Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 153, 1 move behind, Kiel’s death

Kil didn't know what would happen next, but he knew that this was not the time to stand still.

He wanted to grit his teeth, but his teeth were chattering slightly.

His face gradually turned pale under his visor.

Fear grew and spread from the bottom of his heart, and the road to defeat seemed to be heading towards him.

These situations he had never encountered before forced him to clench his fists and hit his chest, bang, bang, bang.

Three blows made his own chest hurt, but the rush of blood and excitement that followed also allowed him to temporarily get rid of those bad things.

Taking a breath, he quickened his pace, and Kil trotted slowly towards the scattered boulders. The end is not far away, we must not give up!

When he came to the boulder where the blue ax was stuck, facing the boulder which was as tall as a person, Kil found that he was completely unable to jump up and reach any part of the axe. To get the ax out, you have to at least stand on top of the rock.

He stretched out his hand and tried to call this spiritual weapon, but except for the long sword hunting and the two-handed ax of the cross-water head, which each emitted light to respond to him, nothing else happened.

He knew that the long sword hunting did not have the ability to fly and kill enemies automatically. Maybe it was not strong enough, or maybe it could not do it itself.

However, the ax was motionless despite the scattered light. Kil could only think that the ax was too firmly stuck on the boulder when it fell.

"Damn it."

He looked around and found that it was only possible to jump up from a boulder nearby. If you want to jump onto the boulder next to it, you have to go up from the third stone.

Ring after ring, just like a matryoshka doll.

Fortunately, the third stone is not particularly big. Although it is still an ellipsoid-shaped stone, it is still possible to climb up directly from the side.

With no other quick way, Kil immediately walked over and tried to climb up the ellipsoid-shaped stone, but the surface of the thing was covered with snow and was very slippery, and his body's physical strength was not enough for him to sprint and jump at this time.

Turning his head and looking in the direction he came from, Kil saw the werewolf chasing after him in a panic.

At this moment, the other party also used his arms to support his upper body and looked at him from a distance.

The embarrassed werewolf twisted his head slightly and saw the blue two-handed ax stuck on the top of the boulder. As if he realized something, he immediately swung his arms and accelerated towards Kil.

It looked funny, but the strong murderous intention and mobility in the other party had made Keir breathless before.

Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps towards his hind legs, and then forced himself to speed up and run. Resisting the tearing and pain from various muscles in his body, Kil jumped forward and threw himself at the low oval. Spherical stone top.


His chest came into direct contact with the stone. The violent impact made him almost choke again, but Kil forced his arms and legs to open up, and pushed himself on the top of the stone to prevent him from sliding down.

Slowly exhale the air in his chest, and then inhale slowly. After going back and forth two or three times, Kil can breathe smoothly. He had never been injured and troubled like this before, but now he was fighting a powerful enemy to save his own life, so he had nothing to complain about.

It can only be said that the werewolf's strength was underestimated before, and it was too bad luck. Somehow, he encountered that kind of unimaginable living tree in the forest.

Luck seems to have gotten a lot worse.

He slowed down a bit, and Kil carefully stood up from the top of the stone, then squatted down with his legs to gather strength, and jumped towards the boulder next door again.

This time it was much better. Although the boulder was larger, the area at the top of the stone was also larger. As soon as Keir jumped, he jumped up steadily.

At this time, the werewolf had come to the scattered boulders. It was watching Kiel's movements under the boulders, and naturally understood what Kiel was going to do. The power of the ax was still fresh in his memory. Of course, there was no way that Kil could regain control of this weapon.

The wolf looked around nervously, then grabbed a stone the size of a snowman's head that popped out next to it.

Its thin but very powerful arms threw it hard towards the top of the boulder, but the blow was dodged by Kil lying down.

Then Kil took out the shield from behind his left shoulder and put it on his left hand. While guarding against the interference of the werewolf, he judged the minimum jumping strength required to jump from here to the largest boulder.

The werewolf scraped open the surrounding snow to look for throwing objects. He quickly reached out and grasped a fist-sized stone, put one hand on the ground to support himself, and rounded it with the other hand to throw it at Kil.


Kil spotted the opponent's movements on the top of the boulder, knelt down on one knee in advance, tilted the elf metal shield controlled by his left arm towards the direction of the werewolf, and then.


There was a crashing sound, and Kil's left arm was hit backwards and chest by the impact, but his body only swayed slightly.

The tilted shield deflected the thrown stones.

Then Kil stood up immediately, taking advantage of the time when the werewolf was looking for the next stone under the snow, taking two quick steps, and then jumped forward with his legs strong.

