Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 93, Battle of Rock Mountain-Fire Barrier

It wasn't until the afternoon that Knight Lanissa came back riding a horse with many scratches on its vest.

Originally, she relied on her newly mastered magic perception to attack the Yin Wolf King, but in the fierce battle, she went too far and put a lot of attacks on the fake Wolf King. Although she killed the northern wolf that was strangely possessed by fur, her own methods were still doubted by the wolf king who was keen in combat and saw through.

The Wolf King laid a trap for her, but it only took one simple attempt to reveal Knight Lanissa's new abilities.

After that, they faced off for a while, and then they felt that they needed to go back to their respective camps to rest for a while.

It's not that you can't continue fighting, it's just that the more intense the battle, the more food supplements are needed. At this point, neither the Northern Wolf nor the humans are very wealthy at this time.


As soon as she returned behind the wooden wall, Knight Lanisha briefly explained the previous battle to her men.

Boom, she punched the ground, causing the gravel on the ground to tremble: "Cunning northern wolves! They actually forced me to choose one. Either you or the metal spear passed down from home."

Hearing this, Kil and the others looked at each other, knowing that the Lord Knight chose their side in the end.

"Fortunately, I still have many spare metal spears of that style at home. But, after all, it was the one my father used before his death. Alas." Sighing, Knight Lanisa unhappily picked up one near the fire. A wooden bowl, and drink the clean ice and snow that melted into water in one gulp.

The not too warm melted water was swallowed into the throat. Knight Lanisa was obviously aroused by the somewhat icy water. After shivering, she put down the wooden bowl with satisfaction.

"I'll fight it again in the afternoon. This time I'll definitely destroy the remaining fur it possesses!"

She then explained to the hunters a strange ability possessed by the Northland Wolf King.

The molted wolf fur that can fly flexibly in the air can possess the wolf skin that parasitizes the ordinary northern wolf. There is also an even more disgusting and weird ability that I don’t know what can be done with that kind of thing.

The hunters are a little worried. After all, Knight Lanissa's strength has improved over the years, but the wolf king is not sitting still and waiting to die. This new type of strange ability has been mastered.

The hunters gave Knight Lanisa advice one after another. If they saw through the real and fake wolf king, they would directly chase the real one. Since the fake wolf king who appeared after the ordinary wolf king was possessed would not have much impact on Knight Lanisa, It would be better to just deal with the Wolf King of the True North.

But Knight Lanisa thought about it for a while, but did not adopt this method. After all, she didn't know if the Wolf King could use the shed fur to develop other weird abilities.

After thinking about it, she thought it would be better to kill the possessed fake wolf king first.

After talking about the battle between the knight and the Wolf King, the topic inevitably turned to Kil.

After looking at Kil who was sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Knight Lanisa breathed a sigh of relief. Because at this time, the seal-like things on Kil's body seemed to be intact, and there was no residual magic power from the Warcraft to erode little Kil's appearance.

"Kiel, show me the weapon you showed off your power just now." Knight Lanisa said.

Kil looked at each other and the young hunters, and then handed the handle of the two-handed ax to the female knight: "Be careful, I don't know what happened to it, so it can only be held in my hand. Others try As soon as I picked it up, it bounced away from my hand."

A young hunter rubbed his palms and said helplessly: "You have to be careful, sir, it will break free in the hands of others."

"I tried it just now, and it's true that the palm of my hand became very slippery." A young hunter said.

"No, the ax flew up in the air!"

"Nothing is right. The ax is breaking free on its own. It is too powerful. As long as someone else uses the ax, it will break free and try to fly back to Kiel."

Knight Lanissa took over a two-handed ax with a large blue surface. Sure enough, compared with the previous one, this ax was indeed very different in terms of magic power perception.

The ax that originally looked relatively ordinary seemed to be alive in her magic perception, with a layer of energy floating on the ax surface that ordinary people could not see with the naked eye. This energy is constantly changing, and the heads of several monsters and monsters above are also constantly affecting the changes in the energy floating on the surface of the ax.

As soon as the ax handle was taken into hand, the entire ax vibrated, and the force increased from small to large.

If it were an ordinary person, if he grabbed such a heavy two-handed ax that would actively break free, he would indeed be able to break free. But Lanissa Knight is very strong. After holding it tightly with one hand, no matter how hard the thing breaks free, it cannot escape.

She played with the ax for a while, then deliberately let it go.

With a whoosh, the ax flew a few meters into the sky, and then spun down towards Kiel.

The other hunters were a little nervous when they saw this scene, but Kil herself and Lanissa Knight both had relaxed expressions.

Kilt stretched his hand into the air, and the spinning ax actively adjusted its angle and speed, and landed directly in his outstretched hand.

Nodding, Knight Lanisha said to Kil: "Kiel, let me use your metal spear. If it breaks, I will go back and find you a new one." She pointed to the wooden wall and leaned against it. Double-edged metal gun on the rock wall.

Because of Kil's misprediction, the weapon was made too heavy. It was fine for him to use for exercise, but it was a bit too heavy for fighting.

