Mercenaries and Adventurers

The power system of another world (unnamed) - has appeared at this time

Continuing with yesterday’s settings, the power system (in order of appearance)

God and the power of the church:

Gods: Powerful gods have existed since ancient times and have always accompanied the development of civilization of intelligent life. They are gentle mothers and stern fathers, companions of civilization, and final witnesses. They were born with the understanding of the world by intelligent beings, and they also died with the death of the last being who still remembered Him.

We cannot use the identity and knowledge of ordinary beings to judge the actions of the gods. An individual's eyes can only reach ten thousand meters, but the eyes of gods are ten thousand times that. Not only that, mortal life is so short, and the existence of a lifetime is not as good as a sigh from the gods.


Natural gods: Natural gods generally predate the civilizational history of most races. Therefore, many religious scholars suspect that a long time ago, various races and ancient civilizations appeared one after another in the world. We don't know which of today's nature gods is the oldest.

Natural gods were born in the nature revered by ancient intelligent beings, the earth, mountains, rivers, oceans, sky, light, darkness, and so on. They are fixed in the nature they represent, are powerful, and do not need to die like other gods.

All natural gods are cross-racial beliefs. It can be seen that the natural gods we know naturally represent all life's understanding of nature. Interestingly, many people do not correctly understand the difference between partial conceptual gods representing nature and real nature gods. The two, who are both very noble, are often confused together.

The ancient natural gods will not die with the demise of their believers, but if you say some disrespectful words, some racial concept gods pretending to be natural gods, they will rise and fall with the ups and downs of the civilization of the race. When a race disappears or declines, these pseudo-nature gods - racial concept gods will disappear together.

We now know that the Earth Mother (many other names, but all referring to one person) is present throughout the land, the Lord of rivers and lakes (or referred to by other names), the Lord of lava and fire (not shown), the Lord of the oceans The Lord (called differently by various races in various places), the Lord of the Sky (called differently by various races), the God of the Dead (called differently by various races), the Three Goddess of the Moon (called differently by various races), etc., are all ancient Nature gods.

Interestingly, the sun above us, and all the gods associated with it, are not natural gods. Even with their images and claims, we have not found any god who is truly a natural god representing the sun.


Conceptual gods: As the name says, conceptual gods have no entity, and the divine power they belong to may be its carrier. However, it cannot be simply considered that every divine power is its main body, not even its clone.

Although the conceptual gods are illusory and vast, they have their own spiritual consciousness, and their way of thinking and existence are difficult to understand by ordinary beings and mortals.

Conceptual gods originally came from the conceptual understanding and reverence of primitive races towards the world. Through a series of life consciousness gathering behaviors such as gatherings, rituals, worship, etc., nascent conceptual gods with related concepts can be born.

After experiments by empires and kingdoms of various races, if the number of intelligent beings exceeds 10,000, the duration is five to ten years, and there is a relatively clear image carrier, an artificially created conceptual god can be born.

It is said that in the early days of the Magic Empire, the Magic Emperor "Creator of the Gods" Demirian Gutraus artificially created the various gods that we humans commonly see today. Even though most of the gods of mankind do not talk about it and admit it.

But in the early archaeological work on the Magic Empire, we found records of relevant deeds in the Eternal Adamantine Book more than once. And we learned from it that during the reign of the Magic Emperor, the 'Creator of the Gods', the overall strength of human beings indeed began to generally surpass the development of other neighboring races. Even if some "small problems" were caused later (wars between gods and their affiliated churches), the overall strength of human beings is still far superior to the friends around us.

But please note that it is not humans who master and are bathed in the help and protection of conceptual gods. Other races such as elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., also have their own racial conceptual gods to a greater or lesser extent.

Of course, some conceptual gods are flexible, and they are not simply stubbornly bound to the race they created. For example, the god of forging and craftsman (most of the related names in human society are this god), who passed through the early days of human civilization. Dwarf craftsmen were selected to help the development of human manufacturing technology, thus jumping out of the chariot of the development of their own race.

