Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 169, Giant Mouth, Fighting, and Broken Leg

Irupaki quickly covered her mouth with both hands, but it was too late.

The huge pitch-black mouth that was silently speeding up to bite the grazing goat stopped in the air for a moment, and then retracted immediately.

Just when Steward Irupaki looked at the opposite campfire and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, in Kiel's pothole next to him, Kiel lifted off the camouflaged withered grass covering his head, Rolling and crawling, he quickly crawled out of his pit.

Steward Irupaki was disturbed by the movement near the right. He looked at Kiel's actions in surprise, wondering what this young man was going to do at this time, why did he pick up the ax with a strange color? Why are you jumping towards him?

what's the situation?


Kiel looked confidently at the goats grazing greedily by the campfire opposite him. With such full preparation, he would definitely be able to lure that unknown monster out.

After all, the scene at this time was the same as before. If that monster had even the slightest brain in its head, it should know that there must be prey for it to eat beside the lit wild campfire.

Keel was sure the monster had developed a hunting habit. He had been a hunter himself, after all, and knew that hunters wouldn't change when they had well-functioning hunting habits.

Sure enough, after a while, white mist approached from the surrounding darkness.

This time, after hiding, Kiel concentrated on seeing the emergence of the white mist. As expected, the white mist first appeared from above, then centered on the campfire, and then surrounded from all sides.

At the same time, after the white mist enveloped the vicinity, some small sounds around him disappeared.

Kiel moved the ears in the helmet, but the helmet that did not block the sound did not hear the surrounding sounds. It seems that this white mist is not unusual, and it also has the function of absorbing sound without knowing the principle.

Kiel breathed lightly, trying not to let himself breathe heavily due to excitement, and he also hoped that the manager of Irupaki not far away would also follow his instructions in the afternoon, and no matter what happened now, he would be quiet Just wait, don't make a sound.

Soon, through the sight of the helmet visor, he saw what he wanted to see—three meters above the head of the ignorant goat, a giant black mouth was protruding from above.

Kiel frowned in disgust. No matter how many times he looked at this thing, it made people feel disgusted. A sense of fear and rejection from the body's instinct emerged from the body.

I hope that the manager of Irupaki will also take a good look at this thing at this time. As long as people who see it, it is impossible to think that this thing is not something imaginary, or a real monster that randomly attacked on the road outside their village. A monster that devours pedestrians.

In this way, although he doesn't know how Gloomy Forest Village will deal with this monster in the future, Keel is self-aware. If he knows enough about this huge monster, he might be able to find a way to set a trap to defeat this huge monster. The monster that now only shows a small part of its limbs.

But unfortunately, he didn't know much about this monster. Therefore, to get the truth about the missing road incident, he only needs to get the commission for this part.

Anyway, it was quite easy to earn a sum of money after only walking for a few days.

Just as Kiel watched the giant black mouth gradually open and swallow towards the goat, a word from Irupaki's steward came from the hole next to him: "This is a monster? No, is it a monster?"

Damn it!

Didn't you say it many times, did you say it many times in the afternoon? No! able! hair! out! Voice! sound! ah!

Kiel stared wide-eyed, watching the monster's giant mouth immediately withdraw into the mist.

Keir's mind flashed, and he immediately realized that Irupaki was about to be attacked by monsters!

He took hold of the ax lying beside him,

In an instant, he was caught in a decision, should he protect Irupaki who is bound to be attacked by monsters?

He turned the camouflage helmet, and saw through the white mist that there seemed to be something moving fast above. Oh no, that monster is going to attack!

Keir didn't care much anymore, he directly set off the camouflage covering the pothole, jumped out of the pothole, took two steps in the direction where Irupaki was in charge, and then saw the huge black mouth Opened up straight, and smashed towards the pothole where Irupaki was in charge.

That's too late! Kiel jumped up, and the big ax in his hand slashed from bottom to top, and went straight to the head of Steward Irupaki.

