The soldiers' dangerous-looking sword "Sea Urchin" was knocked over by the huge cat's paw, because the ground was a carpet of grassland thick to the thighs, and the cat's small claws were also slowly covered with balls of flesh.

Therefore, the soldiers who were slapped over by the slap had their armor and helmets scattered, their weapons, swords and spears scattered, and they fell to the ground in despair.

After slapping the little soldiers over with a slap, the female Farah desert cat seemed to find it interesting. It extended its huge cat head like a small castle to the soldiers who fell to the ground, and used the cat's cat head that looked like a small castle during the day. The erect animal pupils looked curiously at these vulnerable villains.

Looking at the huge cat head, the soldiers screamed in fright. Although they were all elite soldiers, they had followed the captain to fight against huge monsters on the coast or in the desert.

But this thing is really too big.

No, the captain among the soldiers who still had the ability to think suddenly realized that it was not that this 'cat' looked huge, but that they had been cursed by the evil wizard to become smaller, so everything in their daily lives seemed extremely dangerous.


The cat sniffed the eleven soldiers, then suddenly turned its head to look where it came from. The soldiers who fell to the ground were also attracted by the other party's movements and looked in that direction.

"God above, I am extremely eager for everything now to be a test of your charity." Some devout soldiers were frightened, because there, there were three more huge cats trotting over.

Among the three cats that followed, one was particularly obese. When he ran on the carpet, his fat and soft belly drooped and rubbed against the carpet, shaking.

The cats seemed to know each other, and they did not fight after getting together. Instead, they all stretched their heads over and curiously looked at the soldiers who were gradually huddled together.

Several giant cats had furry heads, but in the eyes of the soldiers, they were not cute at all. After all, even a strand of cat hair was thicker than the barrel of the spear they threw away in panic.

Several cats meowed softly to each other, seeming to be communicating. Unfortunately, the soldiers did not understand cat language, so they did not understand what they were saying. Moreover, the cat's low cry is more terrifying to 'little people' like them than the most shocking animal roar they have ever heard in their lives.

Then, something even more terrifying came.

The four cats seemed to have discussed something, and then suddenly stretched their four huge cat heads forward, surrounding the soldiers from all directions. Before the soldiers could make any move or panic, the cats opened their mouths, rolled out their dexterous tongues, and rolled several soldiers into their mouths.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

After a short cry of terror, all the soldiers were rolled into their mouths by four cats with their tongues.


"Damn it! I'm going to kill them! They are such cute cats, why are they doing this!" Not far away, the soldier captain hiding in the corner of the cabinet and the wall was distraught. He saw with his own eyes that his men were being killed. The cats were knocked down and swallowed into their mouths.

There was a terrifying aura about him, and he wanted to rush out to rescue his men, or kill those giant cats. But he was held back by the priest of the Ring of the Sun Church, who was not very strong.

It was impossible to hold him back. After all, even a hundred priests couldn't hold back an angry knight-level warrior by relying on physical strength. But what stopped his companions from rushing forward was what he said at the same time: "Don't be impulsive! The old man before was probably a magician. Didn't he ask his cats to take us there? Their lives are not in danger. ,real."

The priest weakly pointed at the two of them, and then pointed at the transparent barrier not far away that could not be broken through in any case.

"That is not a method that ordinary magicians can use. Have you ever imagined that there is such a power in the world that can shrink you, me and the soldiers to such a tiny height."

Gritting his teeth, the soldier captain took a few deep breaths and finally suppressed his breath: "So what do you think we should do now?"

The priest looked at the cats that were running quickly into the house, and pointed to his companions silently.

Seeing that the cats had indeed run away into the house, the soldier captain breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think it's best to use our reduced bodies to avoid the other party's detection and go inside to find out what's going on!" The priest supported himself with a long staff.

"Okay, I'll take you with me!" The soldier captain grabbed his fellow priest, then squatted down and jumped from the gap near the ground to high in the air.

After climbing up the wall a few times, he led the priest to the wooden cabinet in the entrance hall where boots and rain gear were placed.

However, before they could do anything else, not far away, a cat came back with a meow.

The cat searched on the carpet for a while. It raised its ears energetically and looked around, looking for the missing two people.

"It's so confusing, it doesn't seem to be able to find us?" The priest just whispered, and was interrupted by the soldier captain who had raised cats.

When I saw the soldier captain, he said to the priest with a look of helplessness: "I forgot to tell you just now. Cats have very good hearing. As soon as you spoke just now, they must have heard you."

"How is that possible?" The priest looked unbelieving. He had lowered his voice to prevent the cats below from finding them.

