Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 27, The siege on the mountain top - Kiel’s ability and 1 against 3

Kil held the shield in front of his chest and tapped the snow on the ground with the long sword in his right hand. He moved his steps in small steps and moved himself to a more open position.

There weren't many places in the courtyard where he could fight the bandits. He had to be careful not to step on the air and fall down while fighting.

The three targeted bandits each walked out. One of them was holding two one-handed axes, one was carrying a large hammer, and the other was holding a strange-style object that looked like a long staff. No, The same thing is that this long staff is made of heavy brass, with a yellow metal snake head and a black metal cat head on the upper part.

Ha, Qimen weapons.

Kil braced himself, he had to pay attention to the person using this weapon.

The three robbers, with the robber carrying the hammer in the center, laughed loudly and started swinging the hammer as if in demonstration from a long distance away from Kiel. It seemed that their efforts were in vain, but just looking at the strong body of the robber, he knew that This is just his strategy.

The other bandit who used two axes was nimble in his steps. The two axes in his hands kept changing hands as he moved, or he would lightly throw them and catch them in circles.

The last bandit held the strange long metal staff in both hands, flattened it with the animal's head in front, and hit Kiel.

Kil didn't dare to block the opponent's collision. After all, the thing didn't look very light, and the weapon was strange. If it had any strange effects, it would be troublesome.

He jumped to the left, getting out of the way of the long-staffed bandit, and then kicked the snow with his feet, quickly approaching the bandit using the double axe.

At the same time, he also sarcastically said to the other party: "Scum, if you play with the ax in your hand like that, you might as well find a drama troupe to perform. It's much easier than being a bandit."

Keir's words seemed to hit the bandit's sore spot. He stopped spinning the ax in his hand and rushed towards him with a roar: "Go to hell!"

Kil didn't pay attention to his attack at all. The weight of the one-handed ax was limited, and the opponent was dual-wielding, so the impact of each ax swing was even lower.

The shield was placed on the attack path of the ax early. After resisting the opponent's blow, Kil's long sword was raised diagonally from his side, and he used a longer swing distance to deflect the opponent's other one-handed ax.

The opponent's door was wide open, and Kiel pushed forward hard. His shield was pressed against the bandit's chest, but the bandit put an ax in his chest to block Kiel's impact.

But Kiln didn't mean to do this. He had noticed before that there was a relatively steep place three meters behind the bandit. After putting his shield against the bandit's chest, he didn't take it back, but just pushed the bandit back.

The bandits had no choice but to retreat in small steps. The free ax in his hand kept trying to hit Kil's head, but Kil kept holding the opponent with his long sword, preventing him from having the distance to swing the ax.

Keir took long strides forward, and the bandit retreated quickly with small steps. The bandit himself didn't realize anything, but the other bandits surrounding the place saw clearly and knew that Kiel was going to push the bandit down the cliff.

It is quite steep here, and the ground is not a rough rock surface, but a cliff covered with snow. Once it rolls down, it's almost impossible to stop before it reaches the bottom of the ridge.

But if you roll down from such a high place, your lives will be lost.

Therefore, these bandits all shouted to remind this bandit: "Idiot! Stop! There is a cliff behind you!"

"Step aside."

"Stand still and wrestle! Your opponent is just a young man. How can you be weaker than him? Wrestle!"

Kil saw that the bandit who had been reminded was trying to survive and changed his tactics, but he slammed forward and pushed the bandit backwards to the ground.

At this time, half of the bandit's arms were hanging in the air. He screamed in panic, and directly let go of the ax in his hand, trying to grab Kil's legs and knock him to the ground.

But what came his way was a cowhide boot covered with iron.


With blood splattering and teeth falling out, the bandit was kicked in the face and lost consciousness. Keir immediately added a kick and kicked the opponent in the waist, directly kicking the bandit off the cliff.

As the bandit's body rolled down, there were curses from the surrounding bandits. But then, these bandits became excited again and kept screaming strangely.

Kil immediately realized something was wrong. He quickly turned around and lowered his posture. At the same time, the shield on his left arm was raised diagonally to protect his head and face.

Sure enough, what followed immediately was a hammer blow that scratched the surface of the shield.