In an instant, when Kiel quickly slashed towards the giant black mouth, his eyes saw the edge of the huge black mouth. He saw that it was consistent with what he thought, that there was indeed a circle of sharp and sharp teeth on the edge of the giant mouth.

However, it is different from the color of the teeth of ordinary animals, including humans. The sharp teeth on the edge of the monster's huge mouth were strange purple-colored teeth.

They are short and thick, but the edges are quite sharp, so that people can tell at a glance that just a little touch will bring bad results.

The extension of thoughts and passing through the brain is only an instant.

In the next instant, the ax collided with the giant mouth that was smashing down.

boom! Puff.

A collision is the sound of the giant mouth hitting the ground, and a puff is the sound produced by Kiel's ax hitting the outside of the giant mouth.

Fortunately, Kiel's shot was decisive enough. Although his blow did not hurt the monster's giant mouth much, at least it made the monster's attack miss, and its sharp teeth only gnawed on Irupaki's mouth. The steward hid in the dirt next to the pothole.

"Ah! Ah! What's going on? What's going on?" Irupaki yelled in panic. He couldn't understand the situation just now, but following the impact and vibration beside him, he turned his head and saw a The thing that stopped his heartbeat bit the ground beside him.

There is less than twenty centimeters between the two.

The sturdy, pitch-black giant mouth, which is more than one meter thick, looks like a huge rock. When you take a closer look, you can find that the surface of the giant mouth is full of ring-shaped tissue bands, and a large wound is gushing out. Brownish translucent interstitial fluid.

That seemed to be the blood of the monster.

Although Kiel didn't use his strength for the ax just now for the sake of speed, he still hurt the monster a little by relying on the sharpness of the axe.

"Hide, don't come out! Hide! Don't come out!" Keel yelled, making the panicked steward Irupaki retreat into the pit. Although I don't know if it will be useful, it would be good if he didn't add to the confusion at this moment. up.

Just as Kiel yelled, a loud and eerie grunt came from the white mist above them. Just listening to the size of the sound, Keir knew that although he couldn't see it, the monster's body must be very small.

The giant mouth quickly retracted into the air, and while retracting it, it spit out some of the cold dirt that had been eaten into the mouth.

Kiel saw the timing, the ax in his hand cooperated with the rapidly advancing legs, and jumped up again, and slammed the ax hard to the edge of the giant mouth in the air.

This ax Kiel used all his strength, because of the emergency, he didn't stop the force, the entire ax surface was deeply cut into the edge of the mouth of the giant mouth, and a large amount of translucent things like tissue fluid or blood came out of the ax The cuts from the chop spurted out, pouring all over Kiel's back.

Keel looked up, and then the burning campfire not far away was shining, and he saw the inside of the giant mouth from under the mouth.

It is full of sharp and short teeth. At first glance, it is not known whether there are three hundred or five hundred such small teeth in the inverted hole-shaped cavity in the mouth of this giant mouth.

Although the teeth inside are not as big as the outermost teeth, there are too many of them. Kiel felt as if he saw a mountain of knives in hell just by looking at it. The short and tiny teeth are like countless upside-down knives. Anyone bitten by this giant mouth, unless he is wearing a full-covered iron armor, will probably be crushed and chewed by these countless sharp teeth immediately. .

Keir's mind was buzzing, and he was stunned for a moment. He didn't come back to his senses until the steward Irupaki shouted his name loudly.

It turned out that at this moment, he had already been caught in the air because of the huge ax hitting the monster's huge mouth, and he was holding the wooden handle of the ax tightly with both hands, causing his whole body to be hung in the air.

The giant mouth is still retracting, so the height is rising.

When Keir came back to his senses, he was already more than three meters above the ground.

No, if this goes on, he will be finished. Gere realized he should hurry back to the ground, he just had to let go.

But the ax in his hand is still hanging on the monster. This ax is his most powerful weapon now, so he must not lose it.

