Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 164, Kendall City - Valu's new training and armor development

Keel put the wooden pole on the ground, pursed his lips, and suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration.

As expected, he was considered by all the guards to be the person with the most talent for spears. This keen sense of distance and bold self-confidence were beyond Kiel's imagination.

"Come on. Let's continue?" Varu took a few steps back and asked to distance himself from Kiel.

"Okay! Let's continue!" Kiel renewed his confidence. Although he may not be as talented as the opponent, he believes that his excellent learning ability can bring him rapid progress.

The two hit each other, and there was a crackling sound of the wooden poles clashing against each other.

This time, Keir stopped making large-scale attacks and assaults. He kept his posture and made it difficult for Varu to advance. Keir felt that, before attacking, he had to master the defensive skills of spear use first.

Varu's offense encountered difficulties in Kiel's defense, but he was still happy. For him, if he just fights like this, and it is no different from the usual training, then the money is very easy to earn.

Their family came to Kendall City relatively late, and failed to obtain good land near Kendall City, and the family was unwilling to stay away from the town and live in a farm some distance from the city.

In this way, the father of his family had to go to a faraway family field to work every day, and the mother had to make some small wood and cloth ornaments at home to earn some money.

Among the children in the family, he is the oldest. As the eldest son, he has to shoulder the burden of the family.

Fortunately, when the militiamen were training a few years ago, when they were tied up in the field to remove rocks, they saw the messy training of the militiamen at that time, and he felt that it was nothing more than that, so he taunted the militiamen aloud.

However, he annoyed the adult militiamen who came from various villages for training at that time, and there was a conflict. In the end, he could only be asked to conduct simulated battles with those humiliated militiamen.

Originally wanted to teach his militiamen a lesson, but was beaten up by him, a boy who had just grown up, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which also attracted the attention of the Crowe Knight who presided over the training.

Knight Crowe bet him with a gold coin that if he can win a town guard under him, he can win a gold coin from him. If he loses, he has to kneel down and apologize to the militiamen he defeated, and then Can no longer get near the militia training area.

As a result, on the same day, Knight Crowe had to send someone to the city to fetch another bag of gold coins to pay the wager.

The Varu family, who originally lived in a rented room, moved into a small house on the edge of the wealthy district after a few days. The gold coins they won that day, under the arrangement of their parents, not only bought a house enough for the whole family to live in, but also bought a batch of high-quality fields near the city.

It stands to reason that at that time, their family should be regarded as a small asset with this money, but Varu's father was targeted. The gangsters in the city heard this amazing-sounding news, and fell into the trap of the city's gambling halls in a few clicks.

By the next morning, his father had lost all the money in the family except the house and the newly bought land at the gambling table.

In this way, the Varu family had to work honestly in farming to make a living.

Varu himself joined the guards of Kendall City who had been recruiting him. There was no need to worry about food and drink here, and the work was free, and the monthly salary was also acceptable.


After Keir became familiar with Varu's basic offensive routines, he let Varu defend, while he himself tried to use the newly learned offensive routines on Varu's side.

First, he can get familiar with Varu's more powerful offensive routines, and secondly, he can also see how Varu defends his own tricks.

Kiel rushed the wooden pole forward along the ground. After closing the distance, he slammed the wooden pole upwards. Varu avoided the blow lightly, and then the wooden pole in his hand was lifted by Kiel's wooden pole. After reaching the highest point, he pressed down and directly cut off Kiel's follow-up offensive.

Keir held the wooden pole in the middle, and after approaching Varu, he spun and swung the wooden pole along his body, forcing Varu to retreat.

However, Varu only took two steps back a little, and after slightly opening a suitable attack distance, he immediately stretched out the wooden pole in his hand, aiming directly at the center of Kiel's chest.

Originally, Keir didn't want to resist, but he vaguely felt that Varu's move was a bit strange, so he retreated while stepping back, while stopping and waving the rotating wooden pole around him, to block Varu's move This blow.

