Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 99, Battle of Rock Mountain - strong men passing by, big crisis!

As the sky grew dark, Knight Lanisha, wearing half armor, once again jumped onto the mountain to investigate the situation of the Northern Wolf.

Soon, she jumped down.

"Hmph, those beasts are howling again. They are about to attack. Everyone, prepare to retreat and light this wooden wall. It should buy us one night." Knight Lanissa jumped down from the height , said to everyone.

Keir and the hunters immediately began to pack their things. The fire that had been raised needed to be extinguished and the living tools nearby had to be moved away. So, after all this was done, Knight Lanissa kicked the embers of the fire behind the wooden wall, kicking away the smoldering charcoal, and then watched the scattered sparks and smoldering charcoal rekindle the wood. Flammables under the wall.

The old hunter took out a small piece of hay from the war horse and used it as a kindling thing.

When these dry, strong grasses come into contact with sparks and charcoal, they are ignited by their heat.

The flames only lasted a few breaths before burning under the wooden wall again. They expanded at an extremely fast speed, spitting flames and heat upwards. Some of the dead northern wolf carcasses stacked under the wooden wall were also ignited by the flames. Thick smoke billowed out of their fur, which was very choking.

The black smoke rose tens of meters into the sky, but was quickly blown away by strong winds over the rocky mountains.

The rising black smoke was enough to attract the attention of the northern wolves surrounding them.

They quickly sent out the Northern Wolf to investigate, and naturally saw the second wooden wall burning, blocking the entire rock passage.

The news was brought back to the wolf pack, and the wolf king naturally knew it.

It slowly climbed up and carefully walked into the rock passage with the wolves watching. When it reached the two rockfall sites at the entrance of the rock passage and the first turn, it had complicated eyes and cautious movements. It looked up and found that there were no unstable-looking large rocks high up on the surrounding rock walls. Only then did he dare to take a step forward.

The wolf king was still very cautious. At the second rockfall, it stretched its head through the turning rock passage and glanced at the second burning wooden wall. It originally had the intention of breaking this wooden wall apart. After all, It's not afraid of fire.

But behind the flames of the burning wooden wall and the black smoke from the burning fur wolf corpse, it still saw the annoying human knight.

The other party seemed to be in poor condition. The annoying metal fur was only half worn at the moment. Although it didn't know where the other half was, the other party still looked a little embarrassed.

This news made it grin its fangs, but the bulging belly reminded it constantly that it was not in a very good condition at the moment.


Knight Lanissa stood behind the burning wooden wall holding a metal spear, as if waiting for something.

Kiel and the others were busy dismantling the wood at the back of the defense line, trying to complete the wooden wall of the third line of defense that lacked wood.

As expected, she heard the sound of footsteps among the crackling sound of burning wood.

He looked intently across the firelight, and after a while, at the bend of the rock passage, a huge white wolf head appeared silently.

Knight Lanisa's face was expressionless. She naturally knew that her half of the armor was a bit awkward and might cause the opponent to attack, so she clenched the metal spear shaft with her right hand, and reached behind her with her left hand to hold the single hand on her back. Hand heavy sword.

If the Wolf King dared to attack at this time, she would jump over the burning wooden wall and fight to fight the Wolf King on the rocky mountain above the rocky passage.

The wolf king opposite opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, which made her even think that the wolf king would rush out from the corner of the passage in the next second.

But she was too preoccupied, and the Wolf King did not fight after that. It put its head back, and then as Knight Lanissa listened attentively, its footsteps gradually faded away.

Frowning tightly, Knight Lanissa couldn't understand the Wolf King's plan. But she shook her head, stood still and jumped up to the jumbled rocks above the passage, quietly detecting the movements of the northern wolves below.

After the wolf king slowly walked back to the northern wolves in the distance, followed by several bursts of wolf howls from the wolf king, the northern wolves all lay down and rested. During this period, one or two adult northern wolves ran out of the pack and came over to take a look at the burning wooden wall in the rock passage.

