Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 29, Camp and Level-2 Different Conversations and Arguments

Knight Crow once again pointed the way from the militia camp to the bandits' lair with his hunting sword: "The others will start preparing to attack tomorrow, and they will all be ready before dawn. Secretaries?"

"Lord Knight." The scribes held their chests and bowed.

"You must arrange the necessary food and water tomorrow morning. In addition, after the militiamen go to suppress the attacking bandits, you ask the auxiliary assistants to cut down the surrounding wood and simply make some simple large wooden shields to withstand thrown weapons. Make a good one. , just go to the front line to support one. Do you understand?" the knight asked.

All the clerks responded in unison: "Follow your orders."

Afterwards, Knight Crow arranged the attack sequence and how to fight on the battlefield to the spear militiamen who would need to be the main offensive force tomorrow. In fact, it was all about the previous training outside Kendall City. It was nothing more than formation and movement, and listening to the signals he gave. If he couldn't do it, he would shout out loudly when the time came.

There are also some small details and regulations during combat.

For example, try not to move alone on the battlefield, but always move in groups. There is also the fear of being locked up for fighting. Although he will not be severely punished on the spot, there will be a series of subsequent punishments from Kendall.

Knight Crow called a clerk over and asked the clerk to tell the militia captains a series of punishments for desertion.

Of course, as opposed to punishment, after the militiamen defeated the bandits, they could directly record their military exploits with the bandit's head, and once they arrived at Bingshuguan, they could directly issue rewards.

Each bandit's head can be exchanged for one silver coin in cash, and each militia captain needs to maintain the order of the team during the battle, and there can be no serious competition for credit and a fight.

Once it happens, the team leader who leads the team will also be punished.

Knight Crow didn't say anything about punishment, leaving him in suspense, but this suspense was like pouring cold water on the militia captains who were ready to take action just now.

A clerk muttered in a low voice that the militia's operation to clear out bandits this year was very different from previous years. Immediately, other clerks suggested that it might be because in previous years they were smaller bandit gangs, and they were all simple camps established in the woods. They were not as large as the Luo Pocket Hole bandits, who had a large number of people and an easy way. A difficult-to-defend cave nest.

The pre-war meeting was over, and everyone dispersed to eat and explain various things.

Kil also took turns eating with the guard guarding the door. Kiel saw that many young militiamen were either excited or worried. Some people could not eat at all, while others finished their meals in threes and threes, and then discussed with their partners how to fight tomorrow.

When Kil came back from dinner, he saw Knight Crow standing in front of the board he had drawn with food, so he walked over and asked about something he had discovered before.

"Lord Knight, I discovered before that during the militia training, I mean during the militia training outside Kendall City, didn't Baron Kendall's eldest son also participate in the training? But when I got here, I was not there. Did you see him or his tent in the camp?”

Knight Crow wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth with a fine cloth, and then pointed in the direction of Bingxun Pass in the east: "A monarch should not go to dangerous places in person. This is an imperial proverb."

"So that person is staying in the Ice Flood Pass, waiting for the good news you bring? I always feel that something is wrong in the Ice Flood Pass. It doesn't seem like a safe place." Kil helped Knight Crow move the big wooden board He moved it into his tent and set it up in a relatively empty area.

The two found a place to sit down and talk in the tent.

Regarding Kiel's statement, Knight Crow gave his opinion: "It's not as easy as you think. He should have received my letter by this time, and he should have started to collect the second batch of supplies on the spot. . Of course, Bingxun Pass is not a peaceful place. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Every big businessman who colludes with local officials is ten times more hateful than the bandits in the mountains."

Kil didn't understand why Knight Crow thought those big businessmen were so hateful. Besides, if they were so hateful, wouldn't it be enough to deal with them in the same way as bandits?

Knowing that Keir didn't know much about this aspect, he explained: "You may know that Bingxun Pass is my territory."

Kil nodded, he still knew this.

The knight lowered his voice and said, "Ah, but you definitely don't know that the actual control of Bingshuguan is not in my hands."

"I know that. The soldiers and officials in the checkpoint don't seem to mention you much." Keir told what he knew.

The knight nodded: "They are all Earl Pork's men."