But we also have news that among the dwarves, he does not seem to be the only god with related concepts and vocations.

The concepts to which conceptual gods belong are not static. There will also be competition among them for concept priesthood, cooperative development, merger of churches and beliefs, etc.

The time for each change is generally longer than a mortal's lifetime, so the impact on faith is not high. (Gods that quickly change priesthoods, beliefs, and churches will cause widespread chaos. Therefore, we observe the schism of conceptual gods and the schism of the church, and fierce wars will take place over who is orthodox.)

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of the strength of conceptual gods. We have learned that newborn gods can easily dissipate and collapse due to the loss of believers. And some conceptual gods that have experienced decline for thousands of years can still be active even if they can't find their followers in society.

This kind of restraint and control behavior by gods seems to be only possible by gods with similar priesthood concepts, but it is still an act that spans a long time. After calculation, it seems to have exceeded the life span of ordinary elves.


God of Life: ‘Those who are powerful are like gods’, this statement is true. Although each strong person refused to answer any questions related to this, the reverence and prayer behavior of mortals can still allow some strong people to have unique skills and abilities, and even create related small churches.

The lives of the strong who enter this state (strong does not specifically refer to combat ability, but should be powerful beings, such as dragons, etc.) have been incredibly extended, but compared with conceptual gods, their life and death still depend on themselves. status.

We have observed that the last Lady of Winter died, and her priesthood was transferred to the current Lady of Winter, Triellenais. As a powerful polar life expert, Trillnais was officially crowned as the Lady of Winter in the Battle of Eternal Winter, which continues to this day.

In addition to the person above, we have also observed many suspects, such as the magic emperors of the past, orc chiefs, dwarf conquerors, apostle elf leaders, etc. But we cannot explain that many of them (basically except the elves) have withdrawn from the stage of history and do not seem to have become gods of life.

This is a mystery.


Human Church: Human Church basically obeys orders and belongs to the gods.

Generally, it consists of the Holy Land of the Church (the kingdom of God on earth is usually here) - the capitals of various places (the empire consists of several provinces belonging to different archdioceses) - local dioceses (local central cities or provincial capitals) - local churches ( Ordinary cities, prosperous towns, military important places, etc.) - churches in villages and towns (basic church organizations), composed of several levels.

Churches of gods with different strengths are also different. Powerful gods are as above, while gods with average strength will generally concentrate their sphere of influence on one country or one region if they do not consider the manpower and organization. Weak gods or evil gods generally develop from the lowest level upwards.


Priest: A priest is a profession that possesses the divine power of the god to which he belongs, and has been tested and trained to be able to communicate directly with the god. Regardless of some special cases, priests are generally divided from lowest to highest: novice pastor (not a formal priest, but generally serves as an assistant to the superior pastor) - pastor (the position of the vast majority of priests, responsible for most of the church's affairs) Work and tasks) - trainee pastor (with further training value, mostly pastor assistants and followers, older pastors may also have to retire from this position) - pastor (the main force of a regional church, leading church affairs in a city, or Responsible for some work in regional dioceses, all are powerful people) - Bishops (leaders of regional churches, organizational skills are given priority, and are not stronger than priests) - Saints (including the Son and the Saint, only well-known priests can serve , have a mission, and complete the mission or major achievements. The Son and the Saint are both reincarnations of powerful priests and are born with powerful divine power) - Archbishop (responsible for the affairs of a country or the affairs of several provinces in the empire) - Apostles and demigods (the former is the highest position and ability that humans can possess, and the latter is the descendant of gods, usually appearing during major events).

Church Arms: Although priests are respected and are an indispensable part of the functioning of society, the most basic violence is what they are valued for. Without the protection of the church's armed forces, it will be difficult for the church to improve its development and will be interfered by other organizations and power entities. However, the degree of permission and tolerance for church armed forces is not consistent in different regions.

