Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 81, Wolf Den - Crazy wolves and merciless killing

Neither Keir nor the weird Northern Wolf noticed Lanissa Knight's silent assassination swordsmanship. Kil closed his eyes tightly, trying not to let the scorching hot air burn his eyes. Physical injuries could be cured with magic, but if a person's eyes were injured, it would be difficult to heal.

After he knocked the northern wolf away with an axe, he stood still, trying to judge where the northern wolf had gone by the sound.

But he only heard a muffled sound, like the sound of a long sword wrapped in cloth striking a stone.

Immediately, although the armor and clothes all over his body were burning, he still felt that the high temperature released by the northern wolf disappeared.

"Haha, haha." He was about to speak and ask the hunters behind him what was wrong, but a sharp pain from inside his body, in his lungs and the trachea in his neck prevented him from uttering a single word.

He immediately realized that when he was fighting with weapons just now, his breathing and making sounds had caused high-temperature air to be sucked into his respiratory system. At this time, he was not only burned on the surface of his body, but also on the inside of his body.

Just when he raised the ax to be alert, a huge force came and pushed him to the ground.

Just when Kil was about to swing the ax in front of him, the ax in his hand was grabbed and lifted, taken away from his hand, and placed next to him.

"It's me! Don't move, your whole body is on fire. Let us use snow to cool you down." Knight Lanisa's voice came, followed by a sound of running, and the hunters behind him quickly Come closer.

"Don't be stunned, put out the fire and cool down Little Kil. He did a great job just now!" Knight Lanisa instructed the hunters.

The young hunters quickly inserted their bows and arrows into the surrounding snow that had been baked by the high temperature. Then they quickly shoveled the snow with their hands and covered Kil's body, which was obediently ordered to stay on the ground.

"Kiel, the Lord Knight said you did a good job just now. Really, you were so brave just now!"

"Indeed, it looks like you can defeat such a powerful monster directly. You're really good at it."

"The sword that the Lord Knight used to kill the monster wolf at the end was really powerful. I didn't even see it clearly, but in an instant, the Lord knight pierced that guy's head."

"Yes, yes, swish, in the blink of an eye, someone flew over from the horse and pierced the strange wolf."

They said excitedly while moving quickly, throwing a large amount of snow from around Kiel to the whole body of Kiel who fell to the ground.

Opening his eyes, Kil immediately felt the burning temperature all over his body from outside his skin and through his eyes. Although there were falling snow on him, his whole body was still very hot.

He tried his best to breathe in pain, and the cold air brought into his lungs brought a cold analgesic feeling. Unfortunately, his respiratory tract still hurt.

Kil lifted off the visor on his face, took a deep breath, and touched the falling snowflakes with his face.

He felt the cold was not enough, so he grabbed a handful of snow from his side with his gloves, but before he put it on his face, the ice and snow in his hand quickly turned into a ball of water.

"Huh." He gave up and just lay quietly on the ground, using his face to catch the snowflakes that fell on his face, closing his eyes, trying to communicate with the sixth-class Saturn protection badge hanging on his chest, hoping that it would It stimulated the power in the body and slightly healed his extremely painful respiratory tract.


Seeing that Kil had raised his visor and opened his eyes without any problem, Lanissa Knight pointed at the three old hunters and then made a gesture to follow.

Then the three old hunters immediately started running quickly, and then attacked the Northland wolves again.

Although the northern wolf that could release high temperatures was killed in a few rounds, it caused an extremely serious blow to the morale of the northern wolves. However, due to the presence of a large number of wolf pups in a mess behind them, except for one or two pregnant female wolves who were arranged to lead the strongest and bravest pups to retreat, the other Northland wolves did not retreat, but were killed by humans at the leader Finally, he still bravely rushed towards the humans.

Knight Lanissa raised her visor and whistled, then put her visor down again, holding an armor-piercing rapier and walking towards the Northland wolves. The three old hunters who were following her felt relieved and attacked the large number of northern wolves that were coming towards them.

The three old hunters kept drawing their bows and firing arrows, and each arrow was shot towards the densely packed Northland wolves. Those northern wolves were surrounded by companions, so there was almost no room to dodge. They could only watch as arrows flew towards them and struck them.

