Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 251, 4 types of horse armor designs by craftsmen of the ‘Burn Furnace’ Chamber of Commerce

Bloody Fangster slowly told the news he had learned.

"First of all, several news I heard stated that all the villages and towns near the city of Belis France were in rebellion. But it was not a rebellion by the kingdom or the local nobles, but the current actual managers of the city of Belis France. opposite."

Keir frowned.

"The news is very confusing. It is similar to the news we heard from the rescued merchants before. Some said that Viscount Borisfar, who led the troops to the provincial capital, died in a duel. Others said that he died in other places. During the political attack by the nobles, he might have been deprived of his noble title by the noble council and imprisoned. Instead, he wanted to pass the title of Boris France to the current manager."

"I don't know if it's true or not, but the Viscount didn't hear about the chaos in the city of Belis and brought troops back to see it. I guess the situation is not good."

Kil nodded and said: "Tell me about the specific situation of the city of Belisfa."

"Oh, there are many theories, from thousands of people surrounding the city to tens of thousands of people surrounding the city and a fierce battle with the city guard soldiers. But at least the city was surrounded by rebellious farmers. , I think it’s true. A businessman who risked his life to escape from there claimed that the farmers there were instigated and led by the local Saturnalia Church to resist to the death the taxes that were accumulated on the farmers. According to the businessman, Bo The tax collector at Lisfa did, before the rebellion, try to impose three times the amount of agricultural taxes he had spent the previous year.”

Keir narrowed his eyes and played with the leather harness that was not attached to the horse that was pulling the carriage at this time: "Trying to collect? That means the collection has not started? And triple the tax, the temporary city manager is crazy Is it there? Not to mention that there was a lot of rain last autumn and the harvests were poor everywhere, and it is spring now, right? What taxes are collected in the spring? What do they charge the farmers in the village to eat for the next half of the year? Eat wild vegetables Will the fruit survive until this fall?”

For a moment, Keir didn't know what to say or how outrageous this thing was.

"It's too outrageous. Well, in my personal judgment, this matter is 80% false. No one with no management experience would issue such an outrageous decree. Unless that person insists on making things bad."

Bloody Fangster nodded: "That's what I said anyway, it's up to you to believe it or not."

Keir then asked: "So have you heard the details about the local Saturnalia Church? Something specific."

"I heard a piece of news from a drunken priest of the Church of the God of Brewing. Although I heard it from a drunk person, the other person is a priest of the church, so I think it is still reliable."

Keir stretched out his hand to signal him.

"The priest of the God of Brewing said that the other churches in the city of Belisfa had long been forced by the city administrator to join forces to surround and isolate the Church of Saturn in the city, and did not let the priests of the Church of Saturn in the city They rushed outside the city and joined forces with the rebel farmers outside the city. However, the people surrounding the city did not contribute much, so the siege and isolation has been going on for a long time."

"Is there any information on the specific time of the incident?"

Bloodfangster mentioned a date, which was the day when other churches in the city of Boris were surrounded by orders from the city administrator.

Counting the days, it was even a few days before Changmai Village, where Priest Batal was located, was attacked by the defeated army. There is a certain distance between the two places, so things happen one after another, but there is not necessarily any connection. However, the God of Agriculture did not let Priest Batar borrow power from the largest church of the God of Agriculture nearby to save people in time. Obviously, the God of Agriculture knew what happened in the city of Belis.

That priest would rather let Priest Batar go north and then venture westward to a neighboring province, go to the Diocese of Montoka to ask for help and wait for Kiel, instead of going to the nearby city of Belisfa. Obviously he didn't want the priest to get involved, and the situation there was probably Not safe.

There must be reasons that are not apparent in seeking the far away.

Kil thought for a while and saw from a distance that Priest Batal had finished his morning prayers with his believers and was about to enter the camp of the injured people to treat their injuries.

So Kil shouted twice to attract the priest's attention and called him over.

As soon as Priest Batar came over, Kil asked Bloodfangster to repeat the information he had learned.

This news obviously made the young priest who was calm and calm just a moment ago panic: "Rebellion? Impossible! It is impossible for teachers and adults to support farmers in such a rebellion!"

"They obviously have so many other means to restrain the local nobles. There is no need to use rebellion to surround the city to solve the problem. This is not to use oil to put out fires. Only fools would choose to do this."

