Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 198, The darkest moonless night (21)

The middle-aged businessman Patsy Edwin raised his hands to show that he had no weapons, and then walked towards the darkness ahead with the urging of the horses behind him.

The light from the magic luminous pendants on the ears of the prairie horse behind him shone forward from behind him, gradually revealing the real voice of the low-pitched discussions hidden in the darkness.

First, there were various metal weapons that reflected the magic light, then there were figures standing closely together, then there were cheap animal skin clothes that were exactly the same as those worn by the bandits, and finally there were people who were illuminated by the magic light and squinted one by one. He raised his eyes and looked at the farmer's face.

Patsy Edwin also narrowed his eyes and looked at these people.

The other party was also trying to size him up, but due to the light, the identity of the middle-aged businessman could not be confirmed by these so-called 'knight men' who were dressed in messy clothes.


The other party shouted.

The middle-aged businessman stopped quickly because the other party pointed the weapon in his hand at him.

"What's wrong? You asked me to come here, and then you asked me to stop?"

But soon, a farmer wearing leather armor with a broken chest and blood on his chest squeezed out of the crowd and walked towards him with a long sword in his hand. Before Patsy Edwin could say anything, the man threw him to the ground, and then people swarmed up and surrounded the middle-aged businessman and the tall prairie horse.

"Hold him down! Hold him down!"


"No weapons. Huh?"

"This horse is indeed the horse of the Lord Knight. I remember its appearance very clearly!"

"What about all the knights?"

Dozens of people gathered around, pressing down people, checking horses, and it was very lively for a while.

The middle-aged businessman's wrists were tied with a noose, held behind his back, and then he was dragged up.

"Why is Lord Knight's horse in your hands? Tell me! What happened? What happened?"

After being pushed hard, the middle-aged businessman quickly answered them, but his answer did not satisfy the young people around him.

"Really, I didn't lie. The horse was not stolen. It was the young knight who specifically asked me to come down and ask you to go up and help. The bandits above were all defeated and captured by him, but the kidnapped businessmen with the same identity as me were basically I can’t help the knight much. He can’t leave, so he asked me to come down to you with a token.”

"So, where's the token?"

The middle-aged businessman had a sneer on his face and said, "Here, this prairie horse is holding it in its mouth. I fell off the horse just now, and it held it in its mouth without letting anyone else."

Only then did everyone notice that there was something in the prairie horse's mouth.

It was a slender fiery red dagger. The young people had seen him use this weapon when they fought with Keir in the south of the clearing. The extremely powerful power brought a very powerful shock to these young people who had little experience.

"It's the magic dagger used by the Lord Knight!"

Someone shouted so loudly.

"Magic dagger?"

The middle-aged businessman Patsy Edwin had a look of surprise, then an expression of annoyance. He didn't expect that just a moment ago, the most valuable thing was actually in his hands. But who would have thought? After all, the young knight never explained to him that this was a magic dagger.

He just felt that a dagger inlaid with rubies was too showy and showy. However, if you are a young person, it should be normal for you to like gorgeous gems and so on, right?

After all, everyone loves gems, but he just doesn't have the wealth, otherwise he would also like gem decorations.

But who could have imagined that it turned out to be a magic weapon.

He had heard of the price between ordinary gems and magical gems.

So he was very upset.

This unexpected expression of annoyance was immediately noticed by a young man wearing leather armor who was guarding him: "You don't know about this magic dagger?"

Patsy Edwin admitted the matter frankly: "The young knight didn't tell me, he only told me to hold it as a token. After you see it, you will believe what I said."

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the young people immediately removed the rope from the middle-aged businessman's wrist.

"In this case, everyone is ready to set off and head towards the bandit's lair!" A few young people wearing leather armor discussed it and then issued an order. The other young people around them listened to them, so they worked in pairs to catch the man on the ground. The captured bandits were sitting, dragged and ready to go.

"By the way, when you came here, did you recognize the route?"

When asked this way, the middle-aged businessman rubbed his wrist and rolled his eyes: "You young people will definitely not believe it. Haha, it was the prairie horse that brought me down. I actually don't know the way."

After saying this, the young people gathered around the prairie horses, pointed to the hillside and said something to the horses.

The blood-licking grass was very clever. Without anyone else saying anything, he just followed the instructions given by his master before and took the lead in small steps in front of the team, walking towards the route that he had walked twice, and then walked again.

Everyone else followed.

The middle-aged businessman Patsy Edwin looked behind him, hesitated for a moment, and then immediately followed. He was not confident that he could reach the White Stone City Wall level alone, especially where he was. He didn't know how many bandits were wandering nearby.

"Wait for me!" He quickly caught up.

"Someone, help this person."

A young man who took the lead said something, and immediately other young people put their arms around the middle-aged businessman's arms that were thin due to hunger and imprisonment.

"Good guy, what did you do?" The young man helping the people looked surprised. After all, no matter how bad their lives were as refugees in the White Stone City Wall, they could still make ends meet.

And this man was obviously taller than him, but his arms were particularly 'slender' in his dirty, musty sleeves.

