Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,167 Ghost Slave Contract

"Brother Zhang, let's go! It won't be good if the leader pursues it." Bai Lu said with a blushing face.

I understood what he meant. He was deeply afraid that I would cause him trouble if I stayed, but he didn't know that the trouble he was facing was much more serious than he expected.

"You go first!" I said rudely, still staring at Zhao Wangcai.

"Then...okay." Bai Lu hesitated for a moment and finally walked out.

At this moment, Zhao Wangcai and I were the only ones left in the kitchen.

"Boss Zhao, no wonder your egg fried rice is different. It turns out that your imperial chef who served Cixi was the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva." I said sarcastically, deliberately using the word "Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva" in a very strong way.

When Zhao Wangcai heard this, he suddenly trembled all over. He swallowed several times and then said extremely nervously: "Brother, we have something to discuss. Do you like my 20,000 yuan?"

"Twenty thousand?" I said coldly.

"No, no, no, fifty thousand! Is fifty thousand okay?" Zhao Wangcai's face was full of prayer.

"Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?" I yelled angrily: "In order to make this dirty money, you will not care about anything?"

"Do you know what will happen to the guests after they eat ghost rice? Do you know how many people will be killed once those ghost brats grow up? Do you want to destroy the whole of Wuhan?"

Every time I said something, Zhao Wangcai trembled, and finally staggered and knelt in front of me.

He spread his hands and said with a tearful tone: "I don't want to either, but I really have no choice but to do it. During the years when my son was sick, I owed a lot of debt; my son injured his leg and couldn't walk anymore." It’s not easy to get a wife, and I can’t even get a wife; I’m still lying on the bed..."

"Is this the reason why you harm people?" I continued to scold: "You can spend the money you exchanged for human life with peace of mind? Are you not afraid of the ghosts of injustice coming to your door?"

"You helped the hungry ghosts and killed so many people, so you are not afraid of retribution? Do you think your family will have a good ending?"

Zhao Wangcai collapsed on the ground and begged bitterly: "Brother, please, stop talking! I know... I know that I am committing evil and will be repaid in this world."

"But I'm really scared of poverty, and I'm desperate. I... I've already planned to sell out the fried rice for the last month, and close the door and leave when the rent is due. Those people won't be able to eat the ghosts. If you eat rice, the yin energy in your body will gradually dissipate. Besides, every time I add yin ghost powder, I don't follow the instructions of the cat lady. I try to add as little as possible to prevent death. "

"Who is Cat Woman!" I suddenly interrupted him.

"Mother Cat..." Zhao Wangcai suddenly thought of something and stopped talking. He shook his head and said, "Brother, don't ask so many questions. If you think the money is too little, let's discuss it again. I won't do it right away." If we do, we’ll close the door tomorrow, do you think that’s okay?”

I ignored him at all, but took two steps straight, stared into his eyes and said, "Who is the cat lady? Is she the one from the paper doll shop?"

"You know everything?" Zhao Wangcai looked at me in astonishment, but he quickly took my hand and said, "No, brother, I know you are a good person, but you can't take care of this matter. You are fighting." But her, that cat lady is not a human at all!”

Zhao Wangcai was still frightened when he mentioned the cat lady, and his two rows of big yellow teeth clicked together, making a clicking sound.

"Tell me in detail what's going on?" I moved a chair and sat in front of him.

As soon as I got closer, Zhao Wangcai suddenly felt like he was being pricked by a needle, and he screamed out in extreme pain.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door twice outside the kitchen and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Judging from the voice, it was Zhao Wangcai's wife. She may have heard his exclamation.

"It's okay, I burned my hands while frying rice." Zhao Wangcai replied vaguely while waving his hands to me.

"It's like burning your hands and shouting, it's like killing a pig." Her wife felt relieved after hearing this, and then complained: "Hold on, we're going to sell them out again." After that, the footsteps gradually faded away.

Zhao Wangcai finally breathed a sigh of relief and explained with a horrified look on his face: "Brother, the Yang Fire in your body is too strong, I can't bear it..."

I couldn't help but be stunned when I heard this.

Ghosts are yin, humans are yang, and the most important thing about the distinction between humans and ghosts is the presence or absence of yang fire.

Everyone has a yang fire on the top of his head and on each shoulder. As the saying goes, if the three yangs are strong, ghosts and evil spirits will not invade.

Only those demons and monsters are afraid of Yang Fire. Zhao Wangcai is obviously a human being, so why is he afraid of Yang Fire?

But when I got closer just now, his face was really pale and he was dripping with cold sweat. It was obvious that he was not pretending.

How is this going?

Yes, I should have thought of that!

Since he made offerings to the Hungry Ghost Bodhisattva, summoned hungry ghosts from hundreds of miles away, and cooked rice every day in the gloomy kitchen, how could he not be possessed by hungry ghosts?

Either he is proficient in the art of exorcising ghosts, or he is the same kind as those ghosts.

I lowered my head and looked at him carefully.

Obviously, he is not a ghost at all, and he does not look like he has any cultivation.

Then, there is only one last possibility left!

He must have signed a ghost contract and became a ghost slave!

The two realms of Yin and Yang have always been separated, but there is an extremely weird contract called: Ghost Slave Contract.

A person who signs such a contract will be possessed by Yin Qi and become a half-human, half-ghost existence. All Yin spirits will treat him as a similar person and will no longer harm him.

correct! When I came yesterday, Zhao Wangcai looked at me several times in surprise, with an expression of fear on his face. At that time, I thought he had some ability to detect my identity. Now that I think about it again, it must be the strong yang energy in me that gave him a sense of crisis unique to ghosts!

Also, when he came out of the dead end last night, his hands became like those of a girl, which must also be a symbol of Yin Qi possession.

At that time, these scenes were extremely strange, and I had no time to think about it. But now that I thought about it carefully, I immediately realized: Zhao Wangcai must be a ghost slave!

"Pull up your clothes!" I ordered loudly.

"You, what are you going to do..." Zhao Wangcai covered his chest in great fear.

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