The empire has largely liberalized the development of church armed forces except in the central plains. In the Holy Land Mountains region in the southwest of the empire, it has completely liberalized the development of church armed forces. The development of church armed forces was completely prohibited in the central plains of the empire.

As for the Kingdom of St. Halls, all the churches have listened to God's decision and will not develop church armed forces for the time being (on the surface, they can protect themselves). They have agreed with the noble council in the kingdom area that the security of the church will be the responsibility of the nobles and knights. At the same time, the church We should provide development assistance to the territories and armies of nobles and knights in various places.


Armed clergy: As the name suggests, ordinary church clergy who are armed. It is generally difficult for priests to convert their divine power into direct force (except for war-related church priests), and they need specially prepared divine weapons and props to transform power. At the same time, relevant personal and military offensive protection are included in the equipment required for armed priests.

Generally speaking, the equipment of armed priests includes but not limited to the following:

Protection categories: protective helmets, church robes, protective armor (suits), protective gloves, reinforced combat boots, automatic shields, protective statues, orbs of rejection, shocking eyes, divine wings, anti-curse necklaces, etc.

Offensive categories: long staff of divine power, short staff of divine power, impact gloves, shocking divine eye, protective statue, divine orb, divine crown, divine flying wings, etc.

Auxiliary categories: divine staff, protective statue, divine wings, divine crown, halo orb, reinforced boots, etc.

The combination of armed priests can also use battlefield magic. According to their functions, battlefield magic can be divided into: single-target attack, group attack, wide-area attack, single-target recovery, group recovery, wide-area recovery, single-target protection, group protection, and wide-area protection. Class, single strengthening class, group strengthening class, wide area strengthening class.

Armed priests generally have higher status and power within the church than ordinary priests. At the same time, for priests, gender distinction is not important.


Church Knights: Broadly speaking, all knight-level warriors who obey the orders of the Church are Church Knights. But looking at the details, there are big differences.

The church knights that ordinary people often refer to simply refer to knights who have knightly strength, but are not loyal to a certain local noble, but seek refuge in the local church. They have the same strength, equipment, and skills as other knight lords. At the same time, what is different from the knight lords is that the army of soldiers they lead is called the church army.

Others that are less common are three other special types of professional knights.

They are: Divine Magic Knight, Divine Power Knight, and Blessing Knight.

Divine Knight: A knight who possesses the skills and strength of a knight, and through faith in the gods, has acquired the same skills and abilities as a priest. They can fight, and they can also pray to gods to use magic (generally they master quick-reply prayers and continuation prayers). Powerful ones can use powerful battlefield magic to fight alone or in teams. They are very difficult enemies. People often call magical knights Paladins.

Divine Knight: A profession that ordinary knights can advance to after reaching the limit of their personal strength. The life energy in the body undergoes qualitative changes and merges with the divine power. Divine power is life, and life is divine power. They have the ability to use and charge blessed weapons and equipment for a long time, and they often wear a full set of blessed weapons and equipment (different blessings due to different priesthoods from gods, different church investments), which is the most impactful and changing war on the battlefield. unit. They are invincible until all their divine power is exhausted.

Blessing Knights: The rarest holy knights are knights who are not blessed by others, but who have the ability to bless others. The magical wide-area blessing ability can use one's own life energy to actively and passively enhance other knights and soldiers in the army. He is the logical leader of an army. At the same time, they also seem to have the ability to command and inspire soldiers spiritually. A blessed knight is an indispensable part of a church crusade.


Church army: This refers only to the army of ordinary soldiers who are not professionals.

Broadly speaking, it includes military organizations such as the Holy War Army directly under the church, the Knights (an elite force whose main force is knight-level warriors), the local parish guard (including general cavalry units), and the church militia.

