Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 151, The Tree of Fire and Fury

Kil's idea was pretty good and he burned the werewolf to death on a big tree.

But what happened next caught both him and the werewolf by surprise.

The trunks and branches of the small trees Kiel felled were burning brightly. Thanks to the dry winter, the moisture on the trees turned into ice and snow and froze.

The snow at the base of the big tree was baked by the flames and quickly turned into water. Then it was dried and turned into white water vapor that floated upward.

Kil was also burned by the high temperature and had to retreat, while the werewolf on the big tree was choked by the continuous wood smoke and coughed repeatedly, and it was difficult to open his eyes. It panicked and wanted to jump to the surrounding trees, but the tallest trees around it were only more than ten meters high. Compared with this particularly tall tree, it was really far behind.

With this height difference, if you jump and don't land in a good place, you will be hit directly on the branch.

The werewolf Wolf wanted to climb down the tree to close the distance as much as possible. But the heat and smoke rising from the fire made it even more unbearable.

At this moment, Wolfman, the werewolf, felt the tree beneath his feet shake.

Kil stumbled and felt the ground beneath his feet rise and fall.

"An earthquake?" he thought.

"Is the tree going to fall?" the werewolf thought.

But the real fact is not what the two people guessed.

The thick tree tens of meters high shook, and a large amount of snow on each branch was shaken off, as if it had snowed again in the sky.

Keir could clearly see from the ground that it was this big tree, and the whole tree suddenly shook.

The werewolf on the big tree almost couldn't stand on the branch. When it was shaking, he had to lie on the branch with his whole body, using the undamaged thumb claws of both hands and the one centimeter-long newborn claws that had regrown from other fingers to dig at the branch. bark.

It was so frightened that it began to yell indiscriminately. There were no human words, only wolf language.

Then the shaking of the big tree stopped for a moment, but that was not the end.

Keir felt something trembling under his feet. He was so frightened that he immediately hugged the horses' necks, one person and one horse dodged the open space around the big tree as if they were fleeing, and retreated to other trees outside the big tree to hide.

Just where Kil was standing, the ground suddenly cracked, the snow was blown away, and the soil turned into scattered smoke and dust.

Keir saw a dark tree root about two meters thick, resembling a giant snake, rising from the ground. I don't know how long this thing is, but just a little bit of it is more than ten meters long.

At the same time, in other directions of the big tree, six other thick roots also broke out from the ground. They were long or short, but they were all densely packed with more roots growing on the thick roots.

All these roots swing freely in the air, subconsciously wrapping and clenching anything they encounter.

Scattered stones and animal bones buried deep in the soil, panicked moles and hibernating striped snakes. These underground things were dug out and then wrapped up in the roots of the big trees.

Keir's mouth widened as he watched this shocking scene, and some meaningless words came out of his mouth.

"Big, big trees are alive!"

Wolf, the werewolf who was also in shock on the big tree, was also panicking, shouting and cursing.

"For God's sake! What are these things! Ah! Ah~ It's all your fault! Kil!!!! You damn daredevil who messed everything up! You stupid earthworm that even the fish in the stupid lake despise! Shit pit! A feast for the flies!”

When Kil heard the increasingly foul-smelling curses of the werewolf Wolf on the swaying tree, he became furious. Not to be outdone, he hid behind a tree trunk in the distance and shouted back at the opponent at the top of his lungs.

"Isn't it because you are such a murderous, arrogant bitch! It's hard to make clothes with such a tall body, isn't it? Oh~ I forgot, you are wearing a sweater! Oh, now that you say it, you are wearing only one piece of clothing No clothes on at all? What a shameless beast, go die and play and mate in the wild with your companions who are on all fours!"

"What? What do you know! Do you understand the value of my fur to keep me warm?"

"So when it's hot, you have to pick up the snow on the ground and eat it, right?"

"Bullshit! I'm going to eat you today!"

"Who are you talking about! You are calling yourself, right?"

Just as Keir and the werewolf were "communicating" with each other, the tall tree did not stop the movements of its roots.

All the miscellaneous things that were caught in the roots of the tree were swung by it and thrown into the fire that Keir had piled next to the tree trunk.

Some of those things can burn, and some are combustion aids, so they are of no use at all.

