The prince returned to the side of the attendant, and the two walked towards the front of the stage, symbolizing that the two were talking and avoiding other people at this time.

The prince said: "The robber said that when the winter solstice comes, there will be a heavy snowstorm here. It will be like this every year, and people who go out will not return."

The attendant said: "Today is the winter solstice. It seems that we are in danger. We need to unite everyone and fight against this fate together."

The prince said: "The old man in the caravan once said that he passed by this place every year. He has never seen the old castle, and he has never been fascinated by demons or monsters."

The attendant said: "The ground and the wall are all true. It seems that there may be a real demon treasure. Now I have looked all over the team, and only the peasant girl is suspicious. I said before that the adventurer, hold up an object to subdue her. Please the prince to go and get it." , and the truth will be revealed later.”

The prince came to the adventurer and said to the adventurer: "The soldier once said that you can subdue her with an object. Please don't hide this object, and I will kill her immediately."

The adventurer said: "It's not because of my selfishness, but because this thing is a talisman. The blessings of the gods are powerful, but now there is no god at all."

The adventurer took out a talisman. In order to let the audience see clearly, this talisman prop was deliberately made larger.

The prince took the amulet, looked at it, and said: "Now dozens of people in the castle are under the command of my lord. I don't need to be afraid of many people, and it takes effort to exorcise the demon later."

The adventurer nodded. The prince returned to the page.

The prince said: "It is useless to take the amulet, because it has no divine power. We will use swords and soldiers to bring down the real demon of the peasant girl."

The attendant said: "The identity of the prince needs to be hidden. I will surrender the witch. Although the amulet is not effective, it may be a little stronger if you carry it with you. You wait here for a while, and I will direct everyone to be busy. The Northridge soldiers form a team on the left, and the alien mercenaries on the right." The side is strong. The bandit is a squadron, and the caravan is accompanied by guards. The adventurer comes to the guerrilla, and the whole force forces the witch to die."

The servants organize the team, the soldiers are on the left, the mercenaries are on the right, the robbers are in the middle, the caravan guards are beside the servants, the prince and the rest of the caravan are at the gate of the castle, and the adventurers are behind the team.

Everyone forced them to the farmer's family.

The peasant girl knelt on the ground tremblingly and said: "Earlier, you talked a lot, and what you said was to avoid my house. Now the swordsmen and soldiers are attacking me, as if we are like monsters. It is said that the nobles have good eyesight, but today they seem to have no eyes. Anyway Life in exile is bitter, and death today is considered a blessing. Fathers and mothers, don’t be afraid, the life of the peasant family will come to an end. Today, the family will go to die together, and the next day will be gathered in the home of the God of Saturn.”

The peasant family hugged each other and were swarmed and killed by the robbers who first came into contact with them.

Seeing the farmer's family being killed, the prince felt relieved and came to the stage to distance himself from the others. This means that what he said at this time is what he thinks in his heart. The prince said: "I was killed without resistance. Could it be that I blamed her wrongly. The clues and people say the same, why is my heart panic?"

At this time, the attendant stood in the crowd and said loudly: "Every year on the winter solstice here, people who go out do not return. The fort is not seen in the business, and it only appears when the snow comes. Today, we will be eloquent and eloquent, and we will clear the world of the witch. The tip of the tongue, tempting people to come here to do evil. Today, his body is being attacked by evil, and we can live in it."

The soldiers raised their guns and shouted victory, the foreign mercenaries scratched their heads in doubt, the robbers searched the luggage of the farmers' families, and the caravans sang and danced.

The adventurer walked to the stage alone, saying that the next words were what he thought in his heart. He said with a smile: "People in Beiling are stupid and stupid, and they can be moved forward with sweet words. All means of kidnapping and kidnapping are exhausted, and years of sacrifices are finally over." Just wait until you donate the blood of the nobles, and the evil spirit will descend into the world."

"Prince Exorcism" first act - end.


The audience applauded, and Zhao Ji followed suit.

The story is quite interesting, especially when I hear that this story is adapted from a real story, it is even more interesting. It seems that the people of this country still like to watch the embarrassing stories of the United Kingdom of Ayman in the north.

It's getting late, the actors and the backstage props have been busy all afternoon, and they have already started to pack up and disperse. Zhao Ji also returned to the armor workshop in the artisan area, where he got the wooden helmet transformed by the apprentice Ganna.