A few stayed here for reconnaissance, while others returned to the wolf pack after seeing it to calm the restless wolves.

Night fell quickly.


"Sir Knight, how is the situation?" Seeing Knight Lanisa return from the front, the hunters who were repairing the wooden wall of the third position stopped what they were doing and looked at her and asked.

Knight Lanissa came over with a metal spear, sat down next to the newly raised fire, and responded to everyone's questions while stroking her horse.

"The Wolf King just did some reconnaissance after the wooden wall burned. When he saw me, he retreated. Of the ordinary Northland wolves, only the reconnaissance wolves were left, and the others were still resting outside the rocky mountain. It seemed like They will not attack until the wooden walls are extinguished.”

After hearing her words, Kil and the hunters breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued their work.

"Kiel, please stop building the wooden wall. There is no shortage of people. You go and help clean the armor. I have to arm myself first. This is the key point now!" Knight Lanisa pointed at the two old men who were busy cleaning the armor. The hunter said to little Kil who was helping to repair the wooden wall.

Kil's helmet was hanging on his belt, so he scratched his messy hair, nodded and went to help the old hunter clean the knight's steel armor.

Working until midnight, with the light of the fire, the three of them finally cleaned up all the knight's armor. Knight Lanisa helped put the cleaned armor together, and then put the armor parts on her body one by one.

If you don't take into account that half of her face was burned by the high temperature, Lanissa Knight seemed to be in excellent condition at this time.

She slapped the horse's butt, jumped on its back, and rode back and forth through the rock passage with a clattering sound. After cleaning up, she took off the horse's vest and gave her beloved horse a night's rest.

Because she knew that as soon as the fire on the second wooden wall was extinguished early tomorrow morning, another battle between her and the Wolf King would be inevitable.

She signaled the hunters to try to get some rest at night, because after a while, a fierce battle would be waiting for them.


The flames of the second wooden wall gradually extinguished, and the scouting wolf lying in the distance raised his body and cautiously approached the remains of the wooden wall that was still emitting high temperature residual heat.

The remaining heat made its eyes dry, so it narrowed its eyes and moved closer.

The hot air dried and scorched the hair on its front. Finally, only four or five meters away from the charred remains of the wooden wall, it finally couldn't bear the heat and immediately turned around and ran back.

Panting heavily, it flew with its legs intertwined and ran down the rock passage. Soon it came to the wolves in the forest outside the rock mountain.

The wolf king was lying in the middle of the wolves, his belly was bulging, but he was in good spirits. Seeing the scout wolf it had sent return, and after asking a few questions in a low voice, the wolf king got up, raised his head and howled loudly.


The wolves became commotion, and after waking up, the wolf king also howled loudly.


The wolf king immediately commanded some of the strong northern wolves to go find the food that the hunting team had brought back at night, and later used them as claws when a large group of northern wolves attacked.

Then it asked the alpha wolves of each den to prepare the team, and then went to the depths of the forest nearby.

It saw human knights drawn out by their howls on the outskirts of the forest. To its surprise, the human knight on the opposite side was now covered in metal fur.

Really annoying.

Considering that fighting again like this would definitely be detrimental to it, it had to quickly discard the wolf blood accumulated in its abdomen before the battle started.

After at least a day's rest, it has re-manipulated a small part of the blood previously accumulated in the abdomen and returned it to the body's circulation, but most of the blood is still stuck in the cavities under the body's internal organs, skin and muscles.

It was swaying and falling, so uncomfortable.

It's definitely impossible to be like this during a battle. It thought so, so after walking a little deeper into the forest, at least it was somewhere where it couldn't be directly seen by the naked eyes of the human knight. It stood on all fours, and first gestured with its paws, feeling that they were not suitable. He squatted down on his hind legs again, lowered his head, opened his mouth, and gestured on his abdomen with his sharp teeth.

