Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 246, Gambling Fighting Arena (3)

Kil was sipping the fragrant wine at the moment, but his eyes were fixed on the metal door hole on the side of the fighting arena below.

A few pairs of yellow eyes that reflected the light outside appeared vaguely from behind the spiked metal fence, but there was only one pair of eyes hanging in the dark doorway that was not illuminated by the light.

Nothing else can be seen.

The host's voice sounded again.

"Let us welcome the alien orcs from the southern border mountains! The long-haired lynxes! These little things with colorful fur are not as harmless as they look. If they hadn't come to our door to participate in the fighting competition, there wouldn't be many of them. How dare a hunter go to the mountains and forests to catch these little things."

Accompanied by the host's voice and the sound of the twisting of metal chains, the iron fence on one side of the fighting arena in the direction where Keir was looking gradually lowered.

Amidst the sound of crunching metal, several sharp shouts rang out from the dark doorway behind: "Hiss, hiss, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The others seemed to be the long-haired lynx orcs they had never seen before, shouting and cheering before going on stage, but Kil was keenly aware that it was just the alien orcs who didn't like the sound of metal friction when the iron fence was lowered. .

Because in this strange hissing cry, there is no feeling of excitement and war, only a feeling of disgust and disgust.

With a hiss, the metal fence lowered to the bottom, and then several long, furry tails were thrown out of the dark doorway and whipped where the metal fence originally stood.

They were several plush tails with complex colors and patterns.

Strong and powerful, but a bit slender.

Kil found it interesting.

"Look out, they're coming out!"

Mr. Scott was quite excited. Apparently the long-haired lynx orcs still gave him a strong sense of novelty, so he opened his eyes wide and looked down in novelty. But Mr. Bontorisa didn't care, and even found it boring. Based on the previous information, he probably had a lot of dealings with this race when he was young.

Mr. Ottos Fetten was also curious about the alien race he had never seen before, and unconsciously leaned out a little. This forced the deputy standing aside to carefully place his hand on Mr. Ottosfitten's chest to prevent him from accidentally falling from the viewing room to the bottom.

Mr. 'Dry Flat Ollier' showed no sign, and just took a sip of the fine wine from the Empire's Palandol Province that he had never tasted before. He has no interest in bloody fighting games, gambling, etc. After all, in his opinion, these are the things that only lowly and rude people like.

A true aristocrat should play music, dance, painting, these elegant arts.

If Knight Kiel hadn't insisted on coming, he wouldn't have come anyway. I came here to accompany some guests, so I just had to come.

At this time, amid the noise of the poor spectators in the surrounding auditorium, the long-haired lynx orc finally carefully walked out of the dark doorway.

This disappointed some people who saw them for the first time, but the gamblers who had seen them last time shouted excitedly and rushed towards the dealer who opened the betting market, taking all the few coins they had left. Come out and bet on the shaggy lynx orc to win the ensuing battle.

Some particularly cunning people also bought long-haired lynx orcs to win, shouting loudly such as "I am optimistic about the Goblin group", which made the middle-aged women who were the dealers look down on them.

It's all just little tricks.

But some people were still fooled, thinking that the ferocious goblin group that often won in the fighting arena had its past record and was unlikely to lose to these 'little ones'.

That's right, the long-haired lynx orcs are actually a group of little ones only one meter tall.

However, they have thick, long hair, and the colors are extremely colorful and complex. If you encounter them in the mountains and forests, they will probably have good natural concealment capabilities. But it's a pity that the fighting arena is only a dozen meters in diameter and more than a hundred square meters in size. There is nothing on the arena and there is no place to hide.

The long-haired lynx orcs are small and somewhat thin, but their fluffy hair makes them look cute.

But cuteness cannot be eaten, especially in this bloody fighting field.

But fortunately, they have a strong tail that is longer than their body. This extra limb may be able to exert some special abilities.

In the VIP viewing room, Mr. Bontorisa took a sip of his drink out of boredom and made a disdainful snort at the poor people below who were clamoring to buy goblins.

"What a bunch of ignorant people."

Mr. Otto Fitten asked curiously: "What do you mean by this?"

Mr. Bontorisa didn't want to repeat some stories from his youth as before, so he simply said: "Didn't the guy who hosted the show say that in the mountains and forests, even hunters don't dare to deal with these things?" Little things. Even though these furry little things look smaller than the monkeys in the forest, they are actually from an alien race."

"With a civilized structure."

"Civilization? These little monkeys with long tails?"

Mr. Ottosfitten still didn't believe it, but Mr. Bontorisa just spread his hands and said: "You will know after a while."

Kil was also aroused to be curious. It obviously looked more like an animal than a civilized long-tailed creature, and it turned out to be a kind of alien race. Compared with them, the goblins looked like civilized people.

After all, goblins can at least wrap their lower bodies with something.

But soon, Kil noticed the difference between these long-haired lynx orcs.

As soon as these furry little things came out, they gathered together to adapt to the bright light of the fighting arena. After their eyes adjusted, they screamed in surprise for a while. Then, before the goblins came on stage, they directly stepped forward with their short legs, leaned forward, and wrapped their long tails around their waists. After the circle, place it straight behind you to maintain balance when running.