Then, the big tree flattened its roots to the ground, and then rumbled away the original snow on the surrounding ground. However, there were many holes in the ground with roots emerging from the ground, and most of the snow fell into these holes.

However, it is not without effect. The small amount of snow and the large amount of soil moved by the roots of the big tree are not things that can be burned. Once they come into contact with the fire, they will still bury a large amount of firewood in the fire.

The burning firewood that came into contact with the snow was immediately extinguished, and the firewood that was buried in the soil could only emit green smoke from the gaps in the soil.

The big moving tree seems to be particularly afraid of fire. Although it has huge roots, it doesn't dare to let its thick roots come into contact with the slightest flame.

So this indirect method could only be used to extinguish the fire raised by Keir.

After the big tree was busy for a while, and finally the flames were extinguished, the whole big tree swayed slightly. The tall branches slightly cut through the cold air, making a whirring sound. The thick tree roots and the thousands of roots on the roots kept beating on the ground, and the resounding vibrations and knocking sounds made the entire ground seem to be shaking.

Kiel's horse was already frightened, so Kiel loosened his arms around its neck and let the horse run away in panic. He couldn't escape yet, after all, the werewolf he wanted to kill was still hanging on the branch on the top of the tree, howling indiscriminately.

It doesn't matter if you don't scream. A large tree dozens of meters high is swinging randomly. To a werewolf, it's like up, down, left, and right swings without any rules. If it doesn't hold the branches tightly, it will be thrown away in an instant. fly.

It estimated that after being thrown away, whether it hung on other trees or fell to the ground unluckily, it would be seriously injured, and then it would only be killed by the sharp-tongued kid with a sword.

So no matter what the big tree is doing at this time, it won't let go.


Kil originally wanted to laugh at the werewolf Wolf a few more words, but he quickly stopped laughing. The tree, tens of meters high and weighing hundreds or thousands of tons, became more and more active, and its entire body slowly crawled out of the earth.

Use the roots as legs and feet, the branches as arms, and the trunk as the body.

This huge plant seemed to have its own sense of perception. After extinguishing the dangerous fire, it swayed for a moment, then pulled out entirely from the ground and began to slowly crawl towards Kiel.

The tree roots, which were far thicker than the trunks of the trees next to them, were pushed slightly by the crawling movement, and the big tree where Keel was hiding was completely pushed to the ground.

Before the roots are pulled out of the soil due to force, the entire trunk is stretched by the roots of the big tree.

Obviously, for this big tree that can move freely, the life and death of the 'little ones' around it are not in its eyes.

Kil took two steps back and dodged the fallen tree. Then he lay down on the ground and dodged the thick tree root swinging from his chest. Many of the roots on it tried to wrap around Kil, but they were all cut off by him using his hunting sword and the steel dagger in his off-hand.

Kil rolled around on the ground, then extended his sword and slashed horizontally, splitting a half-meter-long wound on the seemingly flexible tree root.

Milky white sap emerged from the wound, and when Kil, who was very close, smelled it, he felt refreshed. Although he wanted to collect some of these things, his life was at stake, so Kil turned around and ran away.

He didn't care what direction he was heading in, it was just away from the big angry tree behind him.

After blowing the whistle, Keel tried to call his horse to help, but the little guy was frightened and only dared to run back and forth in the distant woods, not daring to rush to Keel.

"Come on! Come on!" Kil yelled, trying to run towards the horse, but then more roots swept over him.

On the branches of the big tree, the werewolf Wolf saw Kil being chased and attacked by the big tree. While hugging the branches tightly, he shouted loudly: "Hit him! Shoot him to death quickly! Who told that guy to burn you with fire!" Ha ha ha ha!"

However, its comfort did not last long. First, the branch it was hugging shook rapidly. After finding that the werewolf could not be shaken off the branch, other branches slowly extended over.

Although they are just some branches as thick as a human waist, far less thick than the roots of the big tree, the big tree has more branches, and the branches near the werewolf are densely packed to grab at it.

This scared the werewolf Wolf. It knew that as a werewolf, it could easily deal with humans who were smaller than it, but compared with these tens of meters tall moving trees, it was far inferior.

And it was no sharper than Kil's hand. At this time, its eight finger claws were crushed by the ax and reborn. The strong claws used as the main attack method were only a short centimeter long.

This sharp claw is enough to scratch the bark of a big tree, and it has no ability to fight back.

