Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 79: Driving humans north and challenging the challenge to be rewarded successfully

The huge wolf approached the three of them and sniffed, then lowered his head and spit out something on the wooden stand. Swallowing, the three young men opened their eyes wide to see what this wolf as big as a man was going to do.

Although it did look dangerous and ferocious, the wolf didn't seem like it was going to bite them to death.

The Northern Wolf spit out a glowing object, then picked it up with the front of its mouth, raised its head and stretched the object to the mouth of a human in front of it.

Although the young man didn't know what the wolf on the other side was going to do, he was still quite resistant to the unidentified luminous object that reeked of beast saliva and stretched out to his mouth.

He closed his mouth tightly, trying not to let the unknown things that came over him enter his mouth.

The two young men next to him were dumbfounded. They thought of all the possibilities of their tragic end, but they never expected that this huge and ferocious animal was actually trying to signal them to eat this thing. The two people looked at each other in shock.

The Northern Wolf brought the glowing vine shoots to the mouth of the human in front of him, but found that the other person did not open his mouth to eat. Then it puts its head against the human, staring at the other person with ferocious eyes, trying to intimidate the human into swallowing the thing obediently as it wishes.

Unfortunately, the frightened human boy was so nervous that he didn't even open his eyes and didn't understand its meaning.

It had no choice but to angrily use its wolf claws on the face of the human who made the wolf angry, leaving three wolf claw marks.

Fear made the young man who closed his eyes clench his lips tightly. He did not dare to open his eyes or cry out because of the pain even though there was blood. He knew that if he dared to cry out loudly, it would probably not only be him, but also two other people. Killed by an enraged wolf as big as a man.

The Northern Wolf moved himself slightly, and then tried to feed the glowing vine shoots near his mouth to another person. Originally, this young man didn't want to eat, so he closed his mouth tightly, but he didn't close his eyes tightly.

But another young man next to him warned with a trembling voice: "Please, please, although I don't know what will happen if I eat it, but look next to you. Although it won't kill us, its face will be scratched by its claws!"

The young man glanced next to him, and sure enough, the young man next to him who had always rejected the wolf had three deep scratches on his face. The skin and flesh were turned over, and bleeding continued. It seemed that if he did not rely on the priest's magical treatment, his face would be scarred for life. It was even difficult to tell whether that half of his face could chew food normally.

For young men like these, whose whole families work in agriculture, there are generally two ways to ask church priests to use miraculous magical treatments. One is to spend money to buy treatment, but the family cannot save much money in a year. Where can I find the money to hire a priest for treatment? The second is to take the initiative to become the most active believer under the priest. If the relationship is very good, the priest with magical power may be merciful and help you rebuild your healthy face.

But how can the children of farmers, whose whole families have to work in the fields, have time to participate in the religious work of the priests? Besides, the whole family didn't even know fifty words, and the priests in the town would not say a word to them except when they preached the doctrines of the gods in a perfunctory manner.

Thinking of this, the young man thought twice and reluctantly opened his mouth to see what would happen if he ate what the wolf fed him.

At worst, it's just death. It's better than living with scars on your face that can't be removed and being disliked by others.


The northern wolf saw the human in front of him open his mouth and immediately became happy. He put the buds on the side of his mouth into the human's mouth, then retracted his forward head and opened and closed his mouth.

The two young men with eyes were startled. They thought that the wolf that opened its mouth was going to bite them to death. However, the wolf in front of them just opened and closed its mouth full of sharp teeth, making a clicking sound, but did not bite them at all. move.

The young man who had tried to persuade him said, "Does this wolf want you to eat something? Look at it opening and closing its mouth, and it keeps repeating the action."

The young man with the luminous object in his mouth also thought it meant this. He chewed the luminous object in his mouth subconsciously, and a stream of clear branch juice was pumped out from it. He had never eaten such delicious food, so he chewed harder. He moved, and then swallowed subconsciously, swallowing what was in his mouth.

He widened his eyes and looked at the person next to him: "I swallowed that thing! It's over!"

"Don't worry yet, just feel if there is anything wrong with you!"

He felt it, and the result surprised him: "It's very good, no, I mean it's amazing. I feel like I'm doing very well! My whole body is full of energy."

While the two people were talking, the Northern Wolf saw the human swallowing the glowing vine shoots, nodded with satisfaction, and then knocked upward the wooden nail that fixed the human's neck.

This move greatly exceeded the expectations of the young men. The young man who was strong after eating the sprouts gave it a try and stood up with the wood stick behind his neck.

But before he could be happy, the wolf, which was stronger and bigger than him, pounced on him.

"I knew there was nothing good going on! Help!" He couldn't bear it anymore and immediately shouted loudly and ran away.

Unfortunately, some of them who had been standing for a day could not run even though their legs and feet could still stand. As soon as he wanted to run, he only ran a few steps before his legs and feet cramped and he fell down on the wooden platform.

The wolf that pounced on him bit his arm and dragged him away into the darkness far away from the town.

