Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 68, Ice and Snow Forest-Chasing Wild Boar Traces and Fighting Northern Wolves

In order to hide their footprints, these cunning northern wolves hide in the messy tracks created by this group of wild boars. The activity range of wild boars is not fixed, so these seemingly few northern wolves not only rely on these wild boars to hide their traces after snowfall, but also can directly prey on this family of wild boars when necessary.

Everyone was shocked by the cunningness of this group of animals. Fortunately, the three old hunters had been hunting for many years and had encountered smarter prey. Knight Lanissa, who has killed the Wolf King many times, knows a lot about these northern wolves.

Only Keir and one or two young people who had little experience with wolves showed signs of surprise.

The female knight called everyone over, and she drew two arrow directions in the snow with her sword: "Here, the direction to the north is the direction from which the group of wild boars came. Judging from the wolves' special purpose of hiding their footprints, they also came from They came from the north following the wild boar.”

"And here, towards the southeast, is the direction of the group of wild boars and the northern wolves following behind. The traces are relatively fresh, left two days ago at most, so if you continue to track them, there are It's very possible to catch them." The female knight said this.

An old hunter rubbed his beard stained with snowflakes: "I checked carefully just now and found that the number of wild boars is about twenty, and the number of northern wolves following them is not very certain. But no more than eight or so.”

"So?" Kil asked confused.

"So the team separated! I myself rode north along the tracks, trying to find the den of this small group of northern wolves. If the prediction is correct, there must be a large group of young wolves waiting to grow up in this year's den. . They must be eradicated!" Knight Lanissa said as she spoke, and swung the rapier twice in the air at high speed, making a horrifying hissing sound in the air.

"I don't know how far those Northern wolves ran to follow the wild boars, so I rode over there. You try to speed up your pace and catch up with the Northern wolves who came out to hunt. If you have the ability, shoot one or two more wild boars. , so that everyone will feel better in their stomachs.”

Everyone laughed when they said this. Although wild boar is a very difficult and ferocious animal in the forest, unusual and ferocious individuals often appear. But since those northern wolves dare to follow behind, then if they don't hunt one or two, wouldn't they be hiding their abilities?

As the leader of the hunter team, Lanissa Knight made a decision, and it was impossible for anyone to object. Therefore, it was agreed that if nothing was discovered after two days, everyone would return to the Rock Mountain stronghold.

From this, the team separated.

Knight Lanisa mounted her war horse, accelerated her horse's speed, and followed the traces of wild boar rummaging all the way north. On the other side, the hunters did not have the cool skills of the knights, so before starting to track, they each checked the preparation status of their weapons and the supplies they carried at this time, and confirmed that the food would last for at least five days.

Everyone began to follow the wild boar's tracks.

There's no need to worry about going in the wrong direction, and feral boar and boreal wolves have waded through a lot of the deep snow on the ground. So the hunters were moving very fast at this time.

If it weren't for the heavy metal clips on their bodies that slowed down their speed, they would have been faster at this time.

On the way, experienced hunters took turns taking the lead, and everyone continued to track them all day long. Although we also encountered some deer-like animals on the road trying to find food in the places where wild boars had rummaged. But everyone had no intention of hunting, nor did they chase small animals that would not run away after seeing humans. They passed them by without disturbing each other.

When they stopped for a rest, the old hunters told others: "Judging from the frozen wolf excrement we just discovered, we are very close to them."

"So everyone must prepare for battle next, especially after the three of us discovered the presence of the Northern Wolf, the team must gather together from the moving front and rear columns to fight."

"Especially since you are carrying a metal clip this time, you must lean against a rock or a big tree trunk and quickly place the metal clip in front of you. Kil, you have to be careful, don't step on it yourself during the battle. Those metal clamps, otherwise your legs will definitely be injured. Although you have armor to protect your calves and ankles, no matter what, it will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Kil rubbed his hair and muttered: "I know, I will be careful about this."

"How about this, Kil. You mainly use your shield to fend off the northern wolves that are coming, and we will immediately shoot the deflected northern wolves with arrows?" An old hunter came up with an idea.

Kiel considered the shield and the axe, but finally chose the axe. The wolves were not humans, and their sharp teeth and claws could not cause serious damage to the hard cowhide armor on his body. As long as he was not bitten completely by the wolf's mouth, he would be safe. Therefore, compared to the extra defense that the shield brings to him, the two-handed ax that can cause a fatal blow can play more roles in the subsequent battle.

And I don’t know if it was his imagination. Since defeating the Warcraft last time, this ax not only has a new appearance of the Warcraft on the axe, but the whole ax seems to be heavier.

The old hunters still respected Keir's choice. Kil is not an ordinary young man without a reputation. He can defeat many monsters and bandits by himself. In close combat, hunters who use bows and strings are not qualified to give orders.

So, they simply lit a small fire and heated a few pieces of frozen bread to eat. After that, everyone covered the resting place with snow and continued to follow the traces of the wild boar.