Knight Lanissa stood still and faced all the northern wolves who were killing her head on.

The body took half a step forward, and punched a northern wolf head-on with his left hand. The armor-piercing rapier in his right hand swept across with all its strength, making it difficult for the armor-piercing rapier to do something it shouldn't have done. The originally hard and strong armor-piercing rapier collided with it. On a northern wolf, he then led the northern wolf in a half circle, knocking four northern wolves away at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Knight Lanisa raised her foot and kicked away a northern wolf that was jumping in the air. Then she slammed the raised leg to the ground, and used the reaction force to directly bend the other leg, and tried to push the other one away. The northern wolf that crossed her hit her in the middle and broke her body.

She turned around and punched the nock of a bow and arrow stuck on the body of a northern wolf. The armor on the back of her hand directly drove the entire arrow shaft into the body of the northern wolf. The northern wolf looked ferocious with its mouth full of vomiting blood, but Immediately afterwards, two arrows were shot from the mouth by the old hunters, piercing the brain.

The Northland wolves are very tenacious and know that if they run away, they will only be chased by this female human and killed one by one. Therefore, the battle is quite crazy at this time, and they don't even care that they can't bite even a little bit of the steel armor on Lanissa Knight.

They just want to delay time so that the young wolves can run a little longer, and in this doomed battle, they show the most ferocious and tenacious side of their northern wolves.

When the four young hunters saw the fierce fighting not far ahead, they immediately left Kiel to shovel the snow. They pulled up the bows and arrows beside them and stood in a row. While walking forward, they continuously fired arrows to shoot at the northern wolves.

Kil touched his face with the thick gloves that had come off the ice. Apart from the black ash on his face, he also noticed that the hunters no longer shoveled snow for him.

Looking back, it turned out that everyone was already involved in the fierce battle and couldn't care about him at all.

He saw that Knight Lanisa had an overwhelming advantage and immediately became excited. Although there are many wolves in the North, we humans have the upper hand at this moment.

Because although the Northern Wolf was attacking crazily, it could not get past Knight Lanisa and attack the three old hunters.

Even if they are only three to five meters away from the old hunter.

Keir's eyes were hot when he saw it, and he ignored the stinging pain in his throat. He grabbed the two-handed ax that was placed upside down beside him. He used this thing to prop himself up, put the ax on his shoulders, and strode forward. go.


The Northland wolves became more and more crazy, and some slow-running young wolves were also aroused by the fighting posture of the adult wolves. A large group of them ran over and joined the battle.

Although these little guys move hesitantly and slowly, their number is several times greater than that of adult wolves, so as soon as Pu joins, it puts a lot of pressure on Lanissa Knight's defense line.

"We're here just in time. Everyone listens to the order and kill them all. No one will be spared!" Knight Lanisa was so excited that she simply threw the armor-piercing rapier in her hand and penetrated the whole body of a northern wolf. Nailed to the big tree behind.

She raised her hands free, clenched the gloves covered with thick metal armor, and used them directly as the cavalry's armor-breaking round hammer. She hit the crazy Northland Wolf's face with one punch, and then another punch. out.

Her legs and feet were not idle either. She inserted the tip of her metal boots into the trampled snow and mud on the ground, then pushed hard, and a large amount of frozen hard soil flew out like arrows, hitting the north. The wolf-sized bodies made them howl.

With the shooting support of four young hunters who quickly ran over, the old hunters immediately retreated from the dangerous close battle.

Following closely behind the young hunter was Kil, who was running with long strides. Without even putting down his mask, Kil roared out a strange cry, passed over the young hunter and the old hunter, and struck down a heavy ax with both hands, splitting a running young wolf in half from its head to its tail. .

Blood, body fluids and internal organs splashed, staining the white ground red, and staining all the creatures present even more crazy.

They were biting and tearing desperately. Kil didn't care about the wolf that bit his body. He directly raised the ax again, pushed the ax forward sideways, and opened the mouth of a wolf that was biting towards his face. , taking away half of the opponent's jaw and sharp teeth.

