Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 180, Crossing the Valley - The Frozen Head

After Zhao Ji approached, he made a big discovery.

He finally saw the true appearance of that Warcraft. The thick white mist that had been covering the Warcraft all the time was now because the Warcraft was frozen and still didn't know that it was wrapped in a huge snowball and dangled back and forth, making it dizzy.

In short, the fog around Warcraft is gone.

It is a very huge colorful spider-like monster. Why is it just a spider-like monster, not a real spider?

The reason is that Zhao Ji took a closer look and found that there were dozens of human heads on the face of the frozen Warcraft. These heads all have necks, and they grow where the eyes of the monster should have been.

The heads of these humans are the same as the limbs of other monsters, with large patches of ice and snow hanging on their heads and faces. The other limbs of the monster were crooked, or stood upright and twitched slightly, or were still buried under a large amount of snowdrifts.

Zhao Ji grinned, breathing in the very cold air here, and slowly approached.

After he approached, he discovered that these frozen human heads were still alive. They turned their heads with difficulty, as if they wanted to look in Zhao Ji's direction.

The spear he threw before was stuck under the neck of one of the heads, and the head was lowered, as if it had no activity.

Others suddenly opened their frozen eyelids, opened their dark eyes amidst the sound of shattering eyelids, and slowly turned their frozen eyeballs to look at Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji saw the eyes of these human skulls, and found that there were no whites in these human eyes, and they were dark and very scary.

On top of his head, the legs and feet of an upright monster twitched slightly, and it barely fell down towards Zhao Ji's position. But Zhao Jifei, who had already noticed it, dodged it.

Standing up, Zhao Ji turned around, swung his big ax and slammed it on the slender legs of the monster.

Although the monster's legs were strong and sharp, after being frozen like this, they seemed to lose the toughness they had before. Zhao Ji beat the legs and quickly broke the legs in the middle.

He turned around again and looked at the human heads on the monster's face, and those heads were also looking at him.

The heads with different faces twitched and bit their mouths together, rattling the teeth inside.

With a snort, Zhao Ji climbed up the large snowdrift next to him and came to the front of the monster. With a jump, he stepped on the torso of the monster.

Those human heads couldn't see Zhao Ji's figure, they seemed a little flustered, and slowly turned left and right, and finally one head turned 180 degrees, and looked at Zhao Ji who was behind it.

Then, the other heads all turned around neatly at once.

Although it didn't look threatening, Zhao Ji's scalp was numb, and his body felt heavy and weak.

It wasn't until a blue light came out from the backpack on his back that Zhao Ji felt much better.

He didn't see the situation behind him, but as soon as his body gained strength, he immediately rushed forward two steps, and slashed forward with the ax in his hand.

"Die to me!" He yelled as the ax slashed.

The human head, which was already frozen stiff, did not move at all, but was chopped in half by Zhao Ji's ax from the middle. The human tissue that was originally expected to splash did not appear. After the skull was split open, what was inside was far beyond Zhao Ji's expectations.

Where the brain should have been, there was no brain at all, but a spider the size of a fist that had been chopped in half.

If you usually see a spider that is bigger than a fist, you will definitely think it is a monster, but compared with the spider-like monster that is as big as a house under his feet, it looks like a monster. Very ordinary.

But no matter how ordinary, turning a human brain into a spider,

Still pretty weird.

Zhao Ji didn't dare to think about it any further. He raised the ax and slashed step by step, and chopped the dozens of human heads into pieces.

These strange things disappeared, but the monsters under their feet were still alive, and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Zhao Ji's actions, even though they were still powerless at this time, they still made a strong creaking sound.

Just when Zhao Ji was thinking about whether to continue hacking and destroying along the place where the human head appeared, a thick black limb rushed out from the large amount of snowdrifts on the front mouth of the monster's body.

Zhao Ji raised his eyes, and felt that this thing looked familiar, and then suddenly realized, isn't this the giant mouth of the monster he cut off outside the gloomy forest village before?

Looking at it now, it seems that the monster's mouth hasn't grown well yet, only some sporadic small white teeth have grown where many embedded teeth originally grew.

Nothing else has grown yet.

Even so, Zhao Ji was a little amazed at the speed at which the monster's body repaired, relying entirely on self-healing. In just a few days, it had grown a new batch of teeth.

The predator's mouth protruding from the monster's body didn't seem to be frozen. Since it protruded, it has been swinging back and forth tentatively around, and Zhao Ji had to take two steps back.

As a result, the giant mouth seemed to have got his position, and it was thrown directly at him.

Zhao Ji pulled out his long spear, held the ax in one hand, and grabbed the cold body of the long spear with the other. He jumped on the spot and dodged the swinging attack of the giant mouth, but then he was forced back by this thing several times. Under the body of Warcraft.

