the top.

It seems that there are quite a lot of soldiers belonging to Bingxun Pass, but in fact, most of them are a bunch of waste who rely on relatives and nepotism to enter, which is too far from the guards of Kendall City.

Keir thought about it for a while, and indeed, regardless of the weapons and equipment of the two, personal combat skills, the seriousness of the city gate inspection, or the mental state of doing things, although the guards in Kendall City seem to have fewer people, they are obviously stronger than Bing. The soldiers of Xunguan.

On this point, other people in the Simmons Chamber of Commerce also agreed. They all complained about the soldiers at the city gate who only knew how to collect taxes and ask for money. However, when various events happened in the city, those soldiers were always late. This time it was even more outrageous. A group of wanted bandits were able to sneak into the checkpoint and do great things. They were still too late, and in the end they relied on the Kiel warriors to avenge the people themselves.

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