Unexpectedly, when Kiel swung the blow lightly, he found that Varu's blow was just a cover, and Varu on the opposite side smiled happily: "Keir! You are scared! Haha."

This sentence made Kiel immediately realize that he had always placed himself at the bottom level of Varu during practice, and subconsciously thought that he could not beat Varu. Sure enough, in the confrontation just now, the opponent just had no A fancy and unusual move made Kiel think that Varu must be hiding a trick and voluntarily gave up his offensive advantage.

Wanting to understand this, Kiel charged forward again, still in the old routine just now. With the swing of his palm and wrist, the wooden pole quickly approached Varu's body.

As long as he doesn't make mistakes in this move, and at the same time advances fast enough, without giving the opponent room to attack, his side will have the upper hand.

And this time, he will never be fooled by Varu again. Unless the opponent really broke this trick, other false and real tricks will no longer be useful.

Unexpectedly, Varu changed his behavior just now, and he did not distance himself from the approaching Kiel, and directly squatted down, with one end of the wooden pole in his hand on the ground, and the other end facing Kiel who was approaching him.

Kiel, who couldn't stop swinging the wooden pole in his hand, couldn't stop, so he hit Varu's wooden pole all of a sudden. As a result, Varu's wooden pole has a very stable stress point because one end is supported on the ground. When it hit the wooden pole in Kiel's hand, it was stable and did not shake. Instead, the wooden pole on Keir's side flew out under the impact.

The thrown wooden pole fell into the donkey pen in the backyard in a circle, causing some curious donkeys to watch the fuss and scream.

Keir had to run over to appease the frightened donkeys. Fortunately, when he came to practice in the morning, sometimes he felt comfortable and would add water to the donkeys' stone troughs for the donkeys to drink.

The donkeys knew Keel, they all knew Keel. So they were quite accepting of Kiel's soothing emotions, and they calmed down quickly.

Upstairs next to the chamber of commerce, some of the fellows of the chamber of commerce who watched the teaching and training of Kiel and Varu all laughed. Recently, they have been hearing all kinds of stories about Kiel. It was Kiel who defeated all opponents. I didn’t expect to be in the backyard today , but lost to the city gate guards one after another.

A chamber of commerce steward who had heard the story of Crow Knight losing a lot of money to a commoner boy in a gambling game a few years ago recognized Varu, a young man who was very talented in spears, and hurriedly shared this story with other people who didn’t know Chamber of Commerce guys.

Only then did everyone understand that it wasn't that Kiel was not good, but that his opponent, the guard Varu, was too good at spears.

After a period of time, Keir and Varu each switched offense and defense. It's been a long time since Varu's side has sparred with him, and this exercise made him overjoyed. Kiel is constantly correcting the various small mistakes he made in the battle during sparring, and at the same time quickly learning Varu's various offensive and defensive routines. As for Varu's fighting thinking And consciousness, that's what Keel has trouble grasping.

After all, he didn't use a spear as his main weapon. With that new shield, his battle center has to be on the sword and shield. After all, the sword and shield's combat advantage is that it is very powerful in dealing with various situations, which is very suitable for people like him who often go out for adventure.

The combat advantage of the spear is that it has the highest attack distance and range, excluding projectile weapons. In the face of all kinds of beasts and monsters, they all have the advantages of first move and safety.

After all, beasts and monsters rarely attack farther than spears. Most of them rely on their bodies and instincts to fight.

Soon, it was noon.

Kiel was tired and out of strength, and so was Varu. Although he had an advantage in all the previous battles, after all, his physical strength was really consumed.

Compared to Varu, who also exhausted his physical strength, Keir rested for a while on the steps of the backyard, and quickly regained his energy.

Seeing that the sun is getting late, Keir and Varu finished this martial arts practice.

Handing the prepared copper coin bag to Varu, Varu shook the bag and went home happily.