There was no choice but to jump down on the branch he was holding, avoiding the other branches surrounding him, and climbed down the trunk of the big tree using both hands and feet.

The big tree failed to catch the little bug on its body, but it didn't care much. More branches moved to the place where the werewolf had stuck Kil's ax on the trunk.

The top of the bare branch wanted to reach into the gap where the ax was stuck, and remove this strange ax that made it particularly uncomfortable. But the strength of the small branch was too weak. Even though it was stretched in, it didn't have the strength to pull Yuoshui's head out of the trunk.

The huge tree seemed to have lost its temper. The trunk of the tree, which was dozens of meters high, gradually bent down, bringing its upper treetop close to the ground. Then the longest thick tree root stretched out from the ground into the air.

Compared to the branches, the roots, which were more than twice as thick, were far more powerful. First, there were a few whip-like attacks, and then it hit its own trunk several times with the roots.

When the tree roots swung, they made an extremely dull and terrifying sound of breaking through the air, wheezing——






He hit himself three times, hitting a small area of ​​the trunk where the ax was stuck, causing the bark to fly and the xylem of the trunk to shatter and fall from the air.

Then the tender tip of the tree root drilled into the break in the trunk, and rolled out a 'small' ax that was glowing blue.

The huge trees seemed to dislike this thing very much. The tips of the tree roots wrapped around the axe, and threw the thing in the direction of Kil's escape.

call out--

The big tree did not consider its size, so the angle of the throw was too high this time. The blue ax was like a meteor that returned to the sky, streaking through a slender strip of light and flying away into the distance. .

"Ah~ my ax!" Kil wailed as he ran in the woods on the ground. Through the vague connection with the ax, he was 100% sure that the thing just now was his ax.

Fortunately, although the ax was thrown to an unknown place, Kil still vaguely knew where the thing was.

"Hoo, ho, it's okay, at least I'm not afraid of losing it." He dodged the sweeping roots of the big tree.

The slider was fine dodging the sweeping Kiel, but the trees around him suffered.

This sweeping sweep directly cut down a dozen small trees. The crackling sound of the trees breaking was so loud that it even made Kil's ears itch.

"We can't go on like this." With this thought in mind, Kil whistled fiercely again, trying to summon horses to help.

Just relying on a pair of human legs, there is no way he can outrun the angry tree behind him. The opponent seems to be slow, but the tree roots used as legs and feet are really too big and long. No matter how hard Kil's legs move, they can only reach the front and back of the big tree roots. The moving distance of one swing.

Fortunately, his horse finally summoned up the courage to take advantage of the roots of the big tree to sweep past, and before the time for the next attack came, it jumped over several fallen trees. Passed by Keir.

Kiel also ran in the direction of the horse's running. When the two met, Kiel jumped to the side while running, and hugged the horse's neck tightly with his previously free hands.

He raised his right leg and struggled to get over the galloping horse. Holding his neck tightly against the horse's back, Kil adjusted his posture, but it seemed that the armor had caught the horse, making it feel uncomfortable. The whole horse jumped hard while running.


Keir was jolted hard.

He was about to slap his neck, but considering the urgent situation, he gave up.


After formally mounting the horse, Keir pulled the mane on the horse's neck and simply controlled the direction in which the horse ran.

Naturally, it is not possible to run away randomly in a place like the forest. It is difficult to escape the angry trees in the complex terrain of the forest. You must circle with the opponent in a familiar flat place. You have to find this kind of place.

And it won't be long before it gets bright again. Wait until daylight and give it a nice look!

Kil thought fiercely.

He drew his sword and caused the blessing of the Church of the Sun God on the sword to glow bright white.

Illuminates a large area in front of the horse.

Doing this like this consumes a lot of divine power. Over time, he won't be able to use the ability to blind the enemy, but there is no other way, so he can drink poison to quench his thirst.

While riding on the horse to light the way for the horse, Kil turned his head to look at the angry tree not far behind him. On the other side's tree trunk, the werewolf Wolf was tremblingly clawing at the thick old bark of the big tree with his hands and feet.

It seemed that the thick bark blocked the perception, and the big tree did not notice the 'little werewolf' hanging on it.

Maybe the big tree doesn't care.

Wolf, the werewolf, also noticed the white illumination light rising from the tree in front of the big tree.

