Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 4, Snowy Forest - Confrontation Harvest and Lanisa Knight's Night Thoughts

After Zhao Ji let his thoughts fly for a while, the monster slowly crawled out from the forest not far away. Its body was covered with a thin layer of white mist again, making this huge monster look very mysterious and terrifying.

For those who have no ability to fight against monsters, this monster is indeed a difficult enemy to deal with. In this regard, the blood dripping everywhere in the bandit camp and the small pieces of human remains are very convincing.

But Zhao Ji knew that this monster was not impossible to deal with after seeing through the opponent's ability.

The monster acted as if Zhao Ji was not far away. It slowly crawled to the body of the fleeing bandit that had been stabbed to death before. Just like before, after stripping the human body as much as possible, it swallowed it into the giant mouth that did not protrude. middle.

Not long after, the giant mouth opened, and many small bits and pieces of the human body were spit out from the mouth to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji was disgusted, and he remembered that he had brought some bits and pieces left by the robbers with him a moment ago.

After eating all the surrounding corpses into its stomach, the monster approached the bandit's corpse that Zhao Ji left on the open space of the camp with a slower crawling speed.

Zhao Ji stared at the front of the monster hiding in the mist with piercing eyes. He knew that there were the eyes of the monster. From the behavior of the monster at this time, he could guess that the monster was watching his every move nervously.

After swallowing the stripped bandit two or three times, the monster didn't move immediately after that.

It remained motionless, while Zhao Ji gradually accelerated the breathing of his lungs, pouring more air into his body, and his whole body quickly entered a possible fighting state.

The two red eyes in the eye sockets slowly scanned the monster not far ahead.

After the monster walked its legs and feet on the spot, it slowly moved forward one meter.

On the other hand, Zhao Ji separated his feet, and his hands reached down from the end of the handle of the ax on his abdomen, and then grabbed it.

The monster moved forward another meter tentatively.

Zhao Ji lifted the ax in his hand, and then he also stepped forward with his right foot and took half a step forward.

But he only took half a step.

You are testing whether I still have the ability to fight, right?

Then you come over and have a try, the two of us can fight again, but this time I have seen through your ability, I will not make the same mistake as the previous time when I was carelessly mentioned and broke my leg in the air.


This silent confrontation only lasted for a moment, and as the monsters gradually tried, and Zhao Ji, a human being, acted fearlessly, the two of them pulled closer to a relatively close position.

Zhao Ji is not afraid that the closer the distance will have adverse effects on his battle, on the contrary, the shorter he is, the more advantage he has when facing this huge monster.

Because this monster doesn't have a pair of dexterous arms like a human's, its long mouth is nimble and powerful, but not strong enough. Zhao Ji can cut off a large part of the monster's mouth with a few axes when he finds the right opportunity.

Who made his ax tough and sharp.

Just when Zhao Ji was ready to pounce forward at any time, the monster on the opposite side actually faltered.

The Warcraft squeaked two loud roars in dissatisfaction. When Zhao Ji thought that the opponent was about to attack, he stepped back with his legs and feet, and his body did not change direction.

In a short time it had retreated into the forest on the other side of the camp.

Zhao Ji didn't act rashly, and he didn't relax until the sound of monsters colliding with dry branches in the woods faded away.

It is a good thing not to engage in battles that are not fully grasped. Of course, he himself has never been afraid of fighting. After all, when a battle is inevitable, facing the battle with a face-to-face attitude is often the first step in winning the battle.

You are afraid of fighting, and you are afraid of the result of losing the battle. Then you have already lost half of the battle before you start the real battle.

A battle that can be won becomes a draw, a battle that was originally a draw becomes a small loss, and a small loss will turn into a disastrous defeat.

In a battle of real swords and real guns, fiasco is death.

Everyone has only one life. If he doesn't want to die, he has to win all the battles he faces.

At least you can't lose, right?

The entire bandit camp was a bustling place a few moments ago, but after the monsters came over, there were only dilapidated ruins left here.

Only the blazing big campfire was still burning with the help of the firewood added by the robbers.

Zhao Ji put away his weapons, and quickly gathered all the metal weapons and utensils he found in the camp. Zhao Ji also packed some valuable convenience food and a lot of coins into a box he used the remaining tent fabric and On a sled board made of strong sticks.

This ultra-simple sled board is very flimsy and not smooth where it touches the snow on the ground. It can only be used barely in this kind of place with thick snow, and in other places, it will fall apart or give up if it can't be pulled very far.

He dismantled the metal parts of a large number of bandit weapons, put them into bags, and left them on the sled boards. He also put all the coins and gadgets that were carried by the bandits into another bag.

Zhao Ji considered whether to stay where he was and rest for a while, but couldn't bear the exhaustion, so he decided to find a place nearby to rest, but not in the camp where dozens of people died.

He dug a simple hole under a big tree on the edge of the camp and hid himself in it.

