Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 32, in the camp on the mountain road - the invitation and rejection of the knight and the ba

Night in the mountains soon came, and they had already made preparations. After having dinner, several groups of spear militiamen rushed to the front line, and each lit a small heating fire behind a large wooden shield. Their bows and crossbows were ready at any time. The preparations were made, and the spears were leaning against the big wooden shield.

The other militiamen retreated to the camp to rest.

Knight Crow also made more preparations. He divided the militia teams who returned to the camp into groups and divided the whole night into four groups of militiamen. These militiamen only used their full body equipment and gathered around the campfire to warm themselves.

Their role is to prevent bandits from launching large-scale attacks at night. If something unexpected happens, these militiamen who have prepared for battle in advance can immediately support the frontline positions.

And in order to prevent the militiamen from falling down the hillside or getting separated due to light problems when moving at night, Knight Crow ordered many lighting fires to be erected between the militia camp and the front line positions as indicators.

These fires are filled with firewood to ensure that they can burn until dawn the next day if there is wind at night.

During the meal, Kiel also received instructions from Knight Crow, telling him not to take off his armor when resting at night. As an important combat force that can support the front line, Knight Crow hoped that Kiel could bear more responsibility during these two days.

If necessary, he needs to let Keir fight the bandits at any time.

Of course, for this redundant responsibility task, Knight Crow also promised Kil that he could be given more credit. These achievements are not as intuitive as the number of bandits killed, but it is indeed possible to directly convey Kiel's actions in this battle to Baron Kendall himself through his mouth.

"Kiel, if you want to go further in the city of Kendall in the future, it is necessary to be appreciated by the baron. After all, who would entrust important tasks to unknown and unfamiliar people? Right." The knight patted Kiel's shoulder said.

He then whispered to Keir: "You have been to Gloomy Forest Village, what do you think of it?"

Kil vaguely felt what the knight meant, but he didn't feel it: "Uh, tell the truth?"

The knight nodded.

"I think Gloomy Forest Village seems too comfortable. Although they are very close to the vast forest, it seems that apart from this time of Warcraft, there are no safety issues such as monsters and beasts in the forest? After all, Doral is opposite it in the other direction. Lin Village, there are a lot of beasts and monsters there."

The knight smiled: "This is also the reason why I heard that Kendall placed that useless so-called 'knight' in Gloomy Forest Village. Kil, if you can successfully learn how to become a knight-level warrior next year, I think you can Do more work and take over things in Gloomy Forest Village."

Seeing that Kil was stunned, he lightly kicked Kil with his foot and said, "How's it going?"

Keir was in a bit of a dilemma. Although Kendall County, as far as he could see, had developed quite well in recent years. If he were a local, he would definitely take advantage of this opportunity and directly become a member of Kendall County.

But he's not.

His soul is a person who has traveled through time. His real name is Zhao Ji, and he is a modern Chinese young man.

Although he didn't know what would happen to others after they died, since he was lucky enough to come to this fantasy world, he must go out and visit this vast and wonderful world.

How could it be possible to live in an ordinary village, with a wife and children walking through life on the hot bed.

Knight Crow saw the hesitation and resistance in Kiel's eyes. He patted Kiel's armored shoulder and said, "Okay, um. You are such a young guy after all. If you want to go out and have a try, I don't agree with you." Understand. After all, I was young once. At that time, as soon as I came of age, I couldn’t wait to take the letter of recommendation written by my father and ran directly to join the kingdom’s army. Now, more than ten years have passed, and I have returned to This is the place I couldn't wait to escape from. Train the people here and defend our town property."

Having said this, Knight Crow seemed to have lost the intention to continue talking, and just sat on the ground, staring at the flames on the fire, chewing the food slowly.

He seemed to be recalling those decades of his life.

Growth, playfulness, intolerance, adulthood, joining the army, training, fighting, learning, transformation, massacre, command, fighting, emptiness, retirement, return home, family, militia, friendship, and now.

