Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,131 The Devil’s Nemesis

As soon as the Queen finished speaking, the golden cup hanging in mid-air began to bleed continuously. The blood continued to spread on the ground, and then many clones exactly like the Queen emerged from the blood, except that the color was dark red.

These clones attacked us at the same time. I used the Yin Yang Sword Technique, and one of them fell out every three or two times. But there were too many of them, and I couldn't handle them for a while!

The clone was just a cover. The queen raised her hands to the sky and murmured a spell. The language she used did not belong to any country. It was the spell of a witch. The sun obscured by the blood mist turned into a ball of bright red, and suddenly countless blood arrows were shot out from it.

I brought the two swords together so that General Mo Xie's Yin spirit could exert their power together. Suddenly, a dark green sword light blocked most of the blood arrows. However, under the constant impact of the blood arrows, the sword light became more and more fragile. Finally, It collapsed.

Several bloody arrows hit me, and it felt like being pierced by arrows. My throat became sweet and I vomited a large mouthful of blood.

I was stunned for a while, the Queen could actually turn blood into something physical to attack us!

At this time, all the blood clones disintegrated and turned into blood and rushed towards the queen, wrapping around her body like a bloody tornado. I had a bad feeling, so I shouted to Li Mazi: "How much black dog blood is there, just splash it on her!"

Li Mazi was petrified by this scene. He hurriedly took out half a bottle of black dog blood and splashed a piece of brain on the bloody tornado. The black dog blood corroded a hole in it, but it was soon covered with other blood. Made it up.

The bloody tornado dispersed with a crash, and the queen who fell back to the ground had green eyes glowing, her face turned pale, and two long fangs grinned from her mouth, and she had completely transformed into the form of a vampire!

She shouted in a deep voice: "I have only recited half of the reincarnation spell. My soul has been accepted by the Blood Ancestor and promoted to the Blood Clan, but I have not yet obtained a physical body. But it doesn't matter, I want to kill you all first!"

She stretched out a pair of sharp claws and rushed at me. I gathered spiritual energy on the ghost-killing swords and stabbed her with one knife. But just when the blade was about to touch her, she suddenly turned into a bat and bypassed my attack. Then my body suddenly became heavy, and the queen lay on my back, opening her fangs and biting my neck.

I quickly threw away the knife in my right hand and tried to take out a high-quality magic talisman from my arms. In the end, I got confused and took out a fire talisman. I didn't care so much and put it on her forehead, and the fire talisman immediately started burning.

The queen covered her face and retreated with a whimper. My heart trembled. Why could even the lowest fire talisman be used against her?

Yes, the sun is the most powerful existence in the world. My fire talisman can ignite the sun fire. Although it cannot be compared with the sun, its properties are similar.

Since she covered the sun with blood mist, I will make a sun here!

I simply took out all the fire talismans in my arms, held them in my hand and lit them. The flames instantly released intense light and heat. The queen let out a scream, smoke kept coming from her body, and she covered her face and backed away desperately.

At this moment, Mark suddenly raised his knight's sword and slashed at the queen. How could Mark's small body lift such a heavy sword? I looked at the sword and immediately understood that Dr. Paul's ghost had not dispersed yet and was attached to the sword, so Mark could hold it.

I kept approaching with the flame, and Mark kept slashing at her. The queen's body was shaking constantly as the sword slashed her, as if she was about to lose her soul...

At this moment, a ball of blood poured down from above. When I looked up, I saw that the bloody golden cup was floating on top of my head. The blood completely extinguished the flame. The Queen screamed, slapped Mark away, then rushed towards me, pushed me to the ground and strangled my neck.

The queen was so strong that she choked me for a while, and I couldn't use my hands at all. She stared at a pair of green eyes with sharp pupils and said viciously: "No one dares to hurt my face, I want you to pay the price!"

I mobilized Min Ran's strength to fight against her, and the spiritual power released from my body continued to resist her, allowing me to breathe. But soon the Yin Qi from her body rushed over overwhelmingly, suppressing my spiritual power to death.

