Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 83, Rock Mountain Stronghold - Plans, Skis, and Watching Wolves

The battlefield will still be here in the end, but it won't be the same place.

To put it simply, in the final battle, the knights and the Wolf King fought together, while the hunters and the Northern Wolf fought together.

The terrain of the rocky mountain has no impact on the battle between Lanissa Knight and the Wolf King. On the contrary, it will disrupt the battle of the hunters. So the battlefield between them cannot be here.

Speaking of this, Keir pointed in the direction going down from the rock passage: "The nearby forest facing the entrance and exit of the rock passage is just right."

Knight Lanisa stood up and looked at each other, and looked at each other with several old hunters. Then she nodded and signaled Kil to tell all the unfinished plans.

The battlefield for knights is there, and the battlefield for hunters is naturally here.

The rock passage is not very spacious. For Northern wolves, it is enough to accommodate up to four or five Northern wolves to attack side by side during battle. Therefore, for hunters, fighting here can reduce the numerical advantage of Northern wolves. benefit.

Kiel went on to talk about the boost to arrows and the broadened field of vision that hunters get from high in the passage when shooting downwards. This is not a good thing if hunters are on flat land. In addition, in the forest, it is disadvantageous for hunters to shoot, because the northern wolf can use the trunks of big trees in the forest to avoid arrows as before. And in a similar positional battle, they used tree trunks to approach the hunters.

In the rock passage, except for the winding upward road that hinders shooting, there is no other shelter.

This will greatly benefit hunters in their battles.

In addition, Keir also took out a piece of paper from his backpack, drew the route of the rock passage, and divided it into four sections from the entrance to the stronghold, and even to the top of the rock mountain according to the degree of bends of the passage. Some small battlefields.

Use the rocks and tree trunk wood on both sides of the passage to make several simple positions, and use the corners of the rock passage as the dividing line. In this way, all hunters can come on stage each time, and after fighting the northern wolf, retreat one by one. , fight again in the next position.

The Northern Wolf needs to face the next wave of death passages again after working hard to attack the next passage.


Everyone thinks that this part of Kiel's plan is very good, but starting from now, they need to go out and cut down trees quickly, but it is difficult to set up Kiel's expected position before the Northland wolves gather.

Kil also knew that his plan was good, but he didn't have enough time. Unfortunately, everyone had wasted the previous time, otherwise he would have to work hard to build these things no matter what.

Knight Lanisa told everyone not to worry, because Kil was obviously in a calm mood and did not appear to be very regretful or panicked.

"Kiel, tell me, how can I squeeze out the time for position preparation?" Knight Lanisa raised her chin at Kiel, and smiled, telling Kiel to stop showing off.

After scratching his head, Kil revealed his next related plan to seize time.

It's not complicated. To put it simply, the team is divided. Some of the people are working hard to build a fighting position at the stronghold. The other part of the team, led by Knight Lanissa, attacks from the Rock Mountain stronghold to actively hinder the gathering of the Northern Wolves. .

Either harass, or force away the wolf king who can lead and manage a large group of northern wolves, or simply lead them around in circles in the forest after attracting a large group of northern wolves.

In short, just do whatever it takes to delay the Northern Wolf.

However, the key point is that this is just a stop-gap measure to delay time, and it does not really mean that there will be a decisive battle with the Northern Wolf and the Wolf King in the forest.

That would be too detrimental to the human side.

Everyone was silent for a while. Everyone realized that this wave of attacks to hinder the wolf pack's gathering time was really a narrow escape. A few old hunters had the intention to come forward, but before they could speak, Knight Lanisa stretched out her hand to stop them from talking.

"I have no problem with myself. Those northern wolves can't do anything to me. The problem is that there are not enough horses to lead people. In the forest, it is impossible for the hunters who attack me to outrun the northern wolves. Let alone the wolf king. .Kir, if you have any solution to this, just say it directly. Otherwise, the people who attacked this time will not be able to come back alive."

"If the team is going to die in vain like this, then it is better to do the same as in previous years. When the northern wolves gather, let them gather, we avoid it and withdraw from the forest. After the large group of wolves leaves again, we will come back. Anyway This winter is going to be long, and if there is no other way, it’s not a problem to contend with them all winter long.”

Knight Lanisa revealed her intention at this time. If she could not defeat the Northern Wolf with an advantage, then she would delay the situation. Instead of rushing to deal with the wolves all at once, she would slowly deal with the scattered Northern Wolves bit by bit.

Although this may not completely eradicate the wolf king and the northern wolf community at once, if it doesn't work this year, then we will come back next winter. Although it is possible for those young wolves to fully grow up, even so, it will only return to the situation a few years ago.

It's not that bad.

In this regard, Keir came up with his solution directly.

It's really simple. Just make a few skis out of wood that can be pulled by horses, and tie them with ropes behind Knight Lanissa's horse. In this way, as long as Knight Lanissa's horse moves faster than the Northern Wolf, Those wolves just couldn't keep up with the team's overall speed.