The place where the hammer and shield scratched even sparked sparks, and the wooden decoration on the shield was even torn with a large horizontal hole.

Kil took half a step back to absorb the impact. At the same time, the long sword in his right hand stabbed directly at the Hammer Bandit who was sneaking up on him.

This bandit was tall and powerful, and Kil's counterattack only hit the opponent's thigh. The thick hides on the bandit's legs didn't have much defensive power, and they were worse than leaves against Kiel's thrusts.

But the bandit's legs, feet and arms were thick and strong, so Kiel's shallow thrusts had no good effect. He then moved in the direction of the opponent's hammer swing, and at the same time he raised the long sword diagonally in his hand and pointed the tip of the long sword. Stab into the opponent's thigh and draw out more flesh.

With just a simple pick, Kil's long sword broke a bloody hole in the opponent's thigh, and hot blood gushes out from it.

Obviously, compared to the stabbing, the injury and pain caused by this attack were unbearable for the bandit. The bandit bared his teeth, covered the injured part of his thigh with his left hand, and strode back at the same time.

Kil wanted to give chase, but the other bandit raised the long metal staff high and swung it towards Kil.

This frightened Kil, and he didn't dare to use his shield to resist. If this posture is blocked properly, the end result is probably a broken arm at the very least.


When it hit the ground, a large amount of snow and scattered stones were ejected, and even the bandit himself had to use one hand to cover his head and neck.

But Kil didn't block it at all. He dodged sideways to avoid the hit to the ground. He immediately withstood the impact of the gravel and snow and took a quick step forward. His steps were in an arch shape and he held the sword in his right hand straight forward. He stretched out, and the long sword suddenly penetrated the center of the careless bandit's chest.

The center of the human chest is where the heart is. Even if the chest has a large sternum for defense, it is still a vital part of the human body.

It can only be said that this bandit may usually have other bandits cooperating in the battle. If the other party has three or five people assisting him, it will not be easy for Keir to kill him.

This heavy metal staff was obviously used by bandits to break through the tightly guarded caravan guards. Common large wooden shields can easily be destroyed by this heavy weapon, which then provides an opportunity for other bandits using normal weapons to break in and engage in close combat.

The bandit leader probably saw that Kil had a metal shield and was wearing armor. It was difficult for ordinary weapons to break through the armor's defense, so he had to use heavy weapons.

The bandit holding an ax with both hands was supposed to provide combat assistance to the other two bandits, but unexpectedly, he was the first to die.


A sword pierced the bandit's chest and heart. Kil immediately withdrew his sword and dodged the attack of the last bandit.

After forcing back Kil, the last bandit quickly checked on his companions. But the bandit's breathing weakened rapidly, obviously because his heart was destroyed, and he immediately entered a countdown to death.

Putting down his soft companion, the last tall and strong bandit ignored the bleeding hole on his thigh and immediately roared and swung his hammer towards Kil.

Kil clearly saw the distance of his opponent's hammer attack and adjusted the angle of his retreat. Although the other party's random swinging of the hammer looked very impressive, it was impossible to get close to or resist it. But it is also very energy-consuming, especially when the other party is emotional, the energy will be lost faster.

That's because when humans are nervous or emotionally excited, all the muscles in their bodies will unconsciously tighten up. Although this will help humans in the fierce battle that follows, it will also greatly accelerate the energy consumption in the muscles.

Oxygen, sugar and waste materials produced by the body's work. These things will either be consumed quickly or accumulated quickly in a short period of time.

Kil breathed evenly and relied on his precise judgment to dodge the opponent's attack. Originally this was not difficult, but no one expected that just when Kil focused his attention on the approaching bandits, there was a scene behind him.

One of the bandits watching not far behind immediately took two quick steps forward without using the iron sword in his hand to attack Kil's armor. He kicked Kil directly in the back, knocking Kil who didn't notice and staggered.

When he was suddenly attacked, Kil immediately took a step forward to keep his body steady, so as not to fall to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the bandit's hammer struck quickly, and there was nothing Kil could do. He lowered his body, spotted the opponent's rapidly swinging hammer, and used his shield to block it.