"Count Poker?"

"Earl Pork. He is the lord of the province where Kendall County is located, and he is a great nobleman. How could a place like Bingshuguan, where wealth is concentrated, be handed over to a lower nobleman like Baron Kendal as a great nobleman? You Think about it more, the two above are competing for the income of the level, and as the local lord, I am actually just in name only."

Keir pursed his lips. Sure enough, he could imagine that in order to suppress the development of local nobles' strength, the upper-class nobles would find ways to win over the interests that originally belonged to the local nobles into their own hands.

Thinking more deeply, do so many bandits near Bingxunguan really gather here naturally?

Could it be that other nobles intervened in order to limit the trade and the number of immigrants in Kendall County, thus slowing down the overall development of Kendall County indirectly?

After thinking about it for a while, Kil still told these speculations to Knight Crow.

"It can't be said that there is no reason for this." Knight Crow said with a smile.

"Could that also be arranged by Count Poker?" Kil asked speculatively.

The knight shook his head: "This is unnecessary. The upper-class nobles look down on these roundabout ways. Think about it, compared to secretly encouraging nearby bandits to gather in Bingxun Pass and restricting the development of Kendall County. Wouldn't it be better for the earl to directly find a way to send more troops to Bingxun Pass? Moreover, a large amount of taxes from Bingxun Pass will flow to him, so there is no need for him to make himself unhappy."

After a pause, the knight continued: "In my opinion, it is probably the nobles nearby who envy Kendall, so they often encourage those people in the bandit circle. Or, they can organize some people who wander in the dark, specifically Promote the wealth and weak defenses here at Bingxun Pass."

After talking for a while, the two talked about the eldest son of Baron Kendall in Bingshuguan.

"Kiel, the battlefield of the battle is not limited to the frontal battlefield. For example, in a level with sufficient supplies, it is also a difficult battle to obtain supplies from there." Knight Crow said, and then he came from From the small bag on his belt, he took out a few coins and flicked them with his fingers.

The coins include gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, and iron coins. Coins of different materials and denominations make different vibration sounds. The knight continued: "Listen, do the sounds made by these coins sound like the sharp collision of swords? The bloody killings inside , no less than what we have here.”

Kil looked at these coins that were bounced into the air by the knight, then fell and bounced up again. The sound of those metal vibrations echoed in his ears. He was thinking about the eldest son of Baron Kendall who was far away from here. At this time, he was dealing with checkpoint officials and big businessmen.

"It seems that there is indeed a vague feeling of confrontation and battle." Kil feels that such a task is not easy, at least he can't do it now, but if it is the eldest son of Baron Kendall with an important identity, he may be able to do it without much effort. .


At the same time, Bingxunguan.

Knight Crow's guard asked the young hunter who was traveling with him to stay in the hotel first, as he had to go out to do some business.

He put on a thick cloth cloak to protect him from the cold, put the letter given to him by Knight Crow in his inner pocket, and then pushed open the door of the hotel. They chose a hotel close to the church. The cost of these hotels is no less than the hotels on the central street of the checkpoint. The main purpose is to provide travelers with a good and safe living experience.

Compared to other places where fish and dragons are mixed, at least no one dares to mess around here. After all, the Church of the God of Wealth is the most powerful in Bingxunguan. Compared with the Church of the God of Wealth in Kendall City, it is no problem to say that this is the main concentration of wealth in Kendall County.

If someone was messing around near the church, the stupid guy who committed the crime would be found by the priests and punished in public without waiting until the next day.

After going out, the guard wrapped his cold-proof cloak tightly and pulled up the hem of the cloak. Although all the filth on the ground was frozen solid, he still couldn't stand the appearance of other towns except Kendall.

In his opinion, compared with Kendall City, other places, no matter how much wealth they gather, are just things grown in filthy places.

Carefully avoiding some suspicious objects that were frozen solid by the cold weather, he soon arrived at the luxurious hotel in the middle of Bingxun Pass where the eldest son of Baron Kendall was staying.

The hotel is huge and divided into many different areas. Many wealthy and distinguished businessmen from other places live here. They live here, communicate here, finalize deals here, and entertain here.

