Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 36, The Burning Backyard-The Freezing Magic That Shatters Life

Longsos suddenly realized something. He pointed at the laughing waiter who was out of control and said to the captain of the hotel guard next to him: "Keep an eye on him, don't let him escape. Something should happen later, militiamen! Hurry with me. Come and support.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to the waiter and the female thugs who had been entangled and framed him before, and hurried back with the militiamen who followed him.

The backyard of the hotel where supplies were being sorted and transported was still a little far away. Hearing the continuous sound of weapons clashing and roaring shouts coming from the backyard, he immediately changed his pace from brisk walking to running quickly.

Originally, in aristocratic etiquette, one should not run around under any circumstances, especially when the aristocrat himself is in the place where he is the person with the highest status, and the aristocratic demeanor and majesty should be maintained.

But Longsos really felt that the matter was serious. If Knight Crow failed to complete the task assigned to him, would it affect the loyalty of future knights to him?

He didn't dare to think about this problem. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these bandits were cunning and vicious.

While he led the militiamen to quickly open some doors that were closed because of darkness, he thought about what had just happened. It was probably a trap set up by the bandits to attract him and his militiamen to a place far away from supplies. trap.

There were only a few mercenary guards hired by businessmen in the backyard. Originally, the businessmen were trying their best to get involved in transporting the corpses of Warcraft, but he was quite unwilling before.

After all, the World of Warcraft was captured by his father's knight, Knight Lanessa, who led the team alone. There is really no need to involve other forces.

But now, he only hates that there are too few mercenary guards hired by the merchants.

I wonder if those mercenaries can withstand the bandits' attack.

In a flash of his mind, he guessed that the bandits probably didn't have many manpower. Otherwise, there would be no need to set a trap to lure him and his militiamen away.


The closer you get to the backyard, the messier and worse things get. Several hotel waiters who were responsible for guarding the livestock fled from the front, shouting something about fire, fire or the like.

Longsos gritted his teeth, and sure enough.

The main purpose of the bandits was to use fire to destroy the supplies provided to the frontline militia teams. If the food or other materials in these supplies are burned, it can be easily solved. After all, there are a lot of basic supplies in Bingshuguan. As long as you can afford the money, you can get a large supply.

But the most important of these supplies are actually the supply crossbows made by the craftsmen of Kendall City. These items are numerous and neat in specifications. They are the most important guarantee for the militiamen's combat effectiveness.

Without the crossbows, the crossbows that each of the militiamen had were useless. They could fight the brutal bandits with only half a month of training by the farmers, and they relied more on this kind of integrated long-range projection weapons.

Approaching the backyard, Longsos and the others could smell a lot of fire and smoke after the materials were burned, and their noses were filled with choking smoke.

Fortunately, the hotel is not short of money. Most of its backyards are made of stones, and most of the supplies are placed in the open space in the middle of the backyard.

Finally, through a wooden door, the situation in the backyard finally came into Longsos' sight.

A side door in the backyard was knocked open, and some supplies facing it were being set on fire by several thieves, and some thieves were splashing some flammable grease liquid with a clay pot on their chest.

Seeing this, Longsos' eyesight was splitting as he said, "Quickly stop those bandits who are throwing oil!"

The militia men who had been following Longsos immediately took off the crossbows they carried on their backs. They did not use their feet to assist at all. These masters from all over the country who had trained for many years directly pulled the crossbow strings with their hands, cocked the arrows, and directly used some burning The supplies were on fire and aimed at the bandits.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

The two bandits who only cared about splashing grease were directly shot through the chest by crossbow arrows and fell to the ground screaming.

Some bandits who were alert and ready to fight when they saw the militiamen appeared, dodged the crossbows' aimed shots at the last moment.

On the other side of the backyard, several mercenaries who were fighting with the bandits were overjoyed and immediately shouted in unison, temporarily forcing back the elite bandits who were fighting them.