Although they have short legs and are small in stature, they run very fast. After they dispersed, in the blink of an eye, they took some broken weapons scattered in the fighting field in their hands and regrouped happily.

Some long-haired lynx orcs who couldn't get anything even took away the larger blood clots on the fighting field and held them in their arms as weapons.

Then an interesting scene appeared. About eight long-haired lynx orcs were neatly divided into a battle formation of four in the front and four in the back. The long-haired lynx orcs holding broken daggers and shattered blades in front were like close combat warriors, fighting alone with their companions. Keep a tail's distance. The long-haired lynx orcs at the back, who seemed to be long-range attackers, were grouped in pairs. One was holding the blood clot he picked up, and the other was lying down, turning his head to look at where the goblins came out on the opposite side, with his tail It seems to be placed lazily on the ground aside.

Kil immediately guessed that the one lying down would probably use his powerful tail to swing it like a stick and hit the soil for long-range attacks.

This is quite interesting, not only are they seemingly smaller than monkeys, but they are officially called aliens, while the taller and more orderly Goblins are called monsters. Moreover, these little things actually have the ability to organize team battles.

And they were shouting and saying something to each other. Although they couldn't understand it, they were obviously communicating. And know how to use weapons.

He looked at Mr. Bontorissa and asked him if he could understand what the furry aliens below were saying.

Mr. Bontorisa rubbed his brows and said helplessly: "Of course I can speak their language, but I haven't used it for a long time. It's also very noisy here. Please forgive me for the inaccurate translation."

When Scott heard that his friend actually knew the language of the long-haired lynx orcs, he immediately shouted excitedly and asked Mr. Bontorissa to teach him this.

Rosa, the steward here, nervously whispered: "My lords, those long-haired lynx orcs actually know some common language of us humans, although they don't know many words."

"Huh? They can talk?"

"Yes, yes, these aliens came to the door on their own and took the initiative to ask the wild boar hunters about where we humans gather and how to make a living in human towns."

Rosa, the pudgy steward, then added: "I heard from them that I even had two jobs before. One time I was helping the bandits detect robberies and transport goods. But then when it came time to divide the loot, the bandits refused to give me any money. These alien races shared the harvest, and they left there.”

Mr. Otto Fitten asked curiously: "What happened next?"

"Later, this group of more than ten long-haired lynx orcs actually found an empty refugee village, where they imitated us human farmers and cultivated the land for half a year. As a result, the rains increased last autumn, and they All the food that was planted was damaged during harvest, and the harvest was not much. There was no way, this group of people who claimed to be warriors among the long-haired lynx orcs found our guys here in Dorne Town, who were arranged by the Chamber of Commerce. Saw it and brought it to the fighting arena.”

"Then do you pay them wages? If so, what will be used to pay them? If it is coins, how much will they be paid?"

asked Mr. Scott, one question after another.

But before Steward Rosa could answer, Mr. Bontorisa snorted and blocked all the questions and replies: "Scott, you have too many questions. If you want to know, let the Chamber of Commerce invest money in the fighting arena." That’s it. And Rosa, don’t be so foolish as to reveal the news. Doing this will only make me think that you can’t be in your current position. Maybe you, who has a loud mouth, are more suitable to take over as the host here? "

“That’s a lot of bullshit in that position in a day anyway.”

Rosa, the steward, was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, then quickly got up, came to Mr. Bontorisa's side, and begged softly.

Scott shrugged, feeling bored, and looked down again.


"Oh, it seems that those fluffy aliens are ready to fight. Then, let us welcome you. The fighting field is the bloodiest. During the battle, both the enemy and ourselves will bleed everywhere, and the limbs will fly around. The monster-named group of ferocious goblins!!!"

"Let's welcome these lowly little monsters! Audience, let's welcome these guys with the filthiest, most obscene terms. Are you ready for an exciting battle?"


The poor audience howled and made various curses and strange screams.

Mr. Scott even started to scream strangely on the fence of the VIP viewing room, and even imitated the goblin's cry, chirping and yelling randomly.

Mr. Ottosfitten looked at his tall and thin businessman companion in surprise as if he was meeting his companion for the first time.

The other two rolled their eyes under their masks.

Kil rubbed the sparse stubble on his chin and squinted at another metal fence gradually falling down on the fighting arena.

A roar came from the dark doorway, accompanied by the sound of a thick wooden stick hitting the metal fence. Before the metal fence was completely lowered, a sturdy goblin with dark green skin crawled out from above. This goblin, about one and a half meters tall, wore a simple bone armor made of string and bones. ', and on the head was a pale skull with a calf's head, and two shiny young horns twisted with the goblin's head, piercing the surroundings indiscriminately.

This goblin seems to be the leader of the so-called 'ferocious goblin group'. Not only is he wearing a suit of homemade bone armor, but he is also holding an original thick wooden stick in his hand. It seems to be quite heavy. Obviously The fighting arena provides good food every day, which makes this goblin quite strong.