Kil nodded and agreed to the Lord Knight's loan.


When it was getting dark in the afternoon, the pack of Northland wolves surrounded outside the rocky mountain was ready to move.

The Wolf King of the North was also walking around outside the wolf pack. What Knight Lanissa didn't expect was that when she rushed out of the rock passage on her horse, she found that the Wolf King had obtained another one from somewhere and was controlled by it. Flying empty wolf skins.

Now, the results of her hard work at noon were back to the same place.

But then she thought about it, luckily she had destroyed all the wolf skins that the North Wolf King had accumulated over the years. After all, if you destroy one, there will be one less.

Thinking of this, she grabbed Kil's double-edged spear and drove the war horse diagonally toward the Wolf King.

The Wolf King also knows that he should not fight near the wolves, otherwise, even the aftermath of the battle will cause harm to the wolves. It won't eat this loss.

Therefore, after the wolf king saw the human knights attacking, he himself stayed away from the wolves and prepared to fight again with the rested human knights.

The two leaders of the two sides were fighting together, and the subordinates who were driven by them naturally couldn't stand still. Of course, Kiel and the others wanted to just waste their time with the Northern Wolves. They tried their best to make the Northern Wolves hungry and weak, so that it would be easier for them to fight later.

But the wolves in the North cannot do it. Affected by the dignity of each group, it is impossible for them to do nothing and just sit. Even if the wolves die on the way to the impact.

So not long after Knight Lanissa fought against the Northland Wolf King, the wolves once again approached from both sides of the rock passage.

But what greeted them was only human laughter and flaming wooden walls.

Kiel and the others stood at the corner behind the first wooden wall of the position, and a simple burning wooden stick was thrown directly under the wooden wall.

The scattered small wooden strips were quickly ignited, burning along with some dry wolf hairs. In just a few moments, the entire wooden wall was on fire.

At first the smoke was bigger than the fire, but soon the fire was bigger than the smoke.

The fur on the Northern Wolf's body was really easy to burn, and soon the smell of the heated fur filled the surrounding area.

"How about it? Can such a level of fire stop them?" Keir squatted at the bend of the rock passage and asked with a frown.

An old hunter next to him looked at the fire carefully and smacked his lips: "I think it should be possible. At least they obviously can't survive now."

"It will take at least half the night until the wood on the wooden wall and the wolf carcass underneath are burned out. Hey, if you think about it, we have to pay attention in the second half of the night."

Several other old hunters who also knew the Northern Wolf very well nodded: "You do have to be careful at that time. But as soon as it gets dark, the Lord Knight will be back soon. If there is a fight then, everyone must be careful, in the rock passage The place is cramped and there is no place to hide.”

Kil and several young hunters nodded, looking at the blazing fire not far away, mentally prepared for a fierce battle.


On the snow outside the rocky passage.

The Northland wolves looked at the raging fire burning in the rock passage, and their hearts were full of irritation. They failed to complete the Wolf King's order.

At this moment, a young adult northern wolf could no longer bear their powerlessness and failure at this moment. This young Northern wolf first ran out of the pack, howling and running around the pack. After all the Northern wolves gathered here noticed it, the Northern wolf stopped howling. , silently rushing towards the fire in front.

The flames were blazing. After approaching the burning wooden wall, the outermost layer of the fur of the northern wolf was scorched by the heat before it even touched the flames.

It silently tried to sprint and run sideways from the rock walls on both sides, but failed because even the rock walls were burned by the flames. As soon as the wolf's claws touched the rock wall, the hair on the claws was scorched and the soles of the feet were burned.

After trying twice, it was unable to do anything. Finally, under the glare of the distant northern wolf's reflective pupils, it howled in grief and anger, and then rushed towards the burning wooden wall from the front.

After touching the burning wooden wall, it turned into a ball of fire. In the dazzling firelight, it struggled and rolled twice before dying.

At the turn opposite the flames, Kil leaned on the cold rock wall, grinding his teeth as he looked at the northern wolf that threw himself into the flames and died, not knowing what to say.

There was silence for a while, and then another young hunter who came over to watch his shift came over.

He said hello: "Kiel, how is the situation?"

The flames were blazing, and the combustible material brought by the wolf carcasses under the wooden wall gave the flame barrier a sustainable capability beyond their expectations.

"The situation is not bad now. The northern wolf that was testing just now was burned into a part of the flames in a few blows. But I think the silence of the northern wolves now is a bit scary. It will be very difficult for us to survive in the future. "Kiel stood up and moved while answering his partner's questions.

The young hunter followed Kil's gaze and looked at the silent Northland wolves in the open space outside the passage. He saw countless white dots reflecting light covering every inch of the open space he could see.

This moment made the young hunter's breath stop for a moment.

"There are indeed some differences." He patted his chest and said, "But isn't this what we needed before? The angrier these northern wolves are, the closer they will be to the losing side of this battle that will last for a long time. "

"That's right. That's right." Kil muttered.

"And Kil, you'd better tell the knight about this situation. She has to grasp all the situations on the battlefield."