Although the sun in the sky is noon, the ground in winter is not warm at all. Hungry, Keel put away the two wooden poles of the armor he practiced, and after a big meal in the restaurant, he returned to his room to sleep for a while.

In the afternoon, he ordered two sets of soft sheepskin armor and inner armor in the tailor shop where he ordered wolf fur cloaks. Compared with hard cowhide armor, iron armor is heavier, and the hard metal surface also poses a great wear hazard to the clothes he wears inside the armor.

If you don't want to wear the armor once, you will be worn out by the armor, and Keel can only buy two sets of this kind of thing.

The owner of the tailor shop was very interested in what Kiel ordered. Last time, Kiel processed and made many sets of wolf fur cloaks with him, which made him famous. Because all his friends saw that the wolf fur cloak he made here was worn by the city gate guards.

The city gate guards are usually seen by anyone who goes out of the city. People who know him know that he can make this kind of practical warm cloak to wear outside the clothes in winter.

It's just that the raw materials for this kind of cloak are not easy to deal with. After all, the wild wolf in winter is a very ferocious existence. No one dared to meet those pack beasts in the wild, let alone hunt them. After all, even the female knight in the city and her team of hunters couldn't kill the large pack of wild wolves raging around Wumi Lake Village.

The next best thing is to focus on domestic livestock.

The size of a domestic dog is too small, and a few pieces can be put together to make a mattress, but a whole piece of leather is needed to make a cloak, which looks more authentic.

Therefore, families with someone who needs to be outside the house all day long have chosen sheepskin as a substitute.

An old sheep can almost just cover the main torso of a person. If it is not close enough, it will have to rely on the exquisite sewing skills of the tailors to fill it up with some other animal skins or fabrics.

Keel and the owner of the tailor's shop were drinking a drink of dried flowers while drawing the shape of the roan inner armor on the blueprint.

Looking at the inner armor graphic on the drawing, Keir suddenly had an idea. He might be able to get a frame-type load-bearing suit specially matched with the iron armor in addition to the inner armor.

Keel was thinking about the possibility of this idea while asking the tailor boss to measure and record the width of the body.

"Then boss, when will this thing come out?" Kiel asked after watching the boss finished measuring the data, recording his height, legs, arms, waist circumference and arm thickness on the inner armor drawing.

After recording all the data in one breath, the tailor boss replied to Kiel's question: "If there are materials, I can find someone to start making them tomorrow, but recently the sheepskins are in short supply, so I have to go to the farm outside the city to collect them." At least until I come back to start trial production."

"Okay, this is the deposit, you take it. Since it won't be so fast, I'll come back to pick it up after a while. Then I'll leave."

"Go slowly, I will definitely finish it as soon as possible."


After leaving the tailor shop, Keir hurried to Ganner's armor workshop.

Ganner has already started to make the visor of the helmet. Compared with the previous visor, which was made of iron, he used steel with better performance to make this visor.

After knocking out the prototype of a visor, Ganner put another piece of metal material into the furnace to heat it, and turned around to talk to Keel.

Kiel told Ganner the method he just thought of. Although Ganner's eyes were bright, he still had a hard time.

After all, he is just a young craftsman who goes in and out of armor making. Although his master is very experienced, he only perfunctorily fulfills the agreement with Baron Kendall, and he has not come here very much recently.

Everything has to be groped by Ganner himself.

Although Ganner thought the method proposed by Keir was good, he didn't know if it would work for a while, and how to do it. He didn't have a sample, and he didn't know what to do when he started.

Hearing Ganner's confusion, Keir directly took out the drawing, took out a charcoal pencil, and drew a rough figure he had considered on it.

First, the soft sheepskin inner armor that was previously ordered, then the parts of the new armor, and then, the load-bearing clothing with a certain sense of frame that he came up with.