At this moment, Knight Lanissa's horse galloped over.

The war horse, which was covered in a metal vest like a knight, was tall, strong and heavy. It stepped on the young wolf and bumped into the adult wolf as it charged forward. He didn't even care about the little northern wolves that tried to bite and knock him down along the way.

After crashing through a large group of northern wolves, the war horse listened to the whistle commanded by Knight Lanessa at this time, first ran to the knight, and asked the female knight to grab a long wooden box on the horse's back with one hand, and then started running again He knocked away the northern wolf blocking the road, ran to Kiel, and rubbed away the northern wolf that was clinging to Kiel.

Not only that, it kept raising its legs and hooves, trampling to death and injuring the northern wolves that were shot and injured by hunters nearby.

"It's over." I wanted to say thank you to this war horse, but as soon as Kil opened his mouth, because of the pain in his throat, he said this weird vocabulary and intonation.

The tall war horse turned its ears in confusion, glanced at the embarrassed Kil with its big eyes, and then continued to gallop on the battlefield.


Knight Lanisa took a deep breath, unlatched the wooden box she took off her horse, and opened it, ignoring the seven or eight northern wolves that surrounded her, biting and tearing her apart. She directly grasped the thick long sword inside, chuckled, turned around with all her strength, and flung the Northern Wolf all over her body around her.

Immediately afterwards, she kicked the ground and flew quickly across the ground. The unusually heavy long sword in her hand flew away the Northern Wolf who was decapitated by the sword. Taking advantage of her high speed, she did not swing the heavy sword, but directly stabbed or swept the sword, cutting open and slaughtering the northern wolves around her in an instant.

The young wolf that rushed towards her ignored Ben Li and kicked him away while running. The long sword only attacked the adult northern wolves that had been knocked away and injured by her when she was empty-handed.

Her killing efficiency was astonishing. It only took the hunters three rounds of arrow shooting, and all the adult northern wolves around her were killed.

As soon as the whistle sounded, she jumped on the spot, and when she fell down again, she happened to land on the war horse that ran quickly under her.

Riding on her horse, she turned to the hunters and shouted loudly: "Kill all the northern wolves nearby! I will run around this place and intercept some guys who want to run away."

"Yes, sir." The hunters responded in unison.

Then, relying on Kiel as a human shield to charge forward, they fired support from behind. It only took a short while to kill all the few remaining northern wolves here.

After waiting for a while, Knight Lanisa returned here on a horse with a vest full of blood. What she held in her hand was no longer the inconspicuous but surprisingly powerful thick long sword, but the metal spear she had thrown to rescue Kil.

In this cold weather, the metal spear was still dripping with unfrozen blood from the tip.

Looking at the blood splattered on the horse's vest, it is not difficult to guess how Knight Lanisa used her spear to kill the northern wolves that flew past her one by one while riding her horse.


The corpses of northern wolves were everywhere, and the white ice and snow were stained red with blood. On the quiet battlefield, everyone, including Kiel, sat around an open space that was slightly unaffected by the battle.

The hunters were all helping each other, flexing their arm muscles to draw their bows. During the battle just now, no one could think too much about it. Now that the battle was won, everyone was rubbing their arms with pain on their faces.

Kil didn't suffer any other injuries except burns. He just gestured and pointed at his throat, while using his left hand that took off his gloves, he took out the luminous badge on the chest of the armor, held it in his hand and kept rubbing it. move.

"Is it okay?" Several young hunters asked Kil as they rubbed their sore arms.

Kil coughed twice and found that his throat was still sore and his throat was sore. He was still speechless, so he had no choice but to nod his opinion.

"Can it be done?"

Keir nodded. He barely controlled his voice and said something super weird in his fiery voice: "Stop, stop procrastinating."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and let the young hunters take a look at his throat.

Several young people looked at Kil's throat one after another, and they all said that the redness and swelling were much better than before, at least much better than when Kil's mouth was coughing up blood just after the battle.

After hearing the answers from his companions, Kil was still rubbing the Saturn emblem with his left hand, closing his eyes and communicating with the thing with his heart, barely guiding the power of the thing to linger in his throat.