Kil did not dare to disturb Knight Crow. After finishing his meal quietly, he returned to the camp to rest.

The bandit's head was thrown directly into the pit dug on the side. There was no need to worry about the thing rotting in the low-temperature air. Apart from the bad smell, it didn't hinder anything. I just don’t know if the guard in the same camp won’t like this thing.

I hope he doesn't mind, because tomorrow morning he will hand over the head to the Crow knight in charge of merit or to the clerk's office.

Kil took off his armored gauntlet and put his right hand in front of his eyes.

The palms of his hands gradually became rough. After the non-stop fighting in recent months, his hands gradually became thick and calloused due to the use of various weapons. On one finger, the elf metal ring that appeared inexplicably was placed on his hand.

As before, no matter whether he placed the ring in the camp or in his backpack, as soon as he moved a certain distance away from the ring, it would appear on his hand inexplicably.

Still wearing it.

Originally, Kil thought he had gotten rid of the entanglement of this thing in the ancient elf ruins. After all, he had experienced the important experiences of the former owner of the ring in his dream.

At that time, he was relieved that the ring no longer followed him.

However, he was probably in a very bad situation when he was in a desperate situation within the body of Warcraft.

He stared at this very simple ring and said quietly to it: "Did you save me at that time?"

The ring didn't respond.

Kil breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that there was no reaction. He was really afraid that the ring would suddenly speak, which would be a bad situation. Keir once tried to destroy the ring, but no matter what method he used, he could not shake the ring at all.

"Lord of the Rings?"

"Grandpa? No, grandma? Elf grandma?" There was no response.

Kil curled his lips and put on his armor and gloves again. When he was in coma, he had dreamed about stories about new female elves, but when he went to bed these few nights, it was calm and he never dreamed about elves again.

He guessed that it was probably because he was far away from the ruins, so some of the power in the ruins could not be provided to the ring, and thus could not affect his dreams.

"Then do you want to go there again? Some of the things in the dream are very interesting. I vaguely remember that the thing is still there. After defeating the bandits, follow Knight Lanisa back to Kendal to repair it before going. "Kiel said to himself.

Then, he wore the armor like this, covered himself with a dog-skin quilt, and slept lightly in the dog-skin sleeping bag. He still remembered the knight's instructions not to sleep too deeply at night to avoid being unable to get up quickly to support the frontline positions.

As a result, the knight's preparations were useless that night.


the next morning.

Kil tapped his body lightly and walked out of the tent.

Wearing armor to sleep last night and not being able to sleep too hard, Kil's sleep quality was not very good. Apart from being in good spirits, his body was sore and dry. After all, when the armor was designed, it was never meant to be worn to sleep.

Kil's waist hangs the heads of the bandits he killed yesterday. Now, before today's battle begins, he wants to count these heads into his credit for killing the enemy.

Not only Kiir thought so, but many militiamen who had killed the enemy yesterday took advantage of the morning meal to deal with the matter. Therefore, everyone did not dare to look for Knight Crow because the knight was too majestic, so they all gathered around the old clerk who was responsible for recording things.

Most of the militiamen's achievements yesterday were a bandit's head, but Kiel's appearance of bringing a bunch of bandit heads this time still suppressed the nearby militiamen.

Based on Kiir's activity on the front line yesterday, the militiamen who killed the enemy all knew about Kiir, and also understood that Kiir really obtained the heads of these bandits based on his skills.

"Let me see, Joe Kil. Lord Knight Crow specially joined the warriors." The old secretary took out a big notebook that each of the clerks had, and then took out another one that could be used even in cold weather. After using the non-frozen ink, he carefully recorded Kiir's information on the page responsible for recording the militiamen's results.

Gill smiled and placed the bandit heads on the wooden table next to the old clerk. The clerk's assistant squinted his eyes and untied the tangled hair of these disheveled bandit heads with fear and disgust on his face, and then counted them one by one. .

