Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,191 The Exorcist Alliance

When they saw me approaching, they just glanced lightly, and a few even snorted with disdain.

Obviously, both in terms of my clothes and my age, I look ordinary. In their eyes, I'm just a nobody, just running around here to make up for my troubles.

Naturally, I was too lazy to argue, so I pulled up a chair and sat at the end.

As soon as I sat down, a thin old man with a goatee next to me asked: "Little brother, who is my master?"

"I don't have a master."

"Oh, then what sect are you from?"

"I don't have any sect, I'm just a businessman who resells femininity." I replied.

"Haha, it turns out he is a ghost dealer." A big man on the seat in front laughed loudly.

The big man looked extremely ferocious, with round eyes that were about to burst out. The black stubble on his chin stood up like steel needles. His tone was extremely unkind, even full of contempt and ridicule.

Feminine object merchants, as the name suggests, are merchants who specialize in reselling femininous objects.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this profession is naturally very noble, but in the eyes of those well-known and decent people, the reputation is indeed not very good.

The threshold for our industry is extremely low. There are some tomb robbers who only know some three-legged cat kung fu, but they also make a living by reselling negative things. There are even some guys with evil intentions who secretly manipulate the negative things to harm people.

That’s why those decent people from well-known families call ghost dealers: ghost dealers!

When he said this, other people present pointed at me.

"Hmph, it seems that the Guangsheng Group is really indiscriminate in seeking medical treatment for emergencies, even inviting ghost dealers."

"What Brother Zhong said is absolutely true." The short old man carrying the red gourd on his back nodded with a smile: "If you want to resell a coffin nail and add a bowl of ghost rice, find a ghost dealer to do it. We can barely deal with it, but looking at this battle, Guangsheng is in quite a lot of trouble! What's the use of finding a ghost dealer to make up the numbers?"

"Who says it's not the case?" Another old lady in black robe smiled strangely: "I, the old lady in black, don't want to give the credit to useless little people."

Everyone was talking and looking at me with the word contempt written all over them.

I didn't care, I picked up the tea lid on the table and slowly frothed the tea, looking at them with interest.

Counting me, there are a total of seven or eight people here. Everyone's costumes are extremely weird. They are absolutely eye-catching when walking on the street. Even if they are taken to film a movie, they basically don't need to change their costumes. Unfortunately, they all have bad mouths. , the cultivation base is mediocre.

Only two people did not speak or even open their eyes from beginning to end.

One is a monk with a red face and a wooden fish hanging on his waist, and the other is a Taoist priest with a white beard and yellow robe, with a mahogany sword on his back.

The monk clasped his hands together and the Taoist priest sat cross-legged in meditation. Both of them had extremely powerful spiritual powers!

When I was guessing the identity of the two people, the huge gold-encrusted door opened again, and this time two people, one tall and one short, walked in: "I'm really sorry, there was an emergency meeting just now, and it was delayed for a while. Please give me a moment, masters. waited!"

The man in front had a big belly and a powerful look on his brows. He must be Xu Changsheng, the chairman of Guangsheng Group. As he walked, he changed into a smile and greeted everyone.

The man behind was holding a briefcase and was a little two steps behind. He looked like he was an assistant.

When everyone saw it, they stood up one after another.

The old man with a goatee next to me stroked his beard first and said in a show off: "Look at Mr. Xu's Yintang shining brightly, the divine hall is dizzy, it's a sign of long blessings and great wealth! It's just that the fish's waist is dim, I guess it must be the case in the near future. Are you a little uneasy being caught up in trivial matters?"

"Master Huang is indeed the best fortune teller in Liangjiang." Xu Guangsheng raised his thumb and said: "During this period, I did encounter some evil things, so I would like to trouble you all. Come on, come on, please sit down."

With that said, he walked to the front and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, he got straight to the point: "Since the establishment of our Guangsheng Group, thanks to the great help from all walks of life, it has been going smoothly, but recently we have encountered an incredible thing. We have tried various methods, but still can't After solving the problem, I invited all the masters to come over and do a total."

"Xiao Zhao, please introduce me." Xu Guangsheng waved his hand.

"Yes!" The assistant behind quickly responded and pressed a button on the wall.

After a burst of noise, all the blinds around him were closed, and the light in the room became very dim. Immediately afterwards, the projector cast a curtain of light on the white wall opposite.

On the light screen is a small village. The village is not big, but it looks antique. There are rows of old-fashioned thatched houses with mud walls.

In front of the village, there are hundreds of villagers standing densely packed, including men, women, old and children, all with exposed veins and blood-red eyes.

They carried various weapons in their hands, including hoes, shovels, sickles, and crossbows, and many of them had blood stains on their bodies.

Amidst the noise, someone kept shouting: "Run! Run!"

Not far from them, there was a raging fire, a bulldozer had its glass smashed, and two vans were pushed into a large ditch.

"Run! These people are all fucking possessed..."

"Holy shit, what kind of ghost village is this?"

Following the direction of the camera, someone screamed loudly from time to time. Young men wearing black vests hurriedly dropped the wooden sticks and steel pipes in their hands and ran away as if they were dead. There are also many people covering their heads and faces with their hands, and blood is flowing out from their fingers...

Then, a line of text was printed on the screen: "August 23, Dafeng Village demolition site."

The scene stopped abruptly.

What's happening here?

Demolition? Why do we need to do the demolition?

After everyone read it, they were a little confused.

"As you have seen, this is a demolition site, located in Dafeng Village in Xiantao City." The assistant pushed up his glasses and continued to explain: "Dafeng Village is a key project of our group's recent investment. The entire investment amount As much as 50 billion, it has been approved by the provincial and municipal governments, and the negotiated contract with the local villagers is fully in line with national policies and regulations."

"In addition, we even gave a compensation that was twice the market price, plus a compensation area that far exceeded the state's stipulated housing! But these villagers refused to demolish it anyway, and even organized to carry out demolition on our construction site. Harassment.”

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