Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 52, The Swamp - Kill the slime monsters in batches

Zhao Ji observed the slime monsters coming from the muddy water. He hit the wooden shield in his left hand with the dagger in his right hand, making a pounding sound. Sure enough, the slime monsters were attracted by the sound and followed Zhao Ji's footsteps.

Seeing that the slime monster was attracted by the sound he made, Zhao Ji moved his footsteps and moved his position to the right. When the slime monsters turned around, he took a few quick steps and moved to the left. Many slime monsters who had just turned their crawling direction could only turn to the left. After going back and forth, the slime monsters who couldn't react quickly fell behind, and the slime monsters who reacted quickly were closer to Zhao Ji.

This is the effect that Zhao Ji wants. After all, the slime monsters are not intelligent, and they don't know how to use sound and other methods to unite and act together. Although it seemed that it was a rush of brain just now, Zhao Ji immediately guessed the real situation of the slime monster.

After all, slime monsters are monsters, predators in the swamp, and they have the ability to hunt independently, so it has seen slime monsters hunting mice or jumping frogs independently before.

A predator like this has no concept of group action. Maybe they would come together to kill their individual killers when they sensed the smell of a dead slime or something, but they wouldn't form a group to hunt cooperatively.

Therefore, as soon as they were misled by Zhao Ji's actions, the slime monsters showed their original shape. Instead of trying to maintain a group of slime monsters, they scrambled towards the target in an attempt to destroy the target.

The difference between the slime monsters was revealed in this way, and the responsive slime monsters detected Zhao Ji's position, and they moved accordingly. The slime monster with a stupid reaction is still rushing towards the position where Zhao Ji moved for the first time. The smaller slime monsters are pushed back by the larger slime monsters. There is also a slime monster that is struggling to squeeze out of it when it changes lanes and is caught by a branch on a tree path.

A large pool of slime monsters was pulled by Zhao Ji's actions, and the formation became sparse. Some sensitive slime monsters targeted Zhao Ji's crawling, and some stupid slime monsters rushed to the middle of the island beside the dead slime monsters, and the dead slime monsters waved their tentacles angrily, fighting with other equally angry slime monsters. Make a ball.

Zhao Ji took a look at the small island and there was no room for him to fight. After he thought about it, he took a risk and rushed in. With the cover of his shield, he stabbed the fastest crawling slime Strange.

While retreating, he beat the slime monster stuck on the dagger on the tree path, preventing it from attacking. Zhao Ji wanted to retreat to the next small island. The distance between the two small islands was still a little bit. In order to attract the slime monsters enough, he specially captured a slime monster in this way to attract other fast crawling ones. slime monster.

Sure enough, as he expected, some slime monsters were attracted by the slime monsters he stuck on the dagger, and they were staring at him again, some spit at him, and some crawled towards him.

While attracting and teasing the fast-moving slime monsters, Zhao Ji retreated towards the small island behind him.

After the slime monsters climbed halfway, Zhao Ji quickened his pace, stopped teasing those slime monsters, and went directly to the island a few steps, stepped on the slime monster on the tip of the dagger, and pulled it out . Zhao Ji found that the dagger had been stuck on the slime monster for a long time, and the whole thing turned yellowish at this time.

Kick the slime monster under his feet to the middle of the island, and swing the dagger up and down twice to stab the weak slime monster to death.

Turning around, looking at the slime monsters scattered in the muddy water on both sides of the tree path, Zhao Ji laughed again. The scattered slime monsters now look like coins.

He moved forward with his shield upright, carefully protecting his body, and the dagger in his right hand hung down, soaking in the muddy water of the swamp, hoping to clean the sporadic acid on the surface of the dagger.

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Attack the slime monsters again,

Zhao Ji aimed at the slime monster closest to him, and swung his dagger vigorously. The sharp dagger pierced the water surface downwards, piercing the slime monster underwater.

Zhao Ji stepped back when he hit one, and moved his shield slightly to block the mucus flying towards him one by one.

Even if Zhao Ji moved backwards, he was several times faster than the slime monsters crawling. As soon as he returned to the small island behind him, he directly killed the slime monster he had strung on the dagger, and then kicked it roughly towards the middle of the small island.

Not to mention, the feeling of kicking the slime monsters is still very subtle. The feeling of kicking is not like the football played in the previous life. The slime monster's body is dangling and full of various mucus and tissues. When you lift it up, you can clearly feel the slime shaking in the slime monster's body. Moreover, the football has a lot of elasticity, while the slime monster has very little elasticity, and the soft skin on the surface absorbs a lot of force, which makes Zhao Ji use more force when kicking.

After going back and forth several times like this, Zhao Ji killed the twelve slime monsters attacking him one by one, and the corpses were scattered in the middle of the island. Because this place is already somewhat close to the northwest edge of the swamp, there are not many slime monsters, and most of them were attracted by him before.

At this time, in the northwest direction of the swamp in the south of the city, basically all the slime monsters gathered on the small island in front of Zhao Ji. Using the bright moonlight, Zhao Ji could see dozens of slime monsters gathered on the small island fifty meters away.

The slime monsters gathered next to the corpses of the slime monsters he killed before, waving their tentacles indiscriminately, occasionally spraying slime towards the surrounding swamp, and knocking down a few big quacking birds that were flying around looking for faults. The glowing flowers of some glowing plants were also sprayed by the slime monster's acid, and the flying insects and flowers were corroded by the acid.

Zhao Ji trimmed it, filled the damaged part of the cloak with a handful of weeds, straightened the crooked helmet, wiped the dagger on the dagger with leaves, and pasted some mud on the outside of the shield.

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