Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 98, Battle of Rock Mountain - Two parties look at each other from afar

Kiel then tied the thing to the door of the camp where they had camped.

The gate there is quite heavy, and it is located in the middle and upper section of the rocky mountain. It will not be seen from the bottom of the rocky mountain, because the rocky passage does not follow a straight line after turning a few turns. on the mountain, and there was no strong wind coming from the rocky mountain top to blow away the empty wolf skin flying in the air or break the rope.

Returning to the second position wooden wall, the place has gradually become quiet. Knight Lanissa took off all the armor that was directly burned by the flames, mainly one arm and half of her upper body, as well as two legs from the knees down.

Generally speaking, in the places where the blood of the Wolf King was in direct contact, the armor did not change after being exposed to the high-temperature Wolf King's blood, but the skin underneath was burned and stuck together with the clothes.

She and the two old hunters took action together and quickly solved these matters. Of course, for some private parts of the body, Knight Lanisa found a blanket to cover her body, and it was done in a few clicks.

She took off her armor from the injured area, peeled off the burnt clothes and skin, wiped it briefly, and then wrapped it in a clean fine cloth with ointment. After it was done, she put on a new set of clothes.

Knight Lanisa's condition is much better at this time, because the injuries on her body have been bandaged, which she said is fine, so she can move normally now.

Although the monster-like Knight Lanissa is fine, she cannot put on all her armor at this time.

Because the inside of the armor that had been touched by the high-temperature Wolf King's blood was still full of burnt clothes and melted skin. The two old hunters were hurriedly scraping the inside of the armor parts with their daggers.

Knight Lanissa was wearing her spare winter hunting clothes, holding a weapon in hand and sitting by the fire to rest and eat. The food was all ready-made. The strong legs and feet of a young wolf were stepped down and skinned by the hunters. They were briefly cleaned by scalding them in boiling water with a clean fine cloth, and then used a knife to cut the surface muscles, and then carefully cleaned the cut areas. Sprinkle in salt, simply roast it by the fire, and it's ready to eat.

Rather than eating wolf meat in this place of fierce fighting, the hunters are now more willing to eat dry, hard bread heated by fire. Because everyone is really under the influence of the smell of blood around them and cannot eat meat normally.

But Knight Lanisa was devouring roasted wolf legs. The four wolf legs were at least more than ten kilograms. She ate two of them in one meal, and the remaining two were cut off by her dagger and put into the box. Keep it in a wooden box that you carry with you for emergencies later.

Everyone sat on and off the wooden wall, taking precautions and resting in batches. It was daylight soon, but apart from occasionally popping up to investigate in the rock passage to confirm that humans like them had not escaped, the northern wolves had not launched an attack all day long.

The Northland wolves cannot be afraid of the loss of wolves because of the two previous attacks. These guys are too proud, the hunters said. For those northern wolves, this time they blocked humans on the mountain. Even if all the adult wolves tried their best, they would try to kill them all here.

Because these smart beasts know that it takes many years for human hunters to fight against northern wolves. If they replace them with ordinary northern wolves that can grow in more than a year, they have a great chance of winning.

Moreover, in the winter wilderness in the past few years, hunters, led by Knight Lanisa, often repeatedly entered the forest and killed them intermittently. When they gather to chase, humans retreat from the forest. When they disperse, humans chase a small group and fight. Repeated and constant harassment. The Wolf King is also very annoyed, and every opportunity for winter activities is wasted.

Therefore, under the arrangement of the Wolf King, the Northern wolves have selected some adult wolves with rich hunting experience and returned to the wolf dens. At this moment, all the Northern wolves left behind have been prepared to die on the road to attack humans. plan.

In the afternoon, Lanissa Knight endured the pain and itching of the wound, jumped on the rock mass and conducted some reconnaissance, and found that the North Wolf King was indeed in the direction where the trapped empty wolf skin was slightly facing. In addition, when she saw the Northland Wolf King on the mountain, the Wolf King lying on the edge of the forest also saw her.

The two opponents looked at each other from a distance, both sides carefully scrutinizing each other.

Knight Lanessa discovered that compared to when she was rescued by Keir, the Wolf King's mental state had almost recovered at this moment, and there was a cleanly eaten forest stag corpse next to the Wolf King. . It seems that the other party's appetite is still very good.

However, when Knight Lanissa activated her magic sight perception and carefully looked at the Wolf King, she discovered that the area where she had injured the North Wolf King's abdomen had a violent surge of magic power, which was completely different from the rest of its body. same.

And judging from the overall magic level of the Wolf King at this moment, the magic power all over the opponent's body seems to be at a low point. Maybe even far below the level of magic she had during her last battle with the Wolf King at the end of last winter.

Last year, her magic perception was not as proficient as it is now, but without relying on this, just judging from the feedback of actual magic power perceived in physical combat, the physical magic power of the Wolf King at that time was stronger than that of the Wolf King today.

