Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 159, end of volume 3

Kil slowly walked out of the dark ruins passage.

His whole body was stained with the fresh fragrance of mushrooms, and the broken remains and mucus of many fat-headed mushrooms stained his armor. He didn't care about these things anymore. After all, the cold wind would solidify the mucus, and then sooner or later as he moved, the mucus on the fixed phone would be rubbed and turned into powder.

Keir did not emerge from the ruins alone.

Beside him, floating in the air, was a huge, slightly luminous stone sword. Compared with when he had just summoned the stone sword before, Kil was already able to control it slightly.

He no longer drove the stone sword with all his strength, but let it just follow him slowly.

Logically speaking, the wide sword blade can allow him to sit sideways on it, but firstly, the stone sword is full of werewolf blood, and secondly, after all, this is Ms. Apolifina's father's weapon, even if it is not a real weapon, It was just a stone sword decorated with a stone statue, and Kil did not dare to disrespect it.

He knew Ms. Apolifina's feelings for her father through dreams, and doing disrespectful things might affect the other person's view of him.

The werewolf's split head was hanging on his waist. Kil patted the other's broken head and smiled with satisfaction.


He came to the entrance of the suspended ruins and sat here.

Put your feet outside and lie on your back on the solid stone channel floor.

Taking off his helmet, Keir put his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes, and then the stone giant sword floating to the side landed steadily on the ground next to him.

Keir's frown relaxed. There was nothing going on with this weapon when it was first connected. Perhaps the excitement masked its shortcomings. Only after Kil killed the werewolf and killed most of the fat-headed mushrooms in the hall and walked up the stairs did he notice how much burden controlling this weapon brought to his spirit.

It's like putting on a heavy suit of armor for your soul, every move and every thought is very strenuous.

My flexible ideas before were like a trapped old horse, very uncomfortable.

Kil felt that when he controlled this weapon, it seemed difficult for him to think other than fighting.

This made him quite unwilling. It seemed that the lady was right. He was just a young bud, not only in combat, but also immature in all aspects, far inferior to others.

Kil got up, twisted the end of the hilt of the stone sword again, and dug out all the elven gems inside the hilt.

These gems, which had been shining in the sun for a long time, were now much darker. Obviously, the use in the previous moment has consumed most of the energy in each gem.

"This doesn't work."

Kil said to himself, it seems that if all the elf gems are put in, the stone sword can barely be used for about ten minutes.

It was naturally enough for one battle, but the battle was not just that simple.

If you want to kill the enemy, the enemy will naturally run away if they think they are outmatched. Who has no legs left?

At this time, you can only use powerful weapons for about ten minutes, which is naturally not enough.

Keir scratched his head and felt that there must be a way. Either find a more powerful energy source, or increase the energy of each elf gem.

The former is not easy, but the latter is possible.

Ms. Apolifina definitely knows the knowledge and usage of these elven gems, and maybe she can ask about them later.

Thinking of this, Kil had a thought in his mind. If his life was no longer in danger, he wanted to try out some of the special abilities on the bloodline ring that replaced his heart.

For example, transporting himself into a dream created by the lady.

Ms. Apolifina once said that the dream can be used as a warehouse for storing supplies. Although time will still pass for the items in it individually, overall, it is still a dream with eternal time.

Kiel didn't quite understand it, but he knew that he could enter there at any time to store supplies, and that was fine.

As Kil concentrated his energy on the original heart in his chest, a special feeling gradually arose in his spirit.

He could feel that the blood ring in his heart was controlling the blood in the blood vessels, pressurizing them, and then pushing them into other blood vessels.

As Kil's mind was placed on the ring, the magic thread connected to the hidden magic source through a strange seal around the ring was revealed.

Of course, these are not seen with the naked eye, but only perceived by his spirit. You can't say it, but you know it.

"I want to enter Ms. Apolifina's dream."

Keir said softly.

Then the ring increased the supply of magic power on the magic line, and the ring spun in the air.

Invisible ripples swept out from the ring and enveloped Kil's body. His whole body gradually faded and gradually disappeared from the material world.

Kil placed his hand on the stone sword beside him, and the weapon gradually disappeared with his disappearance.


The silent, lightless bottom of the forest.

Beside the colorful pond of water of memories, Kil's figure gradually appeared wearing armor and holding a huge stone sword.


When Kil first appeared here, the heavy stone sword fell on the moss on the ground, crushing the large area of ​​lush moss into juice.

"Oops." Kil became nervous immediately when he saw this scene, but then he looked around and saw no sign of Ms. Apolifina on the deep rocks on one side of the pond.

"Ah, fortunately, no one is here." Touching the non-existent cold sweat, Kil leaned down and put some elf gems into the hilt of the stone sword.

This time, there was no need to shout out the name of the prototype stone sword weapon. Kil just whispered in his mouth that this souvenir stone sword, which could be used as a weapon, was connected with Kil's spirit.

There were not many elven gems put in, so Kil quickly controlled the stone sword to fly up, and then placed it on the ground in an open space beside the pond. He tilted it up on the roots of the tree and inserted it into the soil.

After disconnecting the weapon, Kil took out the gem from the stone sword again.

Sitting on the ground, Kil put all the elf gems into wooden boxes and placed them next to the stone sword. He planned to ask the lady how to recharge these elven gems later.

Sitting on the edge of the silent pond, Kil felt a little sleepy. The previous night's march in the dark had really made him mentally and physically tired.

Now in this safe place, he no longer had to endure it. He lay peacefully on the soft moss and snored to sleep.

Not far away, a little goblin with yellow light all over its body emerged from the rocks in the pond. It discovered Kil and noticed that Kil was sleeping soundly.

The small eyeball rolled, and it saw that Kil was not wearing a helmet, and his face and hair were exposed. So the little guy laughed happily, flew over, stood next to Kiel, rubbed his hands, and carefully picked up a tuft of Kiel's hair. Seeing that Kiel didn't react, he boldly styled his hair. Knot.


It smiled evilly and continued to work until it tied all the long hair on Kil's head into large and small knots.

He was very satisfied with his results, but a long time passed and Kiel looked like he was about to wake up. The little goblin quickly reached out and pointed, and all the knotted hair on Kil's head returned to its original state.

Seeing that there was no problem, the little fairy burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

But it quickly stretched out its head again, stretched out its hand and pointed at Kil again, and a tuft of hair in the middle of Kil's forehead tied a knot on its own.

Now it was satisfied and crawled back into the soil.


Kil opened his eyes, and what he saw was a dark forest with no tree crown visible.

He touched his left waist and found nothing, and then he remembered where he was at this time.

In Ms. Apolifina's dream.

He sat up and stretched, feeling energetic all over. Seeing that the werewolf head on his waist was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was just a slight itch on his forehead. He scratched it and found that a small tuft of hair was knotted, but he didn't care. He scratched it twice to straighten it out. Then Kil stood up and contacted the bloodline ring on his heart.

Just as he had arrived, Keir gradually disappeared. In the present world, Gere reappeared standing in his original place.

He jumped down from the entrance to the ruins, stamped his feet after landing, and then looked at the sky.

The sky did not change as he slept in his dream.

It's still the same as before.

"Huh, this is really awesome." Kil couldn't help but admired.

The third volume ends.

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