Of course, the Goblin group is relatively robust.

All tall human warriors can reach this level, and even the fat thugs in this fighting arena are generally strong.

This guy seems to be a little 'star' in the fighting arena. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he received more than one 'cheers'. It was the curses coming from everyone in the audience.

But the goblin couldn't understand human language, so he only regarded these curses as cheers and praises, and immediately excitedly banged the ground with the thick wooden stick in his hand, shaking the reddish sand on the ground a little.

Afterwards, the eleven remaining members of the goblin group ran out from behind the goblin leader.

"Hey, I've sent out all the goblins you brought here to fight at once. Can those furry little things do it?"

Mr. Scott asked loudly to Rosa, the steward.

After secretly glancing at her superior, Rosa still didn't dare to answer any more questions.

On the contrary, Mr. Bontorissa waved his hand indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter who wins or loses below, it's still a bloody and fierce show. As long as Knight Kiel is satisfied, that's all, right? ?”

Kil smiled and nodded: "Of course, tonight's rare drink is a perfect match for the upcoming battle."

Mr. Bontolisa continued: "As for who will win, why don't we all bet? But we won't bet with coins like the poor people down there. Change it to something else."

Mr. 'Flat Ollier', who had not spoken much, asked cautiously: "How to bet, what to bet on?"

He didn't really think about it, but looking at the interested Scott and Knight Kiel, as well as the old Bontorisa who initiated the proposal, and his subordinate steward Rosa, he and Otto Fitten, it seemed that Just a few.

As if he had guessed Mr. Deripari's hesitation, Mr. Bontorisa smiled gently: "Instead of betting on physical things, well, how about betting on a piece of valuable and true news that everyone knows individually? "

It seems that this so-called valuable real news is a concept that all businessmen are aware of, so as soon as it was brought up, Otto Fiten and Dripari breathed a sigh of relief and agreed to it.

Of course it doesn't matter to Keir or Scott.

So the betting began, and before the fight officially started in the fighting arena, they quickly made their choices.

Mr. Scott had seen how powerful the long-haired lynx orcs were last time, so he directly defeated the alien team to win.

Mr. Otto Fiten felt that the Goblin leader seemed to be completely stronger than the long-haired lynx orc in terms of height, weight, and strength, so he defeated the monster group and won.

Mr. Bontorisa directly chose the long-haired lynx orc, who was closely related to him, and judging from his confident smile, it seemed as if these eight small, furry animals could really win. He chose the alien group. win.

Mr. Dripari, 'Fuck Oriel', based on the cheers and curses of the audience below, chose the goblins who seemed to be more popular, that is, the monster group won.

Kil, he couldn't judge the combat effectiveness of the long-haired lynx orcs. It seemed that they had great fighting cooperation and understanding, and in the words of the short and fat steward Rosa, these aliens claimed to be warriors within the tribe.

But this seems like a traditional trick of businessmen, which is not credible.

As for the goblins, not only did they have four more people, they also had a numerical advantage. Moreover, every goblin holds a thigh bone club or a wooden stick in his hand, and his weapons and equipment are much better than those of the aliens who temporarily pick up scattered broken dagger blades in the field.

Moreover, the goblins didn't know if they were eating too well in the fighting arena, but at least each one of them was stronger than the goblins that Kil had dealt with in Kendall County before.

Not to mention the 'armed' goblin as the leader. Although it can't be compared with the goblin who is the leader in a real goblin settlement, it doesn't feel much different, right?

After hesitating for a while, Kil finally made his choice: "I choose the monster group and bet on the goblins to win. No matter how you look at it, they have a greater chance of winning."

Kiel's choice was beyond the expectations of everyone present. Mr. Ottos Fetten and Mr. "Dry Oriel" were naturally happy, while Mr. Scott and Mr. Bontorisa were quite surprised.

Scott came over and bumped Kil quietly with his elbow: "Hey, you made a mistake. Those little things are really powerful and will definitely surprise you for a whole year. Oh, maybe a quarter is more appropriate? "

Mr. Bontorissa stroked his gray beard with his hand and glanced at Knight Kiel quietly, but there was some contempt in it.

He muttered in a low voice: "It seems that his eyesight is not very good. It is not known how strong the force is, but no matter how you think about it, it is not much higher. The level of the knights in the north is not very good either, they are just some He’s just a tough-looking guy.”

At this time, it seems to be just right, or it may be that everyone waiting in the VIP room has made their bets. The host announced excitedly: "So, everyone who has been waiting for a long time, the brutal competition will begin now!"

I saw a tall, fat thug striding to the edge of the auditorium carrying a bucket of smelly animal plasma. He did the same thing countless times and scattered the animal plasma in the barrel into the field.

The stinking animal plasma splashed onto the already reddish sand, and many of them deliberately splashed onto the group of twelve goblins.

As a result, these already ferocious monsters roared in unison, opened their mouths full of jagged white teeth, howled ferociously, and rushed forward together.

Kil chuckled: "It turns out that this is where the smell of blood that I smelled in the banquet hall came from."

Mr. Scott laughed: "Of course, what do you think?"

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