"What's wrong with Kil?" Knight Lanisha thrust her spear into the ground, pierced the entire tail of the spear into the soil, jumped off her horse, and saw that the hunters were in good condition, so she asked about Kil's situation.

"Reporting to your lord, when Kil was fighting with the northern wolf whose whole body was radiating flames, he took several breaths of hot air. His throat and throat were burned." An old hunter who had been paying attention to Kil's injuries replied.

Knight Lanisa slapped her helmet and made a loud bang: "Oh, no, no. Why did I forget to mention that I had to hold my breath just now?"

"The situation was so urgent just now that I couldn't care about this anymore. Please don't worry. Kil has a treasure that can heal injuries. It seems that it should be able to heal his injuries just now. Unfortunately, it seems that that thing can only be used by himself. Others have no effect." The old hunter looked at the God of Agriculture badge with regret.

Knight Lanisa nodded and said: "Ah, actually it's not impossible. It's just that this is the emblem of the Church of Saturn. It's not in the Saturn system, so it has no effect. It barely works, and the effect is very slight."

She then added: "None of you farm, you usually rely on hunting for a living, and you believe in other gods, so naturally you can't do that."

A young hunter clasped his forehead: "Kiel has never farmed before. At least I have never heard him say anything about farming and tending crops. He actually uses it very happily."

After Kil heard this, he gave the guy a gentle hammer and curled his lips, unable to speak.

Knight Lanisa pulled two adult northern wolf corpses into a cross-shaped pile, then sat on the corpses and opened the helmet visor and said: "Idiot, this thing was awarded to Kil by the Church of the God of Saturn, so naturally it can He used it himself. Even though Kil himself does not believe in the god of agriculture."

Keir nodded quickly.

The female knight rolled her eyes: "Don't nod. Even so, in my eyes, Kil, your whole body is full of the power of the God of Agriculture." She glanced at the other hunters: "The power of the God of Agriculture in Kil's body Although it is not much, it is at least similar to that of a trainee shepherd. And even though he has been using these divine powers continuously before, the divine power in his body is still not cut off. "

Kil shrugged, looked at everyone looking at him, and barely managed to speak a word: "Chongzi."

Everyone rolled their eyes: "Chongzi?"

"Idiot, it's a seed!"

"I heard it, it's seeds."

Knight Lanisa narrowed her eyes: "It seems that the church likes you very much. That's right. In the autumn, they almost stabbed Lou Zi, causing Kendall City to lose at least 30% of its food harvest. "

She muttered: "Although I managed to fool him in the end. Yep, a bunch of guys who never rely on their own abilities."

Everyone rested for a long time, until Kil could barely speak and expressed that his throat was a little itchy. Then after it got dark, everyone lit torches for lighting, gathered the bodies of the northern wolves together bit by bit, and then dug them out. A large pit, while peeling off the fur from the frozen northern wolf carcass, the skinned wolf carcass was thrown into the big pit.

"After everything is done, everyone remember to chop down the trees, throw the firewood into the pit, and burn them all. This is not a wild place. The killed bodies will be devoured and digested by other hungry beasts, including the flesh and bones. Here is Wolf den, there are no beasts or monsters in the forest that dare to come here to look for food. So in order to prevent these corpses from causing disaster, we have to burn them all."

Lanissa Knight instructed.

Everyone also expressed their understanding, and they all understood the reason for doing this. Kil also reluctantly told the hunters that when he was fighting bandits some time ago, he came across a filthy corpse pit. It not only contained moving human corpses, but also had the filthy power to corrode weapons and equipment.

So, before leaving here, they not only briefly searched the den of the Northern Wolf, but also found several powerful animal horns. He also cut down two big trees, piled all the firewood from the two big trees on the big pit, lit a fire, and left here with a large amount of wolf skins.

Tie four or five wolf tails together in knots, and then tie them tightly with a rope from the middle. One rope can string all the wolf skins together. Finally, the rope was tied to Knight Lanisa's horse. Knight Lanisa dismounted and walked, and everyone managed to get the wolf skins back to the rocky mountain stronghold.

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