There is no need to leave here at all, and they can complete everything they need without contacting the chaotic Bingxun Pass outside.

In addition to these businessmen from various places, several powerful officials from Bingshuguan also live here. They were all the affairs officers under the Earl and were not locals at all. Naturally, they had no interest in finding a house to live in this chaotic place that was full of wealth.

Anyway, for those who live here for a long time, all expenses can be settled with management fees. They dare not refuse to pay the hotel or pay. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are high-ranking officials, but in the eyes of the owner behind the hotel, they are just ordinary people.

Ronthos Kendall, the eldest son of Baron Kendall, and his close combat militiamen all live in a separate small building here. The militiamen were guarding various parts of the small building at this time, and inside, Longsos was talking to several people who came to discuss banditry matters.

"Thank you again for your support on this matter!" Longsos raised the silver cup and took a sip of the wine inside.

Several other people also raised their glasses and simply took a sip.

"This gang of bandits called Luo Dang Cave is really hateful. My caravan was robbed before, and I never knew what happened. If he hadn't escaped with those people before, I would still be in the dark. Sigh. , I have never paid much attention to the security aspect of banditry before, which led to our heavy losses. It seems that we still need a stable environment so that we businessmen can operate well." A potbellied man was not very interested. He looked at the red wine in the glass and said.

Another man present was not happy. He had a strong build and looked tall and mighty. But everyone who knew him knew that this guy just looked good-looking and powerful, because the red house that had been hanging around Bingxunguan all year round, He also hooked up with many young immigrant women from outside. This man had already been eviscerated. Although he was the captain of the soldiers responsible for the security affairs of Bingshuguan, he had never been able to cut the neck of a bandit personally.

The soldiers and thugs in Bingxunguan called him "Inverted Spear" and used this ironic nickname to humiliate the man. Of course, no one would dare to call this name to his face, otherwise he would be imprisoned in a dark prison and stay there until death.

The man drank the wine in the silver cup in one gulp, grinned and retorted to the pot-bellied businessman opposite: "Hey, as you said, only with enough support from the businessmen, our soldiers will put the ice in the water." Only by maintaining good public security in Guan can you teach the bandits a lesson, and your caravan will not be robbed and attacked by bandits. So, who would rather call in more mercenary guards than pay the security tax in the first place. "

He then reached out with the cup to the maid beside him. When the maid poured him wine, he also touched the smooth back of the maid's hand.

"Hehe." He smiled at the shy maid.

Another man present ignored the man opposite him. He stopped the fat businessman who wanted to say something, glanced at the others, and then said: "Everyone knows the strength and quality of the Bingxunguan soldiers, but I won't No more words to say. My people were also robbed by the Luo Pocket Hole bandit. If he hadn’t escaped with him, I wouldn’t be able to explain to his family. In any case, this Luo Pocket Hole bandit must be eliminated. I think everyone here clearly understands this."

"Fortunately, Lord Knight Crow has led a large number of militiamen over. Everyone has seen the militiamen guarding inside and outside the house, and I believe there is no question whether they can defeat the bandit gang. And Mr. Kendall called everyone here today. I I believe it is not to repeat the meaningless things before, but to discuss the follow-up material replenishment of the militia team."

Longsos cleared his throat: "Everyone, we have information about the lucky people who escaped from the clutches of the bandits before, and we basically know how big the bandit gang called the Luobang Cave Bandits has become. In addition, they definitely don't They will sit back and wait for death, and it is expected that Knight Crow will lead the newly trained militia to clear them out in winter, so there will definitely be action."

The lustful man put the full bottle of wine to his mouth and said: "It's better to absorb those scattered small gangs of thieves. I told Lord Crowe about this. He has an expectation and he will definitely be able to cope with it."

Ronthos knew the relationship behind this man, so he could not offend these count people on his father's behalf, so he could not say anything to the lecherous man's interjection.

Fortunately, there are still other people present who dare to refute and offend this person. The businessmen don't care about the count behind this person. After all, even the count has to take care of big businessmen like them. Compared with their own dogs, they are still their own. Money is more important.