"Nine bandit heads, boss, Kil killed nine bandits." The assistant nodded to Kil to please, and then reported to the old secretary.

"Okay, nine bandits." The old man drew nine small marks in a row under Kiel's name, indicating that Kiel had achieved nine banditry exploits.

Keir asked: "Sir, if you kill a bandit leader, how should you record it?"

The old secretary smiled and said: "That's not a mistake. I will ask the knight to confirm, and then write down specifically that you killed the bandit leader. The news is that there are five leaders in the bandit gang, but one of them has already left. He died at the hands of the Bingxun Pass soldiers a few days ago. That guy had the audacity to sneak into the pass and attack the people who escaped from their clutches. He really deserved his death. However, Kil. If you really defeat a bandit leader, remember to find the Lord Knight first. Confirm with the captured bandit. After confirmation, I will record the credit for you. However, be careful, a hound that is too brave will not be able to hunt the prey, because the prey will walk around it. Remember this."

Kiel nodded and thanked the old secretary for his advice. The surrounding militiamen were very envious of Kiel's achievements. Although they also fought very bravely, they were far behind Kiel after all. Not only did they attack In terms of weapons and combat techniques, the quality of armor is the most important.

Because their armor is very average, in battle, in addition to really good timing, the other militiamen are more about how to protect themselves from being injured. Therefore, everyone is more cautious when fighting. To put it bluntly, they are more timid and dare not let go of the fight. After all, everyone is the main labor force in the family, and it is not good if they are injured or die.

But Kil is very different. Many bandit weapons can't hurt him very much, and even armor can't hurt him. Naturally, it can't pose a sufficient threat to him. Therefore, when Kil fights, he will freely exchange armor damage for the death of bandits.

His overly brave appearance actually frightened many thieves who were just too ferocious.

The bandits are really not good at it. They only dare to swing their swords at the weak. Facing the strong, they are weak, but they cannot face it directly.

As for Kil, whether he was facing bandits or mysterious and terrifying monsters, he dared to fight seriously.

After eating in the morning, Kil stood behind Knight Crow and waited for a while. Many militiamen who had finished firing their crossbow bolts yesterday were exchanging the remaining crossbow bolts with other militiamen.

When everyone's crossbow bolts were almost enough, Knight Crow led the team and a large number of militiamen walked out of the camp together, and soon arrived at the frontline position captured yesterday.

Kil looked around and saw that there were many dead and frozen corpses of bandits lying between the outside of the campfire and the bandits' position on the opposite side.

The militia team leader who stayed here last night came to report that the corpses were either bandits who came here last night to test whether they could rush through the campfire, or scattered bandits who wanted to escape from the bandit's lair in front of the position.

Many of the bandits who escaped under the cover of night were not captured, and only some of the slower ones were shot. The injured bandit soon bled to death between the two positions.

There is no fire for warmth, and it is not a place where people can stay outside at night.

After confirming the results of the battle, Knight Crow asked these militiamen to return to the camp quickly to eat and rest. If possible, let them go on duty in the afternoon, so that they would not need to be rotated for tonight's mission.

After all, Knight Crow had agreed to take down this bandit's lair in three days, and to do so with low damage, so the night watch militia had to rotate their operations.

No one can bear just having a wave of militiamen keep watch.

Soon, after a rope was thrown to drag the bandit's body back as a tribute to the vigilante militia, today's battle began.

Just like yesterday, Knight Crow asked the militiamen in the front row to advance slowly with large wooden shields, and asked the militiamen in the back row to use crossbows to shoot all the unwary bandits who dared to show up.

It seems that the militiamen are advancing very slowly while carrying the big wooden shields, but in fact, according to Kiel's observation, the speed is already very fast. It is not only safe, but also always advancing. Every time the front advances a little, all the militiamen will move forward a little.

Therefore, not only the militiamen fighting in the front can confirm that they are really advancing, but even the militiamen behind who are ready for battle can feel that they are advancing.