At this point the helmet is quite different from its other helmet mates.

The top of the helmet is inlaid with multiple pieces of crocodile leather armor, and a wooden faceplate reinforced with metal is added on the front. There is also a full circle of crocodile skin neck armor under the helmet.

The parts of the entire helmet that were not covered by the crocodile leather armor were painted by the apprentice Ganner with the same brown-blue paint as the crocodile leather armor. Although his painting technique is not good, it also makes the whole helmet feel very good. Zhao Ji felt like it was a camouflage pattern from the previous life. The overall feeling is good, he likes it very much. The apprentice Ganner told him that the paint would have to wait for half a day to dry, and it should be placed in a ventilated place. Zhao Ji nodded to understand that he will only use this helmet tomorrow afternoon.

After thanking his apprentice Ganna, Zhao Ji returned to the Foxtail Chamber of Commerce.

Zhao Ji, who returned to the Chamber of Commerce for dinner, was thinking about the local drama he watched in the afternoon. He will not be able to see the next scene of this story tomorrow. He will be very busy tomorrow, training martial arts in the morning and catching slime monsters in the afternoon. It seems that we have to wait until the Harvest Festival and the official performance at the festival to read this story.

In the evening, Zhao Ji went to bed early, instead of going downstairs, he played cards with other fellows of the chamber of commerce in the restaurant to gather energy for the next day's action.


Early the next morning, Zhao Ji woke up before the cock crowed.

Today is the first time of martial arts training, he has to get ready early.

Yesterday, he had already obtained the consent of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce to borrow a small space in the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce in the morning.

After getting up and cleaning up, Zhao Ji came to the restaurant early. Although it was just dawn at this time, Chef Whitier and his wife had already prepared a whole pot of breakfast.

It's still the same old vegetable soup, but the difference is that the vegetables in the soup will change every day. It depends on what cheap and good vegetables the chef can buy in the market the day before.

Zhao Ji made a bowl of rice and a sheet of dry noodles. He stirred the thick soup with a wooden spoon to see what vegetables would be in today's thick soup.

Peas, soybeans, potatoes, carrots, and wild vegetables with weird tastes.

It's not like that, there's not even a little shredded meat in it. But today's dry noodle cake is okay, it should be flour made from the wheat just harvested this year. But without any fermentation, the whole noodle cake is dry and dry, so it can only be eaten in thick soup.

If it is really dry chewing noodles, it can destroy people's teeth.

After eating, Zhao Ji moved all the training equipment received yesterday from the concierge of the chamber of commerce to the backyard of the chamber of commerce. Then he sat at the door of the chamber of commerce, waiting for the guards to come.

It wasn't until the dawn of the morning that the guard Nikton rushed over.

The guard did not wear the full set of guard armor today, nor did he have a sword on his waist, but only a dagger.

After seeing Zhao Ji, he told Zhao Ji with an apologetic face. This morning his wife thought that he ran out of the house so early on the holiday because he thought he had a lover outside, and the two had a quarrel at home. Finally, after he explained the situation in detail, he was let out.

Zhao Ji patted the married man on the shoulder with sympathy. How pathetic. It's better to be single, Zhao Ji thought, the family responsibilities after marriage are too troublesome.

The two came to an open space in the backyard of the chamber of commerce. It is a distance away from the livestock pen of the Chamber of Commerce, so that the donkeys in the livestock pen will not be disturbed to eat and live.

Zhao Ji and guard Nickton placed the wooden dummies against the wall and put on training wooden helmets. Because the guard Nickton is a good sword and shield master, the two agreed to train sword and shield martial arts today.

Nickton first made a standard move with a sword and shield, with one foot in front and the other behind, with the wooden shield in his left hand held upright in front of his chest, and the wooden sword in his right hand resting on his shoulder.

After finishing the raising gesture, Nickton motioned Zhao Ji to imitate it too.

Zhao Ji imitated the sword-and-shield gesture of guard Nekton decently, and then listened to him explain the details of this posture.

Nikton straightened his shield and took two steps forward, rushing towards the dummy in front of him. After approaching the dummy, the wooden sword in his right hand was swung straight down, and the wooden sword hit the dummy's head heavily. After the attack, then back straight away, keeping a distance from the dummy.

After demonstrating a whole set of starting moves, guard Nickton explained to Zhao Ji in detail why he wanted to attack like this.