Randomly, as if in response to the words of the soldier captain, a very loud cat meow sounded from under the cabinet where they were.


A moment later, a female Farah desert cat leaped up from under the wooden cabinet, put her front feet on the edge of the wooden cabinet, and then her whole body was brought up with the force.

The cat looked surprised. After discovering them, the cat meowed softly and kept circling the two of them on the top of the wooden cabinet that was not too big for it.

The soldier captain drew out his sword and stomped the ground with one foot. His whole body was enveloped by the burst of life energy.

"Come on, kitty, I won't show mercy!" The soldier captain lowered his body and raised his sword above his head. As he finished speaking, he leaped out from the spot with a bang and hit the cat's head directly.

But the cat's reaction speed is the most sensitive among all animals. The soldier captain's sudden slash was beyond the reaction of ordinary people, but he was hit by the cat's quick swipe of the flesh palm.

The two collided in the air, and the soldier captain was knocked away halfway, but he was unscathed after landing, and there was a trace of blood on the sword placed beside him.

The cat screamed in pain, jumped up high with three legs, flew in the air that was extremely high for the two of them, twisted, and then fell down.

There was a dull and loud landing sound, and the shock of the cat falling alone knocked the priest down against the wooden cabinet. The soldier captain's legs were constantly rising and falling as the ground vibrated, but his body itself did not shift at all.

But the priest's grunt of pain after falling to the ground attracted the cat's attention.

"No!" The soldier captain was about to attack again, but saw the cat turning its attention to its companions. He immediately ran away with all his strength, but the cat just poked its head in, quickly opened its mouth and rolled the priest with its pink tongue full of soft barbs.

Then, the cat glanced at the soldier captain slyly, then immediately turned around and looked under the wooden cabinet and jumped.

The soldier captain came to the edge of the wooden cabinet and saw the cat running deep into the noble suite without looking back.

He had no choice but to jump down as well, then run and leap quickly, trying his best to catch up with the cat in front of him.


In a study room deep in the suite, the old mage was sitting on a chair, leaning back comfortably, smacking a pipe with satisfaction. Tobacco leaves from another world are ignited by magic instantaneous sparks concentrated in the pipe. After natural combustion, most of them change into fragrant smoke.

And the old mage's assistant, Master Kony. He moved a chair and sat in front of the desk, looking curiously at the panicked little soldiers on a high-end glass dinner plate on the desk.

The soldiers of Harbor City were in a very embarrassed state at this time. Their personal weapons were all left far away, and their leather armors were also in a state of disarray. At this moment, these soldiers, who were like frost beating eggplants, were sitting back to back in the middle of the dinner plate, looking at everything around them with horrified expressions.

Whether it was the other three giant cats playing in the study, or the young nobleman who was looking at them curiously like a giant in the sky.

Or maybe it was the old man whose entire body was enveloped in a thick but rather choking smoke. At this time, this person looks like a god who has descended into the world, whether it is the majestic face of the old man, or the mysterious power that shrinks them.

Several of the soldiers had fainted from fright, and the remaining ones who had not yet fainted mustered up all the courage in their lives to encourage everyone. After all, it seemed that although these two people put them in the same dining room There was tension at the plate, but there didn't seem to be any intention of killing them.

"Teacher, why don't you start talking to them now?" Kony did not use the common language of the empire, but the remote dialect of the kingdom where his home is located.

He knew that his teacher didn't know any language in the world, so he didn't worry that the teacher wouldn't understand what he said.

The old mage exhaled a puff of smoke and answered the student with a smile: "Wait a moment, there are still two people with the highest status who have not come over."

Kony blinked: "Do you need my help? I don't know if an ordinary cat can deal with the shrunken knight-level warriors and priests."

Before the other cats playing in the room could refute, the old mage put out his pipe, knocked it and said, "This is what it's about."

As soon as he finished speaking, a muscular female Farah desert cat rushed in from outside the door, jumped onto the desk in a flash, and hurriedly opened her mouth to spit out a small human figure.

At the same time, a lot of flames came out of its mouth, but as it turned its eyes, the flames in its mouth were suppressed into nothingness by its strange magic.

The figure that was spat out of the cat's mouth happened to fall on the soldiers in the middle of the dinner plate. There were flesh pads, so the priest who was restless even in the cat's mouth was not injured.

"Ouch, it hurts."

"Who hit it?"

"It's the priest. Are you okay, sir?"

The priest wiped the cat saliva all over his face, put his hands together, and white light vibrated all over his body, cleaning all the cat saliva from his body.

He was about to answer the soldiers, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Master Kony looking at him curiously.