After Zhao Ji rolled and scrambled down the snow scattered by the huge snowball, he looked up and saw that the monster was using its mouth to rescue the rest of its body, legs and feet one by one.

The giant black mouth for predation is very long and flexible at the same time. Apart from not being hard enough, it is very powerful. It didn't take long for it to get out its entire body.

Feeling bad, Zhao Ji frowned and stepped back. After the monster escaped from the snowdrift, it seemed that most of its body was still frozen, so it didn't move, and the previous fog didn't come out again.

Although this monster doesn't seem to be able to speak human words, both it and Zhao Ji understand the killing intent towards Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji turned around and walked towards the south. He knew that the monster would definitely come after him.


As expected by Zhao Ji, after Zhao Ji crossed the thick ice and stepped on the gentle slope on the other side of the valley, the monster still on the thick ice in the middle of the valley finally moved.

It ate its own leg broken by Zhao Ji's ax into its mouth, then moved the other limbs that were still inflexible, and slowly climbed down the big snowdrift formed after the snowball that rolled and accumulated before it collapsed .

Unlike humans like Zhao Ji who have to tie frictional cloth strips on the soles of their feet to walk on ice, this monster has many sharp legs and feet, and the bottom of its body is smooth. After placing its body on the ice that it didn't like, this smart monster imitated Zhao Ji's previous actions, paddling its remaining five legs and feet, using itself as a sled, sliding on the ice .

The monster's speed was far faster than that of Zhao Ji. He walked carefully on the ice, and soon crossed the thick and hard ice, and came to the other side of the valley.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji hurriedly speeded up his pace. He was not worried that the beast would not come after him. Zhao Ji, who had a bad idea in his heart, put the ax on his back again, and used the spear as a crutch with both hands. climb up.

The magic beast behind it screamed and screamed. Although the movement seemed to be showing its teeth and claws, it obviously absorbed the previous fall on the other side of the gentle slope, so it was a lot more careful.

It put its own body and torso very low, and at the same time, the legs and feet of the remaining five officers were relatively open. While moving themselves carefully, they were still persistently chasing Zhao Ji, a human being.

When Zhao Ji stepped on it just now, it had already remembered Zhao Ji's human smell and the sound of his heart beating and viscera wriggling.

In its understanding, every animal has a different heartbeat sound, and the slow peristaltic sound of internal organs is also unique. Its life, which is sensitive to vibrations, only needs to carefully feel the sound of an animal's body , it can be easily distinguished.


Reluctantly leading the team across a mountain peak blown by wind and snow, Knight Lanisa, who tied everyone to the same rope, slapped some snow and ice off his armor as soon as the wind and snow subsided. After she raised her head and looked forward, she froze in place in surprise.

The other hunters on the same rope passed through the last snowstorm in turn, and were also stunned by the sight in front of them.

Between the two continuous peaks is a huge valley with a gentle slope. They know this. They live in Kendall County. Naturally, they have heard about the topography here, but no one has thought that the valley on both sides On the gentle slope, there is a snow-free zone across both sides of the valley.

There is no white snow in the area at least twenty meters wide, completely exposing the gray cracked rocks underneath.

It was as if the giant god was standing in the air, drawing a line with his finger against the ground on both sides of the valley.

So, where is all that snow?

They all gathered in the middle of the wide ice surface in the middle of the valley.

Stacked high, it looks like a broken egg.

"What is that thing?" a young hunter asked.

The other old hunters didn't know what to say. Although they had lived for decades, they really couldn't tell what the huge snowdrift on the ice was.

Knight Lanisa frowned. She opened the helmet's visor and said to the other hunters with a strange expression: "Uh, I have a guess. Hey, it's crazy, it's impossible."

Several old hunters looked at each other and said: "My lord, please tell me, we can't see what it is, if you have an idea, please tell everyone, maybe it will be beneficial to the pursuit of monsters, and it will also help you." Some potential dangers can be avoided.”

Waving her hands, Knight Lanisa twitched strangely, and finally, when she spoke, she still didn't hold back and laughed: "I think, you see, the moving traces of the monsters left from the side are always It extends to the end of the place where there is no snow. Do you think that monster rolled down from the snow on the gentle slope of the valley? After rolling, it was wrapped in snow and rolled to the other side of the valley.

Then, just like everyone usually rolls snowballs on the hillside, the magical beast rolled back along the passage it rolled out of. In this way, it rolled at last to the very middle of the ice, and only then broke through the big snowball and escaped from it. Hehe, hahahahahaha. No, I have to smile. I've never heard of a monster walking on snow and falling over. Ha ha ha ha. "

The faces of the hunters were very strange. In their eyes, the monster was a huge monster that would not be harmed by all their volleys. Unexpectedly, such a ridiculous thing was done in the knight's mouth at this time.