"Help! Help! Help me!" He shouted for help.

But the other two young men who were still conscious were still locked up and couldn't move at all. They had no choice but to see the wolf dragging the man away. It seemed that they had achieved each other's purpose, so they ignored them and started shouting loudly. stand up.

Young people's cries for help rang out from the north gate of the silent Hekou Town. There were voices and movement from some houses near the north gate of the town, but they became quiet again with the shouts of the militiamen guarding the north gate who had just fallen asleep on duty.

"Why are you making such a fuss! Did you see a snake crawling over, or did a bug or a mouse get into your crotch? Or was it too late to ask us to come over and serve you, so you pulled it in your trousers?" The guard militiaman was very upset when his sleep was disturbed. Not happy, so he choked back with no less noise than the boys calling for help.

As he walked down the sentry post on the north gate, he shouted loudly: "Tell me, don't eat so much at dinner. It's good to eat during the day. The ground is so cold at night. If you eat too much and get blown by the cold wind, you will always have to eat." It's in your pants." He then muttered: "It's so nice during the day. Even if we don't have time to go over and wait for a few people, friends passing by can always help."

He straightened his drooped trousers, put on a coat, lit a torch at the door, opened the door a crack by the light of the torch, and walked over.

However, when he glanced towards the wooden stage, he realized that there was one person missing.

He was so frightened that he took out the iron-clad wooden stick used to maintain security in his hand and held it in his hand. He grabbed a torch in his other hand and ran over. When he got closer, he realized that something serious had happened.

A young man lost consciousness, lost control of his body, and pulled heavily on his neck. At this time, his face was as suffocated as pig liver, and his chest no longer moved.

The other young man's face was covered in blood, and several long wounds looked like they were made with daggers, destroying half of his face.

The other one was fine. Apart from asking him to quickly untie Mu Zhen, he was trembling all over.

Knowing that something serious was going on, the guard militiaman hurried over, untied the dark-faced young man from the wood, and laid him down on the ground. But when he touched the man's neck, he found that the blood vessels in his neck had no pulse.

"What happened? Tell me!" the man shouted.

The young man with a bloody face endured the pain and said with difficulty: "It's a wolf! A wolf as big as a man! It attacked us and took Jack away. My face, can you tell me how my face is doing? ?"

Hearing that it was a wolf that attacked these young men, the middle-aged militiaman immediately shuddered. He didn't care about the other party's question. He took out a wooden whistle from around his neck, put it in his mouth and blew out his breath.

Shhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! Shhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! Shhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! !

Three consecutive high-pitched and sharp whistles rang through the north of the town and spread far away.

The town immediately came alive. People climbed out of bed in the dark houses, lit oil lamps, and picked up weapons for self-defense. Men from each family armed themselves, and after appeasing their families, they asked them and their children to hide in the house and not come out. Then hundreds of armed men took various things they found and followed the direction where the whistles were still coming. , welled up.


The northern wolf dragged the nibbling human away and then released its mouth.

The panicked young human just wanted to get up and run around when he was immediately thrown to the ground by a wolf bigger than him. A huge wolf kiss was right in front of his eyes, and the saliva remaining on the sharp teeth fell on his face. Above, those huge beast eyes illuminated by the moonlight and stars made him so horrified that he did not dare to act rashly.

Contrary to his expectations, after being knocked down, the huge wolf did not attack him again. It just stood up with its head on his head and walked away from Hekou Town.

Just as the young man was about to rub off, he was slapped hard on the thigh by the giant wolf.

"I'm going, I'm going." He was afraid of the other party's threat, so he had no choice but to touch his feet in the dark and stumble toward the distance.

After walking for a while, he heard a sharp whistle coming from the town in the distance behind him. As soon as he stopped, he was hit hard from behind.

He staggered a few steps forward and fell to the ground, trying to stall for time.

But as soon as he did this, he was bitten by the wolf's mouth on his arm, and huge pain swept through his mind.

"Help, help! I, I, I don't dare anymore, I'm woo-woo, woo-woo. I'm leaving." As soon as he finished speaking, the wolf's mouth left his arm, and he stood up staggeringly, mouthing He whispered the names of his family and the name of the girl he liked, and walked towards the darkness under the coercion of the giant wolf.


From dark till dawn we walked non-stop.

After the day dawned, he could carefully see the giant wolf behind him that was forcing him to walk. He was even more flustered and walked absentmindedly. He would obediently go wherever the other party asked him to go. Because of resistance or intentional He had enjoyed the consequences of the delay last night.

He touched the bloody hole on his arm. Although it was no longer bleeding, the pain still continued.

The whole day he walked according to the wishes of the giant wolf behind him. The amazing thing is that even though he hasn't eaten or drank anything since last night, he is not very thirsty or hungry. In addition to being full of worry and panic, he is full of energy.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows that this is related to what the giant wolf behind him forced him to eat yesterday.

Thinking of this, he touched his stomach worriedly, worried that eating something of unknown origin would bring him unknown horrific consequences.