"Giant? No, it's that young noble!" He turned around and saw the old mage who was like a god: "Great Sun, who are you? Why are you attacking us? This is a felony! Also, as soon as possible Is the assassination related to you? You said you had an answer, what exactly was it?"

Although the priest was shocked by everything around him after he was shrunk, such as a huge cat that looked like a monster, a young noble that looked like a giant holding the sky, or an old magician who looked like a god descended from the world. But he was not controlled by the sensory stimulation brought by these magical powers, and he still asked the key words directly.

After all, this is a city on the Farah Peninsula controlled by the Ring of the Sun, and a single magician cannot make any waves. But when two huge undercurrents rub against each other, what does this magician with magical power want to do?

The old mage did not answer the question of the little man who was as loud as a mosquito. He pointed to the door of the study room, and an equally small soldier captain flew over in the air.

No matter what he does in the air, he can't rely on this power.

The soldier captain was quickly photographed from the sky, and he and the others were standing on a high-end glass dinner plate.

The soldiers saw their captain coming. Although they knew that the other party was no match for the mysterious magician, they still woke up the unconscious man and reluctantly stood up, standing behind the soldier captain.

He was the backbone. When the priest saw his companion coming, he consciously stood together.

Although he knew that the sword in his hand was useless, the soldier captain still took out the sword and held it with both hands.

The group of people gathered together again in embarrassment. The priest looked at everyone, then faced the huge old magician in the distance and asked him again what he had just said.

The old mage sat up from the chair, tidied his clothes a little, and then moved forward. It was obvious that there was only half a step between him and the desk, but as the old mage walked forward slowly, he shrank smaller and smaller, only two Breathing, he became like those little people, only about one centimeter tall.

Walking on the desk, the old mage stood still, and the plates at the feet of those people automatically moved towards the old mage.

Standing on the dinner plate, the old mage approached the people standing in a tight row.

"Everyone, was everything interesting before? This magic was inspired by a folk tale of monsters. It must have brought you some wonderful experiences?" The old mage spoke in a relaxed tone.

But everyone who had passively experienced the bad experience after shrinking did not dare to express any dissatisfaction with this old mage who was also shrunken.

They can clearly see that the situation is stronger than the people.

The old mage waved, and for some reason, the four cats playing in the distance ran over. After getting on the desk, they squatted down next to them obediently.

He waved again, and the huge Master Kony next to him pulled up his chair, sat close to the desk, and stretched his huge head over.

"Everyone, please introduce our friends." The old mage looked at Kony with his hands behind his back.

Even though Kony tried to keep his voice as soft as possible, the person who was shrunk still felt it was deafening: "Hello everyone. I am from the Obos family of the Tallinn Abyss Kingdom in the Northern United Kingdom. Kony Obos, Earl Title. I am a magic apprentice who is studying at the Northern Magic Society. I am studying under the great president of the Northern Magic Society, and I am currently accompanying the president on a holiday mage tour with my companions." (Koni is an official mage in the society's position, But among his companions, he is actually still on the road to learning, and will not call himself an official mage for fear of losing face, because he has not yet left his apprenticeship.)

After listening to this, everyone who was shrunk had different expressions.

The old mage ignored them and looked at the four cats.

If these four mages didn't want to change back from the cat form, why would he need to do this more? People just find it funny when they see the little kitten as his attendant mage. But when they are shrunk and look at the huge cat, it's very different.

Surprisingly, the four cats spoke in human language: "We are the official mages of the Northern Magic Society. When we were students, we studied under the great, very great president of the Northern Magic Society, Meow. Now it is vacation, I followed my teacher from the academy in the north across the ocean to come here for a mage tour. The four of us are good at animal transformation, and we are not Farah desert cats, meow."

"So?" The priest looked at the old mage who was as tall as them and asked with his heart pounding.

The old mage didn't speak. He just took out his hands from behind his back, stretched them from bottom to top, and performed a standard mage etiquette.

Next to him, Master Kony and the four mages who had transformed into cats said in unison: "This is the man who has lived for many thousands of years. He was once hailed as the greatest mage by the empire. He founded the Northern Magic Society and has been serving as the president of the society. Until now, the Heart of Flame, the magician who surpasses all human magicians, the captain of ¥%¥ # ¥¥%¥ # , the man who is on par with God, the space magic breakthroughr, the legendary mage - Du Ying. Mr. Matthews." (What was typed was not a curse word, but the related names were erased by magic. Kony and the cat wizards said it, but ordinary people without the corresponding permissions were completely mentally disturbed when they heard it. Unable to understand the meaning of words.)