Thinking of this, Keir did not stop doing anything. After inhaling a little to accumulate strength, he pulled his abdomen upwards and let his legs swing forward and upward. Immediately afterwards, both feet passed over the top of the head, and kicked on the surface of the monster's black giant mouth.

Then, he fell down like this, using his feet to pull hard, and pulled his axe to pull the monster's flesh and blood. After breaking through a large piece of tissue, he got away from the monster.

Without a place to hang, Keir fell from the sky.

Fortunately, he spread out all his limbs as soon as possible. Although he couldn't restore his body's balance in such a short period of time after falling down, at least he wouldn't let his torso fall to the ground.

Good luck accompanied Keir. Although his feet were above his head, after he turned half a circle, one foot found the ground first.

It's a pity that his body is too heavy. If it's just his own body, maybe he can use one foot to cushion the impact of the body. But he was wearing warm clothes at this time, and he was covered with a full body armor, and he had at least three metal weapons on his body.

The heavy weight crushed his right foot, and with the sound of folding and breaking, Keir's right leg snapped at the calf, snapping the tibia and the entire calf musculature.

The hard cowhide armor tenaciously maintained its shape after following the deformation of the calf. After Kiel fell to the ground, it slowly returned to its original shape.

Although Kiel's legs and feet are still the same, the right calf inside has been completely broken.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa at at at.htm.

Listening to Kiel's screams, the steward Irupaki was also in a panic. He held his iron sword and leaned out of the hole, but he didn't dare, so he kept saying Kiel repeatedly. The words that he was not allowed to come out just now kept repeating.

But the constant trembling of the iron sword that stood upright and held in his hand still fully showed his panic.

Gritting his teeth to keep himself from shouting, Keir turned over and forced himself to squat up from the ground. The broken leg was useless at all, so I had to bend the knee of my right leg and touch the ground to barely maintain my balance.

Kiel quickly raised his head and looked into the sky.

Fortunately, the monster didn't attack when he broke his leg just now. It seems that the monster was not seriously injured by the ax just now.

Strange grunts came from the invisible white mist in the sky again. The voices were complex and grand, as if they were a choir group humming hymns organized by the church during the Harvest Festival.

It's still the same kind of amateur group composed of believers of all ages humming indiscriminately.

Somehow, that was Keel's first impression.

Although the situation is very urgent at this moment, the grunt that must be the monster is still a bit funny.

Kiel held the handle of the ax tightly in one hand, and pulled out the long sword around his waist with the other, barely using the two weapons as walking sticks to support him and move quickly towards the hole where he hid before.

Regardless of the severe pain from his broken right leg every time he moved, Keel gritted his teeth and moved quickly to his pothole in a few quick moves. His backpack was here, and it contained something that could change the situation in a pinch.

The helmet was raised, and Kiel kept turning his eyes to see when and where the scout monster might attack again.

Needless to say, compared to Irupaki who was in charge in the pothole, he, the human being who caused harm, was more dangerous, and he would definitely attack him first.

The long sword stuck into the ground and stood there, and the free hand reached into the backpack in the hole to search carefully.

A bag of liquid, no, this is the clear water he brought.

A small wooden box, I took it out and saw, no, it was the wooden box where he stored frozen meat.

A tightly sealed small bag, no, this is a bag containing the pure elemental crystal fragments that were traded to Knight Crowe.

Another small wooden box, I took it out and saw that yes, there was a mushroom pattern painted on the surface of this wooden box.

If it is seen by others, it may think that there are dried edible mushrooms inside. In fact, there are indeed dried edible mushrooms inside, but the mushrooms inside are different from ordinary non-toxic mushrooms. These mushrooms were found at the skull altars of the red-eyed goblins when they finally fought against the goblin tribe.

After eating it, without many severe side effects, within half a day, the nerves and responsiveness of the whole person can be greatly strengthened.

Keel fumbled to open the wooden box and, panting, took out a piece of dried mushroom that he named the red-eyed mushroom.

Quickly open the visor, put the special dried mushrooms into the mouth, and then close the visor.

