Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,204 A clever plan

But such a beautifully crafted trophy should have been confiscated by the Chinese army. Why was it left in the back of Dafeng Village and picked up by a scoundrel like Yan Saner?

Could it be that there is a historical secret that I don't know about?

"Will everyone in the village be saved now?" Xiaomei climbed up from the bed, not bothering to fasten the buttons on her clothes, and asked with her bulging red bellyband.

"Not yet." I shook my head: "Yan San'er is just a greedy little person. The ghost spirit has invaded the brains of the whole village. Even if Yan San'er is killed, they will not be able to recover as before."

"Then... what should we do?" Xiaomei asked extremely anxiously after hearing this.

"If you want to completely eliminate the ghost spirit, just... get out of the way!" Suddenly, I noticed that the Sakura saber on the table flashed red, and I actually pulled it out of the scabbard.

I quickly yelled and rolled forward while hugging Xiaomei.

The next second, the wooden bed was split in half! Even a long crack was cut on the wall.

Fortunately, I discovered it early and escaped in time. If it had been a little later, Xiaomei and I would have been cut into two pieces by this knife!

With a shout, the sword stood up and stood upright on the table.

At this time, the black fog outside the window suddenly dissipated, and the misty moonlight filled the cabin. The cold light on the blade flickered, sparkling, and it stung me so much that I couldn't open my eyes.

Soon, another sword slashed across the area! I screamed inwardly and quickly hugged Xiaomei and rolled away again.

The light of the knife flew past our hair, and the table and wooden door were all split in two!

Yan San'er, who was lying by the door, was also cut into two pieces at the waist, and his internal organs and intestines were spilled all over the floor.

This is really retribution!

He used yin objects to harm so many innocent villagers, and eventually died at the hands of yin objects. There really is a cause and a result.

"What should I do now?" Xiaomei was so frightened that she was trembling all over. Her fair body leaned softly on my shoulder, and the fragrance went straight into her nostrils.

But at this moment, I didn't have any other thoughts, so I pushed her away and shouted: "Run! Go and break a cherry tree branch."

"Okay!" Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran away, completely ignoring Yan San'er's intestines that were leaking out.

Only then did I realize that her two big braids had also been cut off with a sharp saber, and now they had become a short shawl.

On the Sakura Saber, cold light flashed, as if the previous two swords had exhausted all its power, and now it needed to accumulate Yin Qi again.

I have already seen how terrifying it is: Master Hong Gourd’s precious gourd and Snake Woman’s spiritual pets are all unable to withstand this sword!

Moreover, I found that the longer the saber takes to accumulate Yin Qi, the more powerful it can be.

Right now, the Yin Qi on the saber has been brewing for so long and has condensed into a red halo. It's useless for me to turn around and run!

I secretly took a deep breath, drew out my double swords for killing ghosts and gods, and prepared to resist forcefully until Xiaomei came back.

"Come on!" I gritted my teeth and shouted.

Whoa, a cold light rushed over!

This time it was extremely fast, far more ferocious than the previous two knives.

I stood firm and raised my swords to protect my chest.

There was a fierce metal collision, the sword light hit the two swords, and my hands trembled rapidly as if I was electrocuted.

"Ah!" I yelled, trying my best to resist with all my spiritual energy.

There was a crisp click, and I used my skill to bring the sword out diagonally, splitting half of the wall.

I was also violently thrown out by the force of the shock and fell heavily to the ground.

The two knives in my hands have fallen off, and the backs of my hands are covered with veins. I tried hard to stand up, but my whole body felt weak, I couldn't lift up any strength, and I felt stuffy in my heart. But after a short while, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

What happened to the thousands of undead Japanese soldiers hidden in the knife that made them so ferocious?

While I was shocked, I couldn't help but feel fear in my heart. This sword had turned into a weapon spirit. If the sword's light gathered again, I would definitely die!

The white moonlight was shining in the sky, but the surroundings of the small courtyard were still dark. It turned out to be like this!

It dawned on me.

The black mist that filled the village was not a ghost beating the wall at all, but the Sakura Saber absorbing the moonlight. All the moonlight in the village was sucked up by it, so it was dark.

Seeing the saber glowing with blood again, I felt anxious.

When I was helpless, suddenly, my cell phone rang.

Just when he fell to the ground, the phone fell out and landed at his feet. I grabbed it and found it was a harassing text message.

Short message?

Xiaomei said that since the strange thing happened in Dafeng Village, there was no mobile phone signal at all. It must have been interfered by ghosts.

At this moment, the saber is absorbing the moonlight, which naturally causes much less interference, so the mobile phone signal becomes smoother.

If that were the case, I would be able to connect to the internet!

Suddenly, I thought of a clever idea.

I quickly turned on my phone and opened the Internet, searching quickly in the music library. The little red lights on the ghost sword merged into a line, and I saw that another sword light was about to emit.

"Okay, this is it!" I hurriedly clicked the play button, and the melodious music sounded instantly.

The sword light was ready, and it was about to fly out, but it stopped in the next second, and then slowly dimmed.

The saber also swayed from side to side to the beat of the music, as if dancing.

"It's so dangerous!" I let out a long breath, and my high-spirited heart finally relaxed.

What I just played was the famous Japanese song "Sakura Fall".

Since the Yin spirit in the knife is so nostalgic for its homeland, this song "Cherry Blossoms Falling" must be able to relieve its homesickness. This was a stupid idea I thought of in desperation, but I didn't expect it to actually work!


At this moment, Xiaomei ran back in a hurry. When she saw the mess on the ground, I was lying weakly on the ground and couldn't help but scream.

Ghost Sword seemed to have heard the screams, and was extremely dissatisfied with being interrupted from listening to the music. He swung the blade forward and pointed directly at Xiaomei.

"Shh, don't make a sound!" I raised a finger and whispered.

Although Xiaomei didn't know what was going on, she didn't dare to shout anymore and quickly covered her mouth.

I set the music to loop and carefully climbed up from the ground. I endured the severe pain and did not dare to make a sound, and signaled Xiaomei to gently place the cherry branch on the ground.

Then, we quietly retreated.

When I exited the courtyard, I looked back and saw that the saber was dancing on the table to the sound of music. The fragrance from the cherry blossom branches was like a mother's hands caressing the souls of these orphans who died in a foreign country.

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