This place is mainly to prevent the Warcraft from killing a carbine and stabbing him to death while sleeping outside. It was much safer to hide underground. If the monster wanted to stab him to death, it would be blocked by the ground. If it wanted to crush him to death with its huge body, it would be blocked by this not-so-small tree.

The sled board carrying the trophies was placed on the side of the snow, and the bandit weapons inside were not very good. Most of them were weapons made of rough iron materials, that is, more materials were used, so they were not so bad.

One of the spiked hammers made of steel was the best among the weapons used by these bandits. Zhao Ji didn't remove the handle and other parts, and put it in the loot bag intact.

Among other valuables, there are a lot of coins. Basically, every bandit has more or less coins. The most coins are the small bag of precious coins that he found under the ruins of the smashed wooden house. Yes, there are not only a lot of silver coins in it, but also a lot of gold coins, and there are two small boxes, one is made of dark wood, which contains a fiery red gemstone, and the other is made of animal bones A bone box with a whole set of strange gem ornaments inside.

The outer layer of the bone needle is covered with silver, and the top is inlaid with scattered gemstones; the earrings are made of gold, but the pendant of the earrings is a mysterious gemstone polished into an eye. As for the necklace in the jewelry, it is made of many bones. It is made of finely ground long rings, and a small human skeleton model made of gold is added in the middle.

Interestingly, this little gold skull model can be moved delicately. Zhao Ji played with this thing for a while, and then thought it was bad luck, and put the whole set of accessories into the bone box that contained it.

After eating and drinking enough food and drinking water found in the bandit camp, Zhao Ji curled up in the newly dug hole, calmed down and fell asleep.


"My lord knight, there is a big slope in front of me, which seems to extend all the way to the distance. However, where did those dots of fire come from? I never knew that there are humans in this place, this place deep in the mountains Life." The old hunter said, pointing to the little fires in the distance.

They were standing on a very high ground, so at this moment when there was no snow, they had a very good line of sight. Although the snow clouds in the sky did not dissipate, they still saw the flames far away.

At this time, their group had all passed through the ruthless area that was ravaged by heavy wind and snow behind them. With the power of the Toranisa knight, they all passed through the dangerous area behind without losing a single hunter.

To be honest, in the snowy weather with poor visibility, coupled with the low lighting and no lighting conditions after dusk and night, half of their group's ability to come safely is due to Knight Lanisa's ability to find the right direction. The other half depends on the sun god talisman each of them has.

This thing has been a real help. Without this thing, the knight himself would definitely be able to pass through the place just now, but it is unlikely for the rest of them to come here.

Even if there are knights pulling them with ropes.

After all, the temperature in the mountains is already low, let alone the mountains in winter. Coupled with the blowing of the strong wind and snow, if everyone felt that they were being illuminated by the real sun at any time after wearing the amulet, they really couldn't make it through.

It is estimated that he froze to death and fell to the ground in the first alpine snow belt further north.

"I'm not sure if there are any residents here, but even if there are people there, they may not necessarily be humans, maybe it's a tribe of monsters." Knight Lanisa replied, she stood in place and patted her beloved horse After a while, he gave an order: "There is a downward snow-covered slope ahead, and it is not a good time to go down the mountain at night. Now let's find a place nearby to rest for a while, and then follow the traces left by the monsters after dawn tomorrow." Keep chasing."

The hunters should have found a rock crevice where they could hide. They said it was a crevice, and that was a place where all of them would not be crowded when they entered.

The fire cannot be raised, so everyone relies on the knight horses with their vests removed to keep warm. Knight Lanisa does not need it herself. After becoming a knight, her body is not very sensitive to conditions that are not very cold, and the abundant life energy in her body will resist everything Things she doesn't like, high temperature flames, extreme cold, these things can cause harm to them.

The bodies of their knights are tougher than the toughest cowhide, and a hammer weighing less than ten kilograms will not cause damage to them.

Many envious people are slandering them behind their backs that they are no longer human beings.

Hey, these uninformed guys, what's wrong with this. Jenny Ranisa, who had studied in a big city, knew that magicians who mastered mysterious magical powers were not human beings. Knights are not much different from ordinary humans in terms of appearance, size, or lifespan. Many of those mages have long since ceased to be human.

It is said that under the gorgeous magic robe of the magician, there are some mutated limbs and animal legs and wings.

Thinking of this, Knight Lanisa took off her armor gloves and touched her hands. Hey, it's better to have these white and delicate hands. She couldn't imagine that someone would replace these beautiful things with animal's hairy hooves or soft tentacles.

Well. Just thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable.

However, her hands have changed too much in these years. Since her father, who was a knight, disappeared and died for no reason, she has taken over the burden of the family. It is said that it is a family, but in fact there are not many people. She is the only one who is of the right age and status. This she who once aspired to become a clerk in a big city.

After many years of knight training, the slender hands that used to break a pen can now penetrate a whole rock with bare hands.

The frail body that used to trot around the house can now run around the entire city of Kendall for an entire morning wearing dozens of kilograms of metal armor.