The Wolf King also saw that the human knight was no longer wearing that annoying metal shell. If he only relied on his physical body to fight, he felt that he would definitely have the upper hand.

After all, most of the injuries inflicted on it by human knights cannot be directly fatal, but as long as it really grabs the opponent with one claw, it can split the opponent into four pieces with just one click.

Thinking of this, it thought about it and felt that the battle last night was really too dangerous. Those humans were really insidious and cunning, and even at the risk of being crushed to death, they also caused the boulder to roll down and bring it down. Heavy damage.

It touched the middle part of its wolf head with its furry paws, that is, the upward part of the forehead between the eyes. The fur here looked slightly intact, but in fact the hard skull underneath had been smashed.

The situation at that time was really very dangerous. If it was hit by a small stone, its broken skull might even penetrate into the skull, directly killing it.

But after all, the injury is not obvious. After a whole day of training at this moment, the dizzy situation after the injury before dawn last night has been much better, but the body movements are still a little uncoordinated.

But, think of this. The Wolf King turned his head and looked at his belly, which was already bulging.

This was naturally not because a male wolf was magically pregnant, but because the previous small wound seemed to have injured an organ inside the body. A large amount of powerful blood gushes out from the internal wounds, which would have flowed out of its body along with the external injuries. But the self-healing capabilities of tissues inside and outside the body are quite different.

The small wounds on its body had already grown back when it returned to the forest to rest. In addition to losing the hair on its skin, the regrown skin was even stronger than the original skin.

Although the external injury has healed, the wounds on the internal organs of the body have been slowly repaired. Blood flows out from the internal organs, and all is accumulated in its abdominal cavity, which is bulging.

It was only just now that its internal organs were repaired 'slowly' and stopped bleeding.

If it were normal, it would naturally take a few days to return to its cave and slowly re-control and guide the wolf blood accumulated in the abdominal cavity into the body's circulation.

But not now.

It is hunting the human knight and her 'wolf pack'. This human knight has become increasingly difficult to deal with recently. It must rely on the help of its children to be able to fight against that guy.

It would be great if it could stay safe for two years. It could use its boiling and powerful blood to create batches of elite northern wolves with strange powers.

After that, as long as a batch of ordinary northern wolves are reproduced, it will have an army that looks down upon it. Not only this forest, but the entire east bank of the river will be the hunting ground for it and its people.

It was reluctant to bite open the fur to let out the blood accumulated in its abdomen, and was worried that it would get in the way during the next battle.

This gave it some hesitation about when to launch an attack.


Several alpha wolves from each den carefully lay down on the snow on the ground and crawled to the wolf king little by little.

They barked in low voices and told their great wolf king one by one about the situation of the wolves.

The Wolf King raised his head and looked around, and found that every northern wolf in his sight was a little low on energy. They hadn't eaten anything since morning.

But what can the Wolf King do? There are few prey in winter, and there is not even a trace of prey in this ominous stone mountain. The soldiers and the people are all hungry, and there is nothing we can do about it.

It also whispered a few words to the wolves in each den, asking them to wait for the return of the hunters who set out to hunt further out this morning. Those experienced little ones are sure to bring back enough food for everyone.

When they come back and everyone is full, they attack again. We must strive to kill those humans tonight. As long as there is no human support for shooting arrows and the strength of the northern wolves is gathered, it can inflict heavy damage on the human knight. Naturally, they can get through this winter well.

Although it is a pity for the dead Northland wolves, the new batch of Northland wolves that grow up will be more powerful than before. It will continue to create far more powerful Northland wolves every forty days when the sun and moon rise. Wolf Elite.

After a while, when the sun hiding behind the clouds approached the horizon, the northern wolves who had gone hunting returned.

Most of these experienced hunters had three to five snowshoe hares in their mouths, and they also carried some herbivorous prey not much smaller than them on their backs.

Under the command of the Wolf King, the hunters put all the captured prey together, and then they naturally retreated to rest after being full.

After running a long way to find enough prey, and spending energy hunting, they have to return to the wolf pack with heavy prey carcasses. These hunters are already exhausted.

But even so, these hunters still informed the great Wolf King of some of the situations they discovered before retreating to rest.

The nearest prey has been eaten, and if you want to hunt again, you must go further. But in this way, they will have to spend longer time hunting, and the wolves will have to wait longer for food.

In response, the Wolf King divided them into three teams, and after they had enough rest, they went out to hunt in rotation. Try to bring food supplies to the wolves in small amounts many times.

In addition, the hunters also brought another piece of news. Not far from due west, there was a den of large black bears built with large thorns. There are one big black bear and three cubs. The big black bear is a female bear and she has three cubs. They have no ability to fight against the big black bear, so they can only tell the wolf king the news first.

The wolf king nodded to show that he knew that if the food was really not enough, he would personally take the lives of four black bears. One huge black bear is enough to feed the wolves, and four black bears can last for two days.

The hunters retreated, and the wolf king watched the pack feed.