Although slow, it is very stable.

The bandits didn't show anything after suffering such a loss.

Under the command of the bandit leader, these bandits also tried to hold up some homemade wooden shields with roars to resist the ferocious crossbows of the militiamen, and tried to attack the militiamen's frontline positions from the side of the mountain road.

"Kiel! Stop those bandits!" Before Knight Crow could finish his words, Kiel led the ten spear-wielding militia assigned to him, all with their weapons drawn, and charged back towards the oncoming bandits.

The bandits watched as ten spears and one double-edged spear were leveled and stabbed at them. The one at the front swore obscenities and died. But apart from being able to say a few funny curse words before he died, he couldn't change anything.

Puff, puff, puff.

After yesterday's actual combat experience, the spears made the best militiamen fight with Kiel. With one attack, everyone knocked over several of the bandits who rushed over with simple shields.

The Kiel spear was slightly shorter, so it was specifically aimed at the 'lucky' bandits who had escaped the spear, piercing it directly and then flying forward. Then he swept left and right, forcing back the bandits who wanted to get close to melee.

Immediately afterwards, the militiamen, who had pushed a step or two, rushed forward again to thrust their spears. The bandits who were only wearing animal skins for self-defense were unable to withstand the sharp points of the spears. Even if they were lightly brushed, the animal skins and muscles would be torn.

Of course, it's not that there aren't brave and elite bandits who really charge forward. At this time, you have to rely on Kiel's powerful close combat ability.

When faced with bandits using heavy weapons charging forward, Kiel would either use a long gun to distance himself from him and guide the reckless bandits away from the front line of the melee. As long as they walked to an open area, there was no need for Kiel to send a signal. The militiamen would directly shoot the bandit in volley.

The militiamen behind would not stop until the guy was shot into a sieve.

At this time, Kil was always worried that some militiamen would accidentally shoot him, so even in the cold weather, he was scared to the point of sweating.

Fortunately, when the militiamen were training crossbow shooting outside Kendall City, they had been carefully trained. The militiamen who failed to shoot crossbows were not brought over by Knight Crow. Either they were asked to take charge of unimportant things, or they were directly Send it back to your place of origin and go home. The biggest difference between semi-regular soldiers like militiamen and stragglers like bandits is that they have powerful projectile weapons supported by Kendall City.

Militiamen who cannot master such weapons are naturally not considered qualified militiamen and can only return home, and will not be able to enjoy all subsequent militia rights.

For example, all the main young people in the village have joined the militia and have gained the friendship of comrades in the process of clearing bandits. Then these young people who have not joined the militia will naturally be excluded from the affairs of the village. Good things never come to your mind, but bad things happen to you first.

That's it.

Of course, you can also want to join the militia training later, but you have to sign up yourself. If you fail the important crossbow shooting training in the second training, you will not be asked to join again if you want to.


After Kiel and his men cooperated with the militiamen who were shooting behind them to repel the bandits' counterattack, the bandits took the initiative to retreat the next day.

They learned wisely and when they retreated, they knew how to carry important wooden boxes and other items that could resist crossbows back to the back.

But what made the bandits blunder was that on the first morning, most of the militiamen were waiting for the rear to make large wooden shields. So in fact, to be precise, under the command of Knight Crow, the militiamen obtained the shield in just one afternoon. advance the front line.

Therefore, the next morning, it only took them half a day to force the bandits to retreat again. In this way, the militiamen were not too far from the entrance of the cave where the bandits were lair.

Knight Crow even told Kil that if everything goes well, by dark today, he should be able to point his troops directly at the entrance of the bandit cave.

When the time comes, the bandits will be forced to retreat into the cave. The bandits had only one vertical shaft to escape from.

But Knight Crow already had methods to deal with the stubborn resistance of the bandits when he scouted the terrain before. Today, the secretaries and their assistants in the rear camp were busy working on this.

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