There is no suppressive force of power, or mental incompatibility, or spiritual rank. The great mage who was being praised just stood in front of them and peacefully performed a simple mage etiquette with them.

Of course, if you don't consider that they were shrunk by nearly 200 times in an unbelievable way.

After being stunned for a while, the priest came to his senses and quickly followed the etiquette of meeting the Patriarch of the Ring of the Sun Church. The other party is the greatest mage in the world, and this etiquette is due. And unlike others, no one dares to impersonate a legendary powerhouse of this level.

After the priest began to salute, the soldier captain and other soldier squads followed suit and saluted in a panic.

After the salute was completed, the old mage smiled and said: "Everyone, please take a seat." After saying that, he continued to do it in the air.

Others unconsciously followed each other's words and sat in the air. Some soldiers twisted their bodies and buttocks curiously and found that no matter how they moved, they could sit still in the air.

"Everyone, let's get started. I have to apologize to you first. The previous riots in the city were indeed caused by one of our traveling mages."

Everyone bulged their eyes and felt incredible.

"Please don't be like this. These are all misunderstandings. Our trip is indeed, as my students said, after our respective long-term work, we are looking for a rarely visited land to carry out the traditional mage travel of mages. When I arrived at the Farah Peninsula, I heard that the huge sea storms here were very interesting, and that the Farah Peninsula had a mysterious and long history. That was a long history that was far earlier than I was born in the world, and far older than some of the imperial evidence. It goes back even further, involving the early history of human development and the history of magic."

The old mage said this, took out the pipe from the sleeve of the mage's robe, smashed it, slowly exhaled the smoke, and then said: "Off topic. My follower had some connections with this before, but He did not expect that after coming here many years later, this place would still be full of saturated violent magic, which would easily hurt others and himself. Therefore, he carelessly clashed with the local army generals. Fortunately, no one died in the conflict. This is Good luck in the midst of bad luck.”

"And I didn't originally intend to reveal my traces directly like this. After all, my identity may make the situation on the Farah Peninsula more unpredictable. But now that the matter has come to this, it is no longer easy to hide it after causing trouble. After all, Judging from the current situation, a greater conflict may break out in the future. The net of struggle has been buried under the water and will be captured at any time."

Having said this, the priest stood up and said: "Your Excellency, since you said so, can you ask my dean to visit you and confirm it?"

At the same time, the soldier captain also said: "Your Excellency, in that case, how about asking the mage and our general to jointly explain this in public? With your guarantee, I believe this matter will have a satisfactory result for all parties. .”

"That's what I meant. Although it's a little late, we mages came to Farah Peninsula without completing the relevant paperwork. You can come to me at any time." After saying this, he looked to the left and right.

The cats waggled their tails, licked their fur, and stepped on the breasts of their companions, pretending to be lazy cats.

The old mage could only look at Kony and said: "You can come to my student Kony at any time. He is an outstanding young man with a good personality. You can ask him to handle the unexpected visits of us mages."

"In addition, if some harmless and wonderful events happen in the future, please don't be surprised and impulsive. They are all interesting travels of my students and followers, and they will not hurt anyone. They are all sensible and well-behaved mages."

Everyone looked at the cat next to them with a strange expression on their face, but they had no choice but to respond.

After that, the old mage sat on his chair and returned to his original shape. Then he brought the other soldiers, the soldier captain and the priest back to their bodies in the open space of the study.

The soldiers who had transformed into their original state breathed a sigh of relief. Now when they looked at the cats transformed by the mage, the fear they had before was gone.

When everyone saw that the magicians no longer paid attention to them, they immediately said their goodbyes.

At the entrance to the noble suite, they found various weapons and equipment that everyone had left behind. The priest looked at the burning marks on a small carpet at the entrance to the entrance.

His face was full of embarrassment and bitterness.

As a battle priest, he tried his best, but only left a burning mark on the carpet that was slightly larger than the sole of his foot.

Everyone walked downstairs from the sixth floor of the hotel in dejection. After coming down, they dismissed the soldiers surrounding the hotel, leaving only two smart guys standing guard at the door of the hotel. After telling the hotel owner not to disturb the distinguished guests on the sixth floor, the priests each took some soldiers who had witnessed the incident and walked to the Ring of the Sun Church in the city and to the military castle in the city.


Upstairs, the old mage first asked Master Kony to sort out the brief situation of the mages who came to the Farah Peninsula this time, and then apply for formal travel certificates recognized by local forces for them.

On the other side, he called four mage cats and told them to find the half-elf mage Donilafa to do some work to calm the local situation in the future.

However, before Master Donilafa showed up, he had to wait until he met the two leaders of the local Sun Ring Church and the army.

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