Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,214 Second round, do you dare to compete?

When I heard this, I quickly took a bottle of mineral water from the table and handed it over.

The patient grabbed it and didn't bother to rinse his mouth. He drank several mouthfuls of it and finally woke up completely. But his body was still a little weak, so he lay back on the bed, breathing heavily.

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw it, especially Vice President Zhao. He opened the patient's eyelids in disbelief, and then asked him to stick out his tongue and check the tongue coating, and finally confirmed that all the toxins in his body were eliminated.

Sun Youliang inserted the needle like this, which not only replaced the gastric lavage, but also completely eliminated the toxins that had penetrated into the body...

But the other patients who were brought in with him were still lying on the bed, with blue faces and white lips.

Director Huang of the emergency department was still instructing the nurses to help them perform gastric lavage.

It’s clear who is weak and who is strong!

"Vice President Zhao, you have seen Xiao Sun's acupuncture just now. Do you think that with his ability, he can serve as the chief physician in your hospital?" I asked.

"This..." Vice President Zhao coughed awkwardly, his face extremely ugly.

He took off his glasses and wiped them pretendingly, and then said seriously: "This young man's acupuncture skills are indeed very magical, but there are many kinds of patients in the hospital. There are only a dozen or so symptoms of suspected poisoning in a year. Starting. Isn’t it a bit too hasty to decide whether the chief physician will stay based on this case alone? After all, human life is at stake!"

His meaning was obvious, he just didn't want to keep Sun Youliang.

However, his words are not completely unreasonable.

Just treating a patient with food poisoning doesn't explain the problem.

After all, this is recruiting doctors, and human lives are at stake, so it should not be done rashly.

"Then what Vice President Zhao means..." I looked at him steadily.

"This matter cannot be rushed for the time being, we have to discuss it in the long term..."

"Think about it in the long term?" I got a little angry when I heard it: "Who said just now that his personality is suitable for the emergency department, and you want him to come here to test it? Now we need to think about it in the long term? How long will it take?"

Seeing that I got angry, Vice President Zhao became even more embarrassed. Secretary Zhang also hurriedly tried to smooth things over: "Master Zhang, you misunderstood. Vice President Zhao didn't mean that. Everyone saw this young man's acupuncture skills just now." , Very superb! But there are many types of diseases in the hospital, and light energy treatment may not be enough. After all, you must be more cautious when selecting doctors. He also wants to see if this young man has other abilities, this... ...Master Zhang, you won’t mind, right?”

"I don't mind, but I wonder if Dean Zhao means this?" I sneered.

Vice President Zhao was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Secretary Zhang winking at him, he immediately responded: "Yes, yes, that's what I mean."

He turned his head and did not dare to look at me, and said to Sun Youliang: "Young man, your acupuncture skills really opened my eyes, but as a doctor, you can't just treat food poisoning, right? We have to take another test. Let’s take a look at other diseases, are you sure?”

"No problem!" Sun Youliang replied confidently.

"Okay!" Vice President Zhao pretended to be delighted and exclaimed, and said with a smile: "You are indeed a formidable person! How about we go to the dermatology department to have a look?"

This guy is so cunning!

The food poisoning just now was in the intestines and stomach. Acupuncture was used to stimulate the throat and intestines, causing the body's natural reaction. Only then could the unconscious person vomit out the poison on his own. But the skin is different. Skin symptoms occur on the surface, and the acupuncture points are not affected at all.

He may be thinking secretly in his heart: Aren't you guys capable of boasting all over the world? I'll see how you treat it this time!

As soon as I heard the words dermatology, I immediately knew something was going to happen and I was about to speak. But he didn't expect that Sun Youliang had already taken over the conversation, nodded and said: "Dermatology department is dermatology department, let's go!"

He had finished speaking, and I couldn't say anything else, so I followed everyone out of the emergency room and walked directly to the dermatology department on the second floor.

The dermatology department is not like other departments where all the patients look sad and in pain. Instead, it is unusually quiet outside the department, with a row of people sitting there playing with their mobile phones.

Seeing a group of us filing in, most of them didn't even raise their eyelids.

The director of the dermatology department, whose surname is Mo, is a fat man weighing about two hundred pounds.

As soon as he saw Vice President Zhao walking in, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face, and he was full of shameless flattery. I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body.

Even Professor Fang couldn't stand listening anymore, interrupted him, and went straight to the topic: "Director Mo, there is a young man who wants to be a doctor in the hospital. Director Zhao wants to test his medical skills. He has just been in the emergency department. I tried it, now go to the dermatology department.”

Director Mo then turned his head and looked at Sun Youliang and me. His smile changed and he said in a deep voice: "Even though my dermatology department is a small department, it has a lot of patients and its quarterly revenue is among the best in the hospital. Think of me here." To be a doctor, you need to be very capable - which school did you graduate from? Have you studied abroad?"

He didn't go to the meeting upstairs, so he didn't know the details about Sun Youliang and me.

This guy looked down on others, so I didn't bother to pay attention to him. I turned to Vice President Zhao and said, "Does your hospital rely on qualifications to convince people, or does it rely on ability to convince people? You just use your graduation certificate and medical qualification certificate to give people Seeing a doctor, right?”

Vice President Zhao's face turned black for a moment. He had said the same thing in the conference room just now, but he was slapped in the face in the emergency room.

At this moment, he pushed up his glasses and said vaguely: "Academic qualifications and qualification certificates are only one aspect. Of course, medical skills are more important..."

After speaking, he turned his head and gave Director Mo a look: "Yahui, although this young man is just a country doctor, his skills are very unique. He has a set of ancestral acupuncture techniques. He just tested it in the emergency department, and the needle has reached Eliminate the disease! Let’s do this, you choose two patients, diagnose and treat them together, and see who is more powerful? It will also open our eyes.”

Director Mo was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter: "What Dean Zhao said is that true knowledge comes from practice. You can find out if you have real abilities by taking a test." As he said that, he turned over the medical records on the table.

"Let's just say urticaria. This disease is very common, and now it is in a period of frequent occurrence, so there are many patients. Besides, this disease is not very harmful, and even if it cannot be cured, it cannot be cured."

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