Then, it found the right spot and nibbled the fur on its abdomen with its sharp teeth on one side.

The mouth exerted a slight force, and the sharp teeth that were no worse than a human sword easily bit through its own fur. Then he exerted more force, and the layer of strong muscle under the fur was bitten through.

Its teeth felt a burning sensation, it was over!

It immediately stood up and opened its mouth. Immediately, two streams of bright red blood flowed out from the two holes that were bitten through its abdomen.

The blood was not only hot, but also slightly shiny. When it comes into contact with the air, it is like burning gasoline. It begins to burn violently without falling to the ground.

On the ground on the Wolf King's belly, there had long been a small pit dug out by it with its claws. The burning blood dripped into the pit, and soon the pit turned white.

The Wolf King seemed to be immune to the flames, allowing the blood in the pit to release high-temperature heat and then burn its abdomen upwards. The Wolf King exhaled slightly, and the blood in his abdomen flowed away. Although it felt regretful, the whole wolf felt relaxed.

Swinging his body, he let the last bit of blood in his abdomen flow out along the hole he had bitten. Afterwards, the Wolf King controlled his wounds and began to repair them.

No longer caring about the burning blood, the wolf king sped up and ran back to the wolf pack like flying.

It circled the northern wolves gathered in the clearing in front of the rocky mountain several times, and then led the wolves into the rocky passage.


Knight Lanisa stood on a high place and watched the Wolf King take the lead in charging. She immediately jumped down from the high place, jumped directly after landing, and jumped onto the back of the horse.

"Attack!" She pinched the horse's belly, and her beloved horse jumped on the spot and jumped out from behind the third wooden wall of the position. After landing, she avoided the metal clamps on the ground and rushed down the rock passage.

The female knight was closer to the second wooden wall. She reached the ashes of the wooden wall first, broke through the heat and smoke emanating from the wreckage at high speed, and killed the Wolf King who had just emerged from the turn of the passage.

In the flash of lightning, the Wolf King controlled the last empty fur bag he brought to cover the human knight, and he swung his tail to get out of the way of the human knight's attack.

Sprinting at high speed, Knight Lanisa saw the white fur coming from the hood, and without thinking much, she swung the metal spear in her hand and struck it at an angle.

The wide blade of the double-edged gun head drew a sharp silver arc, hitting the empty wolf skin covered with heavy force.

There was a stabbing sound, and the place where the gun blade scratched was split into two.

Slowing down slightly, Lanissa Knight passed by the Wolf King who passed by her.

The empty wolf skin was brought out by the gun blade from the front with a three-meter-long gap. At this time, it seemed to have lost control. After shaking for a while, it hit the rock wall of the passage beside it. The wolf's skin rubbed against the rough rock wall and tried to keep up with the wolf king. However, the badly damaged animal quickly got hung up on the protruding stone thorns on the rock wall, and could not get rid of it left or right.

The wolf king ignored what was behind him and started running faster. Within thirty meters after turning in the rock passage, he increased his running speed to a very high level.

It looked at the high-temperature embers of the wreckage and crashed directly into this thing.


Like an explosion, the blackened bones and charcoal ashes exploded. A large number of sparks and crushed charcoal caused them to mix and explode in mid-air, forming small fireballs.

The Wolf King has a wide body, and when it hits him, the high-temperature flame embers blocking the way will naturally open the door.

Then, regardless of the various burning debris flying and falling around it, it landed on all fours and slowed down, turning its head and hesitating. The timing was perfect. If it wanted to, it could charge straight ahead and kill the rest of the humans who were blocking the way and fighting in a few blows.

Do you want to do this?


Knight Lanessa and the Wolf King passed by each other. Although they had slowed down at this time, she and her horse were already a little too fast for the speed advantage during the battle, and they could not slow down anymore.

At the turn of the rock passage, the other northern wolves following the northern wolf king also followed.