The main reason is that the guards all wear armor in combat. When the armor is on the body and the shield is in hand, as the attacker, don't be afraid of the enemy's attack, but actively attack the opponent. Because in a battle, the side that attacks first is more advantageous. Whoever makes the first move will have more chances of winning. So when wearing armor and a shield, you must take the initiative to attack. Let the enemy have no more time to think of ways to find the flaws in the armor and posture, and can only directly attack passively.

When attacking, attack the enemy's head first, and do not attack shields and weapons. Hitting the opponent's shield with the sword in your hand will only scratch the enemy's boots, and when hitting the enemy's weapon, the enemy may push your weapon away. Hit the enemy's head directly, even if the enemy wears a helmet, he will be dizzy from the hit, creating an offensive advantage in the next stage. If the enemy is not wearing a helmet, you can kill the enemy directly by cutting the enemy's head.

The guard Nickton asked Zhao Ji to repeat his actions. Zhao Ji then repeated what Nickton did just now. Because the movement is very simple, Zhao Ji did it without any difficulty.

Next, Nickon taught Zhao Ji how to deal with the kind of sword and shield attack he just had.

Zhao Ji and Nickton faced each other, Zhao Ji attacked, and attacked according to the starting move that he had just learned. And the guard Nickton is defending by dismantling moves.

Zhao Ji thrust forward with his shield upright, the wooden sword in his right hand resting on his shoulder, ready to strike at a suitable distance at any time.

Guard Nickton's response was beyond Zhao Ji's expectations. He did not stay in place to defend, but advanced forward with his shield in the same way.

As a result, the two directly slammed the wooden shield together. Taking advantage of Zhao Ji's lack of reaction, Nickton pressed the wooden sword directly on Zhao Ji's wooden sword, making Zhao Ji unable to draw the sword.

The guard Nickton said in his mouth: "Separate first", and the two stood apart.

Nickton told Zhao Ji in detail what he had done just now.

In battle, there are various possible situations in the front, back, left, and right directions at any time. Among them, the defenders cannot retreat behind them. Once they retreat, the entire front will retreat, which will cause the defeat of the entire battle. The defender's left and right are generally companions, and the defender's left and right movement will only squeeze the companion's combat space. The right side is okay, the right side of the defender is usually the left side of the other companion, facing the shield of the companion. Even if he bumped into it while dodging, it just hit the shield. The left side of the defender is the right side of another companion, where most of the weapons are. If you are unlucky, you will most likely be bruised by your companion's weapon, and it will also hinder the movement space of your companion's weapon.

Therefore, when the defensive side advances against the offensive side, in addition to defending in situ. Even more effective is the same shield advance. Use an attack to counter the opponent's attack. Because Zhao Ji and the guard Nikton are the most common sword and shield soldiers, Nikton gave priority to how to deal with the sword and shield fighters.

When the shields of both sides collided together, it was because they were both armored. So the priority is not to attack the enemy, because there is not enough space for the weapon to swing, so the power of the weapon is not enough to break the enemy's armor. At this time, priority should be given to suppressing the enemy's weapons. As long as the defender can suppress the opponent's weapons and cause a stalemate between the two sides, it has already broken the attacker's first-mover advantage. In this round of confrontation, it has already been considered a victory.

Then the guard Nickton asked Zhao Ji to return to the previous state with him. It is the state where the attacker's weapons are suppressed by the defender's weapons. But this time, Zhao Ji played the dominant defensive side, while guard Nickton played the frustrated offensive side.

The two stood up against each other with their shields, the guard Nekton's wooden sword rested on his shoulders, and Zhao Ji's wooden sword was pressed on top of Nekton's wooden sword, sticking tightly together, not giving Nekton a chance to swing his sword to attack.

The guard Nickton said: "Start." Zhao Ji pushed down the wooden sword with all his might. As a result, the guard Nikton retreated backwards, and Zhao Ji's sword missed the void.

Nickton took a step back, and then moved forward again with his shield upright. The wooden sword on his shoulder had enough space, and he swung it from top to bottom and hit Zhao Ji's wooden helmet that was frustrating.

This time without Nickton's detailed explanation, Zhao Ji also understood the beauty of this move.

A tactical retreat can flexibly avoid close-range force confrontations where the two are stalemate. Moreover, there is enough room for retreat behind the attacker, and this tactical retreat will not cause the entire front to retreat. And when the step of retreat is successful, you can attack again with the sword and shield attack.

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