Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 91, Backyard of the Chamber of Commerce - Zhao Ji's Self-Training

The gate guards of Kendall City had already known about the capture operation organized by the Fick family this time, but they still had to fulfill their duties when it came to the entry of monsters like the living slime into the city.

Captain Jess, a middle-aged guard with a big sword on his back, led a young guard carefully inspecting the dozen or so large wooden barrels and clay pots on the donkey cart in the team. He also put his ear on the side of the pot and listened to the inside The sound of slime monsters crawling.

"How is it? Captain Jess, did you hear the sounds of the slime monsters moving?" Punica craftsman asked.

Captain Jess nodded: "Indeed, you'd better be careful, you can't let the slime monster inside run into the streets of the city." After speaking, he tapped the body of the clay pot lightly with his fingers , making a clanging sound.

The Punica craftsman patted his chest to ensure that the jars and barrels were strong enough that nothing would go wrong.

After checking the contents of the carts again, the guards let the entire procession into the city.

After entering the city, the Punika craftsman told Zhao Ji that after they went back and counted all the slime monsters, Zhao Ji could go to Master Lean Xiude at dusk or tomorrow morning to collect the money.

Zhao Ji explained that he should go again earlier, he was still a little tired today, and now he has no energy at all.

After bidding farewell to the Punika craftsman and Captain Proka, as well as other helpers of the Fick family, Zhao Ji first returned the two wine containers to Todd.

Todd asked Zhao Ji what did those people go out of the city last night. According to the gossip in the tavern, it was rumored that after the members of the Fick family who had been traveling all the year round returned, the people who were going to lead the Fick family had to go all out in the swamp south of the city. Show your skills.

Todd asked Zhao Ji if this was the case.

Zhao Ji was amused by the rumors that he didn't know how many times they had been reformed. He told Todd roughly what they did yesterday, and asked Todd not to spread rumors. This was all agreed by the local lord.

Hearing that Zhao Ji said that the origin of the matter was actually a new sculpture of Master Lian Xiude, Todd lost interest in this kind of thing in an instant, and wiped the cups at the bar.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhao Ji also had no interest in stone art sculptures.

Back at the chamber of commerce, Zhao Ji had a good night's rest.


The next morning, Zhao Ji, who had gone to Master Lian Xiude to receive a large sum of money, was alone in the backyard of the Chamber of Commerce training the sword and shield skills he had learned before.

He kept pushing his shield and bumping into the wooden dummy, and every time he got close to the dummy, he quickly drew his sword to stab the dummy's vital position. The first two sword-and-shield starting moves are not too difficult for Zhao Ji. He has mastered the tricks very well, and has also learned several possible offensive and defensive methods without a teacher.

But for the third sword and shield starting move. Zhao Ji can only say that it is indeed a special martial art taught by knights with the characteristics and level of martial arts of the knight class. The more Zhao Ji practiced, the more he felt that this move was a martial skill that was very suitable for knights with outstanding strength.

Use the strong to attack the weak, one of a hundred wastes. Using the fast advance speed and reaction ability to attack the opponent's key method, the enemy can be killed with only a small amount of physical strength and energy. This martial skill is obviously created for the knights to quickly defeat the enemy in ground battles.

Zhao Ji felt that it was impossible to defeat the knights with extraordinary abilities by ordinary methods, and probably only by using crowd tactics or special terrain to defeat a knight.

However, this move is also suitable for people who do not have the level of knights and use sword and shield. Zhao Ji felt that as long as he could practice this move well, he could easily deal with weaker enemies in one-on-one battles.

After stopping to rest for a while, Zhao Ji started training again. But this time he didn't practice the third sword-shield move. He put down the shield in his left hand and only practiced with the long sword in his right hand.

Another guard will teach him one-handed sword skills next week. He has to practice simple exercises first to see if he can lay a simple foundation.

Zhao Ji's empty left hand kept opening and closing to hold something, but it was all in vain.

Zhao Ji hit the wooden dummy with a wooden sword, chopping, stabbing or teasing. Sometimes he would stop and clap his palms with the wooden stand in doubt.

Zhao Ji felt that he should not use the sword and shield to use the sword. In the few strikes just now, he could clearly feel a kind of disharmony. Most of Sword and Shield's various moves were attacking and defending in an orderly manner. Either you attacked or he defended. The identity of the offensive and defensive side is always clear, and the transition also has a turn-based meaning.

After all, there is a sword for attack and a shield for defense.

As for the one-handed sword, Zhao Ji felt that he couldn't practice according to the method of sword and shield.

The opponent strikes with a sword, and he doesn't have a shield in his hand, how can he defend?

It is impossible to catch the opponent's blade with the left arm.

Therefore, you should not be trapped by the defensive thinking of the sword and shield, but use the position to dodge or use the attack and resistance of the right long sword to resolve the opponent's offensive.