"Well done!" She shouted softly, pressed down the metal spear, and taking advantage of the speed difference between her and the Northern Wolf, she used the sharp edge of the spear to fly away the skull of the running Northern Wolf as they passed each other.

White brains mixed with broken bones splashed onto the wolf's back, and the northern wolf fell to the ground with its eyes blank.

With her right hand, she pressed down the spear that was raised after the attack. With her left hand, Lanissa Knight also drew out the one-handed heavy sword that was held backwards from behind her. break.

The war horse automatically slowed down, allowing Knight Lanissa to run and fight while passing through large groups of northern wolves, while also turning around the curved rock passage.


There was a huge impact and crackling sound from behind, and Knight Lanissa naturally knew that this was the wolf king knocking away the high-temperature debris of the wooden wall that was in the way, which would greatly facilitate the attack by ordinary northern wolves.

It should be coming, right?

she thought.

After staggering, it was impossible for the Northern Wolf King to let himself go and massacre the ordinary Northern wolves who were lining up to rush forward in this narrow passage.

But when the double-edged spear she borrowed from Little Kil stabbed the seventh northern wolf to death, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Damn beast!

It really plans to switch opponents with her, not to engage in soldiers versus soldiers, but to follow the rules of generals.

Realizing this, Knight Lanissa pulled the reins directly, regardless of the northern wolves who wanted her dead, and forced the horse to slow down and turn around, and stop rushing down the rocky passage.


When Knight Lanisa rushed out on horseback, Kil leaned against the wooden wall and secretly took out his red-eyed mushroom candy pills. I came across the ingredients for this thing by chance, so naturally I will eat less of it.

He was originally reluctant to eat another one of these things during this battle.

But the vibration and feeling from the ax behind his back seemed to be strongly urging him to seize the time to improve his combat effectiveness.

Although Kil didn't like the feeling of being told what to do by someone with his own weapons, he didn't think much about it. He took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, opened his visor, and put in the little sugar pill he was already holding in his hand. In the mouth.

"Kiel, what are you eating?" the young hunter companion next to him asked casually while counting the quiver on his waist.

Keir was stunned for a moment, then he chewed the candy pills in his mouth and replied casually with a vague voice: "I'm a little nervous, chew something."

While they were talking, a loud roar came from the rock passage ahead.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the place where the sound came from. When they looked up, they saw a large number of wooden wall debris emitting bright and dim lights flying straight into the sky, and then colliding with each other in a chaotic manner and falling down.

Since there is a turn after the rock passage where the second wooden wall is located, the angle is not directly facing Kiel and his third wooden wall of defense.

Everyone looked up and made unconscious oh-oh sounds.

For local people who have never seen anything like fireworks, to them, these things flying into the sky actually look like so-called fireworks unless you consider the smell when they burn.

Especially those small fireballs that exploded again in mid-air.

But before they could say anything, a sound of huge footsteps that needed no concealment came along the rock passage that echoed the sound.

Keir immediately realized that the heavy and huge footsteps represented something behind him.

This is the footsteps of the Wolf King.

The Wolf King did not fight with the Lanissa knight who attacked.

It's coming.


"The Wolf King is coming!" Kil only had time to roar, and at the turning point ahead, the huge white beast appeared in the eyes of all humans.

At this moment, Kil's first thought was to run away.

He knew that in this small place, and without Knight Lanisa as a check, how could they possibly stop a huge beast that could kill a person with just one attack.

But in just a short moment, Kil's heart was pounding, and his left hand clenched and unclenched the hilt of the sword on the left side of his belt.

The other hunters beside him, starting with the old hunters and then the young hunters, all raised their bows and arrows, drew their bows and released arrows.

Shoot the arrows representing their will directly at the Northland Wolf King who is accelerating and sprinting towards them.

They only aimed at the Wolf King's eyes and nose, because compared to the rest of the front of a wolf of this strength, only these two positions could bring deterrence and damage with ordinary bows and arrows.

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