Because the weapons in their hands were limited, it was difficult for the bandits to deal with the mercenaries who were focused on defense. The short-handled things in their hands could not cope with the strong wooden shields in the hands of the mercenaries.

The bandit leader here rushed back as soon as he saw the militiamen who had been led away, and his men had already set fire to the supplies that had been supplied to the militia team.

I feel like I should be able to retreat.

These supplies were tied together with wooden boxes and oil-soaked ropes. With the lamp oil they brought, it was very easy to ignite, and because there was grease inside, it was difficult for a few people to put it out.

"Let's go! The mission is successful! Everyone, evacuate quickly!" the bandit leader yelled. Hearing his words, the other bandits also threw the clay pots on their chests towards the supplies, and then waved their weapons casually, preparing to steal from them. They rushed in through the side door of the backyard and then went back.

As long as these militiamen are still thinking about retrieving some supplies, the bandits will have no problem escaping.

While waiting, they can also set fires at will in Bingxung Pass to increase the chaos of the level. As long as the merchants feel that the situation is tense, it will be difficult for these militiamen to obtain a new batch of supplies in a short time.


The bandit leader is grinning. He has completed his mission very well this time. He might be able to become the new leader of Luo Pocket Cave when he returns. Hahahaha, he smiled exaggeratedly, and when illuminated by the bright and extinguishing fire of the materials, he looked particularly ferocious.

And Longsos was almost furious. He saw that the bandits immediately retreated when they saw him and the militia coming. When they retreated, they did not forget to throw the oil cans they brought into the fire to fuel the flames. more prosperous.

"Don't think about leaving so easily, you all will die!" Longsos no longer cared about anything else, and walked directly away from the militiamen, standing in a relatively open small space, and directly targeted the fire he had set before. After getting the signal, go to the fastest running bandits.

He raised his hands and lightly held the metal parts on both sides of his crown. He stared at those damn bandits and shouted softly: "Freeze the glacier!"

As soon as the magic activation password was spoken, the gems on the magic crown shone.

The blue square gem instantly gave birth to a blue torrent as thick as a finger, which shot out from Longsus's forehead. Then, as Longsus aimed his eyes, it instantly hit a person who ran to the side door of the backyard. Bandits.

Longsos just glanced at the bandit with his eyes, and then immediately ignored the bandit and stared at the next bandit.

The blue torrent shot left and right on the bandit, and then large ice crystals condensed out of the air. The bandit felt his body go numb, and then his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The area that was not hit by the blue torrent was okay, and he was controlled by the bandits to support his body on the ground. However, when his right arm was surrounded by a large number of ice crystals in the air, and then lightly hit the stone slab on the ground, he It made a distorted sound and then broke apart.

The robber watched helplessly as his right arm began to break from the hand upwards, and was about to scream in horror. But when he lowered his head, he saw that the right half of his body was covered with a large amount of ice crystals. He wanted to breathe, but found that his body was gradually becoming numb. Only then did he realize that he felt a cold feeling coming from the right half of his body. .

The bandit lay on the ground, his eyes wide open, but his body gradually lost control, and he died just like that.

Longsos glanced at the two bandits with his eyes, then counted the time, turned his head, and looked at several bandits who were running around the burning supplies and running towards the side door of the backyard.

As Longsus turned his head, the blue torrent of fire also crossed half of the backyard and swept directly towards the bandits.

"Get down!" Seeing the miserable situation of the men in front of them, the bandits were confused by this sudden and strange scene. The bandit leader quickly shouted and asked his men to get down.

He himself climbed down immediately, but the time from when his men heard his words to reacting and taking action was too late.

The dark blue torrent shot back and forth at the running bandit twice before extinguishing.

Ronthos breathed a sigh of relief, still holding his crown with his hand, and without turning his head, he said to his militiamen: "Wait a moment, the bandits are dead, wait until I extinguish these flames."

The militiamen all held crossbows in their hands and stared blankly at the jeweled crown that Longsos always wore on his head. They didn't know what they were thinking.