Most of the top of the largest boulder was covered with snow, and the smaller half had no snow at all. It was blown away by the impact of the ax falling. When Kil was in the air, he realized that he would fall to the snowy side of the boulder. At the critical moment, he instantly pulled out the dagger from his right waist with his right hand, then held the dagger upside down and struck the stone hard the moment it fell. The surface is pricked.


Although the surface of the boulder is solid, the steel is not bad either. The tip of the sharp dagger pierced the stone shell with force and firmly held the slipping Kil.


He couldn't help shouting in a low voice, and then released the handle of the shield with his left hand to free up his palm, letting the shield hang simply on his left forearm. Then he stretched out his left hand to pull off a large piece of snow on the top of the boulder, and found a path where the boulder was cracked by the axe. The gap, firmly stretched out your fingers and inserted it to hang it.

He used the force to lift his body up, and his legs swung left and right to find a point of strength, but then he was suddenly hit in the back by a stone thrown by the werewolf.

"Ugh." He groaned in pain, but then closed his mouth. At this time, you must not let go of your strength, pull out the dagger with your right hand, and then stab it upwards hard.

Qiang, once again fixed.

His legs twitched for a while, and he finally climbed to the top of the boulder.

"You're done! Ruf-Wolf!"

After standing firm, Kil roared, let go of the dagger and stretched both hands towards the two-handed ax stuck on the top of the boulder.

When the werewolf saw something was wrong, he immediately used his arms to pull his body and crawled behind other boulders to avoid it.

Kil excitedly held the ax with his fingers and tried to pull it out, but with half of the ax face clamped into the boulder, it was really difficult to get started. He hurriedly tried to hang on the edge of the ax with his fingers, but the back of the ax was particularly difficult to get hold of. The rope originally hanging on the ax had long since disappeared to an unknown location.

Kil gasped nervously, but no matter how he tried to buckle and grab it, the thing was firmly stuck on the stone.

The werewolf felt something was wrong. He took a stone in each hand and leaned out to look at Keir.

Only then did he realize that Kiel had been working for a long time and still couldn't get the stuck ax out. This time it was particularly excited, and the stone in its right hand was thrown hard at Keir.

Kil didn't pay attention to the stone thrown at all. All his attention was on how to get the ax out of the boulder.

Immediately, his left arm was hit hard by a fist-sized stone, and the entire protective armor was dented inward. Even the arm bones inside made a sound and were broken by the impact.

"Ah -" Kil couldn't help but cry out in pain, but at this time there was no time to care about the injury to his left arm.

Only after he was injured did he remember to use a weapon to split the rocks. He quickly drew out the long sword with his right hand and raised it above his head, preparing to chop it down. This sword cannot hit the ax head, but can only hit the stones on both sides of the ax head. Break rocks, free up your axe, throw, and kill.

Just when Kil was about to slash his sword.

Another stone.

The stone came in an instant and hit Kil hard in the middle of his chest.


"Ugh." Kil opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At that moment, he was extremely sure that his heart was injured and stopped for a breath.

But the emblem of the God of Agriculture hanging in the middle of his chest helped Kil resist the fatal impact just now.

Except the price is its shattering.

The long sword held high still failed to be swung down. Kil took a sullen breath and slowly lost his strength. His whole body was like a loosened rubber band, and he collapsed on the top of the boulder, and then slowly slid down to the edge along with the smooth boulder.


Keir fell sideways to the ground. The snow piled up beside the boulder saved his life, but of what use was it?

Kil vomited blood in his mouth, staining his entire face bright red under his visor. He wanted to lift his visor and take a breath of fresh air, but one of his two arms was broken just now, and the other was also crushed under his body when he fell.

No more strength.


He was like an unwanted rag doll, lying sideways in the snow beside the boulder.


"Hehehehe, hahahaha."

The werewolf chuckled softly at first, but then laughed loudly.

It raised its arms and crawled to Kil's side, pulled Kil out of the snow, and placed it in front of it: "Look, how sincere my original proposal was!"

It lifted up the visor of Kil's helmet and looked at the young face under the visor with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"But you rejected me? Just those one or two unique weapons? Well, I have to admit, they are indeed dangerous, but what is really important?"

Kil opened his sweat-soaked eyes and looked at Wolf, the werewolf who was victorious and chatting in front of him, without saying anything else.

"It's us!"

The werewolf pointed his finger at himself and yelled.

"I am just a small character in my hometown who can be manipulated at will. But since I gained these abilities, all those who used to manipulate me have been killed by me!"

Wolfman, the werewolf, patted his chest excitedly and said.

Then, it stared at Keir: "Insulting me will cost you something, are you ready?"