The so-called sense of frame means that the parts of the iron armor will be directly connected to this frame, and this frame will be fixed on the sheepskin inner armor through things such as belts that can be tightened.

Such a set of things that are separated from each other but connected together, although it looks troublesome, does avoid some disadvantages of the armor directly touching the body.

In this way, the connection part of the armor can be made rougher, and the possibility of fault tolerance is also relaxed.

Even if Ganner is inexperienced, the simple armor connection structure he created is inconvenient, and it will not cause more obstacles to his body. Moreover, the weight of the armor can also be broken down layer by layer through this thing so that more parts of the body can be in contact.

Ganner looked at the drawings drawn by Keir, discussed with Keir for a long time, thought for a while, and proposed some improvement plans of his own. Keir gave up the seat in front of the drawings and let Ganner sit, and he came to listen to his craftsman friend's improvement plan.

"First of all, I think the inner armor method you mentioned is okay, but the connection between it and the load-bearing garment cannot be connected with a belt." Ganner pointed to the two connection places drawn by Keel on the drawing.

"Why?" Keel asked curiously, he thought it would be fine to use a belt.

"Have you ever thought about it, is it too troublesome to put on the inner armor first, then pass on the load-bearing suit, and then add armor parts to the load-bearing suit?" Ganner said, bending his fingers, bending a finger every time he said one. finger.

Keir smiled. Looking at it this way, it is quite troublesome. Then he had a flash of inspiration: "You mean, can this load-bearing suit and inner armor be connected together? Make it into a suit?"

Ganner nodded, he meant it.

"Secondly, if you do this, the combination of the load-bearing suit and the inner armor can be regarded as half of the armor. Does it need some protection?"

Regarding this question, Keir thought about it for a while, and felt that it was unnecessary, but it was necessary to strengthen the overall strength of the inner armor.

Otherwise, after wearing the whole body of armor, the inner armor would be torn apart as soon as he moved, which would be bad.

After that, Keir and Ganner each thought of some ideas to solve the problem of connecting the armor parts. Since the main weight of each armor part is shared on the inner armor, the protective connection between the various armor parts does not need to consider the load-bearing problem, and they only need to provide closed protection for each other.

Kiel's drawing ability is not bad, he draws what he envisioned, regardless of the armor parts, the main shape of the inner armor with bearing capacity appears on a new drawing.

Looking at the new inner armor, Kier asked Ganna to manufacture some metal parts other than the leather cloth according to this thing. He had to go to the previous tailor shop and let them make it according to his new drawing. Build the inner armor.

Kiel copied out another copy according to this drawing, and wrote in the blank space on the drawing the various points that should be paid attention to in this new inner armor.

After bidding farewell to Ganna, Keel hurried to the tailor shop in the wild grape market in the slum area before it was dark.

"Kiel, what's the matter? Is there anything to modify?" The owner of the tailor shop was looking at the previous drawings, only to see that Kiel was back now.

"Hey, I discussed with my friends just now. The previous soft sheepskin inner armor was overthrown and redone. Look, this is our new pattern." Keel rolled up the original inner armor drawing, Putting it aside, he spread out his newly drawn drawings on the table.

The owner of the tailor shop looked at the changed inner armor, his face was first surprised, then helpless, he pointed at the various metal parts and high-strength hard leather parts on the inner armor and said: "I can't make these things here. You We have to go to those people in the artisan district."

Kiel smiled: "It's okay. I will find the relevant craftsmen to deal with the relevant parts. You only need to complete the part of the soft sheepskin material that is easy to handle and sew."

The tailor shop owner looked at the new blueprint and felt that although the new blueprint was complicated, there were fewer things to deal with on his side, so he nodded and put away the new blueprint.

Seeing that the tailor boss agreed to the new drawing plan, Keir left.

Tomorrow, he planned to go out to see if the thing that repeatedly caused people to disappear on the road west of Kendall City was a human, a ghost, or a monster.

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