Holy War Army: A direct armed force generally owned by a church holy place designated by the gods. It is the main force of the church used to fight in the most important wars.

Church Knights: Different from the knights established by nobles, various churches also like to organize elite church knights to establish church knights when their strength allows. Generally, knights will obey the orders of saints and archbishops, and in their Guard and fight under his command. The head of the knights has the same status as the bishop within the church, and the regional bishop has no authority to order the knights to act.

Local Parish Guards: They are organized by ordinary soldiers with military training and are the main force of the local church. Affected by the economy, population, technology, threats, etc. of the local church at the parish level, the strength of the guard forces in different places is not the same. At the same time, local churches with bodyguards can fully perform all the functions and powers of local nobles. Therefore, the aristocratic councils often strongly resist the establishment of their own bodyguards by local churches, and even fight against each other because of this.

Church militia: The most basic temporary local church militia. It is said to be armed, but in fact it is mostly an act of armed self-protection carried out by local believers with the support of the church. Therefore, the strength is limited, and the local nobles and the noble council have a certain tolerance limit. In the case of local security chaos, the noble assembly allowed local believers to establish force for self-protection under the guidance of church priests.


Knight Power:

Knights are a powerful profession unique to humans (unique?). They have mature cultivation and training methods. Once cultivated and trained, ordinary humans will quickly acquire powerful combat capabilities. Can skillfully use its own life energy reserves for combat, protection and movement.

Life energy comes from the body's spontaneous generation. When used, it can greatly enhance the physical activities of the knight. It can also passively strengthen the knight's body to the strongest state allowed by its body function. It can be consumed by eating monsters and Warcraft body tissues. Come for a quick refill.

After the life energy fills the knight's body, after training and mastering, it can attack and defend inside and outside the body. It has strong life exclusivity and is resistant to all natural and supernatural forces without permission (including but not limited to various Divine power, most ordinary and special magic powers, various curses, spiritual influences, life level suppression, etc.).

After a long period of training, knights can be further strengthened. Please see the content of advanced knights below, which will not be described here.

Knights are also the lowest noble class and the natural rulers of low-level human organizational forces. Besides reincarnation, they are a better way to enter the human ruling class. There are an astonishing number of knight lords in various human empires and kingdoms. They are an important social organizational force and an important security force in various places. Indispensable.


The origin of knights:

During the Magic Empire, the seventh Emperor of the Magic Empire, Latias the Surrounded, invented a new human body modification technology. Human beings transformed by its technology can have a special life-controlled energy position.

This revolutionary invention allowed the Magic Empire to quickly master a batch of new war machines, giving it an upper hand in battles with other races. However, its initial technology has slight flaws, and the training and training from ordinary humans to knights will still cause at least half of the personnel losses.

In the later period, the Emperor of the Magic Empire continued to improve this technology, and finally made it completely harmless in the middle period of the Magic Empire, possessing mature transformation technology. As a result, this technology has been continuously transforming the newly born population of the Magic Empire for thousands of years, so that their descendants can naturally master the ability to control the position of stimulating life energy.

The people of the Magic Empire who naturally possess this bloodline have an advantage in survival. Today, the vast majority of human beings have naturally possessed this stable bloodline inheritance. You can easily master and train to become a new knight with the resources provided.


Traditional Knight: A traditional knight is a knight-level warrior who has gone through the standard training methods handed down from the Magic Empire. He has average life energy, average strength growth, and has no special abilities, but he is still a strong and powerful person. Most of the kingdoms, churches, and organizations have mastered this kind of knight training technology.


Army Knights: Army knights specially trained for the needs of large-scale army wars.

They like to wear thick heavy knight armor, which can completely ignore all kinds of blows from ordinary humans. At the same time, thick steel also has good ability to resist magic and supernatural abilities.

Military knights are good at using weapons and equipment of astonishing weight. With the weight of themselves and their modified war horses, their high-speed impact is amazing.

