Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 79, Chamber of Commerce - 3rd Slime Hunt Battle

Zhao Ji heard the surprise of the old fox tail, but didn't understand what was so strange about it.

Seeing Keir's doubts, the old fox tail thought about it, and explained to Zhao Ji what caused his surprise: "Pastor Bai Phyllis, that's the one you mentioned standing on the wooden platform, he It's the leader of the Saturnalia Church in Kendall. I was surprised by his final result, um, um, listen carefully, don't forget to spread the word, although some people will understand, but no one will understand what I said next Gossip, don’t tell anyone else.”

Zhao Ji nodded and put his hand over his mouth, indicating that he would definitely not spread nonsense.

The old foxtail raised his eyebrows: "That old dog, Byferris, if you only look at the front of the entire blessing event, no one can predict his plan. But if I see the final result, I can judge one thing Reverend Byferris made a deal with his Saturn!"

trade? Zhao Ji was a little puzzled. It was just a deal. Is there any problem with making a deal with the gods you believe in?

Seeing Zhao Ji's doubts, the old Foxtail President continued: "Keir, you are not a believer, you have never believed in any god, and you are not a priest of any god. You don't understand what this means."

"What does this mean? Betrayal?" Zhao Ji tried to guess.

"Betrayal? Maybe. It can't be called a betrayal. Was Priest Byferris unscathed when you left?" Old Foxtail asked a detail.

"Yes, his body has been emitting a blue light. I stood behind him, and I can see it clearly. It is stronger than before the activity." Zhao Ji replied.

"Hmph, that's part of the deal. He made a deal with the God of Saturn. He gave the God of Saturn a chance to make a big publicity, and guaranteed to make it a success. The price is that the power projected by the God of Saturn is being completed. After the miracle part, the rest was supposed to be evenly distributed to all the Saturnalia priests who were present at the time. In the end, he asked him to distribute all of them to himself."

"One person monopolizes all the power? This old man's appetite is really too great, and the God of Saturn would agree? Will other people eat him if they know?" Zhao Ji complained.

The old Foxtail President closed the box of the sixth-class security badge in front of him, touched his beard again with a smile and said: "For the gods, Byferris has accomplished something that his previous priests could not accomplish. The reward It's too late, why can't you meet such a small request? Is there any difference between giving the power to all the local priests, giving it to a group of mediocre people, and giving it to a capable person? "

Zhao Ji followed the words of the old Foxtail President: "But if this person can do such a thing, will he really be satisfied with this? This Priest Byferris, today can complete all the powers bestowed by the gods in order to monopolize it. What is satisfactory to the gods, won't you be able to do other things tomorrow in order to get more power?"

The old Foxtail President paused to touch his beard, then said with a smile: "Hehe, young man. Don't underestimate the gods!" After finishing speaking, he continued: "People like Priest Byferris know he can do it." What and what not to do, the world is full of deals and compromises, this blurring of boundaries between everything and everything else."

Zhao Jifei wanted to give him a nod: "Then you were so surprised by what Priest Byferris did. Didn't you also expect this kind of thing? It seems that you didn't think that there should be no relationship between priests and gods. This kind of blurred boundary you mentioned, what kind of deal and compromise." After finishing speaking, Zhao Ji blinked at the old fox-tailed president, and pointed to the emblem of the unknown god covered by his chest clothes .

"I didn't see Baiferis clearly! You won't be able to understand the greatness and power of the gods. The old dog of Baiferis was just relying on the situation at that time. After all, even though he was still from Kendall City The head pastor, but the next head pastor will definitely not have him,

He has lost the trust of the gods. You have to know that what a mortal can do in a lifetime is too limited. Compared with the gods, they are but a cup of water in the lake, and a leaf in the forest. "The old president of Foxtail said slowly.

He continued: "He stopped there after that."

Seeing that they had finished talking, Zhao Ji proposed to store the sixth-class security badge with President Foxtail temporarily, and then store it with Jamura after Jamura came back.

"You trust Jamura very much, Keir. Jamula rescued you, it was the best trader he did in his life." President Foxtail put the exquisite box containing the sixth-class security badge In a cabinet behind him, he locked it and threw the key to Zhao Ji.

"Come on, you hold the key, wait until James comes back in two days, you give him the key, and I will give him the things."

Zhao Ji nodded and walked out of the chairman's office. Before leaving, Zhao Ji turned around and asked the old President Huwei a question: "After this incident, what will other churches do? The Saturnalia Church has become so big."

After hearing Zhao Ji's question, the old Foxtail President laughed disdainfully: "You have never seen Kendall City in spring with your own eyes, and you will know when the time comes. Although what happened today is something that everyone did not expect, But it’s just a small thing.”

"Nothing big will happen, don't worry, just go hunting slime monsters these days." The old foxtail president stroked his beard and said with a smile.


Zhao Ji went to the leather shop to get a wheelbarrow, a hemp bag, an ax and other things. Sure enough, all the people I met along the way were talking about the big scene created by the Saturn Church's blessing activity at the wild grape market in the afternoon. Everyone in the leather shop was also talking about this matter, and the Punika craftsman was still well informed. As soon as he saw Zhao Ji, he congratulated him for getting the sixth-class security badge awarded by the Saturnalia Church.

Zhao Ji smiled modestly, and didn't talk too much about it. After all, it was just a trick of the Saturnalia Church, and he just got a benefit by going along with the flow.

When he really wiped out all the slime monsters in the swamp, then Zhao Ji could pat his chest and say that Kiel himself got the reward based on his strength.

When walking towards the city gate, Zhao Ji bought a large piece of pan-fried chicken breast in the table corner tavern, which was ready to eat. He intends to keep it for supper in the evening. Everyone in the tavern was also talking about the Saturnalia Church. It seems that this matter should be the most important news in Kendall City until the Harvest Festival.

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