Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,186 The Strange Story of the Great Qin Monster

The temple is hidden in the cave. It is painted with clean white latex paint. It looks like it was built just a few years ago. In the middle stands a huge statue of the god more than three meters high.

The statue was dressed in black and wore a battle armor from the Qin Dynasty. It held a steel fork in its hand and a sword on its waist. Its face was like the bottom of a black pot, looking majestic and murderous.

There is a long tablet standing next to the statue, which records the story about this statue in great detail.

It is said that after Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and annexed the world, he was not satisfied, so he sent several armies to help him continue to conquer the four directions and expand the territory of the Qin Dynasty.

Among these armies were General Meng Tian's Northern Army to conquer the Xiongnu, and General Zhao Tuo's Southern Army to conquer Baiyue.

There is also a mysterious navy that has not been recorded in history books, and that is the Zhenjun led by Hubu!

Qin Shihuang was very obsessed with the world on the other side of the sea. At that time, it was rumored that the East China Sea was the residence of gods and the South China Sea was the home of ghosts.

Qin Shihuang has been a dreamer for thousands of generations, and he did not want this great mountain and river to be destroyed by ghosts, so he sent Hu Bu, the Qin Dynasty's best general in surface warfare, to lead three thousand troops to the South China Sea to clean up the ghosts.

Navigation technology was not yet mature at that time. After Hu Bu traveled south and landed in Hong Kong across the sea, he thought it was the only island in the South China Sea. So he ordered the envoy to send a message back, saying that he was already in charge of the South China Sea and could protect the Qin Dynasty for ten thousand years.

Qin Shihuang was overjoyed and immediately rewarded Hu Bu with numerous gifts and personally titled Hu Bu: King of the South China Sea.

After Hubu got Qin Shihuang's calligraphy treasure, he was so excited that he ordered his men to carve it on the huge stone on the top of the mountain. But a few years later, the huge stone was suddenly shattered by thunder. Soon after, Qin Shihuang died of illness, and news of the demise of the Qin Dynasty also spread to the island.

Hubu was grateful to Qin Shihuang for his kindness, and he was about to lead his troops to restore the country! Although his navy was powerful, it was no match for Liu Bang's thousands of troops, and in the end he only escaped with a few hundred people.

After returning to Hong Kong Island, Hu Bu blamed himself more and more. Seeing that there was no hope of saving the country, he was extremely sad and angry. He embraced his Qin Dynasty King Yin and threw himself into the river. Hundreds of his subordinates also resolutely followed him to die for the country. .

This small village was the place where the King of the South China Sea erected a monument. These tribesmen were also relatives of those navy soldiers, and their mission was to protect the huge stone from generation to generation.

After reading the words on the stone tablet, I immediately became enlightened.

The man in the T-shirt glanced at me and said, "It turns out to be Hu Bu!"

At this time, both of us had figured everything out. It was estimated that the water monster in the river was the ghost of Hubu.

The reason why Grandma Hu was able to escape two dangers without getting hurt was not because the water monster was afraid of her, but because she recognized the aura of the pendant on her body and could not bear to harm her offspring.

"Grandma, it turns out that your clan is the descendant of the King of Nanhai! Speaking of which, he was the first king of Hong Kong, which is admirable. Can you take me to see other ruins?" I asked, pretending to be extremely interested. road.

The witch was originally extremely wary of us, but after hearing my compliments about her ancestors, her expression immediately softened a lot, and she danced and said something.

Seeing this scene, I secretly winked at the man in the T-shirt and asked him to block the witch's sight for me.

Then he pretended to be in great admiration, knelt down and kowtowed nine times and approached the statue. Secretly, he secretly took out a handful of cinnabar from his pocket and placed it on the statue.

A simple sealing symbol was drawn on the base of the statue.

Since the water monster was transformed by Hubu's ghost, it must be afraid of the Five Elements Formation. The fact that the T-shirt man's Five Elements Formation was able to suppress it in the first place is proof.


The reason why it has been able to break through the five elements at once recently must be that its cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the only thing that can make it advance so fast is the intervention of external forces.

I estimate that this external force is the power of faith in this newly built temple and the entire village of Huba Village.

If you want to completely eradicate the water monster, you must first seal off his energy source!

After drawing the sealing talisman, I grabbed a handful of dust on the ground and rubbed it on the cinnabar to make it look like dirt and not easily discovered by the villagers.

After doing all this, I walked over as if nothing had happened, pretending to listen carefully to the witch's explanation, and nodded at the man in the T-shirt.

He knew immediately that I had succeeded.

After a while, we said goodbye to the witch and walked out with a group of police officers.

"Chief First Officer, do you have any clues?" The bearded police sergeant asked very worriedly: "The case is being pursued very closely. If something happens again, I, the police sergeant, will probably end up dead."

"Don't worry, we will solve it tonight." The man in the T-shirt said calmly.

"Tonight?" When the bearded police chief heard this, he was particularly happy, but also a little unbelievable: "The Taoist priest is saying that as long as the exorcism is successful tonight, such a thing will never happen again from tomorrow on?"

"Yes!" The man in the T-shirt nodded: "You go back and inform the water police department. After dark, all the rivers in Tsim Sha Tsui are closed and no one is allowed to approach. In addition, you can prepare some things and send them to the river. Come."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!" The bearded police chief breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the exact answer.

We went down the mountain together, sat in the police car and returned to the river. We walked along the river bank for three to five miles, and finally decided on the ambush location.

Not long after, the bearded police sergeant followed the T-shirt man's instructions and arranged for a small truck loaded with goods to drive over.

The two of us couldn't afford to rest, so we immediately ordered a few police officers to get busy.

One on the left bank, one on the right bank, pulled up a long steel wire, covered with ink, and tied it to the willow branches on both sides, and tied it back and forth seven or forty-nine times.

However, the steel wire is covered with wooden boards to make it suspended in the water, and finally a few piglets and calves are tied to it to serve as prey!

We then arranged several arrays one after another along both sides of the river.

By the time we finished all this, it was almost dark. All the other police officers went home, and I and the man in the T-shirt hid silently on the bank of the river to observe.

Soon the moon rose, and it was pitch black on both sides of the river. Only the river in the middle was glowing with moonlight, shining brightly.

Suddenly there was a strong yin energy, which disturbed me and caused the compass in my hand to spin around.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and even the noisy frogs and insects that had just been noisy all quieted down in an instant. I quietly pulled out the ghost-slaying swords, and the man in the T-shirt held down the Eight-faced Han Sword on the other side of the river. .

The two of us made a gesture across the bank, and then we all stared closely at the river.

On the shining white river, a piece of black air floated in the distance. The black air was so cold that the vegetation along the way dropped their heads when it was touched. A layer of white frost also condensed on the stones on both sides of the river.

Immediately afterwards, a huge wave appeared in front.

The waves were slightly above the water's surface by about half a foot, and there was an earth-shattering yin energy hidden in them, rushing towards the river bank quickly.


I said secretly in my heart, holding the handle of the knife tightly.

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