Not to mention anything else, just look at her subordinates, at this moment they have to stay close together to keep warm in order to fall asleep on this high mountain, and she just stood outside the crack in the rock, blowing the cold wind, and she didn't have a little bit of sleep until tomorrow morning. Feeling, not even much sleepiness.

What did she do to avenge her father?

Sighing, Knight Lanisa lowered her head, looked at her palm, and rubbed it lightly.

It's getting rough.

Does this mean that she has become a knight like her father?


Where did the girl who used to like to read books all day long go?

Perhaps the moment she made up her mind to become a knight instead of her father, that girl shyly covered her face with a book, and trotted into the cracks of time.

After a long while, slowly raising her head, Knight Lanisa looked at the gloomy sky, her keen super-perception could receive the faint inspiration from the heavenly kingdom of the gods with great power.

Although she doesn't believe in those gods who have been so great since before the appearance of human beings, but she who sees the world wider and deeper than ordinary people has to reluctantly thank those gods, after all, she relied on these gods before Only when they ascended to the Kingdom of God in the sky can they accurately identify the direction in the bad situation of wind and snow.

Thinking of this, Knight Lanisa wondered if her father was the same way back then, his perception beyond mortals allowed him to perceive the kingdom of gods in the sky at any time.

So looking at it the other way around, are those great gods also keeping abreast of their knights?

When her father disappeared many years ago, was there a god who knew what happened?

Arms folded, Lanisa Knight leaned against the rock, thinking deeply.


When he got up the next day, Zhao Ji warmed up some food left by the bandits beside the fading campfire. After eating and drinking enough, he pulled the sled board and followed along the solid snow track left by the monster crawling.

Every time he walked, he found that it was snowing in the sky again. Although it is not as heavy as the previous heavy snow, it is not good news that it has been snowing all the time.

After all, compared to the huge monsters, the snow still has a lot of obstacles for him as a human being.

The direction of the Warcraft is basically straight, and it is estimated that it is going straight to the next bandit camp. Zhao Ji didn't think there was any problem with that monster hunting and killing those bandits in front of him.

Take the worst way to make a comparison. Zhao Ji felt that compared to a huge and terrifying spider monster, those bandits who kept robbing people's business trips would do more harm to the people of Kendall.

Because there is only one monster after all, and there are too many bandits outside Bingxun Pass.

As I saw before sliding down from the high mountain yesterday, there are at least seven bandit camps with campfires in this forest.

If we look at the strength of the bandit gangs on the outside in order to strengthen inward, plus the pocket hole bandits who are not here, there are also some sporadic bandit gangs with three to five members. The bandits outside the entire Bingxun pass can't be less than 500 people.

This is already the entire population of an ordinary village.

And these bandits don't do production, they only know how to plunder the property and life of the weak. This has been the case year after year. How many innocent people have died because of business ethics?

How many families who were looking for a stable place to live were killed by these bandits just for the little property that they don't know if they have it.

Zhao Ji didn't know if the big shots in Kendall City knew the number of people who disappeared and died outside the Bingyu Pass every year, but no matter how you looked at it, it was definitely not a small number.

If the militiamen can't take care of these cunning bandits, then he might have to let this veg-friendly monster destroy these parasites that bite the people's necks and suck their blood all at once.

If Warcraft is not the opponent of these bandits, then he will play in person.

If he himself is not an opponent, then he will return directly to Bingxun Pass, lead the way for the militiamen who cleared up the bandits, and kill all the bandits entrenched here.

Of course, in addition to these righteous reasons, Zhao Ji also has his own selfishness, better weapons and armor, living conditions, property available to him, these things he urgently needs, he has to get from these bandits Come.

He doesn't need to hurt good people, he won't be disliked by major local forces, and he will even be rewarded. Is there anything more suitable for him to attack than these bandits?

At noon, Zhao Ji arrived at a bandit camp indicated by the smoke of a campfire rising from a distance in the woods.

As expected, when he approached carefully, what he saw was a dilapidated bandit camp full of splattered blood.

Not a single living person, no, not even a single dead person.

There are only messy items, footprints, broken clothes, and sharp swords on the ground.

There are only scattered hairs, broken feet, torn tents, and money bags full of treasures that no one cherishes.

This bandit camp looked bigger than the previous one, with more wooden houses in ruins and more tents on the ground.

However, they are already in a state of being destroyed.

Zhao Ji walked here cautiously. He guessed from the blood on the ground that the bandits here should have been attacked by monsters in the second half of last night.

But the people here obviously staged a more intense resistance, and a large amount of blood appeared in a small area. But this place is even more clean. Except for the broken clothes of the deceased, all the remains of the corpse have been swallowed up by the monsters. Unlike the surrounding places, there are also some pieces of meat and limbs that the monsters can't see after they are full.

It was daytime now, although the sky was full of thick snow clouds falling again, but Zhao Ji was more at ease, because the surroundings were still quite bright anyway, and the full-fledged monster would not come to attack him out of nothing.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guitar rubbed his hands and began to collect all the things he wanted scattered in and around the bandit camp.

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