The judgment of the old hunters was very accurate. They discovered the traces of the Northland wolf two hours later.

It was a northern wolf that was biting the legs and feet of a young fawn. It was different from the northern wolves they had encountered before. Its size was larger than the wolves that had ambushed them before.

Coupled with the dirty fluffy wolf fur, it looks even bigger. Standing up, he probably looks about the same height and shape as a normal man.

When the hunters discovered it, the northern wolf, which was excitedly biting its prey, also heard the roar and instructions not far behind it. It released the wolf's mouth and its claws no longer pressed the prey. It stood up and turned towards the back.

Immediately, it stared closely at those humans, and stared at the old hunters in the middle even harder. It recognized the human hunter who had killed its siblings before.

"Aow! Aow! Aow! Aow! Aow!" Not caring about disturbing the wild boars, the northern wolf raised its head and howled loudly.

The silent snowy forest was broken by the sudden howl of a wolf.

Then, short wolf howls echoed from all around.

As he opened a metal clip he was carrying and opened it in the snow in front of him, Kil guessed that these short wolf howls sounded like a response to an inquiry.

It's almost like asking, "What happened?"

As expected by Kiel, after the short wolf howls sounded around him, the northern wolf not far away continued howling, probably calling for companions and the situation.

The prey under the mouth of the northern wolf, a small deer, screamed in a low voice, regardless of the fact that one of its legs was bitten off, and struggled to escape with three thin legs.

The northern wolf, which was eager to respond to its companions, did not pay attention to the prey in its mouth and fled, and all its energy was focused on the upcoming revenge.


After it howled for the last time to summon its companions, it shook its body directly, shaking off the snow on its body, and shaking the thick hair on its body further.

This is a skill that the elders have mastered in fighting humans. Fluffier hair can better resist the cutting of human metal claws, and can prevent humans from flying metal teeth to bite them.

As long as these two things don't work, most humans can only become a delicious meal after being knocked down by them.

After it was ready for battle, it didn't just stay there and be bitten by humans' metal flying teeth. Finding the right spot, it hid behind the trunk of a big tree.

After waiting for a while, following the gasping sound of the beast, several other northern wolf companions who were equally tall and strong as it came over one after another.

Everyone recognized the humans in front of them, some of whom had killed many of their elders and companions together with a female human.

As soon as the wolves arrived, everyone could no longer restrain their desire for revenge. But as a northern wolf that was smaller than them let out a short howl, the other northern wolves calmed down.

This smaller northern wolf is the latest to join them. Although she was a female wild wolf from the southern wilderness, she was selected by the wolf king of the Northern Wolf and joined them because of the support of the few companions she came with and her calm ferocity.

It mated with the Wolf King and drank the king's blood rewarded by the Wolf King, thus gaining recognition from the wolves and gaining greater power.

This group of them came out from the eastern wolf den to look for food. At this moment, they were led by the female wolf who had recently become a northern wolf. Hearing its scolding, everyone became quiet.

With continuous communication, the small group of northern wolves formulated a battle plan.


"What are they doing? Why don't they attack when they get together?" Kil doubted, and then he said: "Is it because the number of us is about the same as them, so the wolves are hesitant?"

"It's possible, but I believe those cunning guys are more communicating about how to kill us." An old hunter said.

Another old hunter took over and continued: "Since killing a large number of Northern wolves in one fell swoop, throughout this year, some of the Northern wolves I met sporadically found a few of us, and then they all came together. They rushed straight at me, trying desperately to leave some scratches on my body. These northern wolves now know how to hide behind trees, and it seems that they are not all wild beasts."

"Guys favored by the God of Hunting and the God of Beasts. Ha." The last old hunter laughed in a low voice.

Kil knew that this old hunter was a believer in a god, and seemed to be exactly what he said was a believer in the God of Hunting. It seems that even if one party is favored by the gods and the other party desires the gods, there is still a deep contradiction between them.

Obviously I can hunt and kill you, why are you more favored by the gods I believe in?

That's probably what it means.

Although not all hunters, regardless of age or age, believe in this god, they have known each other for a long time and have been more or less affected by it.

Therefore, when dealing with the Northern Wolf, not only did Knight Lanisa support him, but everyone was also ruthless.


After a while, Kil saw that the northern wolves hiding behind the trees did not rush directly towards their position. Instead, they circled in a large circle, stuck in a place that was affected by the forest and beyond the shooting range of the bows and arrows in the hands of the hunters, and ran around in a circle behind them.

Kiel was anxious: "They have gone around to the back. Why don't we move our position quickly? We can't shoot behind us here."

"Steady! Kil, steady. If they come from behind, let them come, but our position must be stable. Don't be disturbed by the actions of the wolves." An old hunter said loudly.

This sentence stabilized the young man's mind.

