Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 10 Grave Robbers

"When I was planting rice a few days ago, I accidentally picked up a white bone with a hoe. I thought the bone was unlucky, so I threw it into the willow forest behind. Thinking about it, it seems that it was from that time that I Something strange happened..." said the lazy man.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier?" I cursed angrily: "Think about it, are there any dead people buried in your field? All dead people related to blue and white porcelain."

The lazy man thought for a long time and then looked at me with a worried look on his face: "My father said...this field used to be our family's ancestral grave, but when the Four Olds were destroyed, it was turned into a field."

I couldn't help but take a breath: "The bone you threw away probably belonged to your ancestor!"

The lazy man was frightened: "You are doing evil, Brother Zhang, you must help me."

I said, "Can you be quiet? Let me think about it carefully. Don't you find it strange? Why are the bones in the ancestral graves left outside the rice fields? Li Mazi, let me ask you, according to the rules of your hometown, the graves are How deep is it buried underground?”

"About one meter." Li Mazi said.

"That's right, the bones must have been dug out. Lazy man, tell me honestly, did you do anything to the ancestral graves? For example, tomb robbing."

The lazy man immediately shook his head: "No, no, absolutely not. I admit that I am not a good person, but I cannot do such immoral things as digging ancestral graves."

Judging from the lazy man's expression, it doesn't seem like he was lying, and I don't think he dared to lie now.

So what's going on with this bone? After my analysis, I came up with two possibilities.

The first point is that someone else stole the ancestral grave of the lazy man's family.

The second type is the crustal movement, which lifted up the ancestral graves.

But the most urgent task now is to find the bone abandoned by the lazy man. Only by finding that bone can the anger of Blue and White Porcelain be calmed.

It was now gray and bright, and the three of us headed straight for the willow forest.

As the lazy man walked, he told us the details of that day.

I was annoyed by what I heard, so I asked the lazy man: "Are there any locals around here? Or have you seen any suspicious people in your village during these days?"

"What is a Tufuzi?" asked the lazy man.

"He's a grave robber," I said.

The lazy man was stunned and asked: "Brother Zhang, do you think... my ancestral tomb might have been stolen?"

I said it's possible.

The lazy man immediately became furious and cursed like a shrew. Having ancestral graves dug up is indeed a heartbreaking thing for lazy people.

He lived in such poverty that he was not willing to touch his ancestral graves. Now he has taken advantage of outsiders and caused a lot of trouble for himself. Can he not be angry?

It's as if you have found a beautiful girlfriend, hold it in your hands every day and don't want to sleep with her, but someone else secretly sleeps with her, and you have to pay for it yourself when she gets pregnant. It's really disgusting.

I comforted the lazy man and said that we should find the bones first and then talk about it. It is useless for you to scold him now.

The lazy man took us deep into the willow forest and stopped in front of the strongest willow tree. He said that this was where he left the bones.

I took a breath of cold air and said, "Willows are already full of yin energy, let alone a century-old tree like this. If you leave the bones here and let the yin energy of the willow tree press on it every day, aren't you asking for death?"

The lazy man sighed: "I don't know anything about this. I just want this bone to stay away from my rice field."

Li Mazi asked me worriedly whether the bones would become sperm? He had heard the old man say before that if corpses were buried under a willow tree, flesh would grow from the bones and harm people.

I said that's not possible. We have to wait until the bones are found.

But as soon as we got close to the big willow tree, something suddenly fell from the treetop, and we were so frightened that we quickly backed away.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a flower snake as thick as a wrist.

The flower snake kept spitting messages at us, threatening us, as if it would bite us if we took another step forward.

I suddenly remembered something and immediately looked up at the big willow tree.

And when he saw it, he was stunned.

I saw countless snakes densely coiled on the big willow tree. And in the center of the snake group, a gloomy white bone was shockingly stuck on a tree branch.

I remembered what my grandfather once said to me: if the bones attract the big insects, they will definitely cause trouble.

This bone might actually become a sperm!

There were many snakes in the countryside, but the lazy man was not afraid. He took out the realgar from his body and sprinkled it on the willow branches. Snakes hated the smell of realgar, and in an instant, the entire group of snakes dispersed.

The lazy man immediately climbed up the tree, pulled down the bone, held it in his hand and said, "Don't blame your ancestors, don't blame your ancestors."

I said get out of here quickly, this place is not very clean.