As soon as he said this, Patsy Edwin had a lot of bitterness to pour out. When the young man asked, he couldn't hold it in any longer, and told all the days when he was robbed and kidnapped by bandits like a splash of ink.


On Kiel's side, he was finally defeated by the overwhelming stench in front of him. Regardless of the resistance of the long sword hunter, he inserted the long sword into the scabbard, and then walked away.

As he walked, he explained the situation to his weapon.

"It's not that I'm not brave enough. How is that possible? I've never been afraid of powerful monsters, and you all know that. But the smell just now is really not something normal humans can endure. You don't have an organ like a nose. It's really It's a good thing to be thankful for, do you understand?"

The two weapons at his waist and behind his back shook, as if they were not satisfied with this explanation.

"Don't be dissatisfied. I am the master, I am a human being, and I have a nose. If I put a nose on you, you will not be able to bear it. In addition, those disgusting intestines, rotten internal organs, etc., you really Want to get up close and personal with those things?”

The ax was still tough, and he shook the hook on the back of the armor hard, but the long sword hunter flinched a little. As soon as Kil said this, there was no movement.

"That's right. Revenge doesn't necessarily require you to jump into a manure pit yourself and take a swim. You can also use other methods. For example, for example."

Kil thought for a while: "By the way, for example, you can use the thick iron ingots in the wooden box just now, take those things, stand on the high platform and smash them to death, no, smash those living corpses! How about that? Is this good enough?"

For such a method, two weapons are not represented.

Keir thought of a new way: "By the way, Heart Fire! Use the magic flame of the magic dagger Heart Fire to deal with those disgusting living corpses! After all, corpses must be incinerated in flames to be the destination they deserve!" "

Long Sword Hunt made no comment, but Yueshui Head disagreed. It swayed left and right on the hook, and the metal hook collided with the blue ax surface, making a clanging sound.

It's like saying that it can also destroy those inhuman living corpses.

In response, Kil snorted: "But the magic dagger doesn't need to be in close contact with those disgusting corpses, just use the flame from a distance."

With a snap, the ax jumped up from the hook behind Kil's back, and even actively spun in the air.

Kil lifted up his steel visor and said, "I'm warning you, I won't use a weapon that's stained with the rotting mucus and internal organs of living corpses. Even if your ax isn't stained with blood, it's still the same."

Kil glanced at the wooden handle of the two-handed axe: "The handle is made of wood. It's okay if it's stained with blood, but I guess I won't be able to wash it off after the stinking rotten mucus sticks to it."

After saying that, he deliberately fanned his nose with his palm and made an expression of disgusting the taste.

This time Yuesui's head was no longer stubborn, he froze in the air and threw it into Kiel's hand.

Kil grabbed it easily, hung it on his back, and sighed.

At the same time, the monster heads on the ax also looked relieved. Even monsters don't want their last resting place to be contaminated by living corpses contaminated with the power of death.

Only the spider monster didn't care. When it was in the forest, it didn't care whether it was eating living things or rotting corpses. Whether it is a dead human body or the carcass of an animal in the forest, it will swallow and digest it. Because the state of the corpse makes no difference to him, and even a walking corpse full of the power of death and corruption is even better?


Keir returned along the passage to the interior of the cave on the upper level.

He looked around, then inserted the candle back into the candlestick and placed it on the table in the middle of the cave.

Next to the brazier that provided lighting, he brought some moldy firewood, threw it into the brazier, and lit it with the flame of the candlestick candle. After re-illuminating the cave, Keir pulled out the various wooden cargo boxes he had been eyeing and placed them in a conspicuous place outside. Others looked down upon the useless things and kicked them against the cave wall with their feet.

"Okay, I saved a lot of people on this trip. These things are worth some money and can be used. It's not a waste of time. I hope that the next two bandits' lairs tonight can bring me some Have some surprises.”

Keir said to himself.

After he was done, he walked out.

Outside the crack-like cave, the flames burning on the three-story sentry tower had passed their peak intensity and had begun to gradually decrease. The topmost structure of the sentry tower was burned and collapsed with a loud bang, igniting a nearby cabin that was roughly built by the bandits.

The rescued people lazily gathered around the iron pot. The food in the iron pot was steaming. Anyone around them felt hungry, so they took the initiative to fill a bowl with a wooden bowl. After it cooled down a little, they changed it. I was devouring it before, but now I took a sip of the turbid hot soup in the bowl.

However, although these captive people, mainly businessmen, have recovered a lot of their behavior, it is obvious that their sense of taste has not yet come online. The hot soup, which was still unpalatable, was still regarded as a 'delicious dish' by these merchants who had suffered a great deal.

After all, in the past days, let alone unpleasant things, they simply didn't have anything to eat.

Slow hunger is long-term torture.

The bandits always provided them with food as they pleased.

When I'm in a better mood, I eat minced meat and kill mice. If you are in a bad mood, just boil a pot of water and stew it, simply sprinkle a handful of wheat grains on it, and then spit a mouthful of thick phlegm into it, and the meal is ready.