Thinking about how to dodge in his mind, Zhao Ji came to the wooden dummy again, imagining that the stupid wooden dummy in front of him was an enemy, and he was fighting with it at the moment.

What should he do when the wooden dummy strikes him with a sword?

Should he also swing his sword to resist, or dodge?

Zhao Ji first pretended to try to dodge. After all, he had no choice but to use his sword to resist the opponent's heavy attack.

Dodge backwards? Zhao Ji took a sharp step back, as if he could get out of the way, but what did it feel like?

correct! It is impossible for the opponent to stand directly on the spot and strike the sword. He should move forward while chopping with the sword. And going forward is always easier than going back, and the distance is greater.

Therefore, it is impossible to retreat and dodge, and retreat in place may not be able to avoid the opponent's attack.

Zhao Jilen thought about it for a while, considering whether to dodge the opponent's downward attack horizontally.

Zhao Ji picked up the sword and slashed downwards, simulating the attack mode of the attacker.

The distance to take a step forward, the length of the arm to swing down, and the range of the weapon's blade must all be taken into account.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Ji felt that he should be able to dodge the opponent's downward attack sideways.

At the same time, Zhao Ji also had several risky plans, such as rushing into the opponent's right side quickly, entering the blind spot of the opponent's attack range, or hitting the side of the opponent's sword at the same time with the sword, knocking the sword crooked.

In the same way, what if the opponent's wooden dummy gave Zhao Ji a horizontal slash? Zhao Ji felt that he should have several coping methods according to the previous thinking. If it is safer, he can dodge back directly, or use the sword to resist the opponent's horizontal cut first, and use his strength to dodge backward.

However, it doesn't always feel safe. But at least Zhao Ji understands that the key to offense and defense with a one-handed sword may be the pace and the use of the sword. For the specific situation, he should wait for the next week and let another guard who is good at wielding a one-handed sword teach him.

What he's thinking here and there may lead him into a ditch.

Putting down the wooden sword, Zhao Ji then practiced shield parry for a while. Then he continued to hit the wooden dummy with his fists and legs, trying to recall the appearance of various unarmed fighting routines in his previous life.

Zhao Ji had a lot of fun practicing, but the trade union clerk who occasionally came to the backyard to feed the donkey was puzzled. Who would beat people with fists and legs when fighting? Aren't they all using weapons?

-------------------------------------------------- --

That's all for today, no ideas. Always wanted to add a little event in the time gap between catching slime monsters and Harvest Festival. But there is no good idea, um, how about letting a Saturn shepherd forcefully participate in Zhao Ji's hunting slime monster operation? After all, the Church of the Saturnalia has already stated in the activities of so many people that it wants to eliminate the slime monsters in the eastern swamp. This kind of revealing thing, there must be some Saturnalia shepherds who can't help but want to show it?

Hey, one more point, when I was at my grandma's house in the afternoon, listening to music and leaning on the sofa, a story idea suddenly popped up. It's a bit like a side story, a major event in the easternmost part of the empire at the same time as Zhao Ji.

Probably on a large desert peninsula extending to the east of the empire, in a vast area controlled by the radical sect of the local Church of the Sun God, the radical sect, magicians from the two major magic kingdoms of the north and the south, and the sun elves chasing the sun, three parties Together, they developed a great gadget ----- Mie Shi -- the crown and pedestal of the sun god.

The magicians provided the magic staff to weave the composition and technical details of the magic facilities, the radical sect of the sun god provided divine power to produce a huge project with the acquiescence of the sun god, and the sun elves created a probe (with powerful space transmission ability) sent to the sun.

Mieshi--the crown of the sun god is the entire control system, and Mieshi--the pedestal of the sun god is a super-giant magic device, which provides cross-space divine support to the distant solar probes, ensuring that the distant solar probes are A huge space teleportation tunnel unfolds very close to the sun.

The powerful energy of the sun was sent directly through the space transmission tunnel to the pedestal of the sun god on the surface of the planet, which melted the entire surface of the desert peninsula into glass, and even the ocean next to it evaporated a huge amount of seawater. The whole planet feels the threat of annihilation.

The Sun Elf observed the entire destruction from a high altitude, and praised the greatness of the sun. And the magicians have already run away, only using puppets to observe the operation of the entire magic device, and they will hold a celebration meeting to publicize another great power of magic. The extreme sects of the Church of the Sun God successfully threw themselves into the flames of the sun to destroy themselves happily.

What follows is various responses from various forces, and the legendary heroes with powerful combat capabilities who reacted quickly competed for the world-destruction-the crown of the sun god. There are also people who are constantly resisting all kinds of destruction caused by the pedestal of the sun god. And the gods lowered their divine power at the same time to destroy the world-the sun god pedestal.

That's probably what it means. Now my mind is full of weaving all kinds of details of this story, and I can't stop.

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