Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 103, Battle of Rock Mountain - The Wolf King wielding a spear?

Lanissa Knight seemed to feel something for a moment, but she still stubbornly wanted to attack the Wolf King.

The empty wolf skin filled with red light passed by Lanissa Knight who was chasing the retreating wolf king, and almost hit her. But the empty wolf skin that hit the ground was like a heavy hammer made of solid metal. When it hit the ground, the passage ground made of hard rock was directly smashed into pieces, and an impact mixed with fine gravel fragments directly hit the ground. behind the Lanissa knight who was closest to it.

The female knight wore a steel knight armor that covered her whole body, so the fragments of stone fragments that lacked weight and speed when they hit her body only left a scratch mark with sparks.

But even though it couldn't cause her any harm, the power contained in it greatly hindered the charging Lanissa Knight.

She tilted her body and fell to the ground.

The wolf king was ecstatic, and it quickly retreated along the rock passage. It hesitated for a moment, seeming to be hesitating between continuing to retreat to open a distance, and taking the opportunity to pounce on the human knight.

Just for a moment, it still chose to retreat because it couldn't tell whether the human knight's fall at this time was a tactical trap to lure it to attack.

For the first time, the Northland Wolf King lost his confidence and pride.

The injuries on its body reminded it that although humans may be small, their cunning and fighting consciousness are really strong. The strongest and smartest among the northern wolves, it has fallen into human traps and tricks several times.

It was really scared.

Lanissa Knight, who fell to the ground, cursed. She looked at the Wolf King who was running further and further away and bending his limbs to prepare to jump up. No more pursuit of trying to rush up and try to melee in tight terrain.

She half-crouched, charged up the double-edged metal spear in her right hand, and aimed at the Wolf King's preparation, and threw it!

The Wolf King, who was preparing to jump, naturally watched all the movements of the human knight not far away. When he saw that the human knight fell down and tried to throw weapons to attack it, it cunningly stopped the action of charging up and jumping.

Haha, I see through your intentions. You cunning human being, will you still jump up honestly after I see your movements?

But before the wolf king showed a mocking expression in his eyes and mouth full of sharp teeth, the spear on the opposite side did not fly towards the angle above his head as he expected, but was instead thrown with a low trajectory.

The reflective spearhead's double blades reflected the wolf king's deformed expression, skipped the hard wolf head, and stabbed directly into one of the wolf king's thick wolf legs.

The powerful throw and the weight of the all-metal spear make this attack extremely powerful.

The Wolf King's fur, which was strong enough to withstand ordinary swords, had no protection at all and was penetrated by it. Later, the Wolf King's tougher muscles could not stop the piercing and cutting of the metal spear head.

After this weapon hit the middle bone of the Wolf King's front leg, its force was not even half delayed.

In an instant, accompanied by the Wolf King's howl of pain that resounded throughout the rocky mountain, this double-edged metal spear directly penetrated one of the Wolf King's front legs from front to back.

The wide spear head entered from one end of the thick white front legs, and then emerged from the other end with wolf blood like flames.


Lanissa Knight was ecstatic. The throw she just made was originally intended to predict the Wolf King's next move and aim directly at a higher place.

But at that moment, she recalled the memory of learning archery from her old hunters.

These old guys, who have been hunting all their lives, naturally showed their true skills in learning from her. Among all the hunting and archery skills, one flashed through her mind at that moment.

It was an old hunter who died not long ago and believed in the God of Hunting. He humbly taught Lanissa Knight a technique for shooting cunning prey.

Those cunning prey are suspicious by nature, and even in a battle involving their life and death, the cunning nature engraved in their bones is difficult to change. When faced with a beast that is escaping or charging towards you, you shoot directly at them. Those cunning beasts will most likely think more, and then you will find that the beasts that seem to want to change will often remain unchanged when faced with your shooting.

Ridiculously cunning.

According to the experience of an old hunter who believes in the God of Hunting, nine out of ten prey have this idea.

Therefore, when Knight Lanissa is hunting, she might as well try to do the same when facing these cunning beasts.

Lanisha Knight thought about it in her mind, and the movements in her hands naturally changed according to her thoughts. Originally expected to throw it at an upward angle, it was thrown directly towards the Wolf King's current position.

I don’t know if it was the protection and blessing of the dead soul. The situation was really as the old hunter said. The 'cunning' wolf king really made a fake move in the face of her throw. It pretended to jump, but then did not jump. rise.

But it was still hit by the knight because its true nature was seen through.


Knight Lanissa became excited and took out her one-handed heavy sword from the sword box behind her.

It's not that she has to equip this weapon behind her back. The reason is actually very simple. Although this sword is not big, it is still too heavy. The armor-piercing rapier commonly used by Lanissa Knight only weighs three kilograms with the scabbard, but this one-handed heavy sword made entirely of magic materials weighs at least thirty times more than the armor-piercing rapier.

An average fully armed adult male weighs almost as much as the one-handed epee she is holding in her hand. This weight could not be supported by the knight's armor belt mixed with metal wires. She had no choice but to carry the weapon in the box behind her and use the strong hook on the back of the armor to carry it with her.