"Zhang, let me save you!"

Mark shouted, raised his sword and came to chop her. Suddenly, a square wall of blood appeared around the queen, which Mark's sword couldn't cut through at all.

I felt that my body was starting to get cold, so I bit the tip of my tongue to forcefully stimulate my spiritual energy, but the Queen's Yin Qi was too strong. My resistance only made me take a breath, and was quickly suppressed again.

At this time, a hole was suddenly corroded into the blood wall, and the hole continued to spread. Li Mazi was seen standing there, holding the Holy Grail in his hand and pouring holy water.

The Queen was afraid of the power of the Holy Grail, and immediately let the Bloody Gold Cup splash blood on Li Mazi, instantly turning him into a bloody man. Li Mazi spat out the blood in his mouth: "Smelly bitch, your aunt's blood It’s too much!”

His whole body was stained with blood, but the Holy Grail in his hand was not stained at all. The holy water inside was still as clear as ever, glowing with a faint soft light.

Li Mazi was about to splash her, but he didn't expect that this time the Bloody Golden Cup directly used physical attacks, flying down from the sky and hitting Li Mazi hard on the head. He fell to the ground with an ouch, and the Holy Grail flew out of his hand, spinning on the ground.

The queen's eyes lit up, and she was about to rush over and destroy the Holy Grail, but I kicked it away. I immediately rushed towards the Holy Grail. Fortunately, there was still a little bit of holy water left in it!

I suddenly felt a pain in my butt, and the Queen actually jumped on me, and her sharp nails dug into my flesh. I didn't care too much, picked up the Holy Grail and drank the holy water into my mouth.

The holy water was cool and sweet, and tasted as wonderful as nectar. It refreshed my spirit, and even the tip of my tongue that I had just bitten healed instantly.

Although I wanted to swallow it, the current situation didn't allow it, so I turned my head and sprayed all the holy water on the queen's face.

She let out a heartbreaking scream, covered her face and kept retreating. The bloody gold cup floating in the air began to shake, and the blood mist surrounding it became thinner.

The power of holy water is so strong! This is probably because this Holy Grail embodies the beliefs of countless Catholics. I even want to take possession of this Holy Grail. It will be too convenient to subjugate the evil spirits of the West in the future.

This mouthful of water was not enough to kill the Queen. At this time, Mark ran over with a bottle of mineral water, picked up the Holy Grail, filled it with water, blessed it, and handed the full glass of holy water into my hand.

When I stood up, the queen was already sitting on the castle. She slowly took her hands off her face, but she was no longer a charming young woman, but an old woman with wrinkles on her face. She couldn't believe it. Look at your hands.

"My beauty, you ruined my beauty, I want you all to go to hell!"

I said: "No one can always be young and beautiful. Accept the reality. This is what you really look like! No matter how many girls you kill, you can't change this fact."

"No, I am the queen of the ruling party. Of course I can never grow old!"

Mark shouted: "Zhang, be careful behind you!"

I looked back and saw the Bloody Gold Cup flying towards me. I calmly poured a cup full of holy water in my hand over it. The Bloody Gold Cup was purified by the holy water and fell to the ground. The surrounding blood mist suddenly disappeared.

The queen turned into a ball of ashes and dissipated in the air under the dazzling sunlight, but until the end she still shouted unwillingly: "No one can take away my youthful beauty, no one!"

I let out a long sigh, I am really a woman who will be obsessed with it until her death.

In order to obtain the elixir of immortality, Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han spent countless manpower and material resources to search for fairy mountains overseas. This farce has been repeated at home and abroad in ancient and modern times. No matter how powerful they are and how rich they are, who can defeat birth, old age, illness and death?

Using these witchcraft and sorcery to desperately delay one's own aging, only to bring disaster to all living beings. In the end, one can only bind oneself in a cocoon and be ridiculed by future generations!

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