From this point of view, although the monster is still terrifying, at least it is not very smart. If only the ten of them do not fight the monster head-on, it seems possible to defeat it by relying on the wisdom of trapping and hunting.

After that, the group of them stopped wading through the thick snow, and directly followed the snow-free passage opened by the monster when it rolled down to the frozen lake.

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided to go to the huge snowdrift created by the monster first to see if there were any other discoveries.

Under the pull of Knight Lanisa, the other hunters sat on their cloaks, and Lord Knight used a rope to pull all of them over in one go.

In fact, they could also walk across the ice, but Lanisa felt that it was too slow, so she kept pulling everyone over with one hand.

When she was walking on the ice, she stomped her foot directly, crushed the surface of the ice with her steel-armored boots, and then used her strength to walk quickly. Every time he took a step, he stepped on a broken footprint, and quickly passed through the side of the ice.

After arriving at the snowdrift in the middle of the ice, everyone took out their weapons and cautiously approached the huge and scattered snowdrift.

The knight took the lead, and she steered her beloved horse to jump repeatedly on the compacted snow, and soon approached the middle of the snowdrift from the periphery.

There is no trace of monsters inside, but there are various traces left by monsters everywhere.

Suddenly her eyes swept across the surrounding snow, and saw many different things in the snowdrifts.

Riding the brave horse, her beloved horse jumped over the fault zone in the middle of the snow and jumped beside those things.

After approaching and looking at it, she immediately recognized that these were the human heads she saw on the front of the monster's body after she approached the monster's body.

However, all the pieces scattered on the ground were fragments of half-skulls. In addition, she also saw some small fist-sized spiders, but spiders of this size were everywhere in the forests, so they were very common, so they didn't attract her attention.

It wasn't until other hunters came that some hunters noticed that these strangely appearing human heads were all cut off by human sharp weapons.

This discovery surprised everyone.

All looked at each other, a thought was on their lips.

Is it difficult for the human who was chased by the monster before to die? To escape the attack of the monster all the way, and still attack the monster here?

Everyone discussed for a while, although I don't know why there are many shattered human head fragments here inexplicably, but these things must have been beaten like this by someone.

Knight Lanisa had to tell her previous information, otherwise the hunters' next guesses would deviate from the possible actual situation.

"My lord, so it is said that Val, Bozina, and Daldin who were killed by the monster before were all swallowed by this monster, and then their heads grew in its eyes?" The oldest old hunter in the team asked heavily.

Knight Lanisa nodded, confirming the answer.

Although the news made people sad, the hunters who knew the situation didn't stay silent for a long time, and they spoke one after another, expressing their speculations.

After discussion, everyone felt that even though the three hunters who were devoured were still alive before, they were forcibly dominated by monsters, which was an insult to all their hunters. The unknown human destroyed these enslaved people who didn't know if they were still human, and it was considered to have saved them.

"May they fly to the kingdom of the gods."

"May their souls fly to the kingdom of the gods."

"No more suffering, long enjoyment, and then reborn again."

The hunters recovered a few recognizable head fragments of the victim's head and performed a simple blessed funeral. Knight Lanisa is different from the hunters. She doesn't believe in the god of hunting, so she didn't participate in it. She just warned the hunters who brought the body fragments of the suffering hunters. These things came into contact with mysterious and evil monsters, and then brought them back When they are buried in the city, they must first go through the inspection of the priests of the Church of the God of the Dead.


Zhao Ji and the monsters he was chasing entered the snowy peak area again. As long as he climbed over this continuous mountain peak, he could reach the place where the bandits might be hiding.

Sometimes, if the monster behind him still wanted to kill him, he would go to the bandit's simple camp and let the monster deal with those damned bandits.

If the monster sees other humans and doesn't chase him, then he will hide first and see the situation. Anyway, those bandits will die no matter what.

Whether it's because those bandits killed many innocent people and caravan guys in the past, they haven't learned the lessons they deserve. Or because he needs the metal weapons on those bandits.

Although it is also possible that the monsters are not against the large gang of bandits, for Zhao Ji, it is dog eat dog anyway, whether it is the monsters killing the bandits or the bandits killing the monsters, it makes no difference to him, it is a good thing Son.

good thing.

After running away and walking over mountains and mountains for a long time, even though Zhao Ji had sufficient food, water and the support of the God of Saturn, his fatigue and body aches were still there.

Zhao Ji was out of breath, so he simply lifted his visor and breathed in the extremely cold air. Regardless of whether it would cause disease or not, anyway, when he came here before, he had taken time to bury the Saturn badge that could cure diseases in Kendall City in the surrounding fields.

He was buried quietly so no one would find out.

Calculating the buried time, he only needs to hang around for a few days, and then find his way back to Kendall City, and he will probably be able to use the badge again by then.

So at this time, there is a possibility of getting sick, so he can't take care of it.

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