On the other side, the mercenaries were so frightened that they shrank behind their shields when they saw a young man suddenly releasing magic. After they heard what the bandit leader said about climbing down, they fell down on the cold ground in fear, and then put the wooden shields in their hands on their heads to cover them.

After several running bandits were shot from left and right by blue rapids, they ran a few more steps and then suddenly fell to the ground.

After the robbers fell, their entire bodies were broken into two pieces from the waist down. After the lower body fell to the ground, their legs and feet were still twitching, but after the fall, their legs and feet could only bounce on the ground. The upper half of the robbers' bodies fell to the ground. They opened their mouths in fear, but nothing could come out of their mouths because their lungs were frozen and there was no airflow through their throats, so their mouths were shaking. No sound was made.

The bandit's body was broken into two parts, leaving only a lot of internal organs and intestines that were frozen into pieces. Even the spine was frozen hard and fell to the ground with a snap.

The bandit leader opened his eyes wide and watched as his men struggled to flap their arms and gradually stopped moving. His mind was a little confused. Is everything in front of him a dream? Is he still sleeping in the occupied residents' home? This nightmare-like thing is so unrealistic that it must only exist in dreams.

Yes! He must be dreaming. Close your eyes tightly and bang your head on the ground, maybe you can wake up.

Boom, boom, boom.

But no matter how much he banged his forehead on the ground, he couldn't get rid of it.


Longsos looked at the flames that were still burning and became more and more prosperous, and stopped his men from fetching water to extinguish the fire.

"Don't move, stand behind me. The fire will be extinguished immediately." Longsos said. The militiamen saw the magical blue light just now, and fired a few left and right shots, causing the bandits to break into several pieces. Now that Mr. Longsos said so, they believed it.

Longsos took a few steps and adjusted a suitable position. Then he still held the metal crown lightly with both hands and softly recited a magic password in his mouth: "Air-conditioned Ice Field."

After receiving the instruction, the square sapphire in the center of Longsus's forehead immediately bloomed with a more powerful blue magic power. After a while, a powerful magic power was projected from the center of the gem, which quickly appeared in front of Longsus's eyes. He used his magic power to condense an ice-blue fist-sized magic ball.

This magic ball does not rotate, and it seems to be a solid structure made of ice cubes. Longsos knew that it was just an illusion. The so-called solid structure of the ice cube was actually a magic structure that was being rapidly constructed according to the mage who sold it.

He concentrated and followed the instructions he had read before, extending his spirit through the crown to the magic sphere.

Because it was a magic instrument bound to him, he could accomplish this step easily. Immediately afterwards, Longzos controlled the magic sphere and pointed it in front of him. The burning materials in the middle of the backyard released a low-temperature air mass that was said to be as cold as the air on the ice sheet in the polar night in the far north.


The low-temperature air mass simulated by magic can even be seen with the naked eye. A large amount of water vapor in the air is condensed into ice crystals by the low temperature, and then falls to the ground one after another.

As soon as the huge low-temperature air mass covered the burning materials, it first contended with the flames and high temperature, and then completely overwhelmed all the burning flames.

Not even if the flames had grease and burning wooden boxes and oil-soaked ropes to provide fuel.


The militiamen saw that the blue ball in front of Longsos released a ball of cold air that kept falling fine snowflakes, and then covered the supplies. It only took a moment to remove the items because there was grease inside to fuel the combustion. It was probably difficult to remove them. All the extinguished flames were quickly extinguished.

"It's out! It's out!"

"That's awesome. Is it possible that Lord Longsos is the magician in the legend?"

"I heard that magicians live in very tall towers made of stone."

"Those bandits, if it weren't for Mr. Longsos, they might have succeeded. They are so cunning."

"I wonder how much of the supplies can be saved. Will Knight Crow be furious?"

Longsos was worried when he heard the whispers of the militiamen behind him. He used the power in the magic gem crown to extinguish the flames of the supplies. It is estimated that a lot of them should be preserved. However, I don't know if Knight Crow will think of him when he hears about it later.