If you are riding a horse, you can naturally hang this weapon in the weapon slot of the war horse. A war horse with a strange and excellent bloodline can carry a weight of up to 500 kilograms in battle. After she and the war horse are fully armed, she can still carry this one-handed heavy sword on her body. .

Knight Lanisa ran quickly, ignoring the empty wolf skin behind her that had just attacked her, because she knew that as the Wolf King retreated and was injured, the empty wolf skin that had moved away from the distance was projected by the Wolf King. The power will definitely fade away quickly. That thing is rapidly degenerating from a nasty thing that can cause a slight hindrance to her into a monster that an ordinary warrior can defeat.

The thing couldn't even break free from a strong rope.

When rushing towards the panicked Wolf King, Lanissa Knight was still thinking that this time, little Kil had done a bad thing with good intentions, but the bad thing turned around again and turned into a good thing again.

In any case, judging from the beginning and the result, it did cause real and major injuries to the Wolf King.

The Wolf King looked at the rushing human knight in panic, but he became cruel and bit his injured leg directly, sucking a lot of blood in his mouth.

Then he turned towards the charging human knight and spit out the blood from his mouth.

If he were at his peak, he could drive the power of the blood in his body and directly create a high-temperature circle close to him, fending off this human knight who seemed to be afraid of high temperatures. After all, if the opponent didn't ride a horse, he wouldn't be able to approach at high speed. It attacks, then quickly moves away from it.

It is naturally inconvenient for humans to move forward and backward quickly with only two short legs.

It's just a pity that when it was in full health, the other party would naturally be in the same condition as it is now, so I just had to think about it.

A mouthful of blood sprayed from the Wolf King's mouth spread and burned as soon as it came into contact with the air.

High-temperature heat waves rolled in, and the blood did not emit bright fire when burning. After all, they were not real fuels. These things were more similar to liquid substances containing powerful magic power.

Releasing high temperatures and burning like fire is just one of its magical reactions.

Facing the 'flames' coming towards her face, Knight Lanisa's face looked ugly under her helmet and visor. It was obvious that she remembered the fact that half of her body had been scalded by the high temperature.

However, he was pinned down by the Wolf King at that time and did not have enough space to avoid or respond, so he was burned by the blood. And she didn't understand that the Wolf King's blood contained so much magic power at the time.

It was different now. Facing these flames, she kicked the ground sideways and dodged sideways with her whole body. At the same time, she raised the one-handed epee in her hand, deliberately turned the handle of the sword ninety degrees, and then swung the blade of the one-handed epee in front of her.

It brought intense force and air, and when the female knight waved it, it was as if a gust of wind was rising from the plane.

The small but powerful wind was like a shield, directly blocking the flying burning blood from the front and sides of Lanissa Knight.

Knight Lanisa quickly swung her one-handed sword a few times, and the high-temperature ‘flames’ were blocked in front of her.

However, when she got past the things that were trying to hinder her, she found that the wolf king no longer retreated. It even became violent and put its head on the tail of the double-edged metal spear, causing the entire spear to fall down.

The wound that can be seen forward and backward will soon stop flowing with blood. The Wolf King itself will not be harmed by the high temperature of its own blood. I don't know if it is itself resistant to fire, or if the so-called 'burning' blood releases the magic power of high temperature. Reaction cannot harm itself.

The embarrassed wolf king looked at the charging human knight. It took a step back with its injured leg, lowered its head and picked up the human weapon in its mouth. It knows how difficult the weapons in human hands are. The seemingly inconspicuous small weapons are actually quite troublesome.

If it was in the spacious open space outside, and if its body had not been injured several times, then it must not be afraid of the human knight who was not riding a horse at the moment.

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs.

The reality is that not only was it injured, but one of its front legs and the side behind the legs were also seriously injured. To this day, the metal ax head of the ax is still embedded between its ribs.

It has no choice but to temporarily borrow human weapons to temporarily block the attack of human knights, find an opportunity to retreat, and leave this dangerous and unfavorable place.



The two weapons collided together and fired many sparks.

Lanessa's knight's weapon was dominant, and every collision could knock away the spear that was barely able to deal with it. Unfortunately, after the Wolf King grabbed the tail of the spear, he swung his head and swung the two-meter-long metal spear, but the strength far exceeded the strength that Lanissa Knight could exert with one arm.

Moreover, the weight of the all-metal double-edged spear is not very low, so it is not very disadvantageous in such a close impact.

After several collisions, Knight Lanissa was surprised because no matter how she used weapons to attack, she was stopped by the wolf king opposite with a spear in his mouth.

What was even more surprising was that the opponent held the spear in his mouth and opened and closed. Not only did he not fall behind, he actually pushed the attacking Lanissa Knight back a few steps.

Even though it was only a few steps, this directly interrupted the female knight's offensive rhythm, and suddenly reversed the direction of the battle between man and wolf in terms of momentum.

However, although the Wolf King seems to have the upper hand, Lanissa Knight is not nervous, because although she is in the defensive position of the battle, she has no other injuries except burns, not to mention that she has just eaten Eat and have enough energy.