"Okay, pay attention to safety and be alert to the surroundings. Someone will come to replace you in an hour." After saying that, Keir arranged his equipment, wrapped his cloak tightly, patted his companions on the shoulder, and headed towards the second position. Go to the wooden wall.


He bypassed the scattered metal clamps on the ground. The number of these clamps was smaller than when they first came here. The few parts were damaged. The repair was not complicated, but they did not have the tools to replace them, so They can only pile up on the edge of the rock wall and give up.

Bypassing the clamp, he approached the second wooden wall. A simple ladder for entering and exiting the wooden wall was set up on the side, and Kil stepped on it in a few clicks. Knight Lanisa was sitting on the top of the rock wall, facing the Wolf King in the distance from a long distance away.

Kil knew that the knight at the top had noticed him, so he told Knight Lanisa what had just happened at a normal speaking volume.

"I understand." She waved her hand, signaling for Keir to rest.

Kil jumped off the wooden wall and came to the fire behind the wooden wall. Everyone is gathered here to rest at the moment, even the knight's war horse is here. Several large pieces of vest on it have been removed and put aside, leaving only some more complicated parts of the body.

This allows the war horse to keep fighting at any time. It is not known how long it will take, so it is neither possible to remove all the vests nor to keep the vests on it all the time. The former will delay the opportunity to fight. If this is really done, the war horse may have to fight with the knight without armor protection.

very dangerous.

If the latter does this, the war horse will be doubly unable to rest and recover its strength after the battle.

So that’s all we can do.

Keir leaned against the fire a little tiredly, his head directly resting on the feet of a companion. After his companion muttered dissatisfied, Kil insisted on this, and his companion just let him put the hard helmet against his feet.

The official battle had started the night before, and he could only take a short nap between battles. Often, time would pass by as soon as he closed and opened his eyes.

It was like now, when Kil's eyelids gradually became heavy and his ears were accompanied by the soft chatter and laughter of his companions, his consciousness gradually fell.

Gradually falling.


"Kiel! Get up and fight! They are coming!" A shout woke him up.

For a moment, he didn't know if he was still in a dream, but then the tug on his arm told him that he was now in the real world.

"What? When did it happen?" He tapped his helmet with a strong glove, took a deep breath of the still-cold air, and touched the snot under his nose.

The one who got up was a young hunter who was hanging the quiver on his belt. Seeing that Kil was waking up quickly, he shouted loudly: "Don't worry, the fire is out, those northern hunters The earth wolf is coming!"

Kil looked up at the sky and found that it was still night, but he didn't know how long it would be before dawn.

He saw bowls of warm ice and snow melting water next to the fire, and immediately picked up a bowl and drank it. The water was warm, not cold. It looked like it had been roasted by the fire for a long time.

Kil quickly followed his companions and climbed up the wooden wall. He strode to the middle of the wooden wall. Because Knight Lanisa was not standing on the wooden wall at this time, Kil successfully stood in a place that could take care of both sides of the wooden wall.

Kiel looked towards the front of the second line of defense and found that apart from a burst of howls and howls of pain, he did not see any northern wolves rushing towards him in the passage ahead.

And the metal clamps on the ground are still intact and have not been touched.

"Where are the Northland wolves?" He asked the old hunter next to him.

The old hunter babbled and let the white beard on his chin point the direction to Kil: "We are crossing the wall of fire that is no longer burning. I heard from the Lord Knight that those northern wolves are not stupid, and they also know how to pick up unburnable trash. The thing covers the embers."

Kil looked up at the surrounding rock walls and discovered that Knight Lanisa was ready for battle and was standing on a high point on the rock wall in a different position than before.

While watching, Knight Lanisa loudly issued an order: "Now it's time to light the small fires on both sides of the rock wall."

Two old hunters shot two lighted thin wooden sticks, which quickly ignited some flammable firewood piled in the grooves on both sides of the rock wall. With the illumination of these small fires, a large section of the rock passage in front of the wooden wall where Kil was standing was clearly illuminated.

Although the Northern Wolf has not yet arrived, and the Wolf King who may appear together has not arrived, everyone is gradually becoming nervous at this time.

"Damn it! Why did you forget to take back the wooden ladder for entry and exit!" A shout made everyone confused. When they turned around, they saw that the hunter was right. The simple wooden ladder that used two pieces of wood for entry and exit was still there. Set up outside the wooden wall, it looks like it is convenient for the northern wolf to rush over.

Everyone was annoyed for a while, and the tense atmosphere just now was suddenly deflated. Some hunters cursed directly, but they didn't say who explicitly. After all, so many people had been standing on the wooden wall for a long time, but they didn't realize it until the battle. got this.

No one saw it, or in other words, everyone saw it, but everyone lost their reason and logic because of nervousness, and even collectively forgot to take back the wooden ladder.

Kil grinned and handed the spear in his hand to the old hunter next to him to hold temporarily. Then he came to the wooden ladder, lifted the wooden ladder hard, and pulled back.

Just when Keir had just finished his work.

Knight Lanisha on the high side of the rock wall shook her head and shouted to the hunters below: "Get ready to fight, they are really here this time."

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