The cold air mass was quickly withdrawn into the magic sphere, and then turned into cold magic power and returned to the square sapphire.

Gradually, the magic ripples on the surface of the gem disappeared, and the cold feeling no longer came from his forehead. Longsos put down his hands holding the crown. He turned around and ordered his militiamen to avoid the still cold supplies. He first called out the hiding mercenaries, and then looked at the situation of the bandits.

After a while, his men came over with a living bandit pressed down on them.

The bandit's eyes were dull, and for some reason his forehead was bleeding when he hit it on a hard object.

"Captain, among the bandits, only this one is still alive. Most of the other bandits' bodies were partially frozen to pieces, and they are all dead." The militiamen who suppressed the bandits reported.

Nodding, Longsus had some predictions about the power of his crown. When he bought the crown a few years ago, he used livestock to test the power of magic. He knew that life without magic protection would basically face this kind of ice. At that time, there was no possibility of survival.

After thinking for a while, Longsos began to tell his men: "Press him here first. Send a few people to call the person in charge of the hotel first, as well as the hotel guard captain and his men in the lobby. Of course, before The male waiter who was identified is also brought here. At the same time, inform the main officials of Bingxun Pass to strengthen the defense force of the pass tonight."

After a pause, he looked at the mercenaries sitting on the side pointing out the frozen supplies and said: "Those mercenaries have made a great contribution today. If they hadn't held off a large number of bandits at the first time, I would probably have lost all of them." All the supplies will be burned when I arrive. They and the merchants who hired them must be rewarded, and call all the merchants who came here to discuss sending people. It seems that their power is also very important. "

"Yes, Your Excellency. I will inform the captain of the hotel guard."

"Your Excellency, I will inform the officer in charge of Bingxengguan."

"Your Excellency, I am going to notify the employers of several mercenaries."

"Your Excellency, I will inform other merchants."

Facing the last man who notified other businessmen, Longsos took out a piece of paper from the small bag at his waist, used fine charcoal to cross out the name of the businessman who hired the mercenary, and then handed the paper to this man. Militiaman: "Here's the list for you. Find a hotel steward. They are familiar with where the businessmen live in this hotel. He must also know about the businessmen who have residences in Bingxun Pass. You can also ask him."


Looking at these militiamen, Longsos waved his hand: "Go and appease everyone who asks about this matter and tell them that all the bandits have been killed. The supplies, well, although the supplies have been lost, the losses are not significant. Big, only some food was burned."

When the militiamen who received the order set off, Longsos called two militiamen to follow him. After checking that the temperature around the materials had returned to normal, he immediately led people closer to the burned materials.

He muttered: "Don't burn the crossbow arrows. Don't burn the crossbow arrows." Although he looked calm, he was actually complaining about himself many times.

At the moment when the supplies are ready and the transfer to the front line is about to begin, anything unusual should be treated with caution by him. If he had arranged for half of the militiamen to be here when he arrived in the hall before dusk, relying solely on his high-level melee militiamen and those few mercenaries with outstanding combat skills, it would be impossible to set fire to the bandits who broke in. supplies.

It was all because he took things too lightly and took it for granted that he was safe in Bingshuguan.

But I heard from businessmen and people who led the militiamen to the bandit's lair before that the Luokpocket bandit group was very bold and was not afraid of the local checkpoint soldiers at all. Let alone set fire to supplies, they just fled. The people in their devil's cave, these bandits dare to send people over to intercept and kill the surviving people directly in the hotel in the checkpoint.

Fortunately, Longsos checked the situation of various supplies and found that only half a box of crossbow arrows for the most important crossbow arrows had been burned, and for other types of supplies, only the top layer of each box had been burned.

Longsos, who breathed a sigh of relief, looked in the direction that should be the bandit's lair and narrowed his eyes. Thanks to his timely use of the magic gem crown that only nobles could buy, he was able to save important supplies.

For the first time, Longsos found those bandits very annoying.

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