Kil and Bloodfangster nodded, agreeing with this judgment. Making a fuss about this may not seem very ordinary, but it will turn some things that were originally solved at a small cost into uncontrollable and extremely costly events.

"But some businessmen who escaped from the local area claimed that it was indeed the Saturnine priests who led the farmers to launch the rebellion. Although the businessmen never had good things to say about the farmers, there is no need for them to lie about this matter. It has nothing to do with interests, right? .”

Hearing Kil's words, Priest Batal looked embarrassed, and the conflicting emotions showed on his face from the bottom of his heart, making his face very ugly.

Seeing that the priest was about to speak, Kil grabbed his arm, interrupted him, and said first: "I know what you are going to say, but don't worry. The town of Dorne is about ten days away from the peaceful road. You can’t do anything in a hurry now, right?”

The priest sat down on the ground, clenched his fist and hit the ground hard to vent his anxiety. The surface of his shoulder armor flashed with rippled light, but he was not injured.

Kiel jumped out of the driver's seat, squatted in front of the priest and said: "Since there is nothing we can do, how about we do the mission we are shouldering now? This is what you just said, after all, this is the mission given to you by the God of Agriculture himself. , you need to concentrate on completing it.”

The priest pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Seeing his appearance, Kil shrugged: "You're still anxious, aren't you? How about you try to contact the great God of Agriculture? After all, he didn't let you get involved in the city of Boris France in the first place. Instead, I guided you to avoid there and go to the Montauca City Diocese to find me instead."

This sentence seemed to be useful. After hearing this, Priest Batal closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. A long amber metal staff was placed across his thigh. The protective statue was placed respectfully on the ground in front of him. , the whole person was muttering something, not knowing what he was muttering in a low voice.

"How's it going? Can you call me back?"

Faced with Kil's words, Priest Batal replied angrily: "Try to contact the gods, don't make trouble."

So Kiel and the others shrugged and walked aside.


"You stay here in the open space today, keep an eye on him, and don't let the priest do anything wrong."

Kil explained: "I'm going to the town to deal with some other matters. By the way, do you know about the underground black market in Dorne?"

"Underground black market? I've heard of it, but I don't know where it is. It seems that only local people with connections can find it. I'm a caravan guard from out of town, and if I want to inquire, they won't take me in."

Bloody Fangster said so.

"That's right. Mr. Stoll-Scott, a businessman from the Chamber of Commerce that I met yesterday, is the key senior manager of the Burning Furnace Chamber of Commerce here. He said that he would take me over today to buy some cheap and unknown goods. thing."

"As long as you're not afraid of trouble, it's up to you."

"One more thing. I sold the bandits we captured who signed the debt contract to local businessmen. The other party will send people over after a while. You entertain them and let them price each bandit. Sell them all. Exchange money.”

"Okay, but your absence won't affect things?"

"The other party won't come in person, so it's just right for you to come. If you ask me, just answer truthfully."

"Okay, leave it to me. I've long been tired of seeing those annoying guys. It would be best to sell them in exchange for some resources."

Bloody Fangster finally said.

So Kil gave his companion some coins and asked him to temporarily manage the team. The Starry Tent Grocery Store sent a new camp tent today, and he settled some of the remaining money according to the amount. Afterwards, he ate something, fed and washed the blood-licking grass himself, then rode out of the clearing and walked towards the town of Dorne.

He was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but he had removed some of the decorative accessories he wore for the banquet.

Outside the gate of the open space, several security guards sent by Mr. 'Dry Ollier' were still here to 'assist' in guarding the gate of the open space. These people built a campfire in the small open space between the gate and the road, and also set up a triangular tent that they could take turns to rest in.

Seeing Knight Kiel coming out, these security guards stood up and performed a courtesy.

Of course, Keir returned the courtesy.

Walking through the rancid streets in the slums of the town again, Lickers was particularly dissatisfied, and the big horse's head twisted to express dissatisfaction.

"Okay, let's find someone to clean your hooves later. Is that okay?"

After some comfort, the tall horse walked honestly.

Walking from the outer circle of the town toward the center of the town, Keir easily found the tall building of the Burning Furnace Chamber of Commerce next to the central square of the town.