So the old hunters began to give instructions: "Two people on each side of the trunk, stick close to the trunk of the big tree, and don't step on the metal clamps you arranged on the ground."

An old hunter and a young hunter leaned on both sides of the tree trunk, leaned out halfway, and then raised their bows to aim behind and shoot.

After three rounds of shooting, there was a howl of a northern wolf.

"Those guys are getting closer and closer through the tree trunks." A young hunter said quickly.

The old hunter in charge asked: "Is there a large number?"

"There are only a few of them, how can they all be there?" responded an old hunter who was looking behind him.

The old hunter in command patted Kil: "Just right, Kil. You can take care of one wolf at a time, right?"

Kiel turned the wooden handle of the ax in his hand, and the blue ax surface swayed in the air, leaving a blue cylinder: "No problem." After receiving the instructions, Kiel arranged around the side of the tree trunk. The metal clamp quietly followed the hunter's instructions and rushed behind a nearby tree trunk.

Behind the tree trunk, as the hunter said, there was a northern wolf hiding.

It crawled carefully in the snow on the ground. When Kil rushed over, it was startled, but it reacted as quickly as possible and clawed at Kil's abdomen.

Kil ignored its attack and directly hit it on the back with an axe.

With a pop, the ax split open the northern wolf's back hard, and at the same time smashed its spine into two sections. At the same time, the long claws of the wolf's claws also scratched Kil's abdomen.

Kil felt a heavy blow to his abdomen and suddenly couldn't breathe, but he punched his chest hard and his breath became smoother again. He glanced at his abdomen. There were three scratches half a centimeter deep on the hard cowhide abdominal armor, but they did not penetrate.

The frontal protection of his armor is the best piece. The armor on the abdomen is not too thick. The thickest part is on the shoulders of both arms. The thickness there is twice as thick as other places, because outside the armor wrapping the arms, There is also a layer of shoulder armor hanging on it to enhance defense.

The northern wolf's waist was broken, and it couldn't get up immediately. It scratched with its claws, but Kil just took two steps back, and his attack was in vain.

While fighting on Kiel's side, the one behind the northern wolf saw its companion being boldly attacked by humans and immediately wanted to rush forward. However, as soon as it leaned out from behind the tree trunk, it was attacked by four bows one after another. Continuous shooting.

Hunters are experienced at shooting fast-moving targets. They were not like when they shot at the escaping bandits before, they fired a single volley, blocking the person's dodge route, and then died from arrows all over his body.

They relied on the tacit understanding of the team to release arrows one after another. The young hunter reacted quickly and drew the bow first to shoot. However, at this time, the prey's movements were stable and it was easy to make evasive movements to dodge the arrows while running.

But the real killer move is later.

Veteran hunters who have been hunting all their lives have rich experience. The two of them specifically noticed the movement deformation and difficulty in grabbing the ground after dodging twice during the running of the Northland wolf, and accurately calculated the next move of the Northland wolf.

Then, whoosh.

Two arrows flew out one after another, swinging the flexible arrow body through the air. The first arrow hit the body of the northern wolf, causing the prey to lose its ability to move and turn in severe pain.

Then, the second arrow hit the Northern Wolf's neck.

The wide wolf neck and wolf hair concealed the killing power of this arrow, but as the northern wolf fell to the ground, people could not help but see the cunning and superb skills of the old guys.

The northern wolf that came to support was shot halfway through. It could only fall to the ground and gasp for air. It tried to get up twice, but its body seemed to have lost all its strength, and its neck was hit by human flying metal teeth. It penetrated, causing it to wail in panic.

But that's where it all ends.

Four arrows from the hunters flew over, and all of them hit its head. The northern wolf's hard head could not withstand the penetrating force of the arrows. The hard arrows smashed through the skull, killing the wolf completely. Head boreal wolf.

Kil didn't pay attention to the fighting situation beside him. He only heard the sound of bows and arrows flying past, and then the footsteps running towards him stopped. Keir saw that the Northern Wolf's back was broken by him, and he lost control of half of his body.

Then he struck twice with the axe, breaking off the wolf's claws that were scratching him, and then gave the northern wolf a solid blow to the head that had lost control of its body, splitting the wolf's head in half from the front.

End this guy's life.


After two companions were killed in a row, the commanding Northern Wolf immediately howled briefly to tell the companions who ran behind the hunters to retreat. And it itself rushed from the front of the hunters with three northern wolves.

However, when it launched an attack, its eyes flashed with a magical glow, and the gray wolf fur all over its body trembled for a while, and then suddenly became straight and hard, and suddenly took on a metallic luster.

Each wolf hair made a clanging sound as it ran, and a layer of hard bark was rubbed off the tree trunks it passed. Even its three-headed companions are careful not to run with it for fear of being hit and injured.

The old hunter in charge was shocked: "What is that?!"

All the hunters turned around when they heard the sound, and saw the northern wolf with straight hair, more like a hedgehog than a wolf, charging straight towards them.

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