In the evening, he was far away from Hekou Town. He was surrounded by steep hills and steep slopes, and he was obviously heading north.

There was no telling where this beast was taking him.

At this time, a large group of wolves slightly smaller than the giant wolves behind them ran out from behind the hills in front and quickly surrounded them.

The young human fell to the ground directly, but this behavior did not provoke the giant wolf to attack and threaten him. Instead, the giant wolf held his head unusually high and walked over grandly, touching the head of every wolf that appeared and saying hello.

The Boreal Wolf is very proud that it is the first Boreal Wolf to successfully control and threaten humans.

When other northern wolves who often hunted here saw its success, their faces were full of disbelief, and they all paid tribute to its head.

After showing off enough, it asked these brothers and sisters to the south to leave, and then urged humans to move on.

A day later, the two of them walked through the undulating and elevated areas and arrived at the southern forest.

After arriving here, it became much more careful, sniffing the scent and looking for the scratches it left at the roots of the tree. The unlucky young man was constantly being driven by the beast behind him to change his direction.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he at least knew that the guy behind him would not take his life, so he was relatively cooperative.

As they walked slowly through the forest, they also replenished their drinking water at some waterholes in the forest. They are all in and out quickly to avoid encountering other forest animals.

Good luck followed them, and after passing through the forest, they found a spacious stone passage.

The young man saw the human sentry tower at the end of the right side here. When the giant wolf wasn't paying attention, he quickly ran around the stone towards it.

What surprised him was that the giant wolf behind him didn't stop him, but just followed slowly behind him, with a low, mocking whine coming from the wolf's mouth.

When the young man ran out of breath to the new wooden sentry tower that was obviously built by humans, he finally fell into despair. No matter how loudly he shouted or how much he slapped and kicked the door of the sentry tower.

There was no response from inside.

Only after the shadow of the giant wolf covered him did he realize with hatred and panic that there was no one in this watchtower. This is why the giant wolf didn't stop him.

The young man was worried about being injured again, so he obediently returned along the route he had taken before.

The giant wolf didn't rush him and just followed him.

Finally, he was urged to continue north, roughly where he was, into a place he had never heard of.

In a forest with no end in sight.


It was even more circuitous here. After entering the forest, he was forced by the giant wolf to take many detours. He easily guessed that this was to avoid some guys who were troublesome even for the giant wolf.

But his life was not in danger, and he would not seek death on his own, so he obeyed the giant wolf's request and continued deep into the forest.

Sometimes, other wolves would appear around him, but those wolves would not hurt him, which made him feel at ease and curious. These ferocious and cunning beasts fed him magical unknown objects and did not harm him. he.

It takes a lot of trouble to figure out where to get him.

After walking for two days in this large forest, they finally came to a cave.

The location of this cave is tricky, and without the wolf leading the way, there is no way to discover that there is a cave here. There was a chill inside, even in the midsummer day, which made the young man rub his arms involuntarily.

However, after arriving at the entrance of the cave, the giant wolf behind him stopped urging him, and just sat there, howling loudly.

There was nothing at first, but half a day later, wolves came out of the forest one after another and gathered around the entrance of the cave, all staring at the giant wolf that had been threatening him.

The young man didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to say a word in his mouth.

The giant wolves stopped howling after more than fifty very large wolves appeared.

The giant wolf raised its head proudly and walked over to greet every wolf that appeared. Even young humans can't help but think that these beasts are more polite and orderly than some people in the town.

After the giant wolf met all the wolves present, the giant wolf came behind him and urged him again to enter the cave.

The young man who had known this would happen took courage and strode into the cave.


Although the entrance of the cave is hidden in the dark, the entrance and exit are very large, and even though it is downwards, not only is the space getting wider and wider, but it is also surrounded by ores that are not sure whether they are ice crystals or crystals, emitting cold air and cold light. There is nothing dark inside this cave.

On the contrary, there is a kind of fantasy that young people have never imagined in their dreams.

The cave was very quiet, so the rhythmic breathing of beasts coming from the lower depths of the cave seemed particularly clear.

What would be low?

Are these wolves going to sacrifice him to an evil god who lives in a remote forest?

The young man was frightened when he thought of this place, but when he really came to the deepest part of the cave, everything inside still surprised him.


After a while, the greatly changed body of the Northern Wolf Warrior walked out of the cave.

Its body has become larger, and its originally gray-black hair has also become completely different. The whole body has become fiery red with a cyan color. Strength, physical strength, wisdom, and life are all greatly enhanced.

Not only that, it was also rewarded with a large amount of blood by the Wolf King, allowing it to master a very powerful ability. This ability will give it unprecedented strength and combat effectiveness.

It knows that from now on, it will manage part of the pack on behalf of the Wolf King. The first step is to master the new abilities and eliminate some monsters and beasts in the forest that have long threatened the lives of the brothers and sisters.

Just in time, you can use them to try out its new abilities.

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