The physical limit of military knights is slightly stronger than that of ordinary knights, and their endurance and endurance are also stronger than other knights.

Legend has it that the nobles control some guard knights who are proficient in raids and assassinations. Although they were born in the military, their further special training has made them known as killing machines among killing machines.


Family Knights: Knights passed down from many knight families through the passage of time.

Generally, family knights are loyal to their family first, because their family has given them everything they have today. Then they became loyal to the nobles of various places as if they were selling their force, becoming the largest number of knights in each place.

Family knights are good at some special skills passed down from ancient times in the family, which gives them a small number of unique combat abilities. A powerful knight family even has dozens of knight-level warriors, while a smaller knight family can only use resources to ensure that the family has at least one knight.

If the family knights are not employed by local nobles, they will travel for a long time, gain fame and strength through taking risks and participating in competitions, and eventually join various organizations or receive land, become a new knight lord of a place, and open up a new chapter for the family. Scattered branches and leaves.

The wandering House Knights are the source of numerous legends everywhere. They are loved and hated by others, and those who love them appreciate the balance-breaking power they bring. Those who hate them cannot bear to see how they have upset the balance of power in a place.

The Knight family also controls real power in many places and has become a political force that cannot be underestimated. They may even marry each other so that the next generation of the family will have stronger abilities and bloodline.


Knight Advancement: The knight's body is full of life energy and generally cannot be strengthened through means. Moreover, the knight's body and life energy will continue to decline after middle age due to aging. Therefore, if given the opportunity, knights will look for and take the initiative to further advance the knight's path.

We provide four knight advancement methods here, but please note that these are not all advancement methods. Some knight families have some special skills that have been passed down, and some of the most powerful knights will find their own path to knighthood.


Magic: Human life energy can be qualitatively fused with the magic power used by magicians. This is an effective fusion change with a very high upper limit.

We often call magic knights who undergo qualitative transformation and fusion as magic knights, because their life energy after undergoing qualitative transformation can be used as the magic power of magicians.

Drive the staff, activate the protective magic talisman, and recharge the magic props throughout the body. Or you can do the opposite and use the magic power in the magic gem to temporarily replenish your own life energy.

Many times, Magic Knights don't even look like normal humans. Many magicians have always believed that the magic knight who underwent a qualitative change in magic power has become a semi-elemental creature. Just like a magician.

Some exceptionally smart magic knights can even master a small amount of apprentice-level magic, which further improves their combat capabilities. If the in-depth study of magic knowledge is carried out, smart magic knights may also be able to master advanced magic. At that time, are they magicians? Or a magic knight?


Divine magic direction: As mentioned above, integrating with the divine power, although it sounds quite worrying, as it feels that the divine knight will be controlled by the ultimate owner of the divine power - the god. But please believe me, gods are not so free, especially the larger churches of gods. Gods are often very busy and do not have the time or thoughts to control and influence a small divine knight.

Of course, for weak gods and some cults with limited church size, the relationship between gods and knights may be different due to the limited power of the church. But this path is also chosen by the knight himself, and he has to complete this knight's path with tears in his eyes, right?


Strengthen life energy direction: This is simply a fundamentalist among knights. These knights stubbornly do not believe that human beings have limits, so they constantly exercise their life energies, compress, control, and integrate them with each other in an attempt to exceed the limits of life energy that the human body can hold.

They were successful, but not that successful.

Simply strengthening one's own life energy is a thankless task. A small number of people have taken this path. Their life energy is like hot lava, rejecting everything except themselves, and they can no longer use various strengthening abilities. It is also unable to accept the enhancement of divine arts and magic, and even the weapons in its hands can only be made of the simplest materials (spiritual weapons cannot be used, as holding them will destroy the spirituality of the weapons).

However, they are therefore immune to all harmful natural and supernatural forces to a certain extent.

This road is too difficult to walk, so some people have come up with quantitative changes in addition to qualitative changes.