"Aha! Kiel Warrior! Hahahaha, how is my new mount doing?"

The werewolf shouted wildly and loudly at Keir.

But Keir just curled his lips and ignored it.

As long as this guy hasn't lost track, just move forward like this and find an open space suitable for horse fighting. He will give the two monsters chasing behind him a good look.

With the long sword lighting, Kil and his horses advanced much faster in this gentle forest, bypassing the patches of shrubs, speeding up and leaping over the seasonal rivers washed out by the rainy season precipitation, and the too soft fallen leaf ground also bypassed the long sword lighting. open.

Keir gradually distanced himself from the big tree behind him.

When a little light rose in the sky in one direction, the big tree behind Kil stopped pursuing Kil, the human who had offended it.

Before leaving, it grabbed the little werewolf hanging on its body with a branch, and then learned the lesson from the previous time and threw the werewolf at the humans in the distance.

Then, regardless of whether it hit or not, the huge tree moved its roots and walked towards the interior of the forest slowly but really quickly.

It can no longer stay in its original place. Little people always like to set fires, but it doesn't like it. It decided to find a quieter place. It would be better if it could dig its roots into the ground and drink from a clean mountain spring, or it would be better if there was earth energy flowing through it under the ground.

After all, it is still a 'little' tree.


Kil paused when he heard the huge noise behind him, and immediately turned to look behind him. But what he didn't expect was the face of a werewolf with a frightened look on his face.

"What's going on?"


Both voices sounded at the same time, one was the human's surprise, and the other was the werewolf's scream.

With this throw, Dashu learned the lesson from the previous one and did not use too much force to avoid missing the target. This time, the force of the throw was just right. The werewolf swung its arms and legs in the air with its claws and fangs, but still crashed straight into Kil, who was riding a horse slowly.

Boom! Snap.

The werewolf put his legs in front and hit the horse under Kil's crotch hard. The horse only neighed half a sentence, then spun on the spot and tore into two pieces from its hind legs.

Kil was also violently thrown out as the horse spun in the air. After falling to the ground, the snow on the ground was torn away for several meters, and then he hit a small tree heavily.

With a bang, the small tree was directly broken.

Keir just passed out.

But the werewolf didn't feel comfortable either. Its legs were completely severed, and its entire body penetrated directly into the horse's body. Blood and flesh spattered, and its internal organs exploded. After the werewolf's head hit the backbone of the horse's body, the entire werewolf was soaked in flesh and blood. In the internal organs, he passed out.

Naturally, Keel's rather brave pony died at that time.

It looked at the glowing sword held tightly by its owner not far away. After a large amount of blood foam came out of its mouth and nose, it closed its eyes while gasping.

Suddenly, the place returned to silence, and the huge tree that caused everything was unknown. It has extinguished its anger and is considering a suitable place nearby to take root again.

I heard from the crows who once built their nests on it that there is a small river deep in the forest a little north of the forest. Maybe it can drink water there to its full content.

As for the delicious mountain spring, let’s talk about it in a few years.

Not far from here, after leaving the forest to the south and crossing a small rolling hill, even before dawn in Duolalin Village, all the villagers in the village walked out of their houses uneasily and gathered in the center of the village. In the small square.

Since midnight, there have been bursts of roaring noises in the forest to the north.

At first the villagers thought the earth goddess had lost her temper, but soon they discovered that the ground was not shaking.

Later, the villagers thought that the Lord of the Sky was bringing disaster, but it seemed that the loud noise did not come from high altitude.

Finally, the villagers finally heard the sounds coming from the forest in the north, but they couldn't see anything in the dark night, even from a high place. The moonlight was blocked by clouds, which was really not good.

Just as the villagers were speculating on what had happened in the northern forest, which had always been safe, the loud noise in the forest disappeared near dawn.

Old Domu looked at the worried villagers and looked at each other with the equally old Niya Shepherd.

He said, "I can't help it. It's not dawn yet. I can't let my boys go out like this. They are not the material."

The Nia Shepherd, who was wearing a cloak sewn with the emblem of the Church of Saturn, nodded: "I know, hey. But it would be great if the Kiel Warriors are still here."

"How is that possible? That guy Keir is killing the Northern Wolves with Knight Lanisa in the north. Hey, I wish him good luck."

"Well, I hope the great god of agriculture can bless that young man."

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