The hunters looked at each other in confusion, feeling that Kil's method was a bit ridiculous. To be honest, Knight Lanissa's horse had a higher status than their hunters. After all, he was the knight's fighting partner. It was too rude and disrespectful to use it to pull the skis carrying the hunter.

Several young hunters were eager to try, but the old hunter grabbed the young man and slapped the excited young man on the head. Nervously watching Lanissa Knight apologize.

Contrary to their expectations, after Knight Lanissa looked at Kil, she dragged her chin with her hand and began to think, obviously hesitating.

It was seen that the female knight was hesitating and did not reprimand Kil for being rude. He quickly added: "In order to defeat those northern wolves, it is an expedient measure. And it is not riding on a horse, but just tying a rope dragging the skis behind the saddle or vest. This method can only be used after snowfall in winter. , It hasn’t snowed for several days, and if we delay further, this method may not work.”

Knight Lanissa suddenly stood up, ignored everyone, and came to her horse. He put his head next to the war horse's ear and whispered something to the horse.

Keir stared with wide eyes. The strong war horse nodded and shook its head as the female knight whispered. In the end, although he snorted a little dissatisfiedly, he stared at Keir fiercely, making him look a little confused.

Knight Lanissa patted the war horse's lowered head, smoothed the hair on the horse's neck encouragingly, and then walked back to the fire with a smile.

"It agreed. If it is to defeat those wolves and take revenge." She paused here and said, "Then it reluctantly agreed."

Although he didn't know what the female knight didn't say, Kil was not curious, so he quickly took out some wood, and with the help of his friends, he used an ax to make a ski with a smooth bottom.

This thing was more than one meter long. There was a hole in the head. The rope was passed through it and a complicated knot was tied. Everyone hurried to the open space outside the rock mountain.


The snow on the ground was a little thin because it hadn't snowed for many days, and because they walked back and forth at the entrance and exit of the rock passage, the snow was even thinner.

Fortunately, although there was no snowfall, there were no sunny days in the sky. The thick clouds even blocked the cold air from the ground and the sunlight, so the entire forest was still covered with white snow.

Kil watched Knight Lanisa tie the rope to the back of the vest, but he was thinking about the roads inside and outside Kendall City. Those roads must have been trampled by pedestrians and merchants and were filled with mud.

Considering the cold weather, the sludge may even freeze on the road, and then be crushed into fine ice slag by the rims of the carriage.

A young man volunteered to stand on the skis. He grabbed the extra rope in front of him and stood upright.

As a result, Knight Lanisa just signaled her war horse to move forward, and suddenly accelerated, causing the young man standing on the skis to fall over.

"Is it possible?" Some people have no hope. Most of the people in Kendall County migrated from the Empire. Most of the Empire is in areas with a mild climate. Although the winter is very cold, there is rarely large-scale snowfall. After coming to Kendall County, every winter, people basically hide in the villages and rarely go out to play in the villages.

"I heard that people from the Kingdom in the north seem to use this method to get out in winter."

"It seems so. I remember that it's winter there for one third of the year, and everyone goes out in a sleigh pulled by reindeer."

"That's good. There's a place to sit, but you won't fall out like this."

The young man tried several times, but was always knocked down or thrown out at the start. He was quite discouraged, but Knight Lanissa understood what to do.

"Idiot! Stop skiing. What are you skiing for?"

"Snowboards," Keel replied.

"Yes, don't stand so straight on the skis. Turn your body sideways, and stand with your legs forward and backward, apart! Bend your waist slightly. Try again!" The female knight loudly directed the young hunter's movements.

The young hunter who was testing awkwardly positioned his body according to the Lord Knight's instructions, and then nervously grabbed the rope with one hand again, lowering his center of gravity.

He actually mastered some skills just now.

Soon, Knight Lanissa waved to her war horse, and the horse began to run forward obediently.

However, this time, the ski and the person on it were not thrown away.

The skis undulated slightly with the undulations of the snow on the ground, and the hunter's bent legs cushioned the shock caused by the undulations very well. He became excited, his face moved quickly through the cold air, and there was a whistling sound beside his ears.

"Oh!!" He shouted happily.

Everyone in the distance thought he was panicking, but when they listened carefully, their voice was full of excitement.

The experiment was successful.

Keir and the hunters quickly made three more rough skis, all of which were tied to the back of the horse in turn. These weights were a bit burdensome for the war horse, but not very strong. Knight Lanisa thought about it and removed the left and right metal vests in the middle of the war horse's body. The speed of the war horse was restored again, still pulling four hunters.

Now that she had this useful method, Knight Lanissa immediately ordered two old hunters and two young hunters. A total of four people followed her to attack to delay the gathering time of the Northern Wolves.

Time waits for no one, so she arranges everyone's tasks. The team that went out was naturally directed by her. As for the other people who stayed at the Rock Mountain stronghold, Kil was responsible for organizing and building the defense positions that would be used in battles later. During this period, if there was an occasional battle, everyone would still be led by the two old hunters who were left behind. command.

After a brief tidying up, Knight Lanisa set off with the four hunters.

As expected, with the towed skis, the movement speed of the entire team depends entirely on the speed of the war horses. Even though Knight Lanisa slowed down the horse she was riding slightly to ensure that the four hunters behind her moved smoothly, the movement speed of this team was still far higher than before.