The prisoners in the wooden cage had no choice at all. Guys who were self-conscious about their dignity often died less than half a month after arriving in the bandit cave.

The bodies were dragged away, and often a few days later, they could add new members to the occasional whimpering and moaning sounds heard in the cave.

Keir saw this situation as soon as he came out.

He shook his head, knowing that these people had been tortured so hard that they probably wouldn't be of much use in the short term, so he took matters into his own hands and moved all the valuable items on the ground near the burning wooden house to the center of the camp.

In the gaps between several wooden huts and the rock walls of the camp, Keel also found several empty and broken trucks. But there were no horses, just freight cars that creaked at the slightest touch.

I knocked on the chassis, the most important parts of the car, and the wheel hub and axle, and found that they were barely usable.

So Kiel even dragged and lifted the empty truck weighing hundreds of kilograms to the center of the camp.

When he was in Wumihu Village half a year ago, he was at a loss to deal with the huge wild boar carcass of the same weight. The wild boar meat weighing tens of kilograms was the maximum weight he could carry and move at that time.

But look now, Kiel can already lift the same weight with just two hands.

"Phew, who would have thought, life changes. Hey!"

He got another empty truck out.

The sound of the truck landing when it was put down woke up all the rescued people who were about to fall asleep, while the captured and surrendered bandits kept watching Kiel's performance with wide eyes.

The bandits have finally realized the specific difference between knights and ordinary people.

The strength is completely different.

Judging from their superficial understanding, the greater the strength, the greater the combat effectiveness. After all, you can hold heavier weapons, wear heavier armor, and be more powerful in fights.

Although they have no skills in using conscious weapons, their understanding of strength and combat effectiveness is not wrong. A simple and superficial understanding is also an effective understanding.

"If I can survive, I will never go against the knights again. They are simply not human beings!"

Among the several bandits standing in a row, a guy whispered to his companions.

The man next to him nodded vigorously, feeling that his companion was right.

"Why does such a monster appear in this world? And it has the same body shape as everyone else and a normal face? If it had scales on its body or a few more arms, I would probably run away as soon as I saw it. "

The man next to him rolled his eyes, thinking that his companion was talking nonsense.


While Kiel was moving the truck, the faint sound of horses neighing and many people marching could be heard outside the camp gate.

The rescued people huddled together in fear, but the four surrendered bandits sat on the ground, knowing that it was over. In fact, when Kil entered the cave, they had not thought about escaping, but Kil tied their legs and feet together one by one. They fell several times just walking from the camp gate to the middle of the camp.

Without practice, it is impossible to escape before untying the rope.

But his hands were tied and he couldn't untie the rope.

They fled step by step, but they were afraid that the rescued people would run into the cave and notify the knights. At that time, it was impossible to escape far, and the chance of survival gained by surrender was probably gone.

That cruel knight monster could probably crush the heads of all of them who were escaping with just the palm of his hand.

"My people are here! Don't panic, everyone!"

Keel shouted.

At the same time, a horse and three horses also ran in from the camp gate first.

The tallest prairie horse and two other ordinary horses gathered around Keir, and used their horses' heads to rub Keir's armor in a flattering manner. Blood Licker stuck out his mouth and sent a fiery red dagger in front of Keir with his tongue.

"Hey." Kil smiled inexplicably, took the dagger, took out the red cloth that he had just washed with water, wiped the dagger stained with saliva, and inserted it into the gorgeous dagger sheath on his right waist. .

The blood-licking grass licked Kil's face hard, and the other two horses that Kil had brought back from Kendal also licked Kil's steel helmet with their tongues.

"Okay, okay, how long has it been since you guys have been so affectionate?"

The horses had enough licking and smelling the familiar scent of their owners, and then they obediently moved to the side of the empty truck. The blood-licking grass stood there with its head held high.

Kil jumped up and took off the luminous magic pendant from Blood Licker's ear and pinned it on his metal belt again.

As soon as he turned around, the young refugees he brought along on his trip were already standing at the gate of the camp, curiously looking at everything inside and outside the gate.

"What are you doing standing around stupidly? Everyone is here to work!"

Kil waved his hand and pointed at the various things he had picked out on the ground around him, as well as the supplies that Desolate Snake and the others had picked out first in the open space in the center of the camp.

"Who knows some carpentry work? You can also see people doing it in the village. These empty trucks need to be reinforced with boards around them. Also, you guys come here."

As Kil said, he specially selected a few young men wearing simple leather armor to approach them, talked to them in a low voice, and pointed in the direction of the cracked cave behind him.

The middle-aged businessman Patsy Edwin wanted to come over and ask for credit, but when Keir pointed his finger, the guy retreated consciously.

The horse, which Percy Edwin thought must be the knight, complained to its owner about his attempt to escape in the woods. As for how people communicate with horses, there are gods and magic in this world anyway. If a young knight with a magic dagger masters a magic treasure or skill that can talk to animals, what's wrong?

He may not have thought that when he sent people down to call for people, was it possible that Keir had anticipated this situation? So when his horse returned the magic dagger to him, he already knew something was wrong?

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