Kiel endured the severe pain in his legs and smashed the dried mushrooms in his mouth vigorously, relying on the saliva he secreted to forcefully swallow the dried mushrooms. He can still think wildly at this moment, it is too inconvenient to use dried mushrooms in such an emergency, and after going back, he has to find a way to grind these dried mushrooms into powder, and mix them with honey and the like to make dumplings , or candy to eat. Firstly, the dose is easy to control. After all, the actual warhead will not last as long as half a day, it will be over in a few minutes at most, or it will be over in ten minutes.

After making candies, he can better control the duration of use, and he can use these mushrooms that he doesn't know if he can get them again for a longer period of time.

In addition, it is too uncomfortable to directly swallow the dried pieces of mushrooms like this. Compared with the pain of a broken leg, Keel feels that swallowing this thing dryly like this is no less than a broken leg.

The two matched each other and belonged.

Closing the visor, Kiel dragged his broken leg and came to the steward Irupaki again. He sheathed the long sword, held the ax again, and squatted halfway in the open space of the road.

"Kiel, how are you? Your legs?" The steward Irupaki poked his head out of the hole a little, and saw that Kiel's legs were not on the ground, and he squatted in a strange posture. He saw that Keel had a broken leg, like the young men in the village who fell off the roof while repairing houses.

Once you break your leg, you have to stay at home with good food and drink for at least half a year before you can return to normal. If it is serious, you can only sell a little land at home, and go to the city to find priests to perform magic arts to restore the bone. .

Keir's situation is not serious, but at the moment they are not in a safe village, just above the two of them, there is a terrifying monster, no! World of Warcraft!

There is a terrifying World of Warcraft eyeing them and trying to attack them.

It's all because he didn't cover his mouth, so that everything that was originally safe disappeared.

Thinking of this, the steward Yilu Paqi gave himself a mouthful, why did he have to come here once, and arrange a taciturn young man from the village soon. If other people think that young people are not safe, then he can just appoint a friend of his own generation.

You have to be a hero, slap, you have to be a hero, slap.

"Okay, let's think about it or something, let's think about it in your own home after we go back tomorrow." Keel glanced at the steward Irupaki who was pouting at him.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Irupaki shrank himself into the pothole: "Your leg? Do we have tomorrow?"

Kiel's breathing gradually accelerated, and his eyes under the visor gradually filled with bloodshot eyes. He fiddled with his broken right calf, and said to the steward, "I feel that I am gradually getting better, which is very good. By the way, do you have a rope?" ? Throw it over to me."

"Healed up? What do you mean? No matter, I'll give you the rope and connect it." The manager Irupaki didn't understand how Kiel's current situation can be said to be better, but he still took the rope he was carrying. Tossed to Keel.

Keir didn't pick it up, not because of other reasons, but because he couldn't be more distracted and focused on watching, paying attention, and catching the thrown rope. The monster might come to attack at any time, so he couldn't show any flaws.

Picking up the rope on the ground, Kiel took off the sheath of the dagger at his waist with one hand, tied it to the broken calf, and then tied the calf, armor and dagger together with the rope, and tied it firmly. Together.

During the whole process, he didn't look down with his eyes, but did it by feeling. After the calf hurt, but with some support, Keir slowly stood up, he opened the buckle of the helmet, and then took off the helmet.

There is no need for extra protection on the head, he feels very good at the moment, the whole person's spirit is very excited, and at the same time, everything around him is moving slowly.

The sparks splashed out from the crackling of the campfire were all glowing burning particles with clear tracks in his eyes. The trembling goat crawling on the ground, every time the horns on the top of its head move slightly with the trembling of the body, it is extremely clear.

Overhead, the things hidden by the sound-absorbing white mist gradually seemed to be faintly discernible in the muttering.

It was a huge monster hanging in the air somehow, with eight slender limbs stretched towards the sky. The main body is composed of two parts, and the huge black mouth is a kind of extension from the main body part in front Prey on 'organs'?

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