She looked at the stable forest and felt that with this method, the entire team would gain the initiative to fight against the northern wolves.

As long as he doesn't run into the Wolf King, that's fine.


The words are divided into two parts.

After the knight and others set off to buy time, Kiel and the others immediately set off to the forest to log wood.

The wolf spies that Knight Lanissa mentioned were indeed hiding behind the shadowy tree trunks in the distance of the forest, secretly watching them.

At first, Kiel and the others didn't really care, but it was really annoying to be stared at like this while working. After discussing with the veteran hunters, they also felt that being stared at like this would affect their work.

So everyone put it together and did two things.

Old hunters are proficient in hunting, and the arrangement of traps is of course not a problem. After carefully determining where the wolf spies who were following them were accustomed to, everyone moved out some metal clips and quietly placed them nearby, hiding traces of their comings and goings.

Of course, every place where a metal clamp is placed leaves a mark high on the tree trunk, and it is impossible not to see it. Unlike humans, northern wolves that walk on all fours have a very low center of gravity, and their heads and eyes are naturally very low. Although their body shape is convenient for running, attacking, eating and sniffing, it is inevitable that their sight can only be set very low.

You can't see the eye-catching marks left by the old hunter specially on the high part of the tree trunk.

On the other hand, in addition to laying out metal clips, Kiel also boldly worked alone in the forest near the rocky mountain. Covered in armor, fully armed. While using his blue two-handed ax to chop down a large tree of suitable size, he boldly exposed his backside to the Northern Wolf spies who were following him.

It was nothing at first, but as the old hunter's tricks worked one after another, several northern wolf spies had their legs and feet cut off by metal clamps. Although when Kiel and the others followed the howl of the northern wolf, basically all that was left at the scene was the closed metal clip and half of the claw that was bitten off by the ruthless northern wolf in the middle of the sharp teeth of the clamp.

Although it was only half a claw limb, everyone was an expert in killing many northern wolves. Naturally, they knew that a northern wolf with one missing leg would not be able to threaten them in subsequent battles.

If they fail and do not cause much damage to the wolves this winter, when the young wolves grow up, these Northland wolves with broken legs will naturally survive in the pack.

If they succeed, even if the northern wolves with broken legs that run back to the den survive to next year, they will starve to death in the following days. The northern wolf is gone. It is naturally difficult for a single northern wolf with a broken leg to survive in the forest.

After injuring several northern wolf spies, there were fewer people around to spy on them. But Keir still went out to work alone. He was sure that the ferocious Northland Wolf would not tolerate it.

Sure enough, although it is no longer close to where everyone works. But on a dark dusk, when Keel was about to boldly work at night, several thin northern wolves suddenly jumped out of the snow where he had cut trees during the day.

Looking at these thin Northern Wolf spies, Keir calmly held the ax in his hand.

"It seems that in order to keep an eye on us, you haven't done much hunting and eating recently?" Kil said, talking to himself, because the northern wolf opposite could not understand human speech.

"Come on, come on. My hands are itching." Carrying the ax, Kil boldly walked towards the northern wolves surrounding him.

"Woo." The Northland wolves roared ferociously, failing to sense fear and panic from humans, which made some of them feel that something was wrong. But there is only one person on the other side, and there are several times as many humans on their side. The odds are mine!


The northern wolves surrounding him from all directions roared together and rushed towards Kiel at the same time. But Kil ignored the northern wolves on both sides and behind him, and directly hit the northern wolf that was rushing towards him.

Without using a shield, he directly held the ax with both hands, letting the blade of the ax face the enemy without swinging it.

The face without closing the visor was exposed, and Kil's excited and grinning mouth was seen by the northern wolf that rushed towards him.

Although confused, the Northern Wolf had no time to think. It tried to get out of the way before colliding with the human. But Kil bent down and pounced, hitting the Northern Wolf before it could dodge.

Boom, hiss.

There was an impact first, and then the sharp ax blade opened a half-meter long gash in the body of the northern wolf.

The originally pitiful and thin body had several ribs broken during the impact, and the wounds on the back were rolled up, revealing the bones under the hair and muscles.

After the impact, Kiel used his free left hand to grab the wailing Boreal Wolf, then rounded the ax in his right hand and threw it out. He tried to sneak attack him from behind, but ended up pounced on the empty Boreal Wolf's head.

The sharp and heavy ax smashed half of the northern wolf's face, and even got stuck bloody on the northern wolf's face. The wound was so deep that the northern wolf, which had lost most of its teeth, could not even cry out. .

With both hands free, Kil grabbed the Boreal Wolf caught in his left hand, picked it up horizontally, and then threw it at the two Boreal Wolves in front of him.

Watching the three northern wolves smash into a ball, Kil drew out his shield from behind his left shoulder with his left hand, and pulled out his long sword from his left waist with his right hand.


A sharp and sharp sound of unsheathing was heard.

In the dusk of the forest, the young man who had just grown up was killing several ferocious beasts.

It seems that he wants to weigh who is the real deadly one in the forest.

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