After that, we hurried back to the rice fields.

I asked the lazy man to determine the location of the ancestral graves, but the lazy man shook his head and said that he didn't know that in his father's generation, the ancestral graves had been bulldozed.

I had to ask the lazy man to go to the village and invite an old man. The old man must remember the location of the lazy man's ancestral grave.

According to the old man, he also participated in the activities to destroy the Four Olds. He was still a student at the time and happened to be responsible for bulldozing this area of ​​​​cemeteries. He remembered that the ancestral grave of Lazy Man's family was close to the boundary monument. At that time, they were planning to pull out the boundary monument as well.

So we immediately found the boundary monument and searched within ten meters around it with the boundary monument as the center.

Of course, we cannot dig directly, as that would be time-consuming and labor-intensive. I made a simple Luoyang shovel, detecting point by point, and the progress was pretty smooth. Soon we found the ancestral grave to the west of the boundary monument.

I told the old man that the lazy man’s ancestral grave had been stolen, and we had to help him move his grave.

The old man said it was no problem, he could also invite someone to come and take a look at Feng Shui, but...

I immediately asked Li Mazi to give the old man a thousand yuan and ask him to help him deal with it.

In fact, moving the grave is not my purpose. My purpose is to return the bone and then bury the lazy ancestors.

If this bone cannot be returned, it means that the bones are still cold and the head is in a different place. No wonder the ancestors will be angry.

But I still don't understand something, that is, what is the relationship between the blue and white porcelain and the lazy man's family? Why do they protect their family's ancestral graves like this?

I thought about the origin of the blue and white porcelain. It seemed that a concubine brought it out from the Qing palace. Could it be that the blue and white porcelain has some unclear relationship with the concubine?

Almost every village has a craftsman who is responsible for burials. The craftsman wandered around for a few times and finally found a 'feng shui treasure land'. Then he found a group of people from the village and started working on it.

A simple black shed was built on top of the old tomb, and people kowtowed and burned paper. They waited until the time was almost up before letting people dig it.

After digging to a depth of only about one meter, I heard a shout from the crowd, "We've found it." I immediately went up to look and found that they had cleared out a tombstone that had collapsed.

There was a line of words on the tombstone. I glanced at it briefly and said to the lazy man: "This is the tomb of the concubine who entered the Qing palace."

In our line of work, you need to know a little bit about Feng Shui. I determined that the tomb chamber was at the edge of the tombstone, so I immediately asked people to go to the edge and continue digging.

But what I didn't expect was that when the villagers cleared the brick wall outside the ancient tomb, they were horrified to find that there was a big hole in the brick wall, and a highly decomposed corpse happened to be stuck in the hole. inside.

Immediately, the villagers who were digging the graves screamed and dropped their hoes and shovels on the ground.

I immediately calmed everyone down and then carefully observed the body.

The left hand of the corpse still kept climbing up, but the right hand was missing. The whole body was highly decomposed and the stench was overwhelming. Judging from the clothes he is wearing, he must be a modern person.

The time of death was less than one month.

Moreover, the facial expression of the corpse was very distorted, as if it had seen something terrifying before it died!

I immediately judged that this was a tomb robber who died underneath for unknown reasons while digging up the concubine's tomb.

As soon as he heard that he was a tomb robber, the lazy man immediately became angry. He didn't even care about his fear. He grabbed a hoe and smashed it hard. But I stopped him because now was obviously not the time to take action.

I immediately asked the craftsman to call the police and dispose of the body of the tomb robber first. After all, this is a legal society.

At the same time, I asked Li Mazi to identify him and see if he recognized him?

Li Mazi quickly recognized him and said that this guy was Wu Tiezhu from the next village. This kid has been fond of petty theft since he was a child. Unexpectedly, he not only stole things from living people, but also from dead people. Die here, in one word, deserve it.

The lazy man was very angry and said that after the tomb was moved, he must go to Wu Tiezhu's house to settle accounts.

I ignored everyone's comments and just observed Wu Tiezhu's body carefully.

The more I looked at it, the more strange it seemed.

Since Wu Tiezhu came down to rob the tomb, why did his hands go out empty? And looking at it, he seemed to be escaping. It was conceivable that he must have been panicked at the time and left without even thinking about getting his things.

So, what did he see in the concubine's tomb that made him run for his life so desperately?

What happened to his broken arm?

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