They have found storage containers or technologies for their own life energy that can be stored outside the body (including large-capacity storage within the body). This allows them to not only enjoy the enhancement of other supernatural powers, but also to continuously project the life energy they have created, which is full of power.


Elemental direction: This is a rare advanced direction, not because of how difficult it is. Its difficulty is no different from the qualitative transformation of magic and divine power, but the media items required for the qualitative transformation of elements are too scarce. Legend has it that magicians can use a small amount of magic power to make pure elements to individually cultivate this kind of knight.

The elements have always been generous and lonely, and any friend who can communicate with them will receive full support from the elements. Of course, if you treat them better and please them, they will trust you more and give you more power and the possibility to control their activities.

Moving mountains and splitting the earth, overturning rivers and seas, setting off tornadoes, scorching everything, traveling thousands of miles in an instant, can all be done by the elements. Perhaps in the eyes of the elements, the knight who uses the life energy after the qualitative transformation of the elements is one of them?


Magician’s power: Since magicians have not officially appeared in the story yet, the magician section will be briefly explained.

Magicians are human beings who use magic, a power that can be easily controlled and edited, to carry out combat production. Magic can affect and transform into many kinds of analyzed powers under various circumstances. Cold, fire, lightning, vibration, spirit, soul, light, darkness, magnetism, gravity, life, space, etc., can all be affected and transformed by magic.

Magic seems to be very convenient, but the complex changes require magicians to have excellent knowledge and experience. Of course, smart magicians will also use various convenient abilities to transform complex magic into simple transformations. Like automating it without people?

Here is the origin of various magic equipment and props.

At the same time, magic power has good compatibility with souls. Even if some magicians die, their separate souls can control part of the magic power during their lifetime to fight and produce.


Origin of magician: The name magician is a name used by humans for magic users. Of course, other races also have their own special names for magic users.

As early as when humans were still primitive tribes, some rare humans were born with some ability to control elements and magic, which allowed them to easily gain leadership positions in the tribe.

After communication, these early wizards briefly mastered the basic principles of magic, which allowed them to master more abilities, holding lightning, fire, and control of all things.

In the later period, when humans migrated and developed society, powerful wizards with leadership formed large and small research organizations. With the tribes and city-states they led, they further transformed into small kingdoms as the organizations developed.

Foreign pressure from the outside caused various magic organizations to merge into a whole, and the kingdoms and city-states under their control were unified into a magic empire with a political system.

The first generation magic emperor, the ‘happy leader’ Confidius, had special powers of persuasion and incorporated all large and small magic organizations and people under his jurisdiction into the magic empire.

After thousands of years of development, magic has made great progress and has far surpassed the early alien races with similar power. Later, even the orcs, dwarves and other powerful alien races gradually surpassed it.

Unfortunately, with the disintegration and collapse of the Magic Empire, the development of human magic has entered the slow lane. Although the development of magic has slowed down since then, due to the various human kingdoms fighting each other after the disintegration of the Magic Empire, magic for combat has been greatly developed.

After the Central Empire of Endor was established and unified most of the human territory, magic once again had the opportunity to progress.

However, trapped by the constraints brought by the political system, power and enjoyment, the two most outstanding magicians at that time led a large number of magicians in the empire to search for a pure land for unrestricted development of magic from north to south.

Nowadays, the two magic societies, which were established less than four hundred years ago, already possess magic technology that far exceeds ordinary people's imagination. A new round of magic revolution seems to be happening at any time.

Maybe it’s already happening?


Traditional noble magician:

This is the most orthodox magician, magic tower, master-apprentice system, and even in many places, magicians are natural nobles. Even magic apprentices can own a piece of land to obtain funds for research.

Of course, there are also many magicians whose skills are inherited from their families. Such family magicians will only intermarry with the descendants of magicians. Maybe it works. Their descendants really have magical talents beyond ordinary people. However, some people say that this is just due to the family environment, and there is nothing to be proud of. If civilian geniuses can study in that environment, their achievements may be higher?