The relatively calm male businessman from before said: "You can't just rely on the knight's predictions and contingency. Anyone who has been doing business all year round knows that the best way to save money is to be fully prepared before starting business. So we We need to give the knight and his militia enough follow-up supplies to support him in wiping out this large bandit gang. If the knight didn't accept the participation of the mercenary guards I hired, I would have spent a lot of money to clear the level. The thugs here who have nothing to do all day long in winter are all hired to go up and deal with the bandits."

The fat businessman next to him added: "You can also invite a few priest friends from the great God of Wealth to fight against the bandits together." Jean then muttered in a low voice: "Although it will cost a lot of money."

Several other officials who were called and businessmen dealing in bulk supplies also expressed their opinions.

The officials were divided into two groups. One group felt that since the merchants were so willing, they could be allowed to raise supplies on their own initiative, while they would be responsible for transporting people. They 'guaranteed' not to withhold the collected supplies.

Another group of people felt that merchants should be excluded from material preparation. All they had to do was provide a large amount of 'special' security tax, and the subsequent material preparation and material transfer could be left to them. After all, they had done this in previous years, and there had been no problems with the militia's operations to clear out bandits in previous years.

Of course, if the merchants are willing to pay such a 'special' security tax every year, they can even let the soldiers from Bingxunguan go out of the city to clear out the bandits who robbed the caravans every quarter.

They didn't do this before, mainly because the income tax at Bingshuguan was insufficient. Many businessmen never paid the taxes on various applications and soldiers' expenses, and would rather spend more money to hire amateurs such as guards and thugs. , and did not want to hand it over to them to recruit more soldiers.

The businessmen looked distrustful of this rhetoric. If it weren't for the presence of Ronthos Kendall, the eldest son of Baron Kendall, they would have left long ago.

Only a ghost can believe what these Bingshuguan officials say. The businessmen are all well-informed people and know that Bingxunguan collects a lot of taxes every year, but they have never really applied it to the management of Bingxunguan.

The soldiers' wages were often in arrears, and they even had to go with the tax collector to collect additional miscellaneous taxes, so that they could barely make ends meet. Many of the merchants' guards were soldiers who left and joined them after they could no longer serve.

So I don’t believe the officials’ words at all.

And before coming, they also did some research. In previous years, these guys had taken a huge sum of money from the supply of supplies. If it weren't for the fact that the money and supplies didn't go through the hands of Knight Crow, the other party wouldn't know. There were many twists and turns inside, and I thought that there were only so many supplies for the militia each time. If the knight really knew the truth, there would probably be a riot that would end badly.

Therefore, the merchants insisted that they raise the supplies themselves. Maybe Bingshuguan would need help in transshipment, but their own people would also have to be involved.

They all made promises to their men in their chambers of commerce that they would not let the Luo Pocket Hole bandits survive this winter, and they kept their word. When you go out to do business, you rely on the trust of your stewards. If the bandit gang that slaughtered their caravan is not eliminated, then how can anyone dare to follow them?

The Bingxunguan officials did not give in. They insisted that the bottom line was that they were solely responsible for transshipment, and they sought to obtain special taxes from merchants. They were also responsible for purchasing and raising materials.

Several businessmen responsible for local bulk supplies were hesitant.

Supporting the officials here, they can work with the officials to enjoy this extra material deal. After all, they asked the merchants present that the bandits were huddled in the cave, and there were so many of them, it didn't sound good. deal with. The longer the militiamen fight, the more supplies they will need. This business has potential to be tapped.

By supporting fellow merchants, they can be consistent with other merchants, and they will also have a sense of favor in other subsequent transactions. These big merchants are very powerful, and Bingshuguan is only part of their business scope. Most of the entire trade route starting from Kendall County has the participation of these merchants. It's not good to offend these people about this matter.

While the two parties were arguing, a melee militiaman came up from behind Longsos, who had been watching the quarrel helplessly.

"Captain, a guard from Knight Crow is here. He has brought a letter from Knight Crow." the militiaman said in a low voice.

Ronthos coughed slightly, attracting the attention of others present, and he said loudly: "Knight Crow's guard is here, everyone, let's see what news he brings. Militiamen, go and invite him in. "

"Yes, captain." The militiaman should go down behind.

Then, the Crow knight guard who had been waiting at the door for a while came in.

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