First, the strongest adult wolves select the largest prey to eat, followed by the young wolves. The weakest young wolves can only eat the leftovers of their companions, or crush some bones and lick the blood marrow from the bones to fill their stomachs.


Knight Lanissa jumped down from the rock wall. Without her armor on, she made little sound when she landed.

She jumped onto the wooden wall and loudly said to all her subordinates: "The wolves are eating. It looks like they will attack after they are full." After a pause, she clapped her hands: "Everyone, move, it will be dark soon." Yes. Huh, I don’t plan to let them come in at night. The battlefield belongs to us humans. When we fight, it’s not those beasts who have the final say, we humans have the final say.”

Knight Lanisa, half of her face was burned by the high temperature, said these words at this time, and combined with the wounds on her face, she had a ferocious and arrogant aura.

Afterwards, the young people, including Kiel, quickly closed the metal clips in the position one by one, and then carried them behind the wooden wall and put them down.

After seeing that all the usable things had been recovered, Knight Lanisha discussed with the old hunters and found that there seemed to be not enough burning things under the wooden wall, so she took the young hunters with her and came to the back. In the position, part of the wood behind the wooden wall of the third line of defense was moved out and chopped into pieces. Part of it was directly filled into the bottom of the wooden wall and mixed with the corpses of the northern wolves. The other part was placed a little further away and waited. After the wooden wall burns, fill it in to supplement the fire when the fire is not strong.

Of course, since Knight Lanissa intends to directly light the wooden wall tonight to block the attack of ordinary northern wolves, thereby gaining tactical initiative and greater strategic advantage. Kil and the hunters had no objection. After all, they all saw the injuries suffered by Knight Lanisa, and they all hoped that Knight Lanisa could rest more. If the burning and blocking time of the second position is not enough, even the wooden wall of the third position can be ignited to give Knight Lanissa more time to cultivate.

However, after the old hunter revealed this meaning to Knight Lanisa, he was criticized by Knight Lanisa.

"No! The physical recovery of beasts is far greater than that of us humans. Without church priests, it is impossible for us to compete with them. It will be very detrimental to us to delay. I know you are worried about my injuries, but in fact, those are It’s a small injury, although it hurts a little, but it doesn’t affect my movements and combat effectiveness at all.”

She waved her hand to stop the rest of the old hunters' words: "This is not bragging. Knights are far more powerful than ordinary people. As for the pain during activities, the ointment contains unique analgesic herbs. Now the wound is cold, and I don't feel it. I don’t feel too uncomfortable. Remember it.”

As she said this, she looked at everyone.

"The same injury will be different on you and on the knight."

At this point, Knight Lanissa no longer discussed related topics with the hunters, and they had to temporarily put away their good intentions and listen to orders attentively.

Having said that, the old hunters still felt that Knight Lanisa, who was as old as their own daughter, was in really bad condition at the moment, and were quite worried about it.

On the contrary, the young people accepted Lanisa Knight's words, and Kil felt that Lanisa Knight was right, because he had also used similar ointments. Although it was obvious that the two ointments were not made by the same person, they were similar treatments. The medicine must be quite different. When he first came to the other world, he would use Jamula's ointment for his wounds every day.

That ointment contains herbs that numb body tissues, so you won't feel any pain after using it.

As for the other side effects of the ointment, looking at Knight Lanisa's usual behavior, Kil felt that the side effects that ordinary people would find serious could not be felt by a strong knight-level person when used on them.

While carrying the wood, Knight Lanissa was also urging the two old hunters to speed up the cleaning of her armor. After she couldn't wait any longer, she also joined in the work of cleaning her armor, but it was obvious that she still looked ugly and frowned tightly when she saw her charred skin mixed with the charred clothes, all stuck inside the armor.

After tinkering for a while, she gave up and called Kil, asking him to join in the work of cleaning the armor instead of her.

Knight Lanisa began to assemble some of the armor parts that were not stained or had been cleaned bit by bit.

When cleaning the armor, it is natural to break the armor into a few parts. Considering that the parts that are too scattered may not be easily put together by anyone except the craftsmen, the old hunters did not dismantle them too much when they dismantled them. scattered. Just make it easier for them to clean up the burnt ashes on the inner surface and gaps of the armor.

Compared to the two old hunters, as a warrior who designed his own armor and wore it all day long, Kil knew far more about armor than the two old men.

So after getting started, he was very efficient and quickly cleaned the armor parts on his hands. Not only that, Kil also asked two old hunters to work with him to mainly clean the armor parts that roughly belong to one piece. In this way, after each armor part is cleaned, Knight Lanissa can wear it on her body early.

There was no telling when the battle would take place. Kil felt that it would be safest for Knight Lanisa to arm herself early. After all, everyone's life and death actually depend on Knight Lanisa alone.

She failed and died, and naturally they couldn't survive. With their deaths, Knight Lanissa will have a chance to fight for revenge next year.

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