Kil still didn't speak, but as the werewolf straightened his body, his breathing finally became normal. After regaining some strength, he carefully moved his right hand, trying to pick up the long sword that had just fallen into the snow.

But Kil's little move was still seen through by the werewolf Wolf.

It raised its right thumb with its sharp claws intact, and thrust its backhand down, pinning the back of Kil's right hand.

But there was also a piece of hard cowhide armor on the back of Kil's hand, but the opponent's casual stab failed to pierce it.

The corners of Kirliu's lips curled up, his armor loyally protecting him.

The werewolf had a calm expression, and punched Kil hard on the arm. The armor could protect him from cuts, scratches, and stabs, but it couldn't protect him well from pure impact. The force of the heavy punch penetrated the parts made of cow leather and directly broke the bones of the arm.

The pain made it difficult for Kil to breathe. There was not much air in his lungs for him to cry out in pain, and he could only make a weak humming sound from his mouth.

"Hehehehe. I haven't forgotten this thing of yours!" It pushed aside the snow beside it, revealing the hunting sword underneath.

At this time, the entire long sword was glowing, and the sword body, hilt, and tail weight ball all emitted a different gleaming light.

It sensed the danger of its master, so it wanted to do something, but it couldn't do anything, so it had to do this. Without the master's control, it couldn't do anything.

"It's a really good weapon. It should be very valuable, right? Haha, thank you for this weapon. I will sell it later to spend on my way out of Kendall County." A mocking look appeared on the werewolf's face. Smiling, and then trying to grab the hilt of the sword.

But the sword hilt has its own strength that prevents the opponent from holding the sword.

The werewolf was not an ordinary person. He exerted force with his fingers, forced to twist against the divine power wrapped around the sword hilt, and held the sword hilt fiercely. Then it still felt uncomfortable, and then threw the long sword far back with its backhand.

Hunting spun in the air, flew far away, then adjusted the tip of the sword by itself, and stuck the sword downward on the snowy wasteland.

"I seem to have said some nonsense. It's really an old habit. I always like to talk to the dying prey. Haha." So the werewolf Wolf stopped talking nonsense, grabbed Kil's neck, and lifted the helmet and neck protector. Open it, then grab the breastplate with one hand and pull it to the left, and pull it to the right with the other hand.

With a strong exertion, the armored breastplate, which was resistant to impact, slashing and stabbing, was completely torn apart, exposing the center of Kil's chest. The newly grown sharp claws pushed aside the scattered emblem of the god of agriculture, cut open the cold-proof clothing, and exposed Kil's chest.

Then it raised its right arm high, closed its regrown fingers together, and penetrated downwards fiercely.

The sharp hand knife with claws penetrated Kil's chest, and then he pulled it out with his backhand. This set of skillful movements showed that this hand must have been used many times before.

When he was dying, Kil wanted to wave his arm to block it, but was immediately opened by the werewolf's other hand. As a big hole was dug out of the chest that was missing something, blood continuously dripped into the chest.

The werewolf looked at the thing in his palm excitedly, smelled it intoxicatedly, then closed his eyes and put it into his mouth.

Ah, this one should be particularly different, right?


Kil's chest was ripped out and his heart was torn out. He looked straight in front of him, his mouth moved slightly, but he couldn't say anything. His eyes soon lost their spiritual look.

The divine power of the God of Agriculture that once filled his body lost its soul attachment and gradually flowed towards the wooden bracelet on his wrist.

In the city of Kendall far to the southwest, an old priest of Saturn was writing something at his desk in the temple's quiet room, but he was stunned for a moment.

As if he felt something, he sighed, and the priest leaned back in his chair weakly.

He didn't say a word for a long time.

After Kil's death, something that was previously invisible quickly appeared on his skin. Those things were like tattoos, but they were also like written words, criss-crossing all over Keir's skin.

The slowly flowing small words flickered, making them seem to be emitting something between existence and non-existence.

Jingle Bell.

Something seemed to fall from the air, and the silver light flashed past and fell into the blood hole where Keer had lost his heart.

As if he sensed the appearance of that thing, or maybe it was controlled by that thing, the small words all over Keir's skin instantly changed to emerald green. These words came into action in an instant, pulling the magic power they were responsible for suppressing the seal, and rushed toward the center of Kil's chest.

At the location of the original heart was the elf ring that Kil left in the hunter's stronghold house in Kendall City, the elf ring that had depended on him since the ancient elf ruins.

This ring that always brought him into the experience of an elf that existed long ago in his sleep seemed to have other abilities.

A large amount of sealed magic power derived from Warcraft was controlled by countless small words and penetrated into the ring. The ring also accepted all comers and then spun in the air.

Something was pulled from Kiel's body into the ring.

What could it be?

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