Contrary to expectations, the building of the Burning Furnace Merchant Guild in Dorne Town, which is engaged in metal forging business, is carved out of gray rock into rounded corners, not with cold straight lines and angles, but with more non-offensive edges. Sexual and artistic curved edges replace architectural edges.

A sign made of pure metal hangs out from one side of the gate, and the building is also decorated with a tapestry of the Burning Furnace Chamber of Commerce. The expensive tapestry shows financial resources and status, revealing the momentum and strength of one of the Dorne Town Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as Kil arrived at the door of the Chamber of Commerce, a young man from the Chamber of Commerce who had been waiting at the gate for a long time took the initiative to come over and salute: "Is this Sir Joe Kil? I was arranged by Steward Scott to receive you."

"It's me. I have an appointment that involves my horse. Where is it going?"

Kil asked as he patted the horse's head.

"Mr. Steward said, please follow me around from the side door to the side courtyard of the Chamber of Commerce. Craftsmen and apprentices who can handle horse armor are already being summoned there."

"Okay, lead the way. Where are Scott and the others?"

Keir jumped off his horse and followed the man on foot from the guarded side door of the Chamber of Commerce into the interior of the Burning Furnace Chamber of Commerce building complex.

When it comes to a building complex, it's naturally not just the three-story stone building along the street. Going inside, there are several other wooden and masonry buildings. The scattered buildings separate several internal open spaces surrounded by the buildings belonging to the chamber of commerce.

Obviously, what he is going to now is a place called the side court.

Said to be a side courtyard, this is more like a place where the horses and carriages inside the Chamber of Commerce are placed.

The most conspicuous thing is a two-story wooden stable. The horses go up and down the second floor through a gentle side slope, so the originally larger stable can accommodate twice as many horses and other livestock.

Next to the stables on the second floor, there are two buildings that are closely connected. One is filled with soot and the sound of forging is heard constantly. It looks like a blacksmith shop. In fact, when you walk in, you will find that the craftsmen and apprentices are busy inside. It is solely responsible for making and repairing metal parts on horseshoes and horse equipment.

Next to the small blacksmith shop, there is a carpentry workshop that makes the sound of sawing wood back and forth. However, not only are pallets that can be used on horseback made here, there is also an unfinished heavy-duty four-wheeled truck. .

Or, instead of making, repairing the broken ones?

Others are connected to the warehouse containing fodder and the downward sloping passage leading to the large underground warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce.

and wooden houses for people to live in.

As soon as Keir came in, several craftsmen and apprentices who had been waiting on the chairs at the door of the blacksmith shop and carpentry room stood up and shouted one after another: "It's finally here. There are so many things, why does Scott still need to be in charge?" Why waste half the morning by calling us here?”

"Don't ask, people are here. Hmm, someone's child probably got a good horse and is using it for us."

Keir curled his lips secretly.

Fortunately, the guy from the Burning Furnace Chamber of Commerce who guided him was very good at handling matters. He immediately announced Kiel's identity when he came up. After hearing that the young and exaggerated Kil was actually a knight, these craftsmen and apprentices who were still complaining became honest.

"Hello, Lord Knight, I wish you good morning."

Here comes the compliment.

Keir waved his hands: "Don't say too much compliments, I guess you feel awkward too." He clapped his hands: "Then let's get started, everyone? Although it is a matter of courtesy to Mr. Scott, my war horse is indeed We need a suitable battlefield protection as soon as possible. Whoever performs well in the process, I will reward him."

Keir knew that he wanted people to show their energy and not to deal with the empty stuff. He was not a noble lord who could promise a position of power. If you want to make people willing to work hard, giving money is the simplest and most effective way.

As long as you don't feel bad about the money.

As a result, these apprentice craftsmen who had made horse armor before immediately put smiles on their faces, and they were sincere smiles.

Sure enough, gold is a good medicine that can cure many problems including facial paralysis and depression.

These people immediately swarmed over and gathered around the nervous Blood Licking Grass. They all used their own skills. The wooden ruler and the tape measure made of long leather belts were all put into battle. The original saddle and other things on Blood Licking Grass were also removed. Removed.

The craftsmen were all busy at work, and none of the apprentices nearby could get involved. If they dared to get close, the craftsmen would slap the apprentices hard on their heads and drive them away.

The craftsmen also muttered to themselves while working, unwilling to let other craftsmen and apprentices hear their secrets. They each recorded various data about the horses on a small piece of old sheepskin they carried.