You can't unload force at an angle, otherwise, the force at an angle will knock him to the ground. Once it falls, it's nothing against ordinary opponents, but the opponent is a tall bandit who uses a hammer. Once he falls to the ground, he will be hit hard by the opponent from top to bottom.

It is estimated that in just one blow, Kil will be dead, and the armor will not be able to help him. He will be struck with a hammer and all the internal organs in his chest will be smashed, and he will die instantly.

If the bandit had to patch up the helmet again, then Kil estimated that his face would have to fall out of the helmet.

So, at this moment, he pointed his shield directly at the hammer.

If it's going to hit, let's both bear the impact.


There was a crisp impact accompanied by high-frequency vibrations, and the onlookers had to cover their ears. Even so, they all felt itchy and painful inside their ears.

In the audience, only Knight Crow stood there like no one else. From the beginning of the battle, no matter what the fighting situation was, Kil just stood there, folding his hands on his chest, and watching quietly. At most, he turned his helmet and watched Keir fighting the three bandits without making a single comment.

The other onlookers felt very uncomfortable, and naturally the duel between Keir and the bandit was even more uncomfortable.

Kil's mouth was slightly open, his teeth were chattering up and down, and the shield he originally extended with his left hand was knocked back against his chest. Fortunately, he didn't straighten his arm directly, so when he was hit, his left hand naturally bent and hit his chest.

Although his left arm was not broken, Kil's chest was hit, which still made him unable to breathe for a while, and a small mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

But Kil's spirit was relatively clear, and his dull eyes quickly returned to consciousness. His pupils shrank and he stared at the bandit opposite.

The bandit on the opposite side also felt uncomfortable. The hammer he swung out with both hands hit Kiel's shield, which was defending frontally. It's like hitting a stone wall with a hammer, or hitting a tough iron felt with a hammer.

The swung hammer quickly bounced back with the same speed as before. The robber's fingers bent for a while, and there was a burning pain on the fingers wrapped in coarse cloth. After the robber regained consciousness, he thought it was a layer of skin on his fingers that had been scraped off by friction. However, when he looked down, he realized that it was not the case. The coarse cloth wrapped around the fingers rubbed violently with the long wooden handle of the hammer, and it actually started to rub against the hammer.

The robber immediately extinguished the weak flame in his hand, leaving only a faint black smoke.

But just when he finished doing it, Kil had already slashed his sword straight at him.

The bandit's fingers were extremely painful, his arms were also very sore, and he was unable to perform any defensive movements that he could normally do easily. As a last resort, he was able to give up using weapons to fight back and force his opponent back, and he was able to use his flesh arms to resist Kil's steel sword.

Can flesh and blood rival steel?

This is a good question in this other world. If you ask Knight Crow, the knight will naturally tell you: "Flesh can naturally rival steel. In fact, flesh will easily surpass steel."

But if you ask other people around now, whether they are bandits or militiamen, everyone will just shake their heads and tell you to eat less wild mushrooms of unknown origin. Those things are bad for people's brains, unless they want to starve to death. It's better to be hungry than to eat those unknown mushrooms.

Kil's long sword arced across, and the flesh and blood brought some obstacles to slow down, but it still couldn't stop it from biting its master's enemies.

"My hand! Hand!" The robber clenched the wooden handle of the hammer with one hand and stretched it forward, trying to force Kiel back. The other hand desperately stretched out in front of his eyes, looking at the broken part with blood gushing out, and some broken muscle cross-sections. The upper body was twitching, and the tendons connecting the bones were extremely contracted and retracted into the severed arm. The fresh bone marrow in the section of the broken arm immediately gushed out a small amount of blood, but it didn't look too painful.

And the bandit's fear of losing his hand ends here. His hammer didn't block Kiel at all. In fact, after Kiel cut off the opponent's hand with his sword, he immediately moved his steps. While the opponent didn't care about anything to check the condition of his arm, he came directly behind the bandit.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sword strike from the owl leader, and the fearful expression on the bandit's face would remain on his face.


Snap, snap, snap.

Knight Crow clapped his hands with thick metal gloves, acknowledging the one-versus-three battle that Kil had just fought.