Traditional magicians cherish their magical knowledge, no, they cherish all the knowledge they and their families possess. Each official magician's magic tower often represents a special school and magic research direction.

They also have special magic exchange meetings. They usually use powerful astrological magicians to calculate planetary orbits to predict where magicians in a region will conduct magic exchanges.

The communication between magicians is not just about talking, they also conduct debates, experiments, trials, battles, transactions, learning, recruiting students, poaching, etc.

Traditional magicians would not sell their magic knowledge to ordinary people. Even magic props and weapons would only be sold to nobles of the same class and status as them.

Although the magicians in the empire are also traditional, because the empire is too vast and the power they can use is too strong, many magicians from civilian backgrounds will join various knights and use the power of the knights to collect resources and exchange them. Knowledge.


Northern Magic Society:

The Northern Magic Society is located in the northeast of the Central Empire of Endor, further northeast through the orc territory, on a cold giant rock. Legend has it that it is the headquarters of the Northern Magic Society. At the same time, the entire New Kingdom, which is developing extremely rapidly, is controlled and protected by the Northern Magic Society.

The Northern Magic Society was established more than three hundred years ago. Although it is a 'new' magician organization, it has far surpassed the traditional imperial magicians in terms of number, strength, and magical knowledge and exploration.

The Northern Magic Society advocates communication, equality, exploration and knowledge. Over the years, it has not only relied on magicians to spare no effort to protect the establishment and development of the kingdoms in the New Kingdom region, but also made extensive use of magical knowledge and abilities to greatly accelerate the development of the New Kingdom region. .

Although the Northern Magic Society was established by rebelling from the Central Empire of Endor, its relationship with the Empire's magician forces is still good, and its relationship with the Southern Magic Society is also very good, and they have always been a partner organization that helps each other.

The Northern Magic Society is not only unparalleled in the development of magic, but it also has good relations with magic organizations of other races. The forest elves also send many exchange personnel to study here, and dwarves are not uncommon. Even the elemental priests of the orcs also go there. Its study.

The Northern Magic Society opens its doors to all intelligent beings who desire magical knowledge.


Southern Magical Society:

The Southern Magic Society is located directly south of the Central Empire of Endor, further south of the island countries that pass through the southern sea. In a year-round storm cyclone, there is the headquarters of the legendary Southern Magic Society. At the same time, the entire area of ​​the island countries that develops rapidly is controlled and ruled by the Southern Magic Society.

The Southern Magic Society was also established more than 300 years ago. It is a magic exchange and learning organization established at the same time as the Northern Magic Society. Although it is a 'newly' established magician organization, it has no advantages in terms of number of people, combat power, or the breadth and depth of magic exploration. , far beyond the traditional magicians of the Empire and traditional magicians of other human countries.

The Southern Magic Society advocates exchanges, enterprising, strength and knowledge. Over the years, it has not only relied on magicians to spare no effort to protect the establishment and development of the kingdoms in the southern island region, but also fought back the empire's tentacles through many wars and returned to the southern part of the continent. A lasting peace brought by the human kingdom along the coast.

The Southern Magic Society was established by rebelling from the Central Empire of Endor. It has a hostile relationship with the imperial magician forces, but it has a very good relationship with the Northern Magic Society. The two have always been partner organizations that help each other.

The Southern Magic Society not only innovates frequently in magic applications, but also has good relations with magic organizations of other races. Sea elves and deep-sea races also send many exchange personnel to study here. Crown mermaids are not uncommon, and even giant dragons Transform into a human and go there to study.

The Southern Magic Society has always been hostile to all organizations and kingdoms that hinder the development and exchange of magic. The Southern Magic Society also guarantees that there will be no conflicts if it does not hinder the development of its magic research and development. We hope that other clans will be cautious.

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