Keir stood aside with his hands on his hips. Seeing that the apprentices wanted to help, but couldn't get in, and several male and female apprentices were running around anxiously, he smiled and said: "When we came here, the horse's hooves trampled on the streets of the slums. Who is willing to clean up the smelly mud? The reward is not much, just a copper coin."

Although it is only a copper coin, there are still people who are willing to do it. After all, it is just cleaning the horses' hooves, a small thing. Apprentices started out cleaning stables and cleaning horses.

This kind of thing is the easiest for them.

There is no pay for working under craftsmen. After all, anyone can do the most humble job. Most of the apprentices can only start to formally learn skills from the craftsmen after they have stayed with the craftsmen for one year or more.

Only with technology can you formally participate in manufacturing and production in the workshop and earn wages. Before that, the new apprentices could only stand aside and watch, unable to even move a hand.

If you dare to move, not to mention the craftsman himself, the apprentice who comes early will often punish and beat the young apprentice who breaks the rules.

But now, the apprentices who can come are basically those who are about to graduate under the hands of several craftsmen present. Some craftsmen are older and lack physical strength, so the apprentices can still help.

Kil watched them busy. After the craftsmen measured the various data of the blood-licking grass, they began to design their own horse armors. Basically, everyone came up with their own unique skills.

Of course, we also have to take into account the strong ability of this young prairie horse. Some heavy protective gear specially designed for real knights' war horses is obviously not used.

However, the style of horse protective gear in the southern provinces is inconsistent with that in the north, not to mention that they are just ordinary chamber of commerce craftsmen and are not familiar with the specifications and methods of making protective gear for knights and horses in the army.

So after a while, when the four craftsmen submitted their respective designs to Kiel, he was still a little surprised by these horse protective gear styles that were different from those that Kiel was familiar with.

Two older craftsmen designed leather armor for horses. However, one person suggested using thick hard cowhide armor for the entire horse, which is similar to the kind of hard cowhide armor that Kiel wore before. Covering the entire horse, the thick enough cowhide armor can protect the bow and arrow well. It does not mean that the bow and arrow cannot shoot through the thick hard cowhide armor, but that the bows and arrows of most soldiers cannot penetrate this protection. First.

If the shot cannot penetrate, of course there will be no harm. This set is designed to focus on protecting against arrows. However, the protection effect against melee lance thrusts and spear impacts is average. It's not that it can't be used, but it can only provide a strong protective effect.

Another older craftsman recommended adding special metal protective gear to the ordinary-thickness leather armor, so that the total weight would be lighter and ensure the horse's running speed and long-distance running distance. In addition, in the main attack area on the front of the horse, additional metal horse armor protection is added. In the side areas that are not easily attacked, a multi-layer protective cloth developed by him is used as additional protection on the leather armor.

This craftsman's multi-layer protective cloth is not only waterproof, but also resistant to hacking and stabbing by ordinary soldiers, but it has no protective effect against blunt force blows. The craftsman's explanation for this was that knights and war horses generally need to move and fight, rather than being used as a fortress on the battlefield, waiting for the enemy to attack.

Kil felt that what the other party said made sense. This person was obviously more inclined to the mobility and aggression of war horses. The overall design is much lighter than the former.

The other two craftsmen, who were younger and actually middle-aged, recommended metal horse armor. However, their design here is still different. One craftsman's design plan is to add an additional metal armor piece to a basic leather horse armor to completely wrap the horse. The advantage is that damaged metal armor plates can be replaced, and the armor plates are attached to the leather armor in series, which will not affect the movement of the horse.

The last middle-aged craftsman's plan focused more on protection. Several large pieces of metal armor were used on the horse's head and neck connected with locks. Large pieces of armor were also used on key parts of the body to protect other parts. It is roughly similar to the former, except that the metal armor plates have been replaced with large horse armor plates that are as big as the palm of your hand.

Facing four different design options, Kiel hesitated.

By chance, Mr. Scott walked out of the rock building of the Chamber of Commerce in front. He shouted when he was far away: "Knight Kiel, haha, how about it? Are you satisfied with the skills of the outstanding craftsmen of our Chamber of Commerce?"

Keir smiled awkwardly: "I'm so satisfied that I don't know which one to choose."

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