The Wolf King on the opposite side had two serious injuries. These injuries continued to hinder the Wolf King's performance and deformed his movements several times.

Lanisha Knight rolled her eyes, constantly looking for loopholes in the Wolf King's movements based on experience and intuition.

The Wolf King's movements are wide open and full of force. Generally speaking, it is impossible to find obvious loopholes before the opponent's momentum decreases or his physical strength is low. But the opponent's injuries greatly affected the Wolf King's reaction.

Knight Lanissa noticed that the Wolf King's two injuries were on the left side of his body. The front leg was the one that had just been penetrated by a spear, and the back was the ax that hit the chest and ribs.

However, she noticed that the handle of Kil's ax had been burned away by the high-temperature blood on the wound, leaving only a small half of the blue ax surface visible outside, and most of the ax surface was stuck in the Wolf King's body. within the body.

Every time the Wolf King twists his head left and right to make a big swing, his head drives his body and chest, and a little blood will flow out from where the ax is stuck.

The amount is not much, but it greatly affects the Wolf King's recovery power and overall magic level.

Knight Lanisa had already seen that this wolf king was different from the spider-shaped monster she had seen before. Its magic organs had a lot to do with the blood flowing throughout its body.

Bloodletting is reducing the opponent's overall strength. If the blood containing magic power is lost, let alone whether the Wolf King will be defeated due to excessive blood loss. In an active battle like the one outside the rocky mountain before, the opponent must not be able to use it, right?

Without the support of magic power, this huge northern wolf is nothing more than a huge beast.

Knight Lanisa wanted to understand this, and immediately changed her sword skills. She no longer tried to fight back, but instead tempted the opponent to make bigger movements, letting the bigger movements pull the muscles of its body, trying to guide the Wolf King. Loss of more blood.

During the break in the battle, Knight Lanissa also looked back at the situation on the hunters side.

She breathed a sigh of relief. The northern wolf attack faced by the hunters had weakened, and the previous crazy energy had weakened a lot. She knew at a glance that it was probably the wolf king's howl full of pain and weakness that had greatly affected the northern wolves under him.


Kil took the time to turn his head and glance at the two fierce men not far behind.

Knight Lanisa relied on her small body and flexible movements to jump and dodge left and right in the narrow rock passage, and constantly provoked the Wolf King to attack.

The Wolf King exaggeratedly held Kil's double-edged metal spear in his mouth, and waved it with a roar. Not only was the strength amazing, but the movements were rigorous and continuous. It looked better than the one where Doral Lincun taught him how to fight with a spear. The veteran warrior is much stronger.

Keir was dumbfounded. While he was dealing with the attack of the northern wolf whose attack was weakening, he frequently turned his head to look at the place where the knight and the wolf king were fighting.

He felt that the Wolf King who was using his spear at the moment, not to mention other weird methods, could kill more than ten of him in one go by simply using the spear.

"Damn it." He couldn't help but mutter.

Other hunters who were attracted by Kil's movements occasionally looked back, and were naturally shocked by the evenly matched battle that followed.

"What's going on? What happened to that wolf king?"

"How do I know, but it seems that the Lord Knight is quite at ease."

"Of course, I saw it too."

After hearing what they said, Kil took a closer look at Knight Lanisa's situation and found that although she was miraculously suppressed by the Wolf King in the weapon skill battle, she was at a disadvantage at first glance, but actually she was in the upper hand. Gained the initiative on the battlefield.

Because the Wolf King basically stayed in place and did not move. The person maneuvering in the narrow rock passage was Knight Lanissa.

Keir felt that Lanisa Knight was looking for loopholes in the opponent's Wolf King's movements. Not only that, it seemed that Lanisa Knight was still guiding the Wolf King to make some bigger attacks.

I just don't know what the use is.

As if he had realized something, the Wolf King in the middle of the fight suddenly endured the discomfort and severe pain and jumped back on three legs. At that time, Lanissa Knight happened to jump from the rock wall on one side of the rock passage to the opposite rock wall. Naturally, she could not change the direction of her jump while flying in the air. Facing the Wolf King who did not attack and charged up to jump, she still had no good way to do it.

After the Wolf King jumped back more than ten meters, at a turning point, he leaned down with a large amount of energy and jumped up to the rocky mountain outside the rock passage before Knight Lanisa came to stop him. On the mountain.

After arriving here, it used its two hind legs to step on the ground, diagonally moved away from the rocky passage where humans were entrenched, and jumped directly from the mountain.

Naturally, Knight Lanisa would not let go of the Wolf King. She yelled and told the old hunters to continue to act according to the plan, and then jumped up and chased the Wolf King away.

After waiting for a while, they heard Knight Lanissa's loud whistle again. This made Kiel and the others understand that both of them should have left the rocky mountain, and Knight Lanisha called for her horse. She probably learned from the experience of the pursuit last night and understood that with just two legs, there would be peace in the forest. You can't catch up with the Wolf King on the ground.

But now that the Wolf King has injured one of his front legs, if she summons her horse again, it is estimated that she will have a huge advantage in terms of mobility and maneuverability.

Thinking of this, Kil finally breathed a sigh of relief. The fierce battle for days had finally come to an end.

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