Kil scanned the eyes of the surrounding bandits and saw a pair of eyes staring at him ferociously, but Kil stared back fiercely. As a result, he saw the retreat of many bandits who thought they were no match for him. .

Patting the armor on his chest and rubbing his left hand that was always hot and painful, Kil returned to Knight Crow's side.

"Okay, the strength of both our parties has been fully demonstrated in the brief battle just now. You just retreat, I don't want your lives." Knight Crow put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and said.

The bandits around looked at their leader. The bandits could tell that the two people who came up today were not ordinary people. The young men in hard cowhide armor were so difficult to deal with. The other guy was clearly unmatched at a glance. , estimated to be even more powerful.

They looked at the bandit leader. The flesh on Delan's face was twitching. He touched his hand on the double-edged ax that fell to the ground at his side, and kept thinking in his mind. The breathing in his chest gradually became heavier, and his eyes were fixed on the opposite Knight Crow who was hidden under the helmet and visor.

But he couldn't see through the knight's emotions and expressions in his visor, which made him particularly uncomfortable. Wanting to cause a scene, he led his men to chop the two people in front of them into mincemeat, and then threw them into the corpse pit in the back mountain to feed the living corpses.

But his experience and intuition from years of fighting kept calling the police loudly, telling him fiercely that if he really did this, he would be dead today, and all his close subordinates who came with him would die here together.

The two thoughts were constantly intertwined in his consciousness, causing him to mutter to himself: "I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of death."

Trying to convince myself to fight.

But in Knight Crow's many years of military career, he had met many such people. He stretched out his free left hand forward.

The knight's movements broke the rigid posture of everyone present, and everyone was attracted by the movements of Knight Crow.

The knight extended his hand as if to shake hands with an invisible person.

But there was no one in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy metal staff on the ground not far away vibrated and began to spin off the ground. The heavy metal rod stirred the air and made a terrible whining sound, letting everyone around know that if they touched it, they would be injured.

The long staff spinning in the air suddenly stopped, then gradually accelerated and flew towards Knight Crow's hand.

Kil was very close, and he saw a faint khaki light shining through the steel glove on the knight's outstretched hand, which reminded him of the pure element crystal fragments he traded to the knight.

That thing is also khaki.

It seems that the transaction gave Knight Crow some new and strange abilities?

Kil thought so. He himself was not frightened by the knight's move. After all, he had seen more terrifying and incredible evil stone statues. The knight's ability to shoot objects from the air was not that powerful at all.

But the bandits on the opposite side were all frightened. Some of them said words like magicians in horror, and some thought that Knight Crow was a priest or priest, which was releasing divine power. Some bandits didn't care at all. They immediately ran up the simple wooden ladder regardless of whether the leader ordered to retreat.

Delang gradually calmed down. Although his desire to fight was still there, this time he didn't need intuition and experience to tell him anything. He had realized that if he took action to fight, he would not win at all and would only die. How ugly is that? .

Knight Crow held the long metal staff flying in the air, then turned his hand and struck it down.


Everyone on the field felt the vibrations coming from under their feet, and even from inside the vertical patio next to them, there was a burst of panicked shouts.

Keir only heard a few vague words and could guess that the bandits below suspected there was an earthquake and were running around for cover.

"Retreat, retreat! Let's retreat first." The decapitated Delang had a look of unbearable horror on his face. He picked up his weapon and turned around to retreat. He didn't care at all what happened to the knights Kiel and Crow behind him when he turned his back. He won't come to kill him.

Looking at the bandits crawling down, Knight Crow turned around and walked towards the road he came from: "Let's go down and continue to look at the other side."

"Hey, please wait a moment." After Kil said, he ran to cut off the head of the bandit who used the long stick, then plundered everything on the two bandits, and caught up with the hammer and the two disheveled heads. Crow Knight.

"Would you like to search the other bandit's belongings as well?" Looking at the things in Kirti's hand, the knight joked.

Unexpectedly, Kil agreed immediately. When he returned, he plundered the axe-wielding bandits who had fallen under the steep cliff. Unfortunately, one of the two one-handed axes was held tightly by the fallen bandit and was found by Keir, but the other one did not know where it went when it fell down the mountain. He did not find it.

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