Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,212: Dogs look down on people!

When Sun Youliang heard this, his face turned even redder. He scratched his hair in embarrassment and said, "I have never worked in a hospital. Before... I used to treat people in the countryside."

"Oh, you are an uneducated barefoot doctor." Upon hearing this, the deputy dean's face became more sarcastic.

"Yes." Sun Youliang nodded honestly.

"Then which category are you good at? CT diagnosis, MRI, or brain pulses imported from the United States?"

Sun Youliang was even more confused when he heard this, and now he couldn't even speak.

When I heard this, I became very angry!

Everyone admits that he is just a country doctor. He may have never seen these instruments, let alone control them, so how can he be good at them? This vice-dean is clearly looking down on others.

He just said the words "Secretary Liu strongly recommends". The meaning between the lines is that I have given Secretary Liu a lot of face by being able to see you here, but you don't even have the door to enter the hospital.

"Young man, being a doctor is a very sacred profession. How do you say that? Doctors are like parents." The vice president pushed up his glasses and said solemnly: "But being a doctor is also a very risky profession. , if you can cure it well, that's your duty, but if you can't cure it well, it's just a quack that kills someone."

"Your wish is to be a doctor. From a personal point of view, I highly approve of it. But I can't break the rules of the hospital. So, I think you are still young and can still make a lot of progress. If you don’t have enough space, let’s arrange for you to be a male nurse in the anorectal department for the time being. How about that?”

Although his words seemed to be asking, his tone was extremely unkind, full of sarcasm and contempt. Moreover, the position assigned is completely unacceptable!

What is a male nurse in the anorectal department?

What does anorectal surgery do? Most of the usual patients suffer from hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc., and the male nurse picks up the waste for those people. To put it bluntly, it is the dirtiest and most disgusting job in the entire hospital!

Sun Youliang couldn't stand it any longer. He stood up with a red face and said, "I have never studied in any Western medical university, nor have I worked in a big hospital in the city, but I have been learning the acupuncture techniques passed down from my ancestors since I was a child. The patients I handle have always been cured by needles. I appreciate the dean’s kindness. However, I would rather not practice medicine from now on than endure such an insult! This is a blasphemy against my ancestors!”

After saying that, he turned around and walked out the door.

"Wait a minute!" I shouted and stopped him, turned to the deputy dean and said: "You just asked where he graduated from and where he worked, but do you know what he is good at? I have seen his methods before. , is indeed very capable, how can you be so contemptuous of others without even meeting me?"

Then I turned my head again, stared at Secretary Zhang and said, "Did Secretary Liu tell you that as long as you bring us here, you don't have to worry about the rest. Whether we stay in the hospital or not is none of your business?"

"He promised me to give this young man a chance to practice! If you insist on doing this, then I will sever ties with him from now on."

"No, Master Zhang, don't think too much about it." When he saw that I was really angry, Secretary Zhang couldn't stand up anymore and quickly stood up to persuade me.

"Don't be angry. Secretary Liu did say that he would give him a chance and let him try it out. Wasn't Dean Zhao testing this young man's character just now? See which department he is suitable for working in if his character is gentle or not. .”

"Yes, yes, yes!" The vice-president is very good at observing words and expressions. When he saw that Secretary Liu of the Provincial Party Committee and his secretary were all very respectful to me, he was so frightened that sweat broke out on his forehead. He stood up in a hurry and said with a smile on his face. : "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding, haha, um... Secretary Zhang is right, I was just testing this young man's character. Being a doctor is a delicate job, but sometimes you have to be quick-tempered, such as Doctors in the emergency department need such a quick temper..."

"Okay! Since you said his personality is suitable for the emergency department, let's go now." I interrupted without waiting for him to finish.

"This..." The dean suddenly became speechless, then rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, then go to the emergency department and try our methods. Young man, do you have any problems?"

He changed back and forth so quickly that I couldn't help but be startled, but I immediately understood what was fishy.

Just now Sun Youliang said that what he is good at is Chinese medicine.

The biggest difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine is that Chinese medicine treats the root cause, but the effect is slower, while Western medicine treats the symptoms, but the effect is quick.

Patients who come to the emergency department are suffering from sudden illnesses, and under normal circumstances, it is too late for traditional Chinese medicine to treat them.

He agreed so easily because he just wanted to see Sun Youliang make a fool of himself!

"No problem!" Sun Youliang also replied angrily.

"Okay!" The vice president nodded happily, and then waved: "Everyone, let's go to the emergency department for evaluation together."

Everyone in the room looked at each other, stood up, and walked to the emergency department together.

The emergency department of the city hospital is a large department with extremely busy business at ordinary times. It is divided into three small departments, which handle emergency cases separately according to the severity of the symptoms.

The vice president took us into the second emergency department, where patients are in urgent but not life-threatening condition.

By chance, a few patients who seemed to have food poisoning had just arrived in the department. There were four or five people in total, all lying on the hospital bed. Their faces were blue, their lips were white, their eyes were closed tightly, and they were shivering.

Several nurses were busy under the command of a